Japan Earthquake: Political Aspects

  • #316

ElliotLake said:
for them to leave bedbound people to die of dehydration means they left them for a really long time. A long, agonizing time. Not only in pain, but panicking and abandoned.

I've no words I can use in public for that.

They did not "die of dehydration". The article states that tap water was unavailable, and that an insufficient fluid intake, coupled with insufficient medicine available to treat the illnesses that the 72 to 93 year old people had (including 7 who were bedridden due to dementia and/or other problems), contributed to making their illnesses worse. It also states that the cause of death was mostly stroke or "cardiac dysfunction".

That doesn't diminish government or other responsibility in dealing with the actual situation at hand, nor in planning for such circumstances in the shadows of a nuclear plant. But it appears that it was a combination of things, and not due to dehydration.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #317

tsutsuji said:
The following 9 June article http://sankei.jp.msn.com/affairs/news/110609/dst11060918200014-n1.htm tells about 10 people, among which 7 bedridden elderly, who died while waiting for the Japanese military or other evacuation teams : 4 at Futaba hospital, 3 at Nishi hospital, and 3 at Imamura hospital, citing dehydration or the lack of medication as factors aggravating their illnesses.
Insufficient fluid intake IS dehydration--and splitting hairs, the heart stops-- "cardiac dysfunction" -- when you die of dehydration. My father was a physician who did a lot of emergency work, I am familiar with these things.
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  • #318

For some reason, just the thought that even one person died from Fukushima is hard for the supporters of nuclear power to entertain. This is based on internet conversations only.
  • #319

ElliotLake said:

Insufficient fluid intake IS dehydration--and splitting hairs, the heart stops-- "cardiac dysfunction" -- when you die of dehydration. My father was a physician who did a lot of emergency work, I am familiar with these things.

And what is death due to lack of medication? And does dehydration at any level lead to stroke? The quoted article does *not* imply that these people died due only to lack of fluid intake. The article, not me, only suggests that this was one contributing cause. As does tsutsuji in his/her original post. Thus your implication that everyone was dying of thirst, alone, panicking, abandoned cannot be extrapolated from the article. If you will not read it (or cannot, since it's in Japanese), then I would suggest that you shouldn't comment on its content.

Support, or lack thereof, of nuclear power and/or TEPCO and/or the Japanese government's pre-disaster preparation and post-disaster response has nothing to do with our responsibility to comment on the facts as known. In this case the "facts" are provided by the Sankei Shimbun newspaper.
  • #320

Let's try a full translation of the MSN-Sankei article :

救助待つ間に10人死亡 3月 原発10キロ圏内の3病院
Rescue-waiting 10 people die : March : 3 hospitals in the 10 km radius zone
2011.6.9 18:17

An interview to each hospital on June 9th revealed that 10 patients at 3 among the 5 hospitals within the 10 km radius of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, being subject to the government's evacuation order, died one after one other between March 12th and March 15th while waiting for the Self Defense Forces or other evacuation teams. At least seven people are 10 bedridden elderly people. It was said that it includes patients whose chronic illness worsened for reasons such as, in the context of water supply cut off: hydration impossibility, and shortage of medication.

The hospitals where the 10 people died are Futaba Hospital (Ookuma City, Fukushima prefecture, 4 people), Nishi Hospital (Namie City, same prefecture, 3 people), Imamura Hospital (Tomioka City, same prefecture, 3 people). The 7 people who died at Futaba Hospital and Nishi Hospital were 72~93 year old patients suffering from dementia and the causes of death include cerebral stroke and cardiac dysfunction. Concerning Nishi Hospital, we were told that the patients' medical records could not be transported and that the patients' ages and causes of death are therefore unknown.

15 hours after the earthquake, at 5:44 AM on March 12th, the government issued the evacuation order in the 10 km radius zone. None of the 5 hospitals in the zone had means of transportation for the patients, and they applied to local governments or to the Self Defense Forces for rescue.


