Zero Torque and Static Equilibrium

In summary: set up the net torque equation by adding the two forces (button pushing and gravity) and found that the remote can only extend 7.85 cm beyond the edge of the table before it tips over.
  • #1
Question: A 0.110kg remote control 21.0 cm long rests on a table with a length L overhanging its edge. To operate the power button on this remote requires a force of 0.365 N. How far can the remote control extend beyond the edge of the tabel and still not tip over when you press the power button? Assuming the mass of teh remote is distributed uniformly, and that the power button is on teh end of teh remote overhanging the table.

I understand that i need to set both my torque and force equal to zero. My main problem is trying to figure out where else i have force vectors, besides the obvious one pointing down to the power button. Would the force at the other end of the remote be pointing down as well as to keep it balanced?

The answer is 7.85cm, any help to starting this problem would be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
dalitwil said:
Assuming the mass of teh remote is distributed uniformly, and that the power button is on teh end of teh remote overhanging the table.

You have two forces downwards, pusing the power button and the force due to gravity that you can place at the center of mass which is the center of the remote.
  • #3
I still can't figure it out:(
  • #4
Might there be a third force in the problem?
Can you draw the Free-Body Diagram of the remote?
  • #5
Thats my problem, I can't figure out what/where the third force comes into play, however, i am pretty sure that there is a third force...

My FBD would consist of F1 pointing downwards at the end of the remote (the end not resting on the table), possibly a force of mg pointing upwards at the center of mass? And then another force of mg pointing downwards at the other end of the remote.

This isn't working out thus far. I suspect that I am on the right path, but may be mixed up?
  • #6
For each force on the remote, what is the object pushing or pulling on the remote?
This might help you identify the forces and roughly determine the direction of each force.
  • #7
There are only the two forces, gravity and the pushing of the button. When you draw the FBD there is the force of 0.356N straight down at one end, then with the force of gravity you draw it at the center of mass (center of the remote) also straight down.

To have the remote hang off the table the maximum distance your net torque must equal zero. Btw, for this problem you don't need to worry about setting the net force equal to zero (the normal force takes care of this).

When you set up the net torque equation it should look something like this

(force on button)(length of overlap "L")-(force of gravity)(0.105m-L)=0

Then, simply solve for L.

I made the FBD with paint, but I can't figure out how to make it small enough to post it here. If you would like to see it I could email it to you.

Hope this helps.


FAQ: Zero Torque and Static Equilibrium

1. What is zero torque?

Zero torque is the condition in which the net torque acting on an object is equal to zero. This means that there is no rotational force that causes the object to rotate or change its rotational position.

2. How is zero torque achieved?

Zero torque can be achieved in a few different ways. One way is by having equal and opposite torques acting on an object, which cancel each other out and result in a net torque of zero. Another way is by having the force acting on an object be applied at the object's center of mass, which also results in a net torque of zero.

3. What is static equilibrium?

Static equilibrium is a state in which an object is at rest and has no net force or net torque acting on it. This means that the object remains stationary and does not accelerate or rotate.

4. How is static equilibrium related to zero torque?

Static equilibrium and zero torque are closely related. In order for an object to be in static equilibrium, it must have a net torque of zero. This means that the object is not rotating and is in a state of balance.

5. Why is zero torque important?

Zero torque is important because it is a key factor in determining the stability and balance of objects. It is also an important concept in physics and engineering, as it helps us understand how forces and torques act on objects and how to achieve static equilibrium.

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