What is Engineering: Definition and 996 Discussions

Engineering is the use of scientific principles to design and build machines, structures, and other items, including bridges, tunnels, roads, vehicles, and buildings. The discipline of engineering encompasses a broad range of more specialized fields of engineering, each with a more specific emphasis on particular areas of applied mathematics, applied science, and types of application. See glossary of engineering.
The term engineering is derived from the Latin ingenium, meaning "cleverness" and ingeniare, meaning "to contrive, devise".

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  1. M

    Programs Electronics engineering or material science engineering?

    Hello everyone, I'm a sophomore student and I'm a bit confused about deciding my diploma programme. I'm really interested in physics and I don't want to work on a study field which is just full of mechanical things. EE sounds cool because of it's being hard and there are only a few people who...
  2. A

    Programs Concerns about math in engineering

    First some background to explain my situation: I'm currently a high school junior in the US, and I want to pursue a career as a US Air Force officer via the Air Force Academy or, more likely, ROTC. I'll be applying for ROTC scholarships sometime next fall, and one of the criteria on the...
  3. V

    Engineering Getting an Engineering Job after a Career Gap

    I graduated with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree in 2015, and am right now in teacher's college until April of 2018. Within these two years, I plan to keep up to date with electronics projects that I can do on my own time. Ultimately, I plan to go back to Engineering right after my...
  4. Oannes

    Finding Horsepower given Pressure, Diameter, and Distance

    Homework Statement When gas is burned in a cylinder of an engine it creates a high pressure that pushes a piston. If the pressure is 100psi and it moves a 3 inch in diameter piston a distance of 5cm every .1 seconds. How much horsepower does this action produce?Homework Equations Pressure =...
  5. P

    Engineering Engineering vs B.Sc. for Quantum Mechanics & General Relativity

    I'm interested in topics like quantum mechanics and general relativity. I want to do engineering but I doubt if these theories are taught to them in detail. I have a mechanical engineering 1st year physics book and it has basics of special relativity and quantum mechanics and just 2 pages on...
  6. J

    Engineering US military career change to engineering and need advice

    I am interested in pursuing a career change to electrical engineering with the specific goal of working in the space industry. I have served 18 years in the US Army in a field that has nothing to do with engineering or any other technically oriented field. I am committed to four more years of...
  7. sukalp

    Engineering Regarding computer engineering

    I wanted to ask you when we finish high school and go to university for studying bachelor of technology in computer science are there jobs that high school students do regarding programming with companies through programming they have learn in ap courses in grade 12 that i wanted to know
  8. Oannes

    Finding Increse in Volume Given Temp, Vol Expansion....

    Homework Statement I am supposed to find the increase in volume, or more specifically how much mercury will rise inside of a thermometer, given the following values. The volume expansion is 1.8 * 10-4/C(degree Celcius). The temperature increase from 30 to 70 degrees F (already converted the...
  9. Firedog89

    Programs Software Engineering or Computer Science degree?

    I wanted to know which one was better for finding jobs and salary wise or are both pretty much the same. Computer Science or Software Engineering degree? Also would anyone recommend getting the degree online?
  10. C

    Schools University advice for mechanical engineering?

    Hello PF. I apologize if this is in the wrong forum board, I thought this post would be relevant since it has to do with MechEng. Feel free to move the thread to the correct spot if it is in the inappropriate section. Anyways, I'm in a bit of a dilemma. Basically, I have an unconditional offer...
  11. S

    Engineering Quality Engineering or NDT Technician

    I'm in a dilemma right now. I've a mechanical engineering degree, and I wanted to supplement it with something before I join the work force, so I applied to two programs, Quality engineering post grad diploma, and a Non-Destructive testing technician diploma. Which one do you think has better...
  12. Z

    Programs Best minor for a Mechanical Engineering student?

    At the university I'm planning on transferring to in a year I pretty much have to take a bunch of technical electives which can come from any STEM department. For example, I could take a bunch of theoretical physics classes that will count towards my degree or I can take more ME classes that...
  13. D

    Engineering Recommended textbooks based on provided topics (supplementary undergrad texts)

    well hello everyone! I have just started my college and i have in mind to find books that are beneficial to certain subject I am studying and i asking for your help. I'm not an English native so I am going to help you help me by providing a subject description so you can tell me your...
  14. ramzerimar

    Books on structures of rockets and spacecraft?

    I've been looking after some good books dealing with structural engineering of rockets and spacecraft s in general. I know that Rocket Propulsion Elements is a good book on rocket science, but I'm looking not only for propulsion but more specifically for structural design (loads, stress...)...
  15. A

    Programs Picking an engineering program with a Physics bachelor's degree

    Up until this past summer, I thought I was going to go to Physics grad school following my undergraduate study. I worked at an REU program at UC Davis this summer, and decided that physics was not the route for me. Now I am trying to decide to which engineering discipline I should apply. I have...
  16. ramzerimar

    Aerospace transferable skills?

