Sarah Palin: Will She Run for President in 2012?

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  • Thread starter Dembadon
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In summary, Sarah Palin is considering running for President in 2012. She's been doing well recently, but I wasn't very impressed with what I saw from her in '08. She may have a chance, depending on whether the Tea Party endorses her. Willow Palin is also considering running, but it's unclear whether she will delete her facebook page. Levi Johnston is running for mayor of Wasilla, but it's unclear whether he will win.
  • #36
Gokul43201 said:
Some differences:
(i) Diane Rehm very often (almost always?) has a conservative guest whenever she has a liberal guest, and
(ii) she doesn't yell at or insult any of her guests (though I, like you, often do, while listening), no matter how poorly thought-out their opinions may be.

Personally, I think I'd take Diane Rehm over someone that agrees exactly with my positions, but chooses to be an incorrigible jackass on air.

Ugh! This is going off-topic. I'll stop with that.

One thing on Limbaugh, remember that his show is not for just hard information, it is what is called "Infotainment," so the yelling and such at guests is just part of it.
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  • #37
Palin 2012? What a scary thought.

I personally can't wait for the Amendments of the Constitution to be replaced with such gems as Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and for my children to be taught that dinosaurs are only 6,000 years old. If you want my overall opinion on what I think of this grade A moron, see what Bill Maher has to say about her.

Why is this woman running for President of the United States? It makes no logical sense whatsoever. Her husband was/is an Alaskan secessionist, for crying out loud.
  • #38
I don't understand how someone that resigned as a Governor is even considered a potential presidential candidate.
  • #39
Loremaster said:
Palin 2012? What a scary thought.

I personally can't wait for the Amendments of the Constitution to be replaced with such gems as Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and for my children to be taught that dinosaurs are only 6,000 years old. If you want my overall opinion on what I think of this grade A moron, see what Bill Maher has to say about her.

Why is this woman running for President of the United States? It makes no logical sense whatsoever. Her husband was/is an Alaskan secessionist, for crying out loud.

Hello "Loremaster" welcome to PF. Please support your comments. For instance, a link for a direct quote from Sarah Palin (?) or even the statement from Bill Maher that you referenced?
  • #40
_Tully said:
I don't understand how someone that resigned as a Governor is even considered a potential presidential candidate.

How did you feel about a fresman Senator running for President in the second year of his term?
  • #41
WhoWee said:
Hello "Loremaster" welcome to PF. Please support your comments. For instance, a link for a direct quote from Sarah Palin (?) or even the statement from Bill Maher that you referenced?
He didn't quote Palin. Also, personal opinions don't require support.

A link to the Bill Maher part would be good since we don't know what that is.
  • #42
WhoWee said:
How did you feel about a fresman Senator running for President in the second year of his term?
Did he quit politics to sign a book deal, get a tv commentary deal, and a reality tv series before running?
  • #43
Evo said:
Did he quit politics to sign a book deal, get a tv commentary deal, and a reality tv series before running?

No, but he also didn't commit 100% of his efforts to representing the people that elected him in Illinois.
  • #44
WhoWee said:
How did you feel about a fresman Senator running for President in the second year of his term?

Failing at something you have committed to is more telling than committing to something and succeeding, even if I don't agree with it. I don't support either of the people in question, but the former is just extra-special-nutty to me.
  • #45
Evo said:
He didn't quote Palin. Also, personal opinions don't require support.

A link to the Bill Maher part would be good since we don't know what that is.

He posted "Palin 2012? What a scary thought.

I personally can't wait for the Amendments of the Constitution to be replaced with such gems as Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and for my children to be taught that dinosaurs are only 6,000 years old."

It appeared to me that he was suggesting that Palin would support these things - I requested a link to support. I don't see an opinion label in this statement.

He/she needs to read the rules - IMO.
  • #46
WhoWee said:
He posted "Palin 2012? What a scary thought.

I personally can't wait for the Amendments of the Constitution to be replaced with such gems as Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and for my children to be taught that dinosaurs are only 6,000 years old."

It appeared to me that he was suggesting that Palin would support these things - I requested a link to support. I don't see an opinion label in this statement.

He/she needs to read the rules - IMO.

It sounds harmless, 'Just let them discuss it if they want to, no harm.' That is how these things start though.
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  • #47
_Tully said:

It sounds harmless, 'Just let them discuss it if they want to, no harm.' That is how these things start though.

Your post does not specifically support the original comment.
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  • #48
WhoWee said:
Your post does not specifically support the original comment.

Well of course not, the original comment was a frustrated exaggeration, I imagine?
  • #49
WhoWee said:
He posted "Palin 2012? What a scary thought.

