You're welcome! Keep up the good work!

In summary: I was just verifying that my initial calculation was correct. In summary, the decay energy for Cs-137 is 1.176MeV. However, for beta decay of Tritium, the decay energy is only 0.511MeV.
  • #1
First of all, is there a set means for evaluating decay energy be it an alpha, beta, or gamma decay?

Considering a means for evaluating the" :


I evaluated this disintegration of Tritium into Helium-3:


Considering the Tritium isotope mass is 3.0160492 u, and Helium-3 isotope mass is 3.0160293 u, [tex]\Delta m=1.99\times 10^{-5}[/tex] u.

Hence, [tex]Q=(1.99\times 10^{-5}\text{u})(939.494~\text{MeV/uc\textsuperscript{2}})(\text{c\textsuperscript{2}})=18.7~\text{keV}[/tex]

I have" .

However, considering the following process:


This has been explained as,

Cs137 decays in two ways, (1) beta-decay (maximum energy=0.518 Mev) to Ba137* followed by a gamma-transition to the ground state, and (2) beta-decay (maximum energy=1.2 Mev) directly to the ground state.

and as,


The Cs-137 parent isotope beta decays (~95%) with a 30.17y half-life to produce Ba-137m which in turn decays with a 2.55min. half-live, generating a 661.6 keV gamma ray emission.

Using the earlier method I am obtaining a result of 3.9 MeV if simply considering the rest mass of both caesium-127 (136.91 u) and barium-137 (" ). Hence, [tex]Q=(4.188\times 10^{-3}\text{u})(939.494~\text{MeV/uc\textsuperscript{2}})(\text{c\textsuperscript{2}})=3.9~\text{MeV}[/tex]

I can however see that the beta-decay to Ba-137m is simply taken from [tex]E=m_0c^2[/tex] of an electron; thus, [tex]E=(9.11\times 10^{-31}~\text{kg})(3.00\times 10^{8}~\text{ms\textsuperscript{-1}})^2=8.20\times 10^{-14}~\text{J}[/tex]. Since, [tex]1~\text{eV}=1.60\times 10^{-19}~\text{J}[/tex], this results in,

[tex]E=(8.20\times 10^{-14}~\text{J})\left(\dfrac{1~\text{eV}}{1.60\times 10^{-19}~\text{J}}\right)=0.511~\text{MeV}[/tex]

I would appreciate an elucidation of the above problem; thanks in advance to contributors.

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  • #2
Hi there,

From what I see, you seem to understand most of the problem. The decay energy comes only from the missing mass question. When a nucleus decays, following anyone of the four potential modes, mass will be transformed into energy following E=mc2.

In experimental physics, the problem comes with a three body decay, like for a beta decay. In this case, as you mentioned, the nucleus emits a beta particle and a neutrino. The energy of the decay is transferred to both the particles, and not necessarily equally. Therefore, the beta particle will have a kinetic energy of up to the decay energy.

  • #3
fatra2 said:
Hi there,

From what I see, you seem to understand most of the problem. The decay energy comes only from the missing mass question. When a nucleus decays, following anyone of the four potential modes, mass will be transformed into energy following E=mc2.

In experimental physics, the problem comes with a three body decay, like for a beta decay. In this case, as you mentioned, the nucleus emits a beta particle and a neutrino. The energy of the decay is transferred to both the particles, and not necessarily equally. Therefore, the beta particle will have a kinetic energy of up to the decay energy.


Thanks for your reply Fatra. Would you be able to let me know why I seem to be achieving a correct result (following the calculation for estimating decay energy) for [tex]\beta^-[/tex]-decay of Tritium, but not for Caesium?

In the same application for Caesium, how come I am computing closer to 3.9 MeV (which from the included references in my original post, seems quite incorrect)?
  • #4
Hi there,

Your calculations are correct. The 0.511MeV is the minimum energy needed to create a beta particle.

Ok, let's see what happens in this Cs decay. Cs decays into Ba, emitting a beta particle and a neutrino. The Ba nucleus is left into an excited state at 0.6616MeV above the ground state.

