Zee, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, problem 1.3.1

In summary, the conversation is about a problem involving the verification of exponential decay for a propagator with spacelike separation. The equation for the propagator is given, but there is confusion about the notation and a mistake in the spherical coordinate substitution. The integral for the problem ultimately has no solution in terms of elementary functions, but an approximation is found using the Cauchy Integral theorem and the residue theorem. The final expression for the propagator is given as "In summary, D(x) \approx \frac {1} {16\pi}\frac{m} {|x|}e^{-|x|m}".
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm working through Zee for some self study and I'm trying to do all the problems, which is understandably challenging. Problem 1.3.1 is where I'm currently stuck: Verify that D(x) decays exponentially for spacelike separation.

Homework Equations

The propagator in question is
$$ D(x) = -i \int \frac{d^3k}{2(2\pi)^3} \frac{e^{-i\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\boldsymbol{x}}}{\sqrt{\boldsymbol{k}^2+m^2}} $$

The Attempt at a Solution

Presumably, I would have to solve the integral and show that it decays exponentially (the spacelike aspect has already been taken into account for the above integral) and what I did was switch to spherical coordinates and integrated over the azimuthal:

$$ D = \frac{-i}{8\pi^2}\int dr\,d\theta\frac{e^{-irx\cos\theta}}{\sqrt{r^2+m^2}}r\cos\theta $$

This is where I'm stuck. The square root in the denominator suggests this is a branch cut integral but I haven't been able to find a source that explains it sufficiently. If anyone could help me figure this out I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
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  • #2
Maurice7510 said:

Homework Statement

I'm working through Zee for some self study and I'm trying to do all the problems, which is understandably challenging. Problem 1.3.1 is where I'm currently stuck: Verify that D(x) decays exponentially for spacelike separation.

Homework Equations

The propagator in question is
$$ D(x) = -i \int \frac{d^3k}{2(2\pi)^3} \frac{e^{-i\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\boldsymbol{x}}}{\sqrt{\boldsymbol{k}^2+m^2}} $$

I feel that there is something wrong with this equation. Does [itex]x[/itex] mean a spatial vector, or a 4-vector? If it's a 4-vector, then there is a problem, because on the right-hand side of the equals sign, there is no mention of the time component of [itex]x[/itex]. If [itex]x[/itex] is a spatial vector vector, then it doesn't make any sense to talk about spacelike separations.
  • #3
That is curious, though I wrote exactly what he has in the book. Initially, we have
$$ D(x) = -i \int \frac{d^3k}{(2\pi)^32\omega_k}[e^{-i(\omega_kt - \boldsymbol{k}\cdot\boldsymbol{k})}\theta(x^0)+e^{i(\omega_kt - \boldsymbol{k}\cdot\boldsymbol{k})}\theta(-x^0)] $$
which he reduces to the above equation in consideration of spacelike separation where ##x^0= 0##. So I suppose the notation on the left is a four vector, it just happens to be ##x = (0, x^1, x^2, x^3) \equiv \boldsymbol{x}##.
  • #4
I now realize I made a mistake in the spherical coordinate substitution, the integral should be
$$ D(x) = \frac{-i}{8\pi^2}
int dr\,d\theta \frac{e^{-irx\cos\theta}}{\sqrt{r^2+m^2}} r^2\sin\theta $$
The integral in ##\theta## is fairly straight forward at this point, and I got
$$ D(x) = \frac{-i}{4\pi x}\int dr \frac{r\sin(rx)}{\sqrt{r^2+m^2}} $$
which i now have no idea how to solve
  • #5
Maurice7510 said:
I now realize I made a mistake in the spherical coordinate substitution, the integral should be
$$ D(x) = \frac{-i}{8\pi^2}
int dr\,d\theta \frac{e^{-irx\cos\theta}}{\sqrt{r^2+m^2}} r^2\sin\theta $$
The integral in ##\theta## is fairly straight forward at this point, and I got
$$ D(x) = \frac{-i}{4\pi x}\int dr \frac{r\sin(rx)}{\sqrt{r^2+m^2}} $$
which i now have no idea how to solve

That is because that integral has no solution in terms of elementary functions.
  • #6
If you assume that the magnitude of the radial velocity is much less than the speed of light, then you can expand the denominator in the integral to second order in ## p_r ##.
##\sqrt{p^2 + m^2} = m\sqrt{1 + \frac {p^2} {m^2}} \approx m(1 + \frac {p^2} {m^2}) = \frac {(p - im)(p + im)} {m}##
The integral becomes
##D(x) \approx \frac {1} {2(2\pi)^2} \frac {m} {|x|} \int_{0}^\infty dr \frac {r[(-i) \sin(r|x|)]} {(r - im)(r + im)} = \frac {1} {2(2\pi)^2} \frac {m} {|x|} \mathcal {Im} \int_{0}^\infty dr \frac {r e^{-i|x|r}} {(r - im)(r + im)}##
We have simple poles at ##z_0 = \pm im##. We use the Cauchy Integral theorem and the residue theorem, closing a semi-circular contour in the lower half-plane, and noting that the integral along the arc tends to zero as the radius tends to ## \infty## and the integral along the real axis from ##-\infty ## to ##+\infty## is twice the integral from 0 to ## \infty##. We find,
##D(x) \approx \frac {1} {16\pi}\frac{m} {|x|}e^{-|x|m}##

FAQ: Zee, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, problem 1.3.1

1. What is "Zee, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, problem 1.3.1"?

"Zee, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, problem 1.3.1" is a specific problem from the textbook "Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell" written by Anthony Zee. It is a popular textbook used for studying quantum field theory, a branch of theoretical physics that deals with the study of particles and fields in the quantum mechanical framework.

2. What is the purpose of problem 1.3.1?

The purpose of problem 1.3.1 is to test the reader's understanding of the concepts and equations presented in the previous sections of the textbook. It is designed to help the reader apply their knowledge to solve problems related to quantum field theory.

3. How difficult is problem 1.3.1?

The difficulty of problem 1.3.1 may vary for different individuals based on their understanding and familiarity with quantum field theory. However, it is generally considered to be a challenging problem that requires a strong grasp of the fundamental concepts and mathematical techniques used in quantum field theory.

4. Is it necessary to solve problem 1.3.1 to understand the rest of the textbook?

No, it is not necessary to solve problem 1.3.1 to understand the rest of the textbook. However, it is recommended to attempt the problem as it can greatly enhance one's understanding and application of the concepts discussed in the following sections.

5. Are there any resources available to help solve problem 1.3.1?

Yes, there are various online resources and forums available where individuals can discuss and share their approaches to solving problem 1.3.1. These resources can provide helpful insights and tips for tackling the problem effectively.
