PF is taken over by space robots?

  • Thread starter rachmaninoff
  • Start date
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In summary, the conversation was about the new skin design of Physics Forums, which some members were not happy about. Some liked it, while others found it difficult to navigate and visually unappealing. The design was described as metallic, 3D, and with neon green buttons, and one member even joked that it looked like they had been assimilated by extraterrestrial robots. The conversation also included a discussion about the old skin and the option to switch back to it using the quick style chooser. Some members appreciated the effort put into the new design, while others were resistant to change. One member even shared a humorous story about talking dinosaurs who were also resistant to change. Overall, it seems that the majority of members were not in favor
  • #1
It's suddenly all metallic and 3D and stuff, with neon green buttons. Presumably we've been assimillated by extraterrestial robots?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
We've always had neon green buttons, they just used to clash with the blue background. :biggrin: (You have no idea how thrilled I am that the site is finally color-coordinated again.) As you can see, we definitely tossed Evo's lace curtain suggestion.

Just wait until you've used it for a few days and then look back at the old skin (you can switch back to it in usercp if you wish)'ll be shocked at how boring the old skin looks soon enough.
  • #3
is this a permanent thing?
  • #4
I thought my bookmarks were messed up at first, I don't like this new look.
  • #5
What is this, the year 3000? :(
  • #6
OK, I'll give this a chance, but it IS irritating for the eyes. Maybe another "calm" skin in the future (yeah, I know, it's hard work)?

- Kamataat
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  • #7
Give it a chance. It grows on you.
  • #8
theCandyman said:
I thought my bookmarks were messed up at first, I don't like this new look.

You can switch back to "PF Classic" using the quick style chooser at the bottom left of every page.
  • #9
Hey my style changed back to the original when i went to New Posts nad went to page #3... and it seems to be stuck here :P
  • #10
Moonbear said:
As you can see, we definitely tossed Evo's lace curtain suggestion.
Only because your rats chewed them up. :cry:
  • #11
Evo said:
Only because your rats chewed them up. :cry:
Well, they needed some nesting material, and it was such nice, soft lace. :approve:
  • #12
Not only has PF been taken over by mechanoid interstellar space faring monkeys of doom, but BREWNOG IS YELLOW!


  • #13
brewnog said:
Not only has PF been taken over by mechanoid interstellar space faring monkeys of doom, but BREWNOG IS YELLOW!
Wow! How will we ever find you on those big yellow machines when you just blend in like that?
  • #14
Moonbear said:
Wow! How will we ever find you on those big yellow machines when you just blend in like that?

I'll be the one digging the biggest holes, crushing cars, and generally causing the most amount of havoc, whilst cackling like a very happy lunatic.
  • #15
I've been here 5 minutes... already switched back to classic.
  • #16
yeah, i gave it a try. can't stand it. pf classic is well... classic.
  • #17
Like, this new skin rocks mad..
I especially like the small graphics around a thread..

Futuristic and awesome.
  • #18
geez, you people. crawl out of your caves and join the civilized world. you know Greg is hanging around waiting to hear that all his hard work is appreciated, but all you do is ***** and moan. Tell Greg he did a good job. Tell him you love the new skin. and tell him change is good. Every time you change to the new skin an angel gets its wings.
  • #19
hmm, you're right. i appreciate it very much that greg left the original scheme for us to continue to use. wtg greg!
  • #20
New PF design

UGHHHHHHHH what did they do to this place? It used to be so much nicer before. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :mad: Its so cheasy looking. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  • #21
I agree. This is some tripped out hippy design :frown:
  • #22
The dinosaur's refused to change to something new. "We like things just the way they are. Let those crazy monkeys dabble in 'evolution' I'm not changing." said Brutus Brontosaurus
"Me neither. I'm no mammal. Did you hear? they went with live births. HAHA HA! What's next opposable thumbs?" rumbled Rex
"Good one, Rex!" squeeked Pat Apatosaurus, "Look at me. I'm a monkey. Duh duh, I can make a tool. duh look I'm snapping my fingers."
"Change sucks, stagnation rules!" yelled Andy Ankylosaurus, "Brrrr, you guys feel that?"
"Yeah," said Rex, "getting downright chilly."
"I can help ya," squeeked Pat, "duh Look at me, I can handle fire. I'm a monkey. duh I can change my immediate surroundings. haha. That what you want Rex? want some climate control? haha Evolve befo..." Pat's squeeks were silenced as Rex devoured his head.
"That's enough talk about change. Now let's get busy not doing any. It is chilly though isn't it. Hey! Look a shooting star! Everyone make a wish. I wish it was a little bit warmer. Wow! that's one big shooting star isn't it. "
  • #23
Well said both.

Bring back the old skin

  • #25
zanazzi78 said:
Well said both.
Bring back the old skin

You have the ability to change to the old skin by using the quick style chooser at the bottom left of every page.
  • #26
AAAh that's better no more dull grey,

thanx Greg for the option.
  • #27
Greg Bernhardt said:
You have the ability to change to the old skin by using the quick style chooser at the bottom left of every page.

Ohh, Hallelujah! I can see again! Thank you, thank you thank you! :-p
  • #28
see! they don't even give this one a chance. Haven't checked out all the cool things like that quick style changer. You getting pissed off yet Greg? I guess we hear this everytime you change the look though huh?" And every change has been an improvement (except for that long flash intro screen) I say that after everyone is used to this skin you should pretend it is time for a new look then switch back to the old skin. I'll bet the same people complaining today will complain then.
  • #29
and yet somehow trib's ancestors survived...
  • #30
what a relief! that was horrible! i literally feel like a physical pain has been eased with the removal of that atrocious new design.

i sure am glad i read this thread. i was literally going to stop coming around because it wasn't worth suffering for.
  • #31
Wow! Talking dinosaurs! They must have been brought back by the same time travellers from the future that designed the new PF.
  • #32
I kinda like this theme O.O
  • #33
I can't believe you guys aren't even giving it a chance! Just a few days. Greg is making the site more distinctive so it doesn't look like every other vBulletin site out there. Seriously, give it a few days. It's a big change, so it is shocking at first. Greg didn't give us mentors a choice...he turned it on in the mentor's forum and left it on...and it worked...after a few days, and a few tweaks, I went from a lengthy list of criticisms to loving it. The first day I saw it, I thought I'd definitely be switching right back to the old blue skin once the change was made, but now I'm not going to do it, I like the new look.
  • #34
Jeez, was there this kind of reception last time the skin was changed? Just give it a week to get accustomed to it, then decide which is better.
  • #35
Nah. KISS.

Keep it simple, stupid.

If people need a week to get used to something, then new visitors aren't going to stay past their first visit. I believe this site is supposed to encourage people to stick around and learn something... yes?

I'd like to see some sort of numbers, showing how many new visitors decide to stay, with the new skin as the default - compared to how many new visitors decide to stay, with the old skin as the default.