How to determine the total energy in the universe

In summary, the total energy of matter in the universe can be estimated using the Lambda-CDM model and observational parameters from the Hubble Space Telescope and WMAP. The observable universe has a mass-energy equivalence of approximately 1.048 x 10^55 kg, with only a fraction of this existing in the form of matter. The total matter mass in the universe is estimated to be 2.867 x 10^54 kg, and the total energy is calculated to be 9.419 x 10^71 joules.
  • #1
How to determine the total energy of matter in the universe

Hi all,

while looking at a table of order of magnitudes of energies in nature, I just realize that I really don't know how to determine the total energy contained in the universe (near 10 to the 69).

Can someone get this number with a simple argument?

Thanks a lot,

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Astronomy news on
  • #2
It's not known. Many physicist believe (Feynman was one of them) that the total energy content of the universe is exactly zero, with the positive energy of the matter in the universe being exactly canceled by the negative energy of the gravitational field.
  • #3

phyzguy said:
It's not known. Many physicist believe (Feynman was one of them) that the total energy content of the universe is exactly zero, with the positive energy of the matter in the universe being exactly canceled by the negative energy of the gravitational field.

Ok. That was not the answer I was looking for but it's interesting.

So, how could we determine the positive energy of matter, for instance?



[edit] Enhanced title...
  • #4
Well, we don't know the extent of the universe, or even whether it is finite or infinite. You could calculate the energy content of the matter in the observable universe by adding up all of the mass and multiplying by c^2. The observable universe has been estimated ( to contain about 10^80 baryons, so, since a proton has an energy content of about 2 GeV, you could estimate a baryon energy content of ~10^89 eV. Then there is the dark matter...
  • #5
The total energy in the universe is a vague concept that might not have a well-defined answer. So let's simplify your question to "what is the total rest energy of all the matter in the observable universe?". This is easier to answer now.

Some assumptions (ask if you need elaboration on any of them): The universe is at the critical density, and matter makes up 25% of the universe. The Hubble constant today is 72km/s/Mpc. The observable universe is 46 billion light years in radius.

We can then get the total energy, as we've defined it, as
[tex] E = \frac{1}{4}\rho\,c^2\,V[/tex]
[tex] E = \frac{1}{4}\frac{3H_0^2c^2}{8\pi\,G}\frac{4\pi}{3}R^3[/tex]

If we put in the numbers, we get about 10^71 joules.
  • #6
nicksauce said:
The total energy in the universe is a vague concept that might not have a well-defined answer. So let's simplify your question to "what is the total rest energy of all the matter in the observable universe?". This is easier to answer now.

Some assumptions (ask if you need elaboration on any of them): The universe is at the critical density, and matter makes up 25% of the universe. The Hubble constant today is 72km/s/Mpc. The observable universe is 46 billion light years in radius.

We can then get the total energy, as we've defined it, as
[tex] E = \frac{1}{4}\rho\,c^2\,V[/tex]
[tex] E = \frac{1}{4}\frac{3H_0^2c^2}{8\pi\,G}\frac{4\pi}{3}R^3[/tex]

If we put in the numbers, we get about 10^71 joules.

Thanks for your answer. Could you explain a little were the first equation come from and how you go to the second?



[edit] OK. I get the first one, I didnt saw its evidence on first look. And for the second one, you used [tex]H_\text{crit} =30\sqrt (\rho (m_p/m^3))[/tex]?
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  • #7
Energy = (1/4 of energy is matter) * energy density * volume

I used 1/4 of energy is matter because the universe is thought to be roughly 75% dark energy, and 25% matter, where the 25% matter can be further decomposed into dark matter and dark energy.

Then I used that
[tex]\rho_{crit} = \frac{3H_0^2}{8\pi\,G}[/tex]
  • #8
I think nicksauce meant the 25% of matter can be further classified by two groups, dark matter and Intergalactic Dust/Stars, just a clarification.
  • #9
Agreed, dark energy is part of the 'missing' ~75% energy component. This makes perfect sense for reasons involving a lot of weird math.
  • #10
Kevin_Axion said:
I think nicksauce meant the 25% of matter can be further classified by two groups, dark matter and Intergalactic Dust/Stars, just a clarification.

