You'll Love Evolution - Click Here!

  • Thread starter Another God
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In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of evolution and the frustration and anger towards a website that spreads false information about it. The conversation also brings up concerns about how people can filter and differentiate between credible and unreliable information on the internet. One person shares an experience with a teacher who dismisses science and math as merely theories. The website in question is criticized for targeting children and spreading misinformation about evolution. The conversation also touches on the danger of ignorant people who believe they are right and the frustration and anger towards the website's content.
  • #1
Another God
Staff Emeritus
Gold Member

Click on the link... You'll loveit almost as much as I do..
Biology news on
  • #2

I have written an email to the 'Author' of this site telling him exactly whatI think. I encourage everyone else who feels that their intelligence has been insulted, and fears for any poor child who may stumble across this site to write a letter also.

This site upsets me so much.

I don't know what I find more distressing about this site, the complete lack of knowledge of evolution displayed in its words, or the fact that this dis-information is aimed at children. The one target without the ability to discern a good argument from a complete lack of an argument!

You show no understanding of evolution whatsoever in anything you have said. Completely misrepresenting mutations, misundansting how the fossil record fits into the picture, and the slow rate of it all.

"Mutations are the adverse changes that take place in a living organism's body." => Completely WRONG. Absolutely, scientifically, completely assertively wrong by all means knowable. A mutation, is an alteration in DNA from the original Parental inheritence.
One day, if you ever learn anything about miology, you might come to understand what DNA is, and then you might learn about how mutations occur, and then how they are translated into phenotypic differences in the end ( is a great online dictionary if you want to look up any of those words, like Phenotype...It might help you come to understand some of this complicated stuff...)

Your misrepresentations of Darwins take on the Eye and the Peacock feathers is offensive to the honesty of science. Your lack of knowledge of the fact that the Eye argument against evolution holding no water shows you either know absolutely nothing about the evolution "debate" (not that this debate exists anywhere other then in the mind of creationists), or that you choose to ignore the facts in favour of saying only things which help you to brainwash those unable to fend for themselves.

PS; Look up 'Sexual Selection' one day in your 'Research'... Maybe you'll come to know ONE thing about evolution (Although I fear that I am too hopeful even in that.)

Shane Greenup
  • #3

This site upsets me so much.

Come on, how do you really feel?

How in the world does the average person filter and discriminate between the junk and good the information available on the net?

I met a public school teacher - grades 1-3 - who tells her students not to worry about "science and math stuff" too much. She says that its all "just a bunch of theories that don't really mean anything". I just about went ballistic when she told me this.

Also, even though I am a UFO buff, see my reasons why at the new UFO Napster, , I was once shocked to see a Disney site, at least it appeared to be a genuine Disney site for kids, that actually claimed it is a fact that ET is visiting us.
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  • #4
A Probable Waste of Your Time


He is a creationist of sorts, look at the rest of the site, a complete nut. You will not get through to him, unfortunately.

It is a shame that his site will likely remain active, I just hope not to many people are fooled by the absurdity of it all.
  • #5
there is nothing more frightening in this world than ignorant people who think they are right.
  • #6
Originally posted by maximus
there is nothing more frightening in this world than ignorant people who think they are right.

This kind of response is one-dimensional!

It is quite plain to those who know enough about evolution(having been taught just a smidging in their first year of schooling)that Darwins theory cannot be 100% correct. Now this is not a bad thing, as it leave's the door open for those scientists today who extend and discover more of a theory.

The response of the replies here, while could have just been from a bunch of 'JOBSWORTH' educators who feel threatened?..maybe?

Either way, the quote above from maximus has got to be one of the most stupid 'HOMER-SIMPERATUM' saying of all time!

In its bare form it applies to those like Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein and Richard P name just three!
  • #7
ummm...ignorant implies that they know nothing of the field they are talking about. I don't think darwin was ignorant of biology, nor feynman ignorant of Physics. I don't see how this applies to them at all.

I see nothing wrong with this quote in its bare form. Someone who is ignorant, who thinks they are a pretty bad thing. NO matter who you want to apply it to, if they think they are right, but have no knowledge of the area they are professing correctness in...then its usually a bad thing.

From reading this guys website, I can pretty easily say, that he is completely ignorant of biology (or he just chooses to teach ignorance.)
  • #8
thank you AG.
  • #9
AG, you are completely justified in being angry at this idiot. I mean, honestly, if he had written these as his own idea (and not directed them at children, which really ticked me off too), then maybe I would understand, but he is preaching his screwed-up ignorance of Evolution as though it were an obvious fact (and to children, no less! ).

I though it was funny for a while, but I was extremely frustrated, by the time I was done.
  • #10 about bringing up every bad creationist argument! I think he hit them all. I'll have to compose a letter one of these days.

I wonder if Garfield's creator knows his character has been usurped for this guy's purposes. Perhaps I'll write another note about that.
  • #11
A.G. - - any response to your email?

the more I look at that site the more upset I become!
  • #12
Of course not. I doubt he'd even look at it. How else could someone get through life with such a perverse understanding of it?
  • #13
That website would be funny if it wasn't so damaging to any child who comes across. I love the impartial analysis:

Evolution is a Lie

Not evolution is false, or flawed or wrong but it's actually a LIE. There are thousands of evolutionary biologists, zoologist, ecologist, etc all around the world who have nothing better to than lie. Their profession is to lie. Why would they spend the bulk of their lives perpetuating a lie? These people agents of Shaytan.
  • #14
Give me a break!

I went back to that site, and checked out the "about the author" section. It appears that this man is actually very famous and has a huge following all over the world. If all of his stuff is as unstudied and nonsensical as that contained in the site, then there is little hope for the human race.
  • #15
I wonder if his name is Osama. That would explain his fame, his following and why the site praises Allah so much
  • #16
Scary. The whole thing is nothing but distorted opinion: propaganda.

I wonder if the guy actually does believe that evolution teaches that these changes occur instantly, such as the antalope would change while running?

Presented that way, of course it sounds like nonsense.

If he thinks that the theory of evolution does not hold up, then he should present it accurately and present his position accurately and then let the children make up their own minds.
  • #17
Originally posted by Artman

If he thinks that the theory of evolution does not hold up, then he should present it accurately and present his position accurately and then let the children make up their own minds.

Oh come on...

We can't expect him to do that.

That would make him a scientist.
  • #18
Originally posted by maximus
there is nothing more frightening in this world than ignorant people who think they are right.

Well, one thing is worse...ignorant people with Internet access!

FAQ: You'll Love Evolution - Click Here!

1. What is "You'll Love Evolution - Click Here!"?

"You'll Love Evolution - Click Here!" is a website that promotes the understanding and appreciation of evolution through various resources and educational materials.

2. Who created "You'll Love Evolution - Click Here!"?

"You'll Love Evolution - Click Here!" was created by a team of scientists and educators who are passionate about promoting the importance of evolution in understanding the world around us.

3. How can "You'll Love Evolution - Click Here!" benefit me?

"You'll Love Evolution - Click Here!" can benefit you by providing a better understanding of evolution and how it applies to various fields such as biology, anthropology, and genetics. This knowledge can also help you make more informed decisions about your health and the environment.

4. Is "You'll Love Evolution - Click Here!" only for scientists?

No, "You'll Love Evolution - Click Here!" is for anyone who is curious about evolution and wants to learn more about it. The website offers resources for people of all ages and backgrounds, from students to casual learners.

5. Are there any costs associated with using "You'll Love Evolution - Click Here!"?

No, "You'll Love Evolution - Click Here!" is completely free to use. It is a non-profit website aimed at promoting knowledge and understanding of evolution to the general public.

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