The potential energy freed from the decay (missing mass) is around:[tex]\Delta E = \Delta m c^2 \approx 3.019MeV[/tex]. To this, you must take the energy needed to create the beta particle (0.511MeV) and the neutrino (>0.1eV or nothing really). On top of that, the Ba nucleus is left into an excited state of 0.6616MeV, which leaves you with more or less 1.5MeV of maximum kinetic energy for the beta particle.

I did these calculations with very little precision. But we get very close to the 1.176MeV maximum energy, given by the "Physics and Chemistry Handbook - 86 Edition".

  • #5
fatra2 said:
Hi there,

Your calculations are correct. The 0.511MeV is the minimum energy needed to create a beta particle.

Ok, let's see what happens in this Cs decay. Cs decays into Ba, emitting a beta particle and a neutrino. The Ba nucleus is left into an excited state at 0.6616MeV above the ground state.

The potential energy freed from the decay (missing mass) is around:[tex]\Delta E = \Delta m c^2 \approx 3.019MeV[/tex]. To this, you must take the energy needed to create the beta particle (0.511MeV) and the neutrino (>0.1eV or nothing really). On top of that, the Ba nucleus is left into an excited state of 0.6616MeV, which leaves you with more or less 1.5MeV of maximum kinetic energy for the beta particle.

I did these calculations with very little precision. But we get very close to the 1.176MeV maximum energy, given by the "Physics and Chemistry Handbook - 86 Edition".


Thank you Fatra. I have just referred up the same book and did indeed find the listing of 1.176 MeV under Cs-137. Referring another source I can see how the end-point energy is far greater than [tex]E_{\text{max}}=1.176 \text{MeV}[/tex].

I should have in fact set my original equation out as,


Setting [tex]Q=E_{\text{max}}[/tex] should balance the mass-energy of the reaction above, as you pointed out.
  • #6
bsodmike said:
I should have in fact set my original equation out as,


Not really. Your first equation was not incorrect, fact is that this one neither. If you want to be perfectly correct, with all the conservation principles, you need to combine the two.

  • #7
fatra2 said:
Not really. Your first equation was not incorrect, fact is that this one neither. If you want to be perfectly correct, with all the conservation principles, you need to combine the two.



I was looking at the information physics&pg=PA148#v=onepage&q=&f=false". You can see how they have described it there.

Would you be able to give me the completely correct, combined equation? Would it be,

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  • #8
Looks right!
  • #9
fatra2 said:
Looks right!

Thanks Fatra :)

Related to You're welcome! Keep up the good work!

1. What is decay energy and why is it important in scientific research?

Decay energy is the amount of energy released when an unstable nucleus decays into a more stable state. It is important in scientific research because it helps us understand the behavior and properties of radioactive elements, which can have significant impacts on various fields such as medicine, energy production, and environmental studies.

2. How is decay energy measured and calculated?

Decay energy can be measured using various methods such as mass spectroscopy and calorimetry. It is calculated by subtracting the mass of the parent nucleus from the combined masses of the daughter nucleus and any emitted particles or radiation. This calculation follows the principle of conservation of mass and energy.

3. What factors affect the amount of decay energy released?

The amount of decay energy released depends on the type of radioactive decay, the mass of the parent and daughter nuclei, and the binding energies of the particles involved. It can also be affected by external factors such as temperature and pressure.

4. How does decay energy relate to half-life?

The half-life of a radioactive element is the amount of time it takes for half of the original amount of a sample to decay. The amount of decay energy released is directly proportional to the number of decays that occur, which is in turn related to the half-life. The longer the half-life, the lower the rate of decay and therefore, the lower the amount of decay energy released.

5. What are some practical applications of evaluating decay energy?

Evaluating decay energy has various practical applications, such as in nuclear power plants for energy production, in cancer treatments using radiation therapy, and in radiometric dating to determine the age of geological samples. It is also used in environmental studies to monitor the levels of radioactive elements in soil, water, and air.

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