What is Particle physics: Definition and 531 Discussions

Particle physics (also known as high energy physics) is a branch of physics that studies the nature of the particles that constitute matter and radiation. Although the word particle can refer to various types of very small objects (e.g. protons, gas particles, or even household dust), particle physics usually investigates the irreducibly smallest detectable particles and the fundamental interactions necessary to explain their behaviour.
In current understanding, these elementary particles are excitations of the quantum fields that also govern their interactions. The currently dominant theory explaining these fundamental particles and fields, along with their dynamics, is called the Standard Model. Thus, modern particle physics generally investigates the Standard Model and its various possible extensions, e.g. to the newest "known" particle, the Higgs boson, or even to the oldest known force field, gravity.

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  1. K

    How Can Random Atomic Weights Influence Element Properties in a Simulation Game?

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to build a simulation type program, with various made up, extrapolated elements, generated mainly by random atomic weights, and numbers, the program would end up being sort of a game, you would be able to fabricate, or collect elements with randomized properties, and make...
  2. L

    Cross Section: Quark-Gluon vs. Quark-Photon

    This isn't a homework problem. I am preparing for a particle physics exam and although I understand the theoretical side of field theory, I have little idea how to approach practical scattering questions like these. THE PROBLEM: Dark matter might be observed at the LHC with monojet and...
  3. Matt atkinson

    What is the Maximum Mass of X0 in Electron-Proton Collisions?

    Homework Statement Electrons of energy 5.00 GeV are incident upon target protons and a search is made for neutral particles X0 produced in the reaction e− + p → e− + p + X0 What is the maximum mass of X0 which can be produced? Use any reasonable approximations, but justify your arguments...
  4. A

    Good explanation for Soliton and Skyrmion?

    I am looking for a Book in which Solitons and Skyrmions are easy explained. I want to understand them for Solid State Physics. Thank U Abby
  5. I

    The Nature of Time: Physicist's Interpretations & Thought Experiments

    I am interested in how physicists view time, and in any thought experiment (eg. anti-matters time direction, spinning black holes that may have the time dimension no longer orthogonal to the three special directions, delayed quantum eraser experiment that might permit backwards in time...
  6. E

    Particle Physics: O(1 TeV) and O(1 pb^-1)

    I saw a sign in particle physics ;O(1 TeV) and O(1 pb^-1). TeV is unit of energy and pb^-1 is unit of cross scetin I wonder why these signs are putting into parahenthesis
  7. B

    Theoretical Particle Physics Book

    I want a book on particle physics which contains lots of theoretical calculations.All books recommended in my class contain lots of experimental techniques and very little about theory.I like "Introduction to Elementary Particles" by D Griffiths.Is there any book like Griffiths?
  8. Q

    Should I pursue a career in theoretical Particle Physics?

    Hi, I'm new to the forums here, so please forgive me if this is the wrong place to post. I'm currently a junior in high school, and from an early age I was put in all the "gifted" classes. Which kind of put pressure on me to choose a career like physics. Despite all the pressure I always loved...
  9. Matterwave

    Exploring the Confusion Behind J=L+S

    I've never really been...convinced...of the statement $$\bf{J}=\bf{L}+\bf{S}$$ I've always just gone along with it, but I've never seen why this is "right". So I guess now's as good a time as any to ask. Thinking about this from a "classical" perspective (which obviously is not correct, but...
  10. Dr.Mobius

    Particle Physics vs. Cosmology

    I would like to study the fundamental aspects of the Universe (of course, assuming that I am capable of pursuing such a thing in the first place). Not necessarily on a large scale, but I am interested in space, time, the fundamental aspects of matter... Things like that. I know that there is...
  11. P

    Postgraduate studies in Particle Physics or Radiation Physics?

    Hello Everyone! I have a huge dilemma this period.I'm searching/applying for masters but I've not yet quite come to a conclusion regarding the field.For example,I love particle/nuclear physics but I also like radiation physics and radiation biology.My undergrad thesis was on radiation biology...
  12. DataGG

    Particle Physics Table: Find All Particles & Properties

    Hey there, Does anyone have a table will all the particles and their respective spin, lepton number, mass, etc etc? I know I could make one easily, but it'd be much easier if someone had one already, or knew of a site that had one.
  13. Adoniram

    Recommendations for book for elementary particle physics

    Hello all, I'm going to begin a PhD program in the fall and likely will be doing research in the world of particle physics. I'm a little rusty on the topic though as my undergrad research experience has been astrophysics, and I did not get a chance to take any classes related to the field other...
  14. F

    Which undergrad maths units for post-grad theoretical particle physics

    I'm about to begin my third year of a physics major and I want to do units that will best prepare me for honours and post-grad studies in theoretical particle physics and/or particle cosmology. My core physics units will cover quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, electrodynamics, special...
  15. T

    Particle Physics - decay of a neutral pion

    Particle Physics -- decay of a neutral pion Homework Statement Consider the decay of a neutral pion that has a momentum of 10 GeV/c into two photons. What is the minimum energy that a photon from this decay can have? In terms of the pion mass and pion momentum. What about Maximum Energy...
  16. T

    Why can't a particle at rest decay when its energy is real-valued?