I personally can't wait for the Amendments of the Constitution to be replaced with such gems as Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and for my children to be taught that dinosaurs are only 6,000 years old."

It appeared to me that he was suggesting that Palin would support these things - I requested a link to support. I don't see an opinion label in this statement.

He/she needs to read the rules - IMO.
You seem to be reading something that's not there. He says "personally".
  • #50
Evo said:
You seem to be reading something that's not there. He says "personally".

Ok, I guess we are all in agreement that Palin didn't make these statements - it was just the personal opinion of the new PF member.
  • #51
WhoWee said:
Ok, I guess we are all in agreement that Palin didn't make these statements - it was just the personal opinion of the new PF member.
Yes, and not making those "exact" statements doesn't mean there isn't something wrong with Palin's views on religion through politics, IMO.
  • #52
If she had made those exact arguments, there would be nothing to fear because almost no one would take that seriously, or promote it to any sort of success (thus being useless not only in converting people to 'her' ideas, but also as a tool for those who hold those ideals).

On the other hand this 'soft' and 'unbiased' view should be taken as religious espionage, with all of it's poison (maybe kool-aid is a more apt analogy, heh) seeping it's way into our (public) schools.
  • #53
In the 2006 governor's race, Palin said that creationism should be taught alongside evolution in public schools. Due perhaps to the cautious nature of espousing such nonsense in public, she couched her statement in terms of fairness and open-mindedness, so we don't know if she was a young-Earther back then (6000 years ago, men and dinosaurs roamed the Earth) or if she just rejects the Darwinist theory of common ancestry. Frankly, I doubt that she's educated enough to be able to tell the difference.

The thought that somebody would urge the Alaskan air-head to run for President is a sign of their incompetence as much as of hers. I want a President who can think critically, is aware of issues, and knows how and from whom to get guidance when an issue is too complex or when (s)he lacks the background to come up to speed quickly enough to make decisions. We are all affected by the actions of our President, and frankly, I want the best, most competent individual we can agree on in that position. When McCain chose Palin, he lost my support immediately, and that of many Independents, I believe. McCain blew it - he could be President today had he chosen an old-style conservative as running-mate. When you're old and have had many bouts with cancer, people start looking at your VP pick pretty closely.
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  • #54
_Tully said:
If she had made those exact arguments, there would be nothing to fear because almost no one would take that seriously, or promote it to any sort of success (thus being useless not only in converting people to 'her' ideas, but also as a tool for those who hold those ideals).

On the other hand this 'soft' and 'unbiased' view should be taken as religious espionage, with all of it's poison (maybe kool-aid is a more apt analogy, heh) seeping it's way into our (public) schools.

Can you elaborate - may offer a little support as well?
  • #55
turbo-1 said:
In the 2006 governor's race, Palin said that creationism should be taught alongside evolution in public schools. Due perhaps to the cautious nature of espousing such nonsense in public, she couched her statement in terms of fairness and open-mindedness, so we don't know if she was a young-Earther back then (6000 years ago, men and dinosaurs roamed the Earth) or if she just rejects the Darwinist theory of common ancestry. Frankly, I doubt that she's educated enough to be able to tell the difference.

You are correct, we don't know - this entire conversation is based on supposition - as so far nobody has found a link where she's talking about donosaurs 6,000 years ago.
  • #56
WhoWee said:
Can you elaborate - may offer a little support as well?

Not really, it's just an opinion. I am extremely biased on this one.
  • #57
_Tully said:
Not really, it's just an opinion. I am extremely biased on this one.

You might also want to read the rules.
  • #58
WhoWee said:
You might also want to read the rules.

I think it was clear my post was an opinion and not a fact, and my last post ("it's just an opinion") should have cleared that up, if it was foggy, hah.
  • #60
_Tully said:
Not really, it's just an opinion. I am extremely biased on this one.

WhoWee said:
You might also want to read the rules.
What, this rule?
4) When stating an opinion on an issue, make sure it is clearly stated to be an opinion and not asserted as fact.
So using "IMO", "I personally believe", "in my opinion", etc... are all fine.

Only opinions stated as fact require backup. This would be "Palin said she went to the moon". It would not be "I personally believe that Palin said she went to the moon" The first sentence is stating a fact, the second is stating an opinion.
  • #61
Evo said:
What, this rule? So using "IMO", "I personally believe", "in my opinion", etc... are all fine.

Only opinions stated as fact require backup. This would be "Palin said she went to the moon". It would not be "I personally believe that Palin said she went to the moon" The first sentence is stating a fact, the second is stating an opinion.