There is more in the following Okinawa Times article maked with "(Kyodo news)" and dated 19:12 9 June 2011. The first and last paragraphs are exactly the same as the first and second paragraphs of MSN-Sankei. Here is what the middle paragraph is saying :

In Fukushima prefecture, priority areas for disaster management (EPZ) are defined 10 km around nuclear power plants. In the regional disaster prevention plan, hospitals within the zones are instructed to "prepare in advance" the means of transportation and the destination of patients in case of an evacuation following a nuclear power plant accident. However, hospitals saying "the evacuation plan was prepared" are only one hospital. Neither had the prefectural administration checked the preparedness of each hospital's plans.


See also the following picture http://static2.stuff.co.nz/1300064019/949/4766949_600x400.jpg captioned with "Futaba Kosei Hospital patients disembark after being evacuated from a hospital near the troubled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex. They might have been exposed to radiation while waiting for evacuation." on http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/asia/j...-admits-being-unprepared-for-nuclear-disaster (you must click on the pictures to browse them. For this picture and caption to appear, you must click 20 times or so). Other related picture captioned with "Futaba Kosei Hospital patients who might have been exposed to radiation are carried into the compound of Fukushima Gender Equality Center in Nihonmatsu in Fukushima Prefecture Sunday morning, March 13, 2011, after being evacuated from the hospital in Futaba town near the troubled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power station. They were waiting for evacuation when an explosion of Unit 1 reactor of the complex blew off the top part of its walls on Saturday, one day after a strong earthquake and tsunami hit northeastern Japan. " at http://www.cleveland.com/world/index.ssf/2011/03/japan_races_to_prevent_nuke_re.html.

The Futaba Hospital in Okuma town (North West of the plant) and the Futaba Kosei Hospital in Futaba town (South West of the plant) are two different hospitals.
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  • #321
There is more in the following Chugoku Shinbun article, among other paragraphs which are exactly the same as those translated above :


Evacuations at those three hospitals were performed about half a day later than at the remaining 2 hospitals where no deaths occured, possibly reflecting a contrast in the response speed of the concerned organizations including the prefectural administration.


At Futaba Hospital on the morning of March 12th, hospital employees went to the town hall requesting evacuation support. The patients that were able to walk by their own strength were evacuated on the same day, but the bus(es) transporting the 130 bedridden patients arrived on March 14th and 15th.

Nishi Hospital requested help at the town hall too. About 70 patients were evacuated by helicopter or bus by the Self Defense Force on March 14th.

The transportation of about 100 patients from Imamura Hospital was carried out by a number of rotations of the Self Defense Force helicopter from the night of March 13th to the morning of March 14th.

Full evacuation of the remaining Futaba Kosei Hospital and Ono Prefectural Hospital had been completed by the morning of March 13th.

Concerning the evacuation plan, Imamura Hospital explains "it was prepared". However because the destination hospital had been damaged by the earthquake, it could not accept patients and they had to be taken to a different evacuation place. Futaba Hospital says "we are unable to check the existence or absence of a plan". Nishi Hospital, Futaba Kosei Hospital, and Ono Prefectural Hospital all say "there was none".

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  • #322

I'm looking at the webcam right now. There is no fog, wind is offshore, you can see the moon and clouds, but you can't see any steam. I can however clearly see the distortion in the clouds where the steam is pouring out of building three and four. No, it's not the camera causing it. Other areas are rock solid and show no distortion.

Of course the Japanese and one of the worlds most powerful corporations can't afford to put an actual real modern webcams up. They could only do one, and it's static and horrible.

This, of all things, shows their true attitude to the world.
  • #323

robinson said:
I'm looking at the webcam right now. There is no fog, wind is offshore, you can see the moon and clouds, but you can't see any steam. I can however clearly see the distortion in the clouds where the steam is pouring out of building three and four. No, it's not the camera causing it. Other areas are rock solid and show no distortion.

Of course the Japanese and one of the worlds most powerful corporations can't afford to put an actual real modern webcams up. They could only do one, and it's static and horrible.

This, of all things, shows their true attitude to the world.

I admit that I am a little miffed by the quality and placement of the camera, but you have to remember a few things.

1.) They didn't have to provide anything.
2.) It is eating up (i'm sure) still limited communication channels.
3.) I think they have bigger problems.

