Xenon poisoning (negative xenon load varies with core burnup)

In summary: If the neutron flux decreases, for instance, as a result of a power down, then the rate of production of xenon-135 will increase until the equilibrium is re-established. In summary, the negative xenon load increases as the core progresses from beginning of life to end of life, as the xenon-135 accumulates as a result of the depletion of the fissile inventory.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Variation in negative xenon load w.r.t core burnup
I would like to know how the negative xenon load varies with core burnup. Does it increase or decrease as the core progresses from beginning of life to end of life? What is the reason for this change?

Any help will be much appreciated
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  • #2
Sanjay94 said:
Summary:: Variation in negative xenon load w.r.t core burnup

I would like to know how the negative xenon load varies with core burnup. Does it increase or decrease as the core progresses from beginning of life to end of life? What is the reason for this change?

I-135 and Xe-135 reach an equilibrium level during operation of a reactor. When power is decreased, e.g., stepwise, meaning that the neutron flux decreases, then more I-135 decays producing a rise in Xe-135. The effect is known as Xe-poisoning, and must be considered in power maneuvers in a reactor. The amount of Xe-135 depends on the power level in the reactor and the magnitude of power decrease. At the same time, with burnup, the fissile inventory gradually decreases (by depletion), and so for a given amount of Xe-135, the poisoning effect is more significant, until one gets to the end of a cycle, or operating period, and there is insufficient fissile inventory to continue operation. Note that with depletion of fissile species, there is also accumulation of other fission products that also absorb neutrons.

See - http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/NucEne/xenon.html
One of the extraordinary sequences in the operation of a fission reaction is that of the production of iodine-135 as a fission product and its subsequent decay into xenon-135. Iodine-135 is a rather common fission product, reportedly amounting to up to 6% of the fission products. It has a rather small probability for absorbing a neutron, so it is not in itself a significant factor in the reaction rate control. But it has a half-life of about 6.7 hours and decays into xenon-135 (half-life 9.2 hours). The xenon-135 has a very large cross-section for neutron absorption, about 3 million barns under reactor conditions! This compares to 400-600 barns for the uranium fission event.

In the normal operation of a nuclear reactor, the presence of the xenon-135 is dealt with in the balancing of the reaction rate. Iodine-135 is produced, decays into xenon-135 which absorbs neutrons and is therby "burned away" in the established balance of the operating conditions. There is an equilibrium concentration of both iodine-135 and xenon-135.
  • #3

Hi there! From my understanding, the negative xenon load does vary with core burnup. It typically increases as the core progresses from beginning of life to end of life. This is because xenon is a fission product and as the core burns up, more fission reactions occur, producing more xenon. Additionally, as the fuel rods age, they become less efficient at absorbing neutrons, leading to an increase in the amount of xenon produced. The negative xenon load can also be affected by the reactor's power level and operating conditions. I hope this helps!

FAQ: Xenon poisoning (negative xenon load varies with core burnup)

What is xenon poisoning?

Xenon poisoning, also known as negative xenon load, is a phenomenon that occurs in nuclear reactors when the buildup of xenon-135, a radioactive isotope of xenon, decreases the reactivity of the reactor core. This can lead to a decrease in power output and potentially cause instability in the reactor.

How does xenon poisoning affect a nuclear reactor?

Xenon poisoning can have a significant impact on a nuclear reactor by decreasing its power output and potentially leading to instability. This is because xenon-135 absorbs neutrons, which are needed to sustain the nuclear chain reaction. When there is too much xenon-135 present, it can prevent enough neutrons from being available to continue the reaction.

What causes xenon poisoning?

Xenon poisoning is caused by the buildup of xenon-135, which is a byproduct of the nuclear fission process. When uranium atoms split, they release xenon-135 along with other fission products. If the reactor is not properly managed, the xenon-135 can accumulate and cause negative xenon load.

How is xenon poisoning managed in a nuclear reactor?

Xenon poisoning is managed by carefully controlling the reactor's power level and adjusting the control rods to maintain a balance between the production and removal of xenon-135. Reactor operators also use computer models and monitoring systems to track the buildup of xenon-135 and make adjustments as needed.

Can xenon poisoning be prevented?

While xenon poisoning cannot be completely prevented, it can be managed and minimized through proper reactor design and operation. Reactors are designed with features such as burnable poisons and control rods to help control the buildup of xenon-135. Additionally, careful monitoring and control of the reactor's power level can help prevent excessive xenon-135 buildup.

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