Errr yes. Of course.
  • #11
Total amount of energy in the Universe...

Tipi said:
while looking at a table of order of magnitudes of energies in nature, I just realize that I really don't know how to determine the total energy contained in the universe (near 10 to the 69).

Can someone get this number with a simple argument?


These are my equations for the total Universe_mass-energy equivalence based upon the Lambda-CDM model parameters and the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and WMAP observational parameters and the Hubble radius in Systeme International units.

[tex]H_0 = 2.3298 \cdot 10^{- 18} \; \text{s}^{- 1}[/tex] - Hubble parameter (WMAP)
[tex]\Omega_s = 0.005[/tex] - Lambda-CDM stellar Baryon density parameter
[tex]dN_s = 10^{22}[/tex] - Hubble Space Telescope observable stellar number
[tex]dV_s = 3.3871 \cdot 10^{78} \; \text{m}^3 \; \; \; (4 \cdot 10^{30} \; \text{ly}^3)[/tex] - Hubble Space Telescope observable stellar volume
[tex]M_{\odot} = 1.9891 \cdot 10^{30} \; \text{kg}[/tex] - solar mass

Hubble Space Telescope observable stellar density:
[tex]\rho_s = M_{\odot} \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right)[/tex]

Hubble radius:
[tex]R_0 = \frac{c}{H_0}[/tex]

Hubble sphere volume:
[tex]V_0 = \frac{4 \pi R_0^3}{3} = \frac{4 \pi}{3} \left( \frac{c}{H_0} \right)^3[/tex]

Observable Universe_mass-energy equivalence total mass integration by substitution:
[tex]M_t = \frac{\rho_s V_0}{\Omega_s} = \frac{4 \pi M_{\odot}}{3 \Omega_s} \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right) \left( \frac{c}{H_0} \right)^3 = 1.048 \cdot 10^{55} \; \text{kg}[/tex]

Observable Universe_mass-energy equivalence total mass
[tex]\boxed{M_t = \frac{4 \pi M_{\odot}}{3 \Omega_s} \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right) \left( \frac{c}{H_0} \right)^3}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{M_t = 1.048 \cdot 10^{55} \; \text{kg}}[/tex]

However, only a fraction of this total mass exists in the form of mass in the Universe, which is composed of 22.8% cold dark matter and 4.56% ordinary baryonic matter.

[tex]\Omega_m = \Omega_{c} + \Omega_b = 0.2736[/tex] - Lambda-CDM total matter density

Universe total matter mass integration by substitution:
[tex]M_u = \Omega_m M_t = \frac{4 \pi M_{\odot}}{3} \left( \frac{\Omega_m}{\Omega_s} \right) \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right) \left( \frac{c}{H_0} \right)^3 = 2.867 \cdot 10^{54} \; \text{kg}[/tex]

Universe total matter mass:
[tex]\boxed{M_u = \frac{4 \pi M_{\odot}}{3} \left( \frac{\Omega_m}{\Omega_s} \right) \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right) \left( \frac{c}{H_0} \right)^3}[/tex]

Universe total matter mass:
[tex]\boxed{M_u = 2.867 \cdot 10^{54} \; \text{kg}}[/tex]

Universe_mass-energy equivalence integration by substitution:
[tex]E_t = M_t c^2 = \left[ \frac{4 \pi M_{\odot}}{3 \Omega_s} \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right) \left( \frac{c}{H_0} \right)^3 \right] c^2 = \frac{4 \pi c^5 M_{\odot}}{3 \Omega_s H_0^3} \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right) = 9.419 \cdot 10^{71} \; \text{j}[/tex]

Universe_mass-energy equivalence total energy:
[tex]\boxed{E_t = \frac{4 \pi c^5 M_{\odot}}{3 \Omega_s H_0^3} \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right)}[/tex]

Total amount of energy in the Universe:
[tex]\boxed{E_t = 9.419 \cdot 10^{71} \; \text{j}}[/tex]

However, only a fraction of this total energy exists in the form of energy in the Universe, which is composed of dark energy at 72.6%.