    I would like to know what are some transferable skills a mechanical engineer working in the aerospace industry for some years could bring to other engineering areas (like renewable energies, oil and gas, structures, manufacture...). Preferably, areas of expertise in the field of fluid...
  17. MRrelativity

    Engineering How well is the nuclear engineering job market doing?

    Hello, my name is Samuel. I am a sophomore at Missouri S&T, I just switched my major from physics to Nuclear engineering. I am looking to get my degree in nuclear engineering and then work in the industry for a little bit before going to grad school and working on reactor design. I'm sorry if...
  18. Z

    I How do you find Z when the temperature line ends on the compressibility chart?

    How do you find a value for Z using the compressibility chart when the temperature line you're trying to use ends? For example, if you look at the compressibility chart and try to find a value for z with P_r = .75 and T_r = .96, you will notice that the line for T_r = .95 ends well before the...
  19. AnthoPhysx

    Engineering Which career can I get the most out of science?

    Long story short... I have been in community college for quite a while now and I just recently switched my major to Electrical Engineering from Business Administration. I personally just found that career path so boring and so I started hanging out with the science nerds at my community college...
  20. Z

    Why isn't the temperature of this vapor T_sat?

    A rigid tank with a volume of 2.00m3 contains 5.77 kg of saturated liquid-vapor mixture of water at 75 deg C. Now the water is slowly heated. Determine the temperature at which the liquid in the tank is completely vaporized. Why isn't the temperature just 75C? If it is already a mixture in...
  21. S

    Other Studying Computer Engineering but need some guidance

    Hello everyone! New member here :p So first of all, I'm studying Computer Engineering and I'm in my 4th semester currently. So, in this semester I'm having some new classes like Java programming, taking another class called Applied Electronics and Numerical Methods. So, first of all I'm really...
  22. M

    Engineering Biomedical Engineering vs. Bioinformatics

    Which of these fields would allow one to make a bigger impact on treatment of mental illnesses? What about neurological disorders? And if you could also explain why that would be great, Thanks!
  23. A Furious Potato

    Biomedical Engineering: power (W) needed to warm blood

    Homework Statement Fast-flow blood warmers (pictured below) can be used to heat blood products (carefully and uniformly) when rapid, high-volume transfusions are necessary, in order to prevent hypothermia in the patient. The blood product density and specific heat can be assumed to be 1.12...
  24. Gjmdp

    Studying Is it worth studying Aerospace engineering for Astronomy?

    I want to be an astrophysicist. Physics and Astronomy are my passions, my love. But, I also love Aerospace engineering, and there's no way I can just have this passion as a mere hobby. So, do you think that studying a Master on Aerospace engineering will be worth for being an Astrophysicist...
  25. Ivan Ramos

    Engineering Important career advice needed

    hello, I am currently a sophomore pursuing a bachelor's in chemical engineering at Auburn University, Alabama. While chemical engineering is a great career, I just do not think that it is for me and I feel like I will enjoy Aerospace engineering a lot more (i really, really like physics and am...
  26. Z

    Why can we assume the temperature of a fluid is T_sat?

    For example, in this question.. A 11 L rigid container contains 10-kg of R134a at 100kPa. Determine the temperature and total enthalpy in the container. Why can we just assume that the temperature we're looking for is T_sat, how do we know this isn't a compressed liquid? How do we know it...
  27. M

    Engineering Hardware vs. Software in biomedical engineering?

    For someone with a bachelors in computer engineering, looking to go to grad school for biomedical engineering, which would be more useful, their knowledge of software, or their knowledge of hardware?
  28. Alissa95

    What to do after MSci Physics? Physics/aerospace/etc....?

    Please excuse any rambling, I’m going to try and make this as concise as possible. My background: I’m currently about to enter my 4th (final) year of an integrated masters in ‘Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology’ – all that means is that all the particle and cosmology modules were...
  29. Z

    Programs What type of engineering uses a lot of thermo?

    I'm taking mechanical engineering thermodynamics right now and it's awesome. We just got into enthalpy and stuff like that and it's so interesting. It has me thinking that maybe I want to do something that has a lot of thermo or subjects that are similar.
  30. ramzerimar

    I What's the feasibility of space mining companies?

    Recently, I've been reading about those space mining companies (like Deep Space Mining and Planetary Resources), and from an amateur point of view, I thought that the overall idea was pretty interesting. I mean, the concept is that they would be mining resources that could be useful in space...
  31. M

    Engineering Do I need a Ph.d to start a Biomedical engineering business?

    I am very ambitious and want to start a business one day that will invent new technologies that will change the healthcare industry. Will I need a Ph.D for this? or will a Masters be enough? I'm pretty sure inventing these new technologies will require someone doing research, which is why I'm...
  32. gerardofingurbe

    Going from Electronics Engineering to Theoretical Physics?

