Zeros in a circuit transfer function

In summary, The conversation discusses building a circuit to obtain a transfer function with specific poles and zeros, but the function is not realizable in practical circuits. Suggestions are given for creating a circuit with a simple zero and a double zero, but it is not possible to create a circuit with poles or zeros located exactly on the imaginary axis. However, it is possible to place a complex zero close to the imaginary axis using certain networks.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Complete the circuit in the figure in order to get a transfer function as: H(s) = k*[s(s^2+10^10)]/[(s+10^3)(s+10^5)(s^2+1.41*10^5s+10^10)].

The Attempt at a Solution

If I split the circuit in four stages: H1(s), H2(s), H3(s) and H4(s), I obtain:

H1(s) = -(1/(R1*C1))/(s+1/(R2*C1)). One single pole.
H3(s) = -(1/(R3*C2))/(s+1/(R4*C2)). One single pole.
H4(s) = (1/(LC3))/(s^2+(1/(R5*C3))s + 1/(LC3)). Complex pole.

How can I build an H2(s) stage to include a simple zero and a double zero? How can I build a circuit like that? It cannot introduce poles!

Thank you.


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  • #2
Highly impractical, but you can add 1 op amp stage with a C input & R feedback (giving you the zero at the origin), and a second stage with a parallel L-C input and L feedback (giving you the complex-conjugate zero pair on the imaginary axis).

In real life you would not have two single-pole stages like you have to deal with ...
  • #3
rude man said:
Highly impractical, but you can add 1 op amp stage with a C input & R feedback (giving you the zero at the origin), and a second stage with a parallel L-C input and L feedback (giving you the complex-conjugate zero pair on the imaginary axis).

In real life you would not have two single-pole stages like you have to deal with ...

Thank you.

Curiously, what happens in real life if you build a circuit like this?
  • #4
First, realize that your transfer function is not realizable in any practical way. That's because it calls for zero gain at w = sqrt(10^10) = 1e5 rad/s or 1e5/2pi Hz. That is impossible to get and still have finite gain at other frequencies. So this problem is a "textbook" problem & so it's OK to use impractical circuits like what I gave you.

The s in the numerator would be made part of a Ts/(Ts + 1) circuit so you'd get you zero at the origin plus your pole at s = - 1/T. That's just a series R-C in the input and R in the feedback:
Vout/Vin = -Zf/Zi = -Rf/(Ri + 1/sC) = -(Rf/Ri)sRiC/(sRiC + 1).

There are fancy networks (like 3 R's and 2C's in the feedback etc.) for synthesizing complex-conjugate zeros (or poles) but never if the poles or zeros have to be right on the imaginary axis, since that implies an infinite-Q circuit.
  • #5
rude man said:
There are fancy networks (like 3 R's and 2C's in the feedback etc.) for synthesizing complex-conjugate zeros (or poles) but never if the poles or zeros have to be right on the imaginary axis, since that implies an infinite-Q circuit.

It's not difficult to place a complex zero right on the jw axis (or close to the jw axis on either side). Twin-T and bridged-T networks are one way to do it.

FAQ: Zeros in a circuit transfer function

What are zeros in a circuit transfer function?

Zeros in a circuit transfer function are points where the output of a circuit becomes zero, even though the input may be non-zero. They are also known as nulls or roots.

Why are zeros important in circuit analysis?

Zeros play a crucial role in determining the behavior and stability of a circuit. They can affect the frequency response, phase shift, and gain of a circuit, and help in identifying any potential problems or limitations.

How can I identify zeros in a circuit transfer function?

Zeros can be identified by setting the numerator of the transfer function equal to zero and solving for the variable(s). The resulting value(s) will be the location of the zero(s) in the circuit.

What is the difference between a pole and a zero in a circuit transfer function?

A pole is a point where the output of a circuit becomes infinite, while a zero is a point where the output becomes zero. Poles and zeros are related to each other and together determine the overall behavior of a circuit.

Can a circuit have no zeros in its transfer function?

Yes, a circuit can have no zeros in its transfer function. This is known as a zero-free circuit and it means that the output will never be zero, regardless of the input. However, most circuits will have at least one zero in their transfer function.

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