Year 12 Cambridge Physics: Classical Mechanics v Light Particle Collision

In summary: Also, could you please elaborate on your post? Thank you...I think there are a few errors in your attempt, but the most important one is that you're not taking into account the energy of the photons. For instance, if you have a 20 watt bulb and it emits photons with a energy of 5 joules each, then the total energy of the photons that hit the surface is 100 joules. However, since the photons have a fixed energy, the pressure on the surface would be the same regardless of the distance.
  • #1
A stream of particles, each of mass m and having kinetic energy E, is collimated into a parallel beam of cross-sectional area A. The particles are incident normally on a smooth plane surface at rate n and they rebound elastically. Derive an expression for the pressure on the surface in terms of A, m, E and n. Explain why the pressure would be different if the surface were rough so that the particles rebounded at various angles.

An electric light bulb emits 20W of radiation uniformly in all directions. What is the maximum radiation pressure on a surface placed 2.0m away from the bulb? State the conditions under which this will occur?

[tex]E_k = 0.5mu^2 \Rightarrow u=\sqrt{2E/m}[/tex]
[tex]\text{Ft} = 2m\sqrt{2E/m}[/tex]
[tex]F = Ftn[/tex]
[tex]P= \dfrac{2mn\sqrt{2E/m}}{A}[/tex]
[tex]P = \dfrac{2n\sqrt{2EM}}{A}[/tex]

2nd part: incident momentum is added a factor of sin/cosine and therefore effective impulse decreases (blah blah blah..).

I don't know how to start the light bulb part. Does λ=h/p come into use? The wavelength of light covers a range of values; which should I choose? Can anyone please give me some hints? Thank you!
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  • #2

Your first part seems correct to me. Apply the same principle for the second, too. The force exerted by light would be the momentum transferred per unit second to the object. Pressure, hence would be the momentum transferred per unit second per unit area. So,

[tex]Pressure = \frac{\Delta p}{At}[/tex]

But the intensity is also the energy density. So, we have

[tex]P = \frac{I}{c}[/tex]

where c is the speed of the photons. I think you should be able to do it from here :smile:
  • #3

Infinitum said:
But the intensity is also the energy density. So, we have

[tex]P = \frac{I}{c}[/tex]

where c is the speed of the photons. I think you should be able to do it from here :smile:

Ah. I didn't know about this formula. Maybe I've forgotten it. Thanks! Will work on it!
  • #4

johnconnor said:
Ah. I didn't know about this formula. Maybe I've forgotten it. Thanks! Will work on it!

Oh, it is easily derivable :smile:

Did you notice I derived this for an absorbing surface?? Can you see what it would be for a reflecting surface?
  • #5

Infinitum said:
Your first part seems correct to me. Apply the same principle for the second, too. The force exerted by light would be the momentum transferred per unit second to the object. Pressure, hence would be the momentum transferred per unit second per unit area. So,

[tex]Pressure = \frac{\Delta p}{At}[/tex]

But the intensity is also the energy density. So, we have

[tex]P = \frac{I}{c}[/tex]

where c is the speed of the photons. I think you should be able to do it from here :smile:
So I reattempted the final part in lieu of Infinitum's tip, and my working is as such:

Consider a beam of light with energy E incident on a flat surface area A 2.0m away from the light bulb.

E=hf; Power=E/t; a^2=A

Power = E/t

Power = hf/t

Since t = 2/c,

Power = hfc/2

Force x 2 x c/2 = hfc/2

Force/A = hf/2

Ah i just bullgarbageed. Sorry.
There are plenty of errors in my attempt: I didn't try to find the value of A, and I'm assuming that intensity remains the same after traveling 2metres (which contradicts the inverse square law). But what other mistakes have I made? What assumptions which I thought to be applicable but fallacious in this context?

Also, could you please elaborate on your post? Thank you...
  • #6

johnconnor said:
So I reattempted the final part in lieu of Infinitum's tip, and my working is as such:

Consider a beam of light with energy E incident on a flat surface area A 2.0m away from the light bulb .

E=hf; Power=E/t; a^2=A

Power = [STRIKE]E/t[/STRIKE]

Power = [STRIKE]hf/t[/STRIKE]

Since t = 2/c,

Power = [STRIKE]hfc/2[/STRIKE]

E=hf is the energy of a single photon. The power of the source is the energy emitted in unit time. The power of the source has nothing to do with the time the photons reach from the source to the surface.
You get the number of photons N emitted in one second if you divide the power of the source by the energy of a single photon. These photons are emitted in every directions. You need to find the number of photons n falling on the area A at 2 m distance in unit time. How do you it?

To get the pressure you need to do the same as before: Find the change of the momentum Δp of a single photon upon collision. As n photon arrives in unit time the force they exert on the surface is F=nΔp. Divide it by the surface area to get the pressure.

Now the main thing: the momentum of a photon. It depends on the wavelength: p=h/λ, or p=hf/c in terms of the frequency.
( You certainly have learned it together with the formula for the energy of a photon E=hf.

  • #7

Related to Year 12 Cambridge Physics: Classical Mechanics v Light Particle Collision

1. What is classical mechanics?

Classical mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the motion of macroscopic objects, such as particles and bodies, under the influence of forces. It is based on the laws of motion and gravitation developed by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century.

2. What is a light particle collision?

A light particle collision refers to the interaction between a photon (a particle of light) and another particle, such as an atom or electron. This collision can result in the absorption, emission, or scattering of the photon, and can provide valuable information about the properties of the particle it collides with.

3. How is classical mechanics used to study light particle collisions?

In classical mechanics, the motion of particles can be described using Newton's laws of motion and conservation of energy and momentum. These principles can be applied to understand the behavior of particles in light particle collisions, allowing scientists to predict and analyze the outcomes of these interactions.

4. What are some real-world applications of studying classical mechanics and light particle collisions?

Understanding classical mechanics and light particle collisions has many practical applications, including in fields such as astrophysics, materials science, and medical imaging. For example, studying the interactions between light and matter can help us develop new materials with specific properties or improve technologies such as MRI machines.

5. How does the study of classical mechanics and light particle collisions contribute to our understanding of the universe?

By studying the interactions between particles at a microscopic level, we can gain a better understanding of the fundamental laws and principles that govern our universe. This knowledge can also help us explain and predict the behavior of larger systems, such as planets, stars, and galaxies.

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