YEAR 12 Astrophysics EEI HELP Please?

In summary, the year 12 student is looking for help with his astrophysics homework. He has lost his assignment sheet and doesn't know how to conduct the experiment he was assigned. He has some ideas but they are all theoretical and he is not very experienced. He is looking for help from others and appreciates any offers.
  • #1
YEAR 12 Astrophysics EEI HELP! Please?

Homework Statement

Hello :)

I'm a year 12 student working on my EEI (Extended Experimental Investigation) which is about astrophysics. We are allowed to pick any topic, however we were given some ideas:

History of Measurement
Parachutes (Falling mass)

I've lost my assignment sheet so I can't remember the others but basically our teacher is hosting an astronomy night and we are able to take photos of anything in space we want, in Australia here. The topic is negotiatable, as we have to design our own experiment to conduct, so it can be anything to do with astrophysics or gravity. Anything even slightly relatable to space.

I picked to take photos of the moon and observe the craters, and conduct an experiment using a thick layer of flour, with a thin layer of cocoa, all in a baking tray, and (somehow) propelling malteasers into the mixture at different angles and speeds, and observe the pattern left behind. However I'm finding it increasingly difficult to propel anything into the mixture.

I have set up a cylindrical cardboard roll about 30cm/12 inches long, in between the knife holders in the kitchen which holds it quite sturdy, (dont laugh :smile:) but I don't know how to accelerate the object, maybe I'm better looking for a new topic? I've tried a sling shot its not (:rolleyes:) working too well. Tried to sling it down the roll, which then lands it into the flour mixture, creating the pattern. It's all well in theory but trying to find household objects to help is hard. It's quite funny, however I'm running out of time with my assignment. It's due the end of May! :cry:

Homework Equations

Any gravitational laws, any rules/laws relating to this..

The Attempt at a Solution

I did have an idea to work with black holes but as there are no solid facts about them, and its all theory, there is no experiment I can conduct... Hmmm... I also thought of somehow using Hubble's Constant, but perhaps it would be too hard for my experience level?

I love physics, I find the whole concept fascinating, however I'm hardly the brightest in my class. I need an idea that I can understand, ie not too many complicated equations etc, however I need a good mark to pass for the semester.

Thank you to anyone who tries to help, or reads this. I really do appreciate it.:redface::smile::biggrin:
Physics news on
  • #2
Razza: sounds like an awesome project! You should stick with this one (i think).
Some advice:
Don't use just a baking tray - use something bigger, and deeper. Take it outside, and throw rocks at it or drop them from heights. Maybe even videotape it closeup?
They two different materials (cocoa and flour) idea is great too; maybe even use 4?

You can also use conservation of momentum/energy to make some calculations on how much energy can be released/transfered in asteroid collisions.
  • #3
Thank you! :approve:

Actually, that just gave me an idea; that's exactly right the malteasers are waaaay too light to work with, theyre hardly leaving an imprint.

I'll try that now actually.

Thank you lzkelley!:smile:

Related to YEAR 12 Astrophysics EEI HELP Please?

1. "What is an EEI in astrophysics and why is it important for Year 12 students?"

An EEI (Extended Experimental Investigation) is a research project that allows students to explore a topic in astrophysics in depth. It is important for Year 12 students as it provides an opportunity to develop critical thinking and research skills, as well as gaining a deeper understanding of a specific area in astrophysics.

2. "How do I choose a topic for my Year 12 Astrophysics EEI?"

When choosing a topic for your EEI, it is important to consider your interests and strengths in astrophysics. You should also think about the availability of resources and equipment for your chosen topic, as well as the feasibility of conducting the experiment within the given time frame.

3. "What are some examples of potential EEI topics in astrophysics?"

Some potential EEI topics in astrophysics could include investigating the effects of gravity on planetary orbits, analyzing the properties of different types of stars, or studying the formation of galaxies. Ultimately, the topic should be specific and focused, with a clear research question and methodology.

4. "How should I structure my Year 12 Astrophysics EEI?"

The structure of your EEI will depend on your specific topic and research question. However, a general structure could include an introduction, background information, a hypothesis or research question, methodology, results and data analysis, discussion and conclusion. It is important to also include any references or sources used in your research.

5. "What are some tips for conducting a successful Year 12 Astrophysics EEI?"

Some tips for conducting a successful EEI in astrophysics include choosing a topic that you are genuinely interested in, planning and organizing your experiment carefully, and seeking advice and guidance from your teacher or a mentor. It is also important to keep a detailed record of your methodology and results, and to critically analyze and interpret your data in your final report.

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