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- Following a QP textbook for modeling a particle in Euclidean space, but the action of the symmetry group (Galilei group) is not continuous. This seems wrong.
Am reading a book (Ballentine, "Quantum Mechanics: A modern development) which I have found very helpful. Am now puzzled by section 3.4, where the position operator satisfies Q|x> = x |x> (I have simplified from 3 dims to 1 dim). Here, x is any real number. There are, thus, uncountably many eigenvalues for Q, and the eigenvectors are orthogonal: <x|y> = 0 for x != y, as they have distinct eigenvalues, and Q is self-adjoint (though not bounded). So far, so good. The group of translation symmetries acts as follows:
Thank you.
Pa |x> = |x+a>
Herein lies the problem. The group action is supposed to be continuous, for the sake of being physically reasonable. But, we cannot havePa |x> --> |x> as a --> 0
since| Pa |x> - |x> |^2 = 2 for a != 0 (this follows from <x | Pa |x> = 0 for a != 0 )
??Thank you.
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