UFO News: Japan's Extraterrestrial Activity

In summary, UFO activity is increasing in Japan, with reports of a luminous object trailing white smoke and an F16 plane on standby.
  • #71
Dozens of UFOs reported over Wales Nov 16 2005

DOZENS of UFOs that the Ministry of Defence cannot explain have been sighted in Wales in the past three years, the release of confidential papers has revealed.

The MoD confirmed that a green, circular object seen hovering in one position over Mumbles in January 2002 was classed as a UFO.
And another bright object seen hovering over West Swansea in January of this year is also being put down as a UFO.

However, Julie Monk of the Ministry of Defence's Directorate of Air Staff made it clear a UFO classification simply meant no rational explanation for a sighting could be found, not that it was extra-terrestrial in origin.

MoD figures show 28 reports of UFO sightings in Wales in the past three years cannot be explained. [continued]
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #72
UFO reported over Shanghai

SEVERAL people reported seeing a UFO in Shanghai between 4:30pm and 9pm yesterday.

A man named Hu told the Xinmin Evening News he saw the UFO in the sky near the Outer Ring Road in Xinzhuan area at 4:30pm. It was visible for about 5 minutes, Hu said.

A man named Luo said he saw a bright oval object flying west towards Jiuting Town at 5pm when he was near Qibao Town. He tried to take a picture of it with his digital camera, but failed.

A man named Yang said he saw the UFO near...[continued]
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  • #73
Alien encounters and UFO sightings, along with a fascination for outer space, are alive and strong in Asia, according to survey results released by global market research company Synovate.

Synovate director Scott Lee said the recent successful Chinese space mission inspired the firm to explore Asian perceptions of space, resulting in some out of this world findings on people‘s attitudes, space travel desires and extraterrestrial experiences.

The survey covered 5,500 respondents in China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia and Korea.

“Asians are clearly convinced that we are not alone in our universe, with more than six out of 10 people (64 percent) surveyed across all countries believing that intelligent life exists on planets other than earth,“ Lee said.

“Personal extraterrestrial experiences are also far more common than expected with 10 percent of Asians believing that they have seen a UFO and a further three percent believing that they have had an encounter with aliens from another planet.

“When applied across the enormous populations of the countries surveyed, that is over 250 million UFO sightings and more than 80 million alien encounters,“ added Lee.[continued]
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  • #74
UFO sighting claim - watch the video! Dec 15 2005

By The Huddersfield Daily Examiner

A CROSLAND Moor woman has captured images of a strange object in the skies above Huddersfield.

Now she is hoping someone can identify the object, which she saw on Monday afternoon.

Teresa Millward, 28, of Crosland Moor, said: "It was very strange and slow-moving. It was shaped a bit like a triangle. [continued]

The video wouldn't play for me. Maybe later...
  • #75
Scroll down to

UFOs spotted in Middle Tenn.

More >>

They are also pushing the UFO Bible connection in the piece. Most if not all fundamentalists with whom I've had the opportunity to bring this up, either believe in UFOs, or easily could. They see them as part of the demonic forces at work in the world and as a part of the end times. It really threw me at first; didn't expect that one.
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  • #76
Sightings From the Unknown
posted May 31st, 2006

A community just north of Meadow Lake is claiming to have watched some UFO's for the last couple of months. One scientist [Barb Campbell, from Maidstone] who made the trip up there to see for herself