    Homework Statement Show that for real valued E a particle at rest can not decay. Homework Equations Width of resonance. \Gamma=\hbar/\tau Relativistic Breit-Wigner distribution P_rel_=\Gamma/((E^2-M^2)^2+M^2\Gamma^2) Wave function of particle at rest. ψ(t)=ψ(0)e^(-iEt/\hbar) The...
  17. O

    Are gluon lines drawn in opposite directions the same in Feynman diagrams?

    I draw Feynman diagrams in JaxoDraw. But If I draw gluon line up to down or down to up, I get different results for gluon lines. I share a picture to explain my problem. Are these two diagrams the same? http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/3184/rq9z.jpg
  18. C

    Particle Physics: Partial Decay Widths and Branching Ratios

    Hello there, This isn't specifically homework, it is study. I'm having a difficult time trying to understand how to calculate/estimate partial decay widths, \Gamma[\itex], and Branching Ratios. I haven't found very clear information online so far. Here's just an example below that I'd like...
  19. T

    Feedback and Control Theory applied to Cosmology and Particle Physics

    The radical Smolin thread left me wondering if other similar ideas could not be applied to other areas of Cosmology and even Particle Physics. Every complex system I can think of in our lives, and in nature, forms part of a complex multifaceted control system or process, with various feedback...
  20. A

    Is a Masters in Theoretical Particle Physics Worth Pursuing Without a PhD?

    Hello friends..I'm an electronics engineering student from India and I would like to pursue masters in theoretical physics(particle physics) in a good university abroad...what are my options??Does my engineering gpa matter for physics masters admission??I hope to get a reply soon... :smile:
  21. I

    Particle physics, special relativity, quantum mechanics

    I am looking for help and guidance as I ask you for advice; which literature do you suggest i read as introduction to said areas of physics? I have the understanding of classical mechanics. I am looking for literature which is not condesending nor too simplified. Thanks in advance.
  22. H

    Conservation Laws and Symmetries Particle Physics

    2) A π0 of kinetic energy 350 MeV decays in flight into 2 γ rays of equal energies. Determine the angles of the γ rays from the incident π0 direction. Not sure where I am going wrong but my answer is not correct. Energy of π0 meson E = 350 MeV Rest mass Energy of π0 meson E0 = 135...
  23. M

    What courses do I need to take for particle physics?

    Hi all, I want to learn about particle physics. I want to know what courses and topics in physics (and Mathematics) generally do I need to learn? Thanks
  24. C

    PhD in particle physics/ cosmology in US

    Hello folks, I am from Hong Kong studying in a university in HK, major in Physics. Next year will be my final year of undergrad (3 yr undergrad program) and I am considering applying for graduate schools in the US. My major research interests lie on particle physics and particle physics...
  25. M

    Necessity of Group Theory in Particle Physics

    So I'm intending to teach myself some Particle Physics and Standard Model type stuff, I was wondering if someone who's already covered this could give me some advice. I did some Group Theory a few years back and looking over content pages of lecture notes I occasionally spot references to...
  26. matt_crouch

    Starting a Phd in particle physics any advice?

    Hi I wil be starting a PhD in particle/accelerator physics in September it's titled " beam dynamics and beam beam effects for Hilumi LHc and LHeC" Has anyone got any advice for me? It's a fully funded Phd at Manchester university Uk, but it's mainly based at the cockcroft institute. I'm...
  27. T

    Question about particle physics in general

    So I read that fermions can be defined as "matter particles," while bosons can be defined as "force carrier particles." I read further that fermions can be divided into quarks and leptons. However, apparently mesons are considered bosons, as a consequence of their spins. Does that mean that...
  28. A

    What is w cut particle physics?

    As is shown in the website http://www-sldnt.slac.stanford.edu/snowmass/Software/EvtGen/documentation/pylist.txt is the pythia particle/parton data code, could someone tell me the meaning of parameters "col" "anti" and "w-cut". Any comments are very welcome.
  29. F

    Guidance in learning Particle Physics

    I want to start self-learning particle physics, and was wondering if any of you can give me some pointers as to what to do in terms of books to read, maths to learn, etc. Some background: I have taken undergrad level quantum mechanics 1 and 2 (completed Griffiths), and also a course on...
  30. P

    Homology/Cohomology in Theoretical Particle Physics?

    Hi all, I apologize if this should have been posted in a math section instead, I wasn't sure. But I'm wondering if homology or cohomology ever comes up in theoretical physics? I'm being introduced to it at the same time in an algebra class and a manifolds class. There's a...
  31. S

    Schools Chosing College For Particle Physics And Cosmology

    I am an aspiring physicist. My main interests are Particle Physics, Cosmology and Black hole physics. I am going to join a college this year for the same. I applied to two colleges and got selected. University of Lancaster and University of Birmingham. I have applied for the course - Physics...
  32. H

    Do I need to know chemistry to know particle physics?

