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In summary, the problem with 2.31 in mathematical tools for physics is that the results can be different depending on which part of the original differential equation is expanded.
  • #1
I'm confused by problem 2.31 in mathematical tools for physics.

2.31 The Doppler effect for sound with a moving source and for a moving observer have different formulas. The Doppler
effect for light, including relativistic effects is different still. Show that for low speeds they are all about the same.

[itex]f' = f \frac{v - v_0}{v}[/itex], [itex]f' = f \frac{v}{v+v_s}[/itex], [itex]f' = f \sqrt{\frac{1-v/c}{1+v/c}}[/itex]

The symbols have various meanings: v is the speed of sound in the first two, with the other terms being the velocity
of the observer and the velocity of the source. In the third equation c is the speed of light and v is the velocity of the
observer. And no, 1 = 1 isn't good enough; you should get these at least to first order in the speed.Solution:
From the selected solutions:
[itex]f' = f(1-v_0/v)[/itex], [itex]f' = f(1-v_s/v)[/itex], [itex]f'=f(1-v/c)[/itex]

Clearly I'm supposed to do a tailor expansion of something, but I'm unsure of which part of the original differential equation I'm supposed to expand. Also, whichever part I do expand I end up with a different result than the given solution, which makes me think I'm interpreting the equation wrong. My interpretation is:
[itex] f'(x) = \frac{v - v_0}{v} f(x)[/itex]

Thanks for any help clearing this up.
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  • #2
Yes, a Taylor expansion is the way to go. These are not differential equations though. The primes merely denote frequencies in different reference frames.
  • #3
Thanks Jilang, that cleared things up for me. I suppose this is a difference between a "Math for Physics" text and a pure mathematics one.

I'm new to the forum, is there a standard for marking questions and posts as [solved] ?
  • #4
tssuser said:
Thanks Jilang, that cleared things up for me. I suppose this is a difference between a "Math for Physics" text and a pure mathematics one.

I'm new to the forum, is there a standard for marking questions and posts as [solved] ?
Hello tssuser. Welcome to PF !

FAQ: You can edit the title of the first post and add [solved] at the beginning.

1. What is the Taylor expansion of an ODE?

The Taylor expansion of an ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation) is a mathematical technique used to approximate a solution to a differential equation by representing it as an infinite series of polynomials. This allows for a more accurate solution to be obtained, especially for non-linear ODEs.

2. How is the Taylor expansion of an ODE calculated?

The Taylor expansion of an ODE is calculated using the Taylor series formula, which involves taking derivatives of the function at a given point and evaluating them at that point. The higher the order of the Taylor series, the more accurate the approximation will be.

3. What is the purpose of using the Taylor expansion for an ODE?

The main purpose of using the Taylor expansion for an ODE is to obtain a more accurate solution than what can be achieved with traditional methods such as Euler's method or Runge-Kutta methods. It is also useful for solving non-linear ODEs, which can be difficult to solve analytically.

4. What are the limitations of the Taylor expansion for ODEs?

One of the limitations of the Taylor expansion for ODEs is that it can only provide an approximation to the solution, not the exact solution. Additionally, it can be computationally expensive, especially for higher order Taylor series. It also may not converge for certain types of functions or initial conditions.

5. How can the Taylor expansion be used to solve initial value problems for ODEs?

The Taylor expansion can be used to solve initial value problems for ODEs by using the calculated series to approximate the solution at a given point, usually the initial condition. This can be done iteratively to obtain a more accurate solution at each step. The accuracy of the solution can be improved by increasing the order of the Taylor series used.
