Sarah Palin: Will She Run for President in 2012?

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  • Thread starter Dembadon
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In summary, Sarah Palin is considering running for President in 2012. She's been doing well recently, but I wasn't very impressed with what I saw from her in '08. She may have a chance, depending on whether the Tea Party endorses her. Willow Palin is also considering running, but it's unclear whether she will delete her facebook page. Levi Johnston is running for mayor of Wasilla, but it's unclear whether he will win.
  • #176
mheslep said:
Why are the comments from some pampered zillionaire Hollywood actor 'good'?

Did you watch the clip? I share his concerns, apart from any judgments I have about his profession, as if they should matter anyway.

WhoWee said:
The expected lifespan of McCain, the dinosaur nonsense, and the banning of books all sounded like talking points to me?

So what? Those things are important to people.
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  • #177
WhoWee said:
Did the CBS reporter quiz him on why he's talking about dinosaurs 4,000 years ago or banning books? Did she say either of those things - or did the actor hear those things somewhere - and repeat them as facts?

Did you watch the clip? He never asserted that Mrs. Palin made any claims about dinosaurs. He said "...[he'd] like to know..." whether or not she believes it, which is the correct position to take if he'd heard it second-hand.

WhoWee said:
Personally, I worry about Obama's lack of experience (also only 2 years (as a Senator - not a Governor) and never ran anything - not even little, itty bitty Wasila) and Biden's unpredictibility.

What does Obama have to do with any of this?
  • #178
turbo-1 said:
I would rather sit down and have a long political discussion with Matt Damon than either of those two Alaskan "stars".

turbo-1 said:
The US public has a fixation with "stars".
So do you apparently.
  • #179
mheslep said:
So do you apparently.
Nope, only persons in and of themselves. Slamming someone because he is an actor is a poor form of reverse discrimination. I don't care what he does for a living - his expressions of concern about Palin's beliefs (she is an end-times evangelical!) and his reference to her banning or attempting to ban "Pastor I am Gay", and his concern about her possible ascendancy to the Oval Office should McCain die were all current-events during the campaign and every political geek that I know (left and right) were discussing them. He got a pulpit for his concerns because of what he does for a living (make multi-million-dollar blockbuster movies), but that does not mean that he is stupid, out-of-touch, or incapable of holding intelligently though-out opinions.
  • #180
Dembadon said:
Did you watch the clip? He never asserted that Mrs. Palin made any claims about dinosaurs. He said "...[he'd] like to know..." whether or not she believes it, which is the correct position to take if he'd heard it second-hand.

What does Obama have to do with any of this?

Where did Damon hear about the dinosaurs and why wouldn't a reporter challenge his source?
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  • #181
WhoWee said:
Did the CBS reporter quiz him on why he's talking about dinosaurs 4,000 years ago or banning books? Did she say either of those things - or did the actor hear those things somewhere - and repeat them as facts?

Personally, I worry about Obama's lack of experience (also only 2 years (as a Senator - not a Governor) and never ran anything - not even little, itty bitty Wasila) and Biden's unpredictibility.
No, she said it was 6,000 years ago and that she believed that dinosaurs and men walked the Earth together, according to Wasilla music teacher Philip Munger.

Soon after Sarah Palin was elected mayor of the foothill town of Wasilla, Alaska, she startled a local music teacher by insisting in casual conversation that men and dinosaurs coexisted on an Earth created 6,000 years ago -- about 65 million years after scientists say most dinosaurs became extinct -- the teacher said.

Since being tagged as VP she has been careful about going on record with her beliefs.
  • #182
Dembadon said:
What does Obama have to do with any of this?
It's a tactic some people use when they can't defend their position, they try to change the direction of the discussion by throwing in off topic comments.

The discussion is Palin, unless Obama is quoting Palin or you're posting a quote he made about Palin, it's off topic and will be deleted.
  • #183
WhoWee said:
Obama is relevant because we knew very little about him either.

I didn't intend for the thread to be a comparison between President Obama and Mrs. Palin. I probably should have said that in the OP.

WhoWee said:
Where did Damon hear about the dinosaurs and why wouldn't a reporter challenge his source?