I don't see any of those specified in his post?

"If she had made those exact arguments, there would be nothing to fear because almost no one would take that seriously, or promote it to any sort of success (thus being useless not only in converting people to 'her' ideas, but also as a tool for those who hold those ideals).

On the other hand this 'soft' and 'unbiased' view should be taken as religious espionage, with all of it's poison (maybe kool-aid is a more apt analogy, heh) seeping it's way into our (public) schools."
  • #62
You seriously thought I was presenting those opinions as fact? C'mon, I find that hard to believe. I will state all my opinions as being such beforehand from now on though.
  • #63
WhoWee said:
I don't see any of those specified in his post?

"If she had made those exact arguments, there would be nothing to fear because almost no one would take that seriously, or promote it to any sort of success (thus being useless not only in converting people to 'her' ideas, but also as a tool for those who hold those ideals).

On the other hand this 'soft' and 'unbiased' view should be taken as religious espionage, with all of it's poison (maybe kool-aid is a more apt analogy, heh) seeping it's way into our (public) schools."
And he thoroughly clarified that it was only an opinion. Did you miss that?

I will not, however, condone wild speculation or false information to be continually presented under the guise of opinion either. There is a line where opinion becomes overly speculative and is against the rules.
  • #64
I highly doubt the amendments of the Constitution are going to replaced with the Bible and children start being taught that the Earth is 6,000 years old if Palin becomes President (and that's a big IF!).

Presidents can't just amend the Constitution at their will, and we have that big body known as the Congress, which stalled President Obama for over a year in getting his healthcare bill passed, and that was with a Democratic majority in both the House and the Senate. Palin likely wouldn't have a Republican majority in both the House and the Senate as president, but even if she did, I highly doubt all Republicans would go along with trying to impose something like creationism into the public education system (and that's assuming that even would be a goal of Palin's, considering Palin, being a limited government Republican, would likely not even want the federal government to be messing with education most likely (most conservatives see it as a states issue)).

Some quick research shows Palin is okay with the teaching of evolution in schools, but doesn't want it to be part of the curriculum, and would not push for school boards to make it part of the curriculum. But she encourages it be brought up and discussed and is okay with it personally. She also has said she believes parents should have ultimate say over what their child is taught.

Here is a link to quotes she has made on the subject:

As for qualification, I'd say she will need to show she understands the issues.

Evo said:
Did he quit politics to sign a book deal, get a tv commentary deal, and a reality tv series before running?

I wouldn't say Palin "quit," so much as was forced out. She was unable to govern, and personally liable financially for all the lawsuits coming against her. IMO she did the right thing stepping down, both for herself and the people of Alaska (wouldn't have made much sense to risk personal bankruptcy and not even be able to continue governing). If she runs though, her resigning the Governorship of Alaska will probably sort of be to her what the whole Reverand Wright issue was to Obama (critics will harp on it constantly, supporters will be okay with it).
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  • #65
CAC1001 said:
Presidents can't just amend the Constitution at their will...
This is very true, in fact, the President has no official role whatsoever in the amendment process.
  • #66
Dembadon said:
Here's an" that seems to suggest Palin is considering running for President in 2012. I wasn't very impressed with what I saw from her in '08, but I haven't seen much of her since then.

How's she been doing? Do you think she has a chance?
Sure she has a chance. The US is populated by lots of ignorant people. This isn't to say that Palin is ignorant. She's a very calculating and cunning politician. Whether she would be a good president or not is an open question. There's really only one way to find out.
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  • #67
Dembadon said:
Here's an" that seems to suggest Palin is considering running for President in 2012. I wasn't very impressed with what I saw from her in '08, but I haven't seen much of her since then.

How's she been doing? Do you think she has a chance?
According to CNN, Sarah Palin recently stated that North Korea is a strong US ally. These kind of blunders must cease if she wants to be viewed as a serious candidate in 2012. I think she should serve in the US Senate before running for President.
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  • #68
If Palin is elected in 2012, how will America look like? is it going to be like a TV show series where Palin is the main actress?

Probably I may go with Barbara Bush when she was asked what she thinks about S.Palin, on Larry King Live (a couple weeks ago), and said, "She is from Alaska, right? I hope she stays there". Well said Barbara!
  • #69
When VP Joe Biden was asked about Palin's possible bid for the Presidency, he started laughing. Personally, I am not a fan of the Tea Party.

I don't think Sarah Palin would be a good President.
  • #70
With regard to Sarah's campaign rhetoric, I like the phrase coined by comedian Pat Paulsen on the Smothers Brother's Comedy Hour:

"The past lays behind us and the future lies lies lies."

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