This is the type of thing that the news media covers, but due to the nature of the situation they can't do safely. Name any other large scale industrial accident where the company provided coverage? they don't
  • #324

radio_guy said:
This is the type of thing that the news media covers, but due to the nature of the situation they can't do safely. Name any other large scale industrial accident where the company provided coverage? they don't

Oh it is in their interest to provide something. The playbook for such a big disaster is bound to be a bit different than the one for a refinery fire. The availability of trustworthy, technically apt information sources outside their direct control (ZAMG, IAEA etc) also changes things a bit.

The very fact that it is available limits the pool of interested parties that are willing to try and set up live monitoring of their own. The news media was covering this, quite safely, (remember there was a JNN live feed?) but they gave up.

Big media could be having a field day with Fukushima. They could be crawling all over Japan looking for the temp workers and the refugees, wringing every possible tear out of every displaced 100 year old Japanese grandmother, asking every Fukushima school child about how afraid they feel when they go to school with dosimeters on.

Just to clarify: I am not arguing that TEPCO are evil or whatever. Just that there are professionals handling TEPCO public relations and that they are doing one heck of a good job.
  • #326

radio_guy said:
snip >
. Name any other large scale industrial accident where the company provided coverage? they don't

Not nitpicking but did you forget a little thing called the deepwater horizon incident and the Chilean miners, to name just two?
  • #328

westfield said:
Not nitpicking but did you forget a little thing called the deepwater horizon incident and the Chilean miners, to name just two?

I knew there would be some.. I forgot about BP
  • #329

Don't think it has already been mentionned...

Italian people rejet massively Berlusconi plan for nuclear energy in June 12 referendum, where for the first time in 16 years, more than 50% (57%) of the voters participated.

Almost 95% of the voters expressed their wish to withdraw from any nuclear power.

This a a new crucial political step against nuclear development in Europe, after Swiss and (above all) Germany decision to close all its nuke plants before 2022 (6 already stopped now).

President Sarkozy had already annouced (proudly, as usual...) that "he" sold 4 Areva EPR to Italy for its future program, he will have to review its position after this referendum!

  • #330

Around 1700 children would still be in the 20-30kms zone...


How to convince people to evacuate in a country where land is scarce?
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  • #331

jlduh said:
Italian people rejet massively Berlusconi plan for nuclear energy in June 12 referendum, where for the first time in 16 years, more than 50% (57%) of the voters participated.

Almost 95% of the voters expressed their wish to withdraw from any nuclear power.

I wonder if the result would be so one sided if not for the fact in coincided in time with Fukushima disaster.
  • #332

Japan Steel works, which is the only company in the world able to manufacture big reactor vessels from one single piece of metal (above 1000 MWh) and that made all the 53 reactors vessels in Japan, takes a downturn, just compare these two informations:


June 2011:
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  • #333

Borek said:
I wonder if the result would be so one sided if not for the fact in coincided in time with Fukushima disaster.

Are you surprised that Fuskushima disaster has an impact on people mind in the world about nuclear energy?

If there was no Chernobyl, no Fukushima, no other problems and fears (waste storage and "retreatment" dead end for example, etc.) , if there was no huge implications for social communities after nuclear accidents, if ... if ... if nuclear energy was different than what is is in fact, then i can assure you that 95% of Italian (and others) would be favourable to this industry!

But... this is just NOT the case! These things exists and make what we call reality.

Hard time for nuclear proponents and those who earn their salary from this industry to admit reality (and especially "impossible" recent reality), it seems...
  • #334

Borek said:
I wonder if the result would be so one sided if not for the fact in coincided in time with Fukushima disaster.

Apparently Italy had already had a referendum and said no to muclear power just after Chernobyl but technically that ruling only lasted 5 years.

They are a rather seismically active country, Berlusconi isn't too popular, Fukushima, take your pick.

If Italy could somehow harness the energy of automobile horns their energy issues would be over ;)

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  • #335

jlduh said:
Are you surprised that Fuskushima disaster has an impact on people mind in the world about nuclear energy?

No, I am not. However, asking such question just after the accident will always give skewed answer, this is a known psychological effect. That means the answer given at this particular moment doesn't reflect average sentiments of Italians (whatever they are).

I am not even trying to analyze political aspects of the referendum, for sure they add to the result as well.

Hard time for nuclear proponents and those who earn their salary from this industry to admit reality (and especially "impossible" recent reality), it seems...