[tex]\Omega_{\Lambda} = 0.726[/tex] - Lambda-CDM dark energy density

Total amount of dark energy in the Universe integration by substitution::
[tex]E_{\Lambda} = \Omega_{\Lambda} E_t = \frac{4 \pi c^5 M_{\odot}}{3 H_0^3} \left( \frac{\Omega_{\Lambda}}{\Omega_s} \right) \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right) = 6.838 \cdot 10^{71} \; \text{j}[/tex]

Universe dark energy total energy:
[tex]\boxed{E_{\Lambda} = \frac{4 \pi c^5 M_{\odot}}{3 H_0^3} \left( \frac{\Omega_{\Lambda}}{\Omega_s} \right) \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right)}[/tex]

Total amount of dark energy in the Universe:
[tex]\boxed{E_{\Lambda} = 6.838 \cdot 10^{71} \; \text{j}}[/tex]

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  • #12
Excellent, response.
  • #13
Total amount of energy in the Universe...


The distribution of galaxies beyond the Milky Way.

Hubble radius:
[tex]R_0 = \frac{c}{H_0}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{R_0 = 1.286 \cdot 10^{26} \; \text{m}}[/tex]

However, the present observable Universe radius exceeds the Hubble radius due to cosmic inflation:
[tex]\boxed{R_u \geq R_0}[/tex]

[tex]R_u = 3.419 \cdot R_0 = \frac{3.419 c}{H_0} = 4.399 \cdot 10^{26} \; \text{m} \; \; \; (46.5 \cdot 10^9 \; \text{ly})[/tex]

Universe observable radius:
[tex]\boxed{R_u = 4.399 \cdot 10^{26} \; \text{m}}[/tex]

Hubble critical density:
[tex]\rho_c = \frac{3 H_0^2}{8 \pi G}[/tex]

Universe sphere volume:
[tex]V_u = \frac{4 \pi R_u^3}{3}[/tex]

For the post #5 equation for the Universe total energy integration by substitution:
[tex]E_t = \rho_c c^2 V_u = \frac{4 \pi c^2}{3} \left( \frac{3 H_0^2}{8 \pi G} \right) R_u^3 = \frac{H_0^2 c^2 R_u^3}{2 G} = 3.112 \cdot 10^{71} \; \text{j}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{E_t = \frac{H_0^2 c^2 R_u^3}{2 G}}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{E_t = 3.112 \cdot 10^{71} \; \text{j}}[/tex]

These are my equations for the total Universe_mass-energy equivalence based upon the Lambda-CDM model parameters and the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and WMAP observational parameters and the observable Universe radius in Systeme International units.

[tex]R_u = 4.399 \cdot 10^{26} \; \text{m}[/tex] - observable Universe radius
[tex]H_0 = 2.3298 \cdot 10^{- 18} \; \text{s}^{- 1}[/tex] - Hubble parameter (WMAP)
[tex]\Omega_s = 0.005[/tex] - Lambda-CDM stellar Baryon density parameter
[tex]dN_s = 10^{22}[/tex] - Hubble Space Telescope observable stellar number
[tex]dV_s = 3.3871 \cdot 10^{78} \; \text{m}^3 \; \; \; (4 \cdot 10^{30} \; \text{ly}^3)[/tex] - Hubble Space Telescope observable stellar volume
[tex]M_{\odot} = 1.9891 \cdot 10^{30} \; \text{kg}[/tex] - solar mass

Hubble Space Telescope observable stellar density:
[tex]\rho_s = M_{\odot} \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right)[/tex]

Universe observable radius:
[tex]\boxed{R_u = 4.399 \cdot 10^{26} \; \text{m}}[/tex]

Universe sphere volume:
[tex]V_u = \frac{4 \pi R_u^3}{3}[/tex]

Observable Universe_mass-energy equivalence total mass integration by substitution:
[tex]M_t = \frac{\rho_s V_u}{\Omega_s} = \frac{4 \pi M_{\odot}}{3 \Omega_s} \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right) R_u^3 = 4.188 \cdot 10^{56} \; \text{kg}[/tex]

Observable Universe_mass-energy equivalence total mass
[tex]\boxed{M_t = \frac{4 \pi M_{\odot}}{3 \Omega_s} \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right) R_u^3}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{M_t = 4.188 \cdot 10^{56} \; \text{kg}}[/tex]

However, only a fraction of this total mass exists in the form of mass in the Universe, which is composed of 22.8% cold dark matter and 4.56% ordinary baryonic matter.