I'm not sure where he heard about it, but he implied that he didn't know whether or not she believed it, and that he would like to know. There is no claim made for which a source is required.
  • #184
Dembadon said:
I didn't intend for the thread to be a comparison between President Obama and Mrs. Palin. I probably should have said that in the OP.

I'm not sure where he heard about it, but he implied that he didn't know whether or not she believed it, and that he would like to know. There is no claim made for which a source is required.
See my post above for the answers.
  • #185
Evo said:
No, she said it was 6,000 years ago and that she believed that dinosaurs and men walked the Earth together, according to Wasilla music teacher Philip Munger.

Since being tagged as VP she has been careful about going on record with her beliefs.

Damon said 4,000 years on the video and apparently wasn't challenged.
  • #186
WhoWee said:
Damon said 4,000 years on the video and apparently wasn't challenged.
Why did he need to be challeged? Damon said he wanted to know what Palin thought, nowhere did he come out and say "Palin said dinosaurs roamed the Earth 4,000 years ago".

If he had, he'd have been off by 2,000 years. According to the University Professor that knows her she said 6,000 years ago. Then it would have made sense for the reporter to ask "are you sure she said 4,000 & not 6,000?".
  • #187
WhoWee said:
Damon said 4,000 years on the video and apparently wasn't challenged.
Whats a couple of thousand years between young-earthers? Palin's church is an end-times evangelical ministry, and they have hosted a minister who practices exorcisms, and who orchestrated the banishment of a woman from her own village that he claimed was possessed. These people are not strung very tightly. Palin reportedly told the Wasilla music teacher that she had seen pictures of dinosaur tracks with human tracks in them. If she is going to be a heart-beat or a bad biopsy away from the presidency, it would be nice to know what her beliefs are. Some end-times sects not only travel to Israel - they support the most militant forces in Israel in the belief that a ME conflagration would be a good thing, triggering Jesus' return and unleashing Armageddon. Would you want such a person to be holding our country's launch codes?
  • #188
WhoWee said:
Personally, I worry about Obama's lack of experience (also only 2 years (as a Senator - not a Governor) and never ran anything - not even little, itty bitty Wasila) and Biden's unpredictibility.

One of the knocks against Palin is her experience. I think it's valid to compare her experience to Obama's. In fact, I found it very frustrating that the three leading Democratic candidates had very little experience.

Without past experience, a candidate has a tough hurdle to show they're capable of being President. I think Obama met that hurdle, as he certainly showed he had enough poise to handle the pressure; the ability to handle uncomfortable questions.

Palin didn't meet that hurdle, nor does she currently. As soon as she has to deviate from a script, she starts verbally spinning the wheels, delaying for time; hence her very bizarre style of speaking in non-scripted situations. There is just no way she would be capable of handling herself when dealing with other world leaders.

Having a leader incapable of speaking wouldn't be unprecedented, however. Anyone planning on seeing the movie, "The King's Speech"? That looks pretty interesting. Of course, even in that situation, King George VI eventually learned to speak without stuttering.
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  • #189
BobG said:
As soon as she has to deviate from a script, she starts verbally spinning the wheels, delaying for time; hence her very bizarre style of speaking in non-scripted situations. There is just no way she would be capable of handling herself when dealing with other world leaders.
I sure would hate to be an interpreter at an international conference trying to make sense of her "remarks" so that my country's leaders could make sense of what she is saying. Native English-speakers with a good grasp of phony down-home colloquialisms can't make sense of that word-hash - how could it be made intelligible to someone who speaks only Cantonese, Urdu, or Swahili?
  • #190
Evo said:
Why did he need to be challeged? Damon said he wanted to know what Palin thought, nowhere did he come out and say "Palin said dinosaurs roamed the Earth 4,000 years ago".

If he had, he'd have been off by 2,000 years. According to the University Professor that knows her she said 6,000 years ago. Then it would have made sense for the reporter to ask "are you sure she said 4,000 & not 6,000?".

The video clip has "CBS News" labels throughout. I'm not sure if he was being interviewed on 60 Minutes or a morning program or on the evening news - I didn't see that level of identification? If turbo is correct and the 6,000 years was widely discussed - then a 4,000 year comment should of at a minimum been challenged to meet the generally discussed standard - as you indicated. If nothing else they could've had a second laugh?