This is pure propaganda. Just like razzz, you are fighting statements that you judge as biased with your own biased statements.
  • #336

35 out of 54 reactors currently stopped in Japan, production down to 16 500 MWh from a total capacity of more than 49 000 MWh (33% of the full capacity):


The problem is also that many qualified people are right now full time on the Fukushima disaster, which will limit the ability to work on regular maintenance program and inspections on other reactors. By the way, Tepco i now also facing an other concern: how to replace workers who already have reached (and even more than reached for some!) their dose limits?
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  • #337

Borek said:
No, I am not. However, asking such question just after the accident will always give skewed answer, this is a known psychological effect. That means the answer given at this particular moment doesn't reflect average sentiments of Italians (whatever they are).

I am not even trying to analyze political aspects of the referendum, for sure they add to the result as well.

This is pure propaganda. Just like razzz, you are fighting statements that you judge as biased with your own biased statements.

I can of course admit your last sentence. But at least my bias is free from any money, which is not the case of every bias, let's recognize it. It is still a bias maybe, but only a free time citizen one...

Now, personally, i don't see biases as abnormal. Democracy is (or should be) a system where biases from individuals or groups can continuously interact in a free way to create balanced power, with means Power AND Counter Power (not sure of my english translation, sorry) actions in decision making. What is abnormal is when biases are not confronting themselves in a balanced manner.

That is for example what i understand from reading this statement from Madarame (chairperson of Japan Nuclear Safety Commission):


He said the guidelines were not revised because experts on nuclear power generation are an enclosed group and they tend to avoid vigorous discussions and uncomfortable subjects. He concluded that the Fukushima accidents were caused by human error.

Of course you can say also that his statement is biased because this is said just after the Fukushima accident, and that he wouldn't have said that publicly in "normal times" :smile:

So bias is everywhere, let's recognize it, maybe?
  • #338

To err on the side of caution, when it comes to nuclear accidents, is no vice.
  • #339

Speaking of errors.
The IAEA report says

The resulting ground acceleration at Units 1, 4 and 6 did not exceed the standard seismic ground motion, whereas at Units 2, 3 and 5, the resulting ground acceleration did exceed the standard seismic ground motion. The tsunami exceeded the design basis at all units.

Yomiuri Shinbun reports http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/national/T110316005275.htm" :
FUKUSHIMA--Strong horizontal jolts dislodged ceiling pipes and massive amounts of water started flooding out--this was the frightening scene experienced by a worker who was in the building housing the No. 1 reactor of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant when the earthquake hit Friday.

Am I to understand that an earthquake that was not supposed to damage the #1 reactor, did in fact damage it?
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  • #340

zapperzero said:
Speaking of errors.
The IAEA report says
Yomiuri Shinbun reports http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/national/T110316005275.htm" :Am I to understand that an earthquake that was not supposed to damage the #1 reactor, did in fact damage it?

Well the reports words you quote about which units had higher than standard seismic ground motion does not actually make any claims as to damage, its only talking about what earthquake instruments measured within the different reactors.

As for what damage the earthquake may have caused, it clearly remains possible that there was some, but we still lack useful evidence. The article you link to is interesting, but it does not give enough information for us to judge what exactly was damaged, if anything. We need this eye witness report to be confirmed, and we need to know what system the pipes belonged to.
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  • #341

I wonder what it means for the building to be earthquake resistant. Perhaps it should survive with no structural damage, but without guarantee that everything inside stays intact? Or perhaps things inside are rated differently - some are designed to survive, some less important can be damaged?
  • #342


Have a look at the trend for nuclear support polls in Japan.

Seems slow but unequivocable.

People are starting to feel the real pain, I guess...
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  • #343

Municipal heads go anti-nuclear
Municipal heads and reconstruction experts are discussing ways to reduce the use of nuclear power after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.


On June 15th, a panel of experts in Fukushima Prefecture agreed on a draft of basic concepts for reconstruction that includes the idea of abandoning nuclear power and promoting renewable energy. The head of a town in Yamaguchi Prefecture, where the Chugoku Electric Power Company aims to operate a nuclear plant in 7 years, indicated the possibility of reviewing the town's nuclear-tolerant stance.

