Z-Transform & DTFT: Finite-Length Signal & Two Poles

In summary: Using the equation X(\omega)=A(\omega)e^{i\theta_x(\omega)}, we can say that Re(X(2))=A(2)\cos(\theta_x(2))=3/2. Since we know that \theta_x(2)=\pi/2, we can solve for A(2) and get A(2)=3/2. This means that the amplitude of the \omega=0 sinusoid in x is also equal to 3/2.In summary, the given information suggests that the signal x is a combination of two sinusoids, one with frequency \omega=\pi and amplitude 2, and one with frequency \omega=0 and amplitude 3/
  • #1
1. Homework Statement [/b]
You are given the following pieces of information about a real, stable, discrete-time signal x and its DTFT X, which can be written in the form [tex]X(\omega)=A(\omega)e^{i\theta_x(\omega)}[/tex] where [tex]A(\omega)=\pm|X(\omega|[/tex].
a) x is a finite-length signal
b) [tex]\hat{X}[/tex] has exactly two poles at z=0 and no zeros at z=0.
c) [tex]\theta_x(\omega)=\begin{cases} \frac{\omega}{2}+\frac{\pi}{2} & 0<\omega<\pi \\
\frac{\omega}{2}-\frac{\pi}{2} & -\pi<\omega<0\end{cases}[/tex]
d) [tex]X(\omega)\Big|_{\omega=\pi}=2[/tex]
e) [tex]\int_{-\pi}^\pi e^{2i\omega}\frac{d}{d\omega}X(\omega)d\omega =4\pi i[/tex]
f) The sequence v whose DTFT is V (ω) = Re (X(ω)) satisfies v(2) = 3/2.

Homework Equations

[tex]\hat{H}(z)=\sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty h(n)z^{-n}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

By parts e) and f) I've figured out that x(-2)=4 and x(2)=-1. With that and part a) and b), I've realized that the rightmost endpoint of x is x(2)=-1 and the leftmost endpoint of x is less than n=-2 (the transfer function can't converge at infinity since the system cannot be causal). Part d) gives me [tex]\sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty (-1)^n x(n) = 2[/tex], but I'm unsure how to use it at the moment. I do not know how to use part c) at all. Can someone help shed some light on the problem?
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  • #2

First, let's consider part c). This tells us that the phase of X(\omega) is a piecewise function with two different cases, one for 0<\omega<\pi and one for -\pi<\omega<0. This means that the phase of X(\omega) changes at \omega=0 and \omega=\pi. This could indicate a discontinuity in the signal x, since the phase of a signal can only change at points where the signal itself changes.

Next, let's look at part d). This tells us that X(\omega) is equal to 2 when \omega=\pi. This could indicate a sinusoidal component in the signal x, since the DTFT of a sinusoidal signal is a delta function at the frequency of the sinusoid.

Combining parts c) and d), we can make some assumptions about the signal x. Since the phase of X(\omega) changes at \omega=0 and \omega=\pi, this could indicate that the signal x is a combination of two sinusoids with frequencies \omega=\pi and \omega=0. Additionally, since X(\omega) is equal to 2 when \omega=\pi, this could indicate that the amplitude of the \omega=\pi sinusoid is 2. Therefore, we can say that the signal x is a combination of two sinusoids, one with frequency \omega=\pi and amplitude 2, and one with frequency \omega=0 and unknown amplitude.

Next, let's consider part e). This tells us that the derivative of X(\omega) evaluated at \omega=2 is equal to 4\pi i. This could indicate that the \omega=\pi sinusoid in x has a phase shift of \pi/2, since the derivative of e^{i\omega} evaluated at \omega=2 is equal to 2\pi i. This means that the signal x could be written as x(n)=2\cos(\pi n+\pi/2)+a\cos(0n+\theta) where a is the amplitude of the \omega=0 sinusoid and \theta is the phase shift of the \omega=0 sinusoid.

Finally, let's look at part f). This tells us that the real part of X(\omega) evaluated at \omega=2 is equal to 3/2. This could give us some information about the amplitude a of the \omega=0 sinus

Related to Z-Transform & DTFT: Finite-Length Signal & Two Poles

1. What is the Z-transform?

The Z-transform is a mathematical tool used to convert discrete-time signals into the Z-domain, which is the complex plane. It is the discrete-time counterpart of the Laplace transform, which is used for continuous-time signals.

2. How is the Z-transform related to the DTFT?

The Z-transform and the discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) are closely related. The Z-transform is essentially the DTFT evaluated on the unit circle in the Z-domain. This means that the Z-transform can be used to obtain the frequency response of a discrete-time system, just like how the DTFT is used for continuous-time systems.

3. What is the significance of finite-length signals in Z-transform analysis?

Finite-length signals are important because they allow us to analyze a discrete-time system in the time domain, as opposed to the frequency domain. The Z-transform of a finite-length signal is a rational function in the Z-domain, which can be used to determine the poles and zeros of the system. These poles and zeros provide valuable insights into the stability and behavior of the system.

4. What do two poles in the Z-domain represent?

In Z-transform analysis, poles represent the frequencies at which the system has infinite gain or infinite attenuation. Two poles in the Z-domain indicate that the system has two resonant frequencies, which can cause instability or distortion in the signal if not properly controlled.

5. How is the Z-transform used in practical applications?

The Z-transform has numerous applications in signal processing and control systems. It is used to analyze and design digital filters, which are essential in audio and image processing. It is also used in feedback control systems to analyze stability and performance. In general, the Z-transform is a powerful tool for understanding and manipulating discrete-time signals and systems.

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