    Do I need to know chemistry good to be able to learn about particle physics?
  33. TheDemx27

    Independent Study High Energy - Particle Physics

    Hello! I, like many others, am interested in studying physics on my own as my school doesn't offer any kind of physics for ninth graders. (The tenth grade physics class isn't very in depth either; I took part of it in 8th grade). I have exhausted what Khan Academy has to offer, and I am...
  34. A

    Particle Physics: Strong & Weak Force Equations & Math

    What is the equation of strong and weak force? & how to combine it mathematically?
  35. A

    Lie groups & Lie Algebras in Nuclear & Particle Physics

    Hi, I'm a student of Nuclear Engineering (MS level) at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. I completed my Honours and Master Degree with Mathematics. I have chosen to complete a thesis paper on "Application of Lie groups & Lie Algebras in Nuclear & Particle Physics." I need some guideline...
  36. P

    Good Books to use to Study Particle Physics

    I'm in tenth grade and am interested in studying physics. I've heard that the best way to get started is to have an understanding of elementary physics, so can anyone recommend some books and websites to get started? I have practically no background at the moment, so a general overview would be...
  37. ZapperZ

    Global Particle Physics Photowalk Contest

    I'm posting this here even though it is related to photography, just to make sure it gets enough eyes. Don't miss casting your votes for your favorite Global Particle Physics PhotoWalk contest. http://www.interactions.org/cms/?pid=6000 You get to select and vote for 3 of them. And...
  38. M

    Overcoming Hardships to Reach a Career in Particle Physics

    I vow to do something in Particle Physics but some real nast circumstances hinders my desires.So plan to take admission in BS Mechanical Engg and after wards M.S Nuclear Engg..How close might it be to particle Physics where I might end up?If not close enough reccomend any other field.
  39. Greg Bernhardt

    Recommendation of a good systematic particle physics book

    Author: Brian Martin Title: Nuclear and Particle Physics Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0470742747/?tag=pfamazon01-20 Prerequisities: Contents: Table of Contents Preface to Second Edition. Notes. 1. Basic Concepts. 1.1 History. 1.2 Relativity and Antiparticles...
  40. P

    What Is the Ideal Particle Physics Textbook for Theoretical Beginners?

    What is the best particle physics textbook (for a first course in particle physics) for someone with a background of quantum field theory? P.S. I am interested in theoretical particle physics
  41. D

    Help with relativity particle physics Problem

    Homework Statement The D meson has a mass of 1865 MeV / c^{2} and a lifetime in its rest frame of 4.1 x 10^ -13 seconds. A D meson is produced and decays into a Kaon with mass 0.494 GeV/c^2 and a Pion with mass 0.14 GeV/c^2 A) what is the typical speed of D meson that travels 1mm before...
  42. P

    Physics The Fields of Particle Physics and Astrophysics/Cosmology

    I still have a long time to decide, but I am interested in the fields of particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology. Here are my questions about them: 1. What field has the best outlook for the future? 2. Is there a degree that provides flexiblitiy in the choice? 3.What fields have the most...
  43. Y

    I would like to know where to go to find particle physics on this site

    I would like to know where to go to find particle physics on this site i am new sorry
  44. N

    What are some recommended books for particle physics?

    I am mostly interested in particle physics so if anyone can suggest some good books for it
  45. Y

    Compactified String Theories - Generic Predictions for Particle Physics

    A review paper by Bobby Samir Acharya, Gordon Kane and Piyush Kumar http://arxiv.org/pdf/1204.2795v1.pdf 12 April 2012 This is my first post here in a long time. I learned of this paper from yesterday's Lubos Motl blog. It is the most instructive string theory paper I have ever read...
  46. S

    Programs Applying to Universities for Astrophysics and Particle Physics

    I am a high school student. i am applying to universities for admission next year. I really like physics. I want to study both astrophysics and particle physics. How can i do this? And which universities offer dual degrees/majors in both these fields? I also heard of a new field astroparticle...
  47. O

    Exploring High Energy Particle Physics: Newbie Seeks Advice

    Hello everyone, I recently joined these forums out of my interest in physics. I was wondering if anybody could guide me to some informative websites dealing with High Energy Particle Physics, as I have decided to do my high school senior thesis on the topic. Any information given is greatly...
  48. S

    Programs Career after PhD: How is the situation in Particle Physics compared to Condensed Mat?

    Hi everyone, I've just finished my bachelors degree and started grad school. I'm having a really hard time deciding if I want to head into Experimental Particle Physics oder Experimental Solid State Physics for my PhD. I've had a little practical experience in both fields, and I really...
  49. S

    Physics Gender Bias in Particle Physics?

    Hello, I'm not sure if there's a post for this already, but I'm in high school and I would like to go into the physics (or mathematics) field. I am especially interested in particle physics at the moment. My mother has her masters in math, and she's told me some tales about her experiences...