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denverdoc said:Now this has got to be one of the nuttier, conspiracy theories I have ever come across--that science is a mere puppet for those who have some desire to overthrow the existing world order and are paying for the "right" results. Why not apply Occam's razor to this situation and conclude the opposite--that those most vested in disparaging such opinions already rule the earth, and care not one whit for its longterm future ifs it at odds with their shortterm economic interests.
That seems more probable by several orders of magnitude to me at least than some notion that the dudes in economic power know the truth and act thru some sense of noblesse oblige to preserve our future, and its all a conspiracy to upset the applecart. Or that even the goals of those in power and the common man vaguely intersect. If so why the ruination visited on many developing countries via the world bank or IMF. Its wholesale pillage and looting I say. Viva Chavez!
No occam razor here, just the perversion of science. Let me repeat my reaction to the SPM:
The innate objective of about everybody is to survive, avoid danger, have offspring and ensures its future. An average citizen is certain to react to dangers for the future both for avoiding own danger and that for his offspring. Therefore, they are likely to listen and obey those who have identified a future threat and who appear to know how to fight it.
H.L. Mencken identified that effect of that listen-and-obey-to-fight-the-threat mechanism: “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule it”. Not only the environmentalist want global warming to be true, but also the intelligent citizen, knowing that the fossil fuels will deplete and have a grave crisis potential if not timely countered by going nuclear or renewable. The climatologists want it to be true and secure more research funding. The governments want it to be true because it’s a great way to rule, having an obedient population and impose taxes to fight the horrible enemy. The media want it to be true because the story sells excellently.And thus the positive scaremongering feedback loop continues to spiral up. So it is very good for humanity if anthropogenic global warming was to be true, but it isn’t.
The new SPM is characterized by fallacies, abandoning the scientific method, selective empiric evidence, ignoring all the scientific research with are more balanced approach until the outright refuting studies of an anthropogenic cause. Lot’s of evidence for warming until 1998, but none for its cause. Also, now that the Pleistocene ice ages, once the cause of the global warming fever, no longer support CO2 greenhouse gas effect neither as cause nor as positive feedback, it’s completely ignored. Few will realize that this is actually effectively falsifying the anthropogenic hypothesis. But there is no place for good news.
We need not to reduce emissions for saving the climate, we must think however how to transit to a fossil fuel-less future, but these are two completely different things and a false use of the first to ensure the second will rebound. People don't buy to be misled when they suffer from the highly backfiring measures against global warming during the next little ice age caused by the Landscheidt solar minimum around 2030.
That is, for instance, if those solar deflectors are launched to obscure the sun, while nature had just decided to start the next little ice age.
Now if all those warmers are really so concerned to save the world, why don't we seem them in Africa, helping to irrigate the soils or establishing wild parks proctecting the habitat of the endangered species. What good could have been done with those 29 billion when it was not used to recrute several battaillions of jay saying computergamers known as modelers to reach that overwhelming consensus that it's getting warm in the cyberworld.
Oh, and here is Moncktons reaction:
Moreover there is some confusion around We're all still trying to find those lucky collegues who had that letter from Exxon. Nobody seems to know. It's not fair.
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