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Q-reeus said:Orienting the tube axis in the tangent plane will give some reading for height of fluid in the capillary (think of old style mercury thermometer). Orient tube along radial direction, at same mean radial position r, and the level in capillary will drop - differential rate of 'volume expansion/contraction' along r direction is such that 'expanded volume' in tube portion nearest source of gravity wins over opposite effect in portion furtherest from source. this is just a reinterpretation of physical implications of K factor imo.
No, the K factor does not imply this. Remember that a spherical object (more precisely, an object that in flat spacetime, under zero stress, is spherical) will still be spherical if placed at radial coordinate r; the K factor does not cause any distortion in the object. There is no "distortion" in the effect on the capillary tube either, for the same reason.
Q-reeus said:Further, one could take a fluid filled spherical container (again with a capillary tube sticking out of it), and find that for inwardly directed radially displacement, fluid level in capillary will drop.
No, it won't. See above.
Q-reeus said:This might be interpreted as a weird volumetric expansion of containment vessel - one without explanation in terms of any mechanical stress/strain.
This is not possible; if the physical volume of the container were expanded, the containment vessel would *have* to show strain. That's part of what "physical volume" means.
Think again about what the K factor means. It does not mean that "the physical volume of a particular piece of space is expanded". That's impossible. It means that there are *more* "pieces of space", more physical volume, per unit radial coordinate than Euclidean geometry would lead one to expect. But as I said in a previous post, to view this as somehow a "distortion of space" implies that the Euclidean state is the "natural" state, so any variation from it is a "distortion" and requires some physical manifestation. That's wrong. There is nothing privileged about Euclidean geometry in physics, and the fact that the geometry of space is non-Euclidean along the radial dimension in the spacetime surrounding a gravitating object is just that: a fact about the geometry of that spacetime. Just as the fact that, in my "house at the North Pole" scenario, there is "more distance" along a given unit of the radial coordinate I defined than Euclidean geometry would lead one to expect is simply that: a fact about the geometry of the surface of the Earth. None of these facts change the behavior of physical objects locally; they only change the global structure of the geometry.