Young's double slit interference

In summary, the experiment involves a Young's double slit with slits of equal width and distance apart, an observation screen at a distance of 1m, and a maximum value of a for which interference fringes can be observed is 10^-3m. The longitudinal coherence length of the light used is 10x10^-6m, allowing for a reliable phase relationship between the two wavefronts from the slits as long as the path difference does not exceed this length.
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Homework Statement

In a young's double slit experiment the slits have the same width and are separated by a distance a. an observation screen is placed at a distance L=1m from the slits at a point on the screen a distance y from the optical axis the optical path difference between the 2 waves from the slits is


the double slits are illuminated with light with longitudinal coherence l=10x10^-6m if the interference pattern is observed on the screen around the position y=1cm what is the max value for a for which interference fringes are observed?

I am confused how can interference fringes be observed. For interference coherent light is needed but the longitudinal coherence is less than the distance from the slits to the screen so surely by the time the waves are at the screen the waves aren't coherent anymore so no interference pattern is observed?

Much help needed. Do I use that the path length difference must be greater than zero for interference ?

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A not entirely accurate picture of this is to imagine an army on the march. Every man marches at the same pace, and every man in each regiment is in phase, but not necessarily in phase with the men in the regiment in front or behind. The longitudinal coherence length is about half the length of a regiment - the distance over which you can be reasonably confident of predicting the phase of a man's pace given the phase of the man passing in front of you.

So the answer is that as long as the path difference doesn't exceed the longitudinal coherence length then the wavefronts from the two slits should have a reliable phase relationship. Thus we simply require ##a\leq lL/y## where ##l## is the longitudinal coherence length. That gives us ##a\leq 10^{-3}##m.

FAQ: Young's double slit interference

1. What is Young's double slit interference?

Young's double slit interference is a phenomenon in which light waves passing through two closely spaced slits create an interference pattern on a screen. This pattern is a result of the constructive and destructive interference of the waves, producing bright and dark fringes respectively.

2. How does Young's double slit interference demonstrate the wave nature of light?

Young's double slit interference demonstrates the wave nature of light by showing how light waves can interfere with each other and create a pattern, similar to the interference of water waves. This phenomenon cannot be explained by the particle theory of light, providing evidence for the wave nature of light.

3. What factors affect the interference pattern in Young's double slit experiment?

The interference pattern in Young's double slit experiment is affected by several factors, including the distance between the slits, the wavelength of the light, and the distance between the slits and the screen. The pattern can also be altered by changing the light source or the material of the slits.

4. How is the intensity of light related to the interference pattern in Young's double slit experiment?

The intensity of light plays a crucial role in the interference pattern of Young's double slit experiment. The brighter fringes correspond to areas where the light waves constructively interfere, while the darker fringes correspond to areas of destructive interference. This relationship demonstrates the wave nature of light and its ability to interfere with itself.

5. What real-life applications does Young's double slit interference have?

Young's double slit interference has several real-life applications, such as in the study of wave optics, the production of holograms, and the measurement of small distances. It is also used in various devices, including diffraction gratings, interferometers, and spectrometers, for the precise analysis and manipulation of light waves.