    Due to the current situation in Venezuela , i decided on studying Two carreers in two different universities a public one and a private one (In Venezuela public universities are best , But they're usually on strike so they delay your studies often and a lot) , What i really love is physics ...
  33. deon0783

    Civil Engineering - Bar Question

    Hey everyone, I'm at my limits here trying to solve a question, I can't seem to figure out how the lecturer gets the solution to the following problem... Can someone please direct me the correct methodology or better yet give me some guidance on what to do? Thank you. The Questions and...
  34. T

    Can genetic engineering alter an existing phenotype?

    If existing technology can not, will it ever be possible?
  35. kuan9611

    Engineering Engineering Enrollment Statistics - Thoughts?

    Hi all! I'm an undergrad sophomore in engineering trying to decide on which major to pursue (namely civil/mechanical). Recently I came across this fascinating piece of publication, which contained a massive amount of data regarding engineering enrollments by major, demographic, and school...
  36. VNN

    Programs Physics or Engineering comparison?

    I love physics/maths/ETC.. I'M considering physics and doing relevant preparation(Only in y11(15 years old))... Just wondering if there are any benefits to engineering in comparison? This include all aspects like satisfaction/pay/Amount of science involved/ETC...? Thanks
  37. M

    Masters options for electrical engineering?

    I graduated with a B.E.E. last year, took some time off now i am planning to pursue a masters degree in engineering. i did graduate with a decent grade but i did not enjoy studying electrical engineering at all. my aptitude is more towards management and arts. are there any masters options in...
  38. N

    Programs Can i get a masters of engineering with a physics degree?

    i have been studying physics since last year... and i considered that i would like to combine engineering ...and especially ,electrical engineering(robotics ) ... i don't have the opportunity to change school right now so i considered if i can combine them at the future with a master...
  39. D

    Engineering Can you do advanced engineering without an advanced degree?

    Hi, I'm a student and I'm trying to decide what particular field I should study and how much time I should spend in school. I'm interested in engineering and would like to do advanced engineering that would be intellectually challenging and use advanced math and physics. However, I would...
  40. M

    Engineering Is Engineering as monotonous and "boring" as suggested?

    Greetings, users of this forum. I am long time browser and new-member on this website, as such please accept my apologies for any of the likely mistakes i have made in not following protocol in posting this thread and the shortcomings and ignorance i currently possesses due to my lack of...
  41. I

    Engineering Energy systems engineering + business

    so I ill be going into my first year of energy systems engineering but I would really love to develop my own business surrounding things like biofuels and wind farming , i was just wondering what prospects are their to develop a business or if there are any sort of ideas around that field.
  42. C

    Subsea Engineering Question - air required to lift load

    Hi, I am working on a product design which would be used sub sea. It is designed to lift a small load off the sea bed. I have not worked out the exact details yet but the following should be a good start: Load 30Kg Depth 30m I plan on using an air bag of some description - the bag needs to...
  43. N

    Engineering Mechanical Engineering or Computer Engineering?

    im a senior high school student from India have about 3 days in hand having difficulty in deciding between the two careers. I am planning to peruse undergraduate in USA but in a big confusion Can someone put a clear image about these two branches of engineering as i am unclear about their job...
  44. Graham1874

    Mechanical-Structural Engineering: Forces/Moments on Complex Beam

    Homework Statement To give a bit of context, I am doing my final year university project on micro-mechanical interactions between an AFM probe and a sample surface. I do not have notes for a system this complicated, as we always considered our systems to be rigid bodies. I was always...
  45. S

    Engineering Students Academic Discussion

    Hi guys, I am doing a quick survey here. I am not sure this is appropriate in this section but here it is. If your are an engineering students, could you guys please comment on: 1) Who do you ask when you stuck on study-related questions (eg. lecture note, tutorial, assignment questions...
  46. vinicius0197

    Engineering Which mechanical engineering jobs are the most stable?

    From what I understand, there are some industries in Mechanical Engineering that are typically boom/bust (like oil and gas and aerospace). I wonder which ones are the most stable? I think HVAC is a possibility, but I don't know if it's the kind of thing that I would like to work on for my entire...
  47. M

    Is a Career in Nuclear Engineering Promising for an Arab/Jordanian Student?

    Hi, what are the most important courses i am going to take ? like the bases of a nuclear engineering. Are they radiation/ nuclear theory and thermal hydraulics ?
  48. risp

    Engineering Suggest to me which engineering major should I go for

    I am currently in a high school IB student with Physics, Chemistry and Maths as HL. I want to take up a career in nuclear engineering but not as a researcher instead I want to solve real life problems and work in a power plant or a shipyard which makes nuclear-powered submarines and ships. I...
  49. E

    Engineering MBA + Engineering: Job Prospects & Benefits

    Hello all, Is it beneficial to get MBA beside an engineering degree in terms of enhancing my chances in getting a job? Thanks
  50. M

    Schools Which university in Canada is best for mining engineering?

    Hi. I am wondering which university in Canada is best for mining engineering. Waiting for your replies!