I really don't care to defend Palin or things she says (or does). I just think the reporting on her often reaches the point of absolute and petty nonsense - take my earlier post about her being cruel to fish.:smile: I have to stop and laugh everytime I think about her "beating" a fish?:smile::smile::smile:
  • #191
WhoWee said:
I really don't care to defend Palin or things she says (or does). I just think the reporting on her often reaches the point of absolute and petty nonsense - take my earlier post about her being cruel to fish.:smile: I have to stop and laugh everytime I think about her "beating" a fish?:smile::smile::smile:
Honestly, I don't think there is any reason for that woman to be seen, heard, of spoken of, yet she insists on putting herself out there, so she is fair game.
  • #192
Evo said:
Honestly, I don't think there is any reason for that woman to be seen, heard, of spoken of, yet she insists on putting herself out there, so she is fair game.

Come now, the fish beating story is funny.:smile:
  • #193
WhoWee said:
Come now, the fish beating story is funny.:smile:

It is funny, I agree.

But c'mon, every time we turn around it's Palin, Palin, Palin. Enough already, I've seen more than I want to see!
  • #194
lisab said:
It is funny, I agree.

But c'mon, every time we turn around it's Palin, Palin, Palin. Enough already, I've seen more than I want to see!
Well, lately, it's been Bristol, Bristol, Bristol. I only watched a couple of clips, but if she is a dancer, I am a world-class neurosurgeon. As noted earlier, the US has a pop-culture mind-set that makes people famous for just being famous.

Sarah Palin is crafty and ambitious from all accounts (if not that well-informed), but I'd much rather vote for Tina Fey for president. Maybe I'll start a poll...
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  • #195
turbo-1 said:
...I'd much rather vote for Tina Fey for president. Maybe I'll start a poll...

I think you did, and I'll paraphrase here what I posted there.

Palin has the training and the temperament to be a political leader, although I question her selection because of both her outspokenness as well as the fact she quit the governorship (although I do understand why paying tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars defending against frivilous lawsuits would get real old, real fast).

Fey not only possesses neither the temperament nor the training, and her demeanor is comedic, and replete with theater, little more.
  • #196
mugaliens said:
I think you did, and I'll paraphrase here what I posted there.

Palin has the training and the temperament to be a political leader, although I question her selection because of both her outspokenness as well as the fact she quit the governorship (although I do understand why paying tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars defending against frivilous lawsuits would get real old, real fast).

Fey not only possesses neither the temperament nor the training, and her demeanor is comedic, and replete with theater, little more.
Unfortunately, Palin seems to suffer from a special hick form of Tourettes. Ask her a serious policy question and she will pretend to take a stab at it, only to degenerate into a stream of stream of "hockey mom", "momma grizzly" populism, and grin at the end as if she just scored a home-run.
  • #197
turbo-1 said:
Ask her a serious policy question and she will pretend to take a stab at it
An experienced politician will simply answer the question they wanted to be asked.
  • #198
turbo-1 said:
Unfortunately, Palin seems to suffer from a special hick form of Tourettes. Ask her a serious policy question and she will pretend to take a stab at it, only to degenerate into a stream of stream of "hockey mom", "momma grizzly" populism, and grin at the end as if she just scored a home-run.

What are the actual rules of moderation in this thread when turbo can make posts like this?

and this:

"Well, lately, it's been Bristol, Bristol, Bristol. I only watched a couple of clips, but if she is a dancer, I am a world-class neurosurgeon. As noted earlier, the US has a pop-culture mind-set that makes people famous for just being famous.

If Bristol wants to keep her brand hot, she'll have to start clubbing with Linsay Lohan and "forget" her underwear a few times.

Sarah Palin is crafty and ambitious from all accounts (if not that well-informed), but I'd much rather vote for Tina Fey for president. Maybe I'll start a poll... "

and this:

"I sure would hate to be an interpreter at an international conference trying to make sense of her "remarks" so that my country's leaders could make sense of what she is saying. Native English-speakers with a good grasp of phony down-home colloquialisms can't make sense of that word-hash - how could it be made intelligible to someone who speaks only Cantonese, Urdu, or Swahili? "

and this:

"Whats a couple of thousand years between young-earthers? Palin's church is an end-times evangelical ministry, and they have hosted a minister who practices exorcisms, and who orchestrated the banishment of a woman from her own village that he claimed was possessed. These people are not strung very tightly. Palin reportedly told the Wasilla music teacher that she had seen pictures of dinosaur tracks with human tracks in them. If she is going to be a heart-beat or a bad biopsy away from the presidency, it would be nice to know what her beliefs are. Some end-times sects not only travel to Israel - they support the most militant forces in Israel in the belief that a ME conflagration would be a good thing, triggering Jesus' return and unleashing Armageddon. Would you want such a person to be holding our country's launch codes? "

and even this:

"Nope, only persons in and of themselves. Slamming someone because he is an actor is a poor form of reverse discrimination. I don't care what he does for a living - his expressions of concern about Palin's beliefs (she is an end-times evangelical!) and his reference to her banning or attempting to ban "Pastor I am Gay", and his concern about her possible ascendancy to the Oval Office should McCain die were all current-events during the campaign and every political geek that I know (left and right) were discussing them. He got a pulpit for his concerns because of what he does for a living (make multi-million-dollar blockbuster movies), but that does not mean that he is stupid, out-of-touch, or incapable of holding intelligently though-out opinions. "

and my post - directly on-point with a comparison of Obama and Palin is deleted?

"It's a tactic some people use when they can't defend their position, they try to change the direction of the discussion by throwing in off topic comments.

The discussion is Palin, unless Obama is quoting Palin or you're posting a quote he made about Palin, it's off topic and will be deleted. "

IMO - turbo needs to support some of these comments - or someone should start deleting his posts.
  • #199
I believe this is the video that backs turbo up.
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  • #200
Evo said:
Oh, I thought your were talking about Paris Hilton. Actually Palin's show only got that handful of viewers the first day from curiosity seekers, the next show dropped to half that already.

Palin's show from what I understand broke/shattered TLC's ratings record when it debuted:

I have no idea how it has performed since though - EDIT:

Thomas, something you and WhoWee both failed to bring up as a quality that is mandatory for President, and why Obama won - Intelligence.

I think Obama won more on charisma than intelligence (although not saying he is not very intelligent). But also look at the film they showed about his life story at the Democratic National Convention. There was nothing in it about his going to Columbia or Harvard, it was about the more hardscrabble aspects of his upbringing. The campaign didn't want to focus on his formal education.

Also I think you are confusing intelligence with policy knowledge. You could go into the mountains of Afghanistan or some tribe in the middle of South America and find people who can't read or write, but who are very intelligent. And you can find plenty of morosophs in Westernized society as well.
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  • #201
BobG said:
Palin didn't meet that hurdle, nor does she currently. As soon as she has to deviate from a script, she starts verbally spinning the wheels, delaying for time; hence her very bizarre style of speaking in non-scripted situations.

During interviews, yes...

There is just no way she would be capable of handling herself when dealing with other world leaders.

I don't know if I buy that. I think she could be plenty capable. How Palin behaves in interviews is not necessarilly the same way she'd be in private when dealing with world leaders.

Remember, Palin is a woman who muscled the oil companies in Alaska; there is a book about this called She also overturned part of the Republican establishment there.

Now yes, the woman may be an airhead in terms of many areas of policy, but I highly doubt that a woman who is truly an idiot would be able to take on Big Oil and the establishment Republican party. Remember, Palin HAS governed and served in plenty of positions where she has to be able to talk and think clearly: she was on the Wasilla City Council from 1992 to 1996, she was mayor of Wasilla from 1996 to 2002, she was Chairperson of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from 2003 to 2004, and then she served as Governor of Alaska. I doubt she'd have made it past the City Council if she truly can't speak or think or was a fool.

In this sense, I think she would have little problem dealing with world leaders.
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  • #202
CAC1001 said:
Now yes, the woman may be an airhead in terms of many areas of policy, but I highly doubt that a woman who is truly an idiot would be able to take on Big Oil and the establishment Republican party. Remember, Palin HAS governed and served in plenty of positions where she has to be able to talk and think clearly: she was on the Wasilla City Council from 1992 to 1996, she was mayor of Wasilla from 1996 to 2002, she was Chairperson of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from 2003 to 2004, and then she served as Governor of Alaska. I doubt she'd have made it past the City Council if she truly can't speak or think or was a fool.

