- #1
Epic Sandwich
- 25
- 0
I'm following a tutorial off of the internet - http://masters-of-the-void.com/book10.htm" one to be exact - and whenever I try and compile I get this error:
I've tried going over my code again and again, but seeing as it doesn't seem to tell me where the error is happening, it's really difficult for me (as a beginner with C) to actually find the problem.
I'll post all my code below to help you out.
I think it's something to do with the data structure not being declared properly, I've tried doing different things with it but none of them have got rid of the error.
I apologise if I've done something completely wrong here, the lesson that I was following was a bit vague at times, and i wasn't that sure on where to put things in terms of header files etc.
I've tried going over my code again and again, but seeing as it doesn't seem to tell me where the error is happening, it's really difficult for me (as a beginner with C) to actually find the problem.
I'll post all my code below to help you out.
#include "main.h"
#include "myFunctions.c"
int numDatabaseEntries = 0;
struct DatabaseEntry * gDatabase = NULL;
int main() //Main program function
bool keepRunning = true; //Declares and assigns variable to allow program to loop
char userInput[11]; //String for user input
printf("Welcome to the CD Database!\n"); //Welcome message. Only displayed once as it is outside of the 'while' block
while ( keepRunning == true ) //Keeps program looping while the keepRunning variable is true
printf( "\nType NEW, LIST, CLEAN or QUIT:\n>" );
scanf( "%5s", userInput );
fpurge( stdin );
if ( strcmp( userInput, "NEW" ) == 0 )
NewEntry(); //Code for new database entry
else if ( strcmp( userInput, "LIST" ) == 0 )
List(); //Code for list database
else if ( strcmp( userInput, "CLEAN" ) == 0 )
CleanUp(); //Code for cleanup
else if( strcmp( userInput, "QUIT" ) == 0 )
keepRunning = false; //Ends program by exiting out of the loop
CleanUp(); //Frees memory before quitting
printf( "Error, command '%s' is unknown.", userInput ); //Prints unknown command to warn user
printf("\nThank you for using the CD Database.");
return 0; //Returns ok value to OS
#include "main.h"
struct DatabaseEntry //Defines custom data structure to use to store information on each CD
char artist[40];
char composer[40];
char albumName[40];
int trackCount;
bool isSampler;
void NewEntry() //Function used for entering a new entry to database
char yesOrNo; //For 'is sampler' later on
//Create new array element, or new array if no array exists
if ( gDatabase == NULL )
gDatabase = malloc( sizeof(struct DatabaseEntry) );
if ( gDatabase == NULL ) //Still null? Error must have occured
printf( "Error, couldn't create a new entry.\n" );
struct DatabaseEntry * newPtr = NULL; //Declare temporary Database holder to use realloc with
newPtr = realloc( gDatabase, ( numDatabaseEntries + 1 ) * sizeof( struct DatabaseEntry ) ); //Make newPtr one unit bigger than old database, shove everything in it
if ( newPtr == NULL ) //Out of memory?
printf( "Error, couldn't create a new entry.\n" );
return; //Keeps gDatabase as old pointer
gDatabase = newPtr; //Copy all of newPtr back into gDatabase, make gDatabase main database again.
numDatabaseEntries += 1; //Increase database entries by 1;
//Allow user to input data and store it in the database
printf( "\nArtist name: " );
scanf( "%39s", gDatabase[ numDatabaseEntries - 1 ].artist );
fpurge( stdin );
printf( "Composer: " );
scanf( "%39s", gDatabase[ numDatabaseEntries - 1 ].composer );
fpurge( stdin );
printf( "Album name: " );
scanf( "%39s", gDatabase[ numDatabaseEntries - 1 ].albumName );
fpurge( stdin );
printf ("Track count: " );
scanf( "%d", &gDatabase[ numDatabaseEntries -1 ].trackCount );
fpurge( stdin );
printf( "Sampler? (y/n): " );
scanf( "%c", &yesOrNo );
fpurge( stdin );
gDatabase[ numDatabaseEntries - 1 ].isSampler = false; //Assigns it as false initially
gDatabase[ numDatabaseEntries - 1 ].isSampler = ( yesOrNo == 'y' || yesOrNo == 'Y' ); //Assigns it as true if Y or y is inputed
void List() //Function to list CDs
if ( gDatabase == NULL )
printf( "There are no CDs in the database!" );
for ( int x = 0; x < numDatabaseEntries; ++x )
printf( "\nArtist name: %s\n", gDatabase[ x ].artist );
printf( "Composer: %s\n", gDatabase[ x ].composer );
printf( "Album name: %s\n", gDatabase[ x ].albumName );
printf( "No. of tracks: %d\n", gDatabase[ x ].trackCount );
if ( gDatabase[ x ].isSampler )
printf( "This CD is a sampler\n" );
void CleanUp() //Function to free memory
if ( gDatabase != NULL )
free( gDatabase );
gDatabase = NULL;
numDatabaseEntries = 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct DatabaseEntry;
//Defines custom data structure to use to store information on each CD
int numDatabaseEntries;
struct DatabaseEntry * gDatabase;
void NewEntry();
void List();
void CleanUp();
I think it's something to do with the data structure not being declared properly, I've tried doing different things with it but none of them have got rid of the error.
I apologise if I've done something completely wrong here, the lesson that I was following was a bit vague at times, and i wasn't that sure on where to put things in terms of header files etc.
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