[tex]\Omega_m = \Omega_{c} + \Omega_b = 0.2736[/tex] - Lambda-CDM total matter density

Universe total matter mass integration by substitution:
[tex]M_u = \Omega_m M_t = \frac{4 \pi M_{\odot}}{3} \left( \frac{\Omega_m}{\Omega_s} \right) \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right) R_u^3 = 1.146 \cdot 10^{56} \; \text{kg}[/tex]

Universe total matter mass:
[tex]\boxed{M_u = \frac{4 \pi M_{\odot}}{3} \left( \frac{\Omega_m}{\Omega_s} \right) \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right) R_u^3}[/tex]

Universe total matter mass:
[tex]\boxed{M_u = 1.146 \cdot 10^{56} \; \text{kg}}[/tex]

Universe_mass-energy equivalence integration by substitution:
[tex]E_t = M_t c^2 = \left[ \frac{4 \pi M_{\odot}}{3 \Omega_s} \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right) R_u^3 \right] c^2 = \frac{4 \pi c^2 M_{\odot}}{3 \Omega_s} \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right) R_u^3 = 3.764 \cdot 10^{73} \; \text{j}[/tex]

Universe_mass-energy equivalence total energy:
[tex]\boxed{E_t = \frac{4 \pi c^2 M_{\odot}}{3 \Omega_s} \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right) R_u^3}[/tex]

Total amount of energy in the Universe:
[tex]\boxed{E_t = 3.764 \cdot 10^{73} \; \text{j}}[/tex]

However, only a fraction of this total energy exists in the form of energy in the Universe, which is composed of dark energy at 72.6%.

[tex]\Omega_{\Lambda} = 0.726[/tex] - Lambda-CDM dark energy density

Total amount of dark energy in the Universe integration by substitution::
[tex]E_{\Lambda} = \Omega_{\Lambda} E_t = \frac{4 \pi c^2 M_{\odot}}{3} \left( \frac{\Omega_{\Lambda}}{\Omega_s} \right) \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right) R_u^3 = 2.733 \cdot 10^{73} \; \text{j}[/tex]

Universe dark energy total energy:
[tex]\boxed{E_{\Lambda} = \frac{4 \pi c^2 M_{\odot}}{3} \left( \frac{\Omega_{\Lambda}}{\Omega_s} \right) \left( \frac{dN_s}{dV_s} \right) R_u^3}[/tex]

Total amount of dark energy in the Universe:
[tex]\boxed{E_{\Lambda} = 2.733 \cdot 10^{73} \; \text{j}}[/tex]

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Related to How to determine the total energy in the universe

1. What is total energy in the universe?

Total energy in the universe refers to the sum of all forms of energy, including matter, radiation, and dark energy. It is a measure of the total amount of energy that exists in the universe at any given time.

2. How is total energy in the universe determined?

Total energy in the universe is determined through various scientific observations and calculations. This includes measuring the energy of matter and radiation, as well as studying the effects of dark energy on the expansion of the universe.

3. Is total energy in the universe constant?

According to the law of conservation of energy, the total energy in the universe is constant. This means that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be converted from one form to another.

4. What is the role of dark energy in determining total energy in the universe?

Dark energy is a mysterious force that is thought to make up about 70% of the total energy in the universe. It is believed to be responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe and plays a significant role in determining the total energy.

5. Can we accurately determine the total energy in the universe?

While scientists have made significant progress in understanding and measuring the total energy in the universe, it is still an ongoing area of research. With advancements in technology and further observations, we can continue to improve our understanding of the total energy in the universe.

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