In this sense, I think she would have little problem dealing with world leaders.
You're going to make me dig up again how little she actually did in office? I thought once was enough. Unless someone else posts her "accomplishments", I guess I'll work on it tomorrow.

In the mean time, please research and post her actual accomplishments in the roles you named.
  • #203
Evo said:
You're going to make me dig up again how little she actually did in office? I thought once was enough. Unless someone else posts her "accomplishments", I guess I'll work on it tomorrow.

Barack Obama did not do much in office prior to being elected President, the man is still very intelligent though. And I'm not talking about her accomplishments per se, just on what she served.
  • #204
CAC1001 said:
Barack Obama did not do much in office prior to being elected President, the man is still very intelligent though. And I'm not talking about her accomplishments per se, just on what she served.

We've already established earlier in the thread, this isn't about Obama. Just Palin.
  • #205
lisab said:
We've already established earlier in the thread, this isn't about Obama. Just Palin.

I know, BUT, I was explaining why in my opinion, Sarah Palin can be an intelligent person, and I was citing her previous roles. Evo said she didn't accomplish much during any of them, I was pointing out that neither did Obama prior to President, but he is still a very intelligent person, so even if Palin did not accomplish much doesn't mean the woman lacks intelligence.
  • #206
CAC1001 said:
I know, BUT, I was explaining why in my opinion, Sarah Palin can be an intelligent person, and I was citing her previous roles. Evo said she didn't accomplish much during any of them, I was pointing out that neither did Obama prior to President, but he is still a very intelligent person, so even if Palin did not accomplish much doesn't mean the woman lacks intelligence.
But we've already established she's not intelligent.

Here's one for Palin to get you started.

The Huffington Post has obtained an exclusive first look at the April 2009 Portfolio cover story about Sarah Palin. The cover, which (as mentioned below) features a photo of Palin from her Vogue shoot, is headlined "Palin & Big Oil: The Cold Hard Truth."

Joe McGinniss' cover story, "Pipe Dreams," focuses on Palin's failure to build a gas pipeline in Alaska. The subhed reads:

Forget "Drill, baby, drill." Sarah Palin says she's building a $40 billion gas pipeline, which even President Obama wants. The only problem: It isn't there. And it's her fault.

Based on a press release by Portfolio to promote its April issue, it appears McGinniss' article is highly critical of Palin's efforts: "...McGinniss finds that not only is the pipeline not being built, but Palin herself is the biggest obstacle in its path."

That's all for tonight.
  • #207
Evo said:
Start a thread about Obama ande cite which projects he headed they he messed up. No troll tactics of trying to deflect Palin's failures.

I'm not. Again, I wasn't talking about Palin's accomplishments, I was talking about her intelligence. I do not see how mentioning Obama's lack of accomplishments yet him being intelligent to point out that Palin can also be intelligent with lack of accomplishment, is any "troll tactic" to "deflect attention."
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  • #208
CAC1001 said:
I know, BUT, I was explaining why in my opinion, Sarah Palin can be an intelligent person, and I was citing her previous roles. Evo said she didn't accomplish much during any of them, I was pointing out that neither did Obama prior to President, but he is still a very intelligent person, so even if Palin did not accomplish much doesn't mean the woman lacks intelligence.
Sarah Palin couldn't be prepped for an interview with Katy Couric to the extent that she could answer a softball question about what periodicals she reads. Duh! If you actually read periodicals regularly, you'd be able to flip that question off without thinking. She couldn't. That says something about how well she is "informed", though I hate to use that word in the same paragraph with that flake's name.

Palin seems driven, crafty, and ruthless judging from domestic accounts of her actions in Alaska. None of those equate to "intelligent". All equate to dangerous if the person has a lot of power. Let the suckers pay to hear her speak and let them buy her books, so she can have millions. She is far too dangerous to run for high office.
  • #209
Evo said:
But we've already established she's not intelligent.

We have? :confused:

Here's one fro Palin to get you started.

That's all for tonight.

Yes, but there's also that book I cited on her dealing with Big Oil. But I am well aware of her not getting the pipeline done, her bridge to nowhere, leaving Wasilla in debt, etc...
  • #210
turbo-1 said:
Palin seems driven, crafty, and ruthless judging from domestic accounts of her actions in Alaska. None of those equate to "intelligent".

No fool can be crafty.

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