Kaminoseki Mayor Shigemi Kashiwabara told the municipal assembly on Tuesday that the town needs to consider breaking free from nuclear power.The mayor of Osaka City, Kunio Hiramatsu, has suggested that Kansai Electric Power Company should pursue new energy sources to replace nuclear power.

Goshi Hosono, the prime minister's advisor for the Fukushima accident, said it is natural for municipal heads and others to voice their objections to nuclear power amid the disaster at the Fukushima plant.

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  • #344

jlduh said:
Don't think it has already been mentionned...

Italian people rejet massively Berlusconi plan for nuclear energy in June 12 referendum, where for the first time in 16 years, more than 50% (57%) of the voters participated.

Almost 95% of the voters expressed their wish to withdraw from any nuclear power.

I can live that, but this makes me want go into fast food industry if this catches on:


Seems like to me the political environment is not science friendly at all, which is ironic considering it was the birthplace of the Renaissance.
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  • #345

splitringtail said:
I can live that, but this makes me want go into fast food industry if this catches on:


Seems like to me the political environment is not science friendly at all, which is ironic considering it was the birthplace of the Renaissance.

Sorry being Italian I can't refrain from commenting this statement.

There is no anti scientific mood in the country at all.

The referendum decision about nuclear power has been taken (more or less informedly, but lack of precise scientific knowledge was common in both camps) on rational concerns, among which I would certainly put first and foremost the risk of major accidents, just demonstrated in Fukushima.
One might or might not agree with that stance but it means nothing with respect to the country stance toward science.

The other case is a trial about the possibility of professional misconduct, for the L'Aquila quake, 3 years ago.

The politic environment, which has issues of its own has little to do with both facts.
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  • #347

Luca Bevil said:

Have a look at the trend for nuclear support polls in Japan.

Seems slow but unequivocable.

People are starting to feel the real pain, I guess...

I find it interesting that the trend shows a progressive erosion of support for nuclear power as we get further from the earthquake and meltdowns. Perhaps people are starting to learn things about nuclear accidents that they had assumed to be impossible?

I wonder how long it will take for the trend to reverse. I also wonder how the reaction will be outside of Japan.
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  • #348

swl said:
... Perhaps people are starting to learn things about nuclear accidents that they had assumed to be impossible?

Yes, that is it exactly. And in addition, it makes one feel like a naive fool for assuming.
  • #349

Luca Bevil said:
The referendum decision about nuclear power has been taken (more or less informedly, but lack of precise scientific knowledge was common in both camps) on rational concerns, among which I would certainly put first and foremost the risk of major accidents, just demonstrated in Fukushima. One might or might not agree with that stance but it means nothing with respect to the country stance toward science.

I was not referring to that actually. I support nuclear, but I will not push it on anyone. It is a country's own prerogative if they want nuclear power.

I have been trying to find some good evidence on Enzo Boschi's misconduct, If you know of any, then could you can add to the other thread.

Perhaps I made the erroneous assumption that if his and the other scientists misconduct was clear then geologists around the world would point it out pretty quick to protect themselves from similar situation. US Geologic Survey has been supportive.

Look at Fukushima, nuclear experts across the world have been critical of Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency. It keeps the heat of them to be honest.

  • #350

splitringtail said:
I was not referring to that actually. I support nuclear, but I will not push it on anyone. It is a country's own prerogative if they want nuclear power.

I have been trying to find some good evidence on Enzo Boschi's misconduct, If you know of any, then could you can add to the other thread.

Perhaps I made the erroneous assumption that if his and the other scientists misconduct was clear then geologists around the world would point it out pretty quick to protect themselves from similar situation. US Geologic Survey has been supportive.

Look at Fukushima, nuclear experts across the world have been critical of Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency. It keeps the heat of them to be honest.


About Enzo Boschi conduct I've had no time to form a specific opinion.
It is more than likely than you know about it much more than I do.

I should perhaps have stated it more clearly but I just do not think that Italy's attitude toward science can be extrapolated form the two cases you mentioned.

This does not mean that I think Italy is having astounding successes in technical or scientific advances (quite the contrary in fact); it is just that I do not see around any prevailing persecutory mood toward science or scientists.

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