Writing Context Free Grammar: Sabrina, Year 10

  • Thread starter sabrina123456
  • Start date
In summary, Sabrina is a Year 10 student who is trying to learn how to write a context-free grammar. She has a question about generating strings with specified occurrences of certain letters and is seeking help in understanding how to properly write a context-free grammar. She is feeling a bit overwhelmed and depressed, but is determined to learn and is seeking assistance from others.
  • #1
I am sabrina, year 10 at school. I have question of how to write Context free grammar >

The set of all strings beginning with a string of occurrences of the first letter specified above, and ending with a string of occurrences
of the second letter specified above. In the middle is a string of the character
c. If the number of occurrence of the first letter is n and the number of
occurrence of the second letter is m, then the number of occurrences of c is x.n
+ y.m + 1.
For example, the language is a^n c^x.n + y.m + 1b^m, with x=2, y=3,
and includes accccccbb and aacccccb.

And this is what I actually wrote below to write the context free grammar:

S -> ABC
A - > Aa
A - > a
B - > Bb
A - > b
C - > c

is this correct? Please I need help and i am trying to learn my best. Thank you for your help.


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  • #2
sabrina123456 said:
For example, the language is a^n c^x.n + y.m + 1b^m, with x=2, y=3,
and includes accccccbb and aacccccb.

I'm a bit confused, because if the language is anc2n+3m+1cm, then for n = 1 and m = 2 (for the first example above) we should get 2n+3m+1 = 2+6+1 = 9 c's but in the example there are only 6. Likewise for the second there should be 8 c's but there are 5 in the example. Perhaps you made a typo somewhere?

sabrina123456 said:
And this is what I actually wrote below to write the context free grammar:

S -> ABC
A - > Aa
A - > a
B - > Bb
A - > b
C - > c

is this correct?

No. It has (what appears as) some "spelling mistakes", but even if you fix this it will not generate the specified language. For the grammar to do that you should check that all string generated by the grammar are in the language and, visa versa, that all strings allowed by the language can be generated by the grammar.

You should try make a grammar that "ties" the generation of each a with the generation of x number of c's, and each generation of b with the generation of y number of c's, that is, you need some rules that generate the left, middle and the right part of the strings, where for instance the left part could be
L -> aLcx
L -> e
where e means empty. You then need to figure out what the middle and right part should be (hint: the middle part is responsible for generating the c's that is not generated by neither the left nor right part).
  • #3
I am very depressed really :(. I understood what needs to be done, but I am afraid I do not how to write Context-Free Grammar properly, i tried my best to spend hours working this, but I really wish you could help.

Much appreciated for your support.


  • #4
No need to be depressed about it. I assume you are doing this for your own fun (as the subject is not something people at your age normally would be required to understand) and if so you should keep it fun.

If you still want to give it a go, I (or someone else here) could give it a try explaining the solution which is not that difficult, but then I would like to know first for what purpose you need to know about context free grammars. Normally context free grammars are used in connection with designing computer languages and programs for handling these, but maybe you have another reason for wanting to know about it?
  • #5
, Year 10

Hi Sabrina, Year 10,

Your attempt at writing a context-free grammar is a great start! However, there are a few things that can be improved upon.

First, the production rules should be labeled with non-terminals (i.e. capital letters) and terminals (i.e. lowercase letters or symbols). So, your grammar should look like this:

S -> A B C
A -> A a
A -> a
B -> B b
B -> b
C -> c

This means that the start symbol is S and the non-terminals are A, B, and C. The terminals are a, b, and c.

Next, the production rules should be written in the form of "non-terminal -> a combination of terminals and non-terminals". So, for example, the rule A -> Aa should be written as A -> aA. This ensures that the grammar is in the correct form.

Finally, the production rules should be written in a way that generates the language described in the content. Based on the content provided, the grammar should generate strings like "a^n c^x.n + y.m + 1b^m", where n and m are the number of occurrences of the first and second letter respectively, and x and y are constants. This means that the grammar should look like this:

S -> a^n C b^m
C -> c C | c

where n, m, x, and y are constants that can be adjusted to generate different strings in the language.

I hope this helps and good luck with your learning journey!

Best regards,


Related to Writing Context Free Grammar: Sabrina, Year 10

1. What is a context-free grammar?

A context-free grammar is a set of rules that define the syntactic structure of a language. It consists of a set of production rules that specify how symbols can be combined to form valid sentences in the language.

2. How do you write a context-free grammar?

To write a context-free grammar, you first need to identify the set of terminal symbols (individual words or symbols) and non-terminal symbols (groups of words or symbols) in the language. Then, you can create production rules that specify how these symbols can be combined to form valid sentences in the language.

3. What is the purpose of writing a context-free grammar?

The purpose of writing a context-free grammar is to formalize the syntax of a language. This allows us to systematically analyze the structure of the language and generate valid sentences. Context-free grammars are used in fields such as computer science, linguistics, and artificial intelligence.

4. Can you provide an example of a context-free grammar?

Yes, here is an example of a context-free grammar for a simple arithmetic language:
S → E
E → E + T | E - T | T
T → T * F | T / F | F
F → (E) | num
In this example, S is the start symbol, and the non-terminal symbols are E, T, and F. The terminal symbols are +, -, *, /, (, ), and num (numbers).

5. How do you determine if a sentence is valid in a context-free grammar?

To determine if a sentence is valid in a context-free grammar, you can use a process called parsing. This involves starting with the start symbol and repeatedly applying the production rules until the sentence is generated. If the sentence is successfully generated, then it is valid in the context-free grammar. If not, then it is not a valid sentence in the language.

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