Yukawa Potential Homework: Calculating Meson Energy Levels

In summary: Maybe someone else can answer that.In summary, the homework statement is to calculate the energy levels of mesons within a nucleus consisting of 10 protons and 10 neutrons. The Attempt at a Solution states that in order to solve the problem, you need something similar for the "meson in a nucleus" system.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have been given the following assignment:
"The meson moves within the nucleus under the influence of a screened Coulomb potential known as the Yukawa potential. Given that the mass of a meson is about 270 times the mass ot the electron and that the effective extent of the potential is of the order of the size of a nucleus, calculate the energy levels of mesons within a nucleus consisting of 10 protons and 10 neutrons."

Homework Equations

[tex] V(r)=- \frac{Ze^2}{4\pi \epsilon_{0} r} e ^{-\frac{r}{a}} [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I have a very simple question. What exactly is r? The distance from the center of the nucleus? What happens if we get closer and closer to the center of the nucleus? Does the potential reach infinity or does it drop to zero (kinda like gravity which usually increases with 1/r but drops to zero a the center of Earth because of the Gauss law)?

I need to understand these basics things before I can move on.

I've tried searching the web but couldn't find anything useful. :redface:
I'd really appreciate it if anyone could shed some light on this.
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  • #2
r is just the distance from the centre as in the coulomb potential.
  • #3
This is not a real situation, so don't bother so much about what "really" happens to the meson.

In reallity you have a hard core and so on..

Yes, I think you should think r as radius. The problem is related to the hydrogenic atom I think..
  • #4
Still, how does the meson behave inside the nucleus? Will the potential reach infinity? Or should I just consider the nucleus as a hard core and stay out of it?

In my assignment it says "extent of the potential is of the order of the size of a nucleus". Does this mean that it is practically zero outside the nucleus?

I'm sorry if these questions seem silly but I've never studied particle physics before.
  • #5
yes outside the potential is zero (strong force is short ranged)

Inside, you just treat the system quantum-mechanically.

Do you know how to find the energy levels of the hydrogen atom?

How does the electron behave in the coloumb potential in the hydrogen atom? Recall that.
  • #6
This is a project for the course "computational physics". I have to create a computer program to solve the problem. I have done this before for the hydrogen atom (I'm using the Shooting method).
Basically, all I need is a Schrödinger equation to describe the system. For hydrogen it was in the form [tex] \frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{d^2 \psi}{dr^2}+(V-E)\psi=0 [/tex].
Now I would need something similar for the "meson in a nucleus" system.

I guess I could substitute m (electron mass) with the mass of a meson, but I'm not sure I could just substitute V (hydrogen's potential energy) with [tex] V(r)=- \frac{Ze^2}{4\pi \epsilon_{0} r} e ^{-\frac{r}{a}} [/tex]
  • #7
Why not? I mean, from a physics point of view you do it. But for computational, no idea.

Related to Yukawa Potential Homework: Calculating Meson Energy Levels

1. What is a Yukawa potential and how is it relevant to meson energy levels?

A Yukawa potential is a mathematical function that describes the interaction between two particles due to the exchange of a virtual particle. It is relevant to meson energy levels because mesons are composed of a quark and an antiquark, and the strong nuclear force between them is mediated by the exchange of virtual particles known as pions, which can be described by the Yukawa potential.

2. How is the Yukawa potential used to calculate meson energy levels?

The Yukawa potential is used in the Schrödinger equation, which is a mathematical equation that describes the behavior of quantum particles. This equation is solved for the energy levels of the meson, taking into account the strong nuclear force described by the Yukawa potential.

3. What is the significance of meson energy levels?

Meson energy levels are significant because they provide information about the binding energy between the quark and antiquark that make up the meson. This can help us understand the structure and properties of mesons, which are important particles in the study of subatomic particles and nuclear physics.

4. Can the Yukawa potential be applied to other particles besides mesons?

Yes, the Yukawa potential can be applied to any particles that experience the strong nuclear force, such as protons and neutrons. It is also used in other areas of physics, such as in the study of atomic nuclei and in cosmology.

5. Are there any limitations to using the Yukawa potential to calculate meson energy levels?

One limitation is that the Yukawa potential only describes the strong nuclear force between two particles, but there are other forces at play in the interaction between particles. Additionally, the Yukawa potential assumes that the particles are point-like and do not have any internal structure, which may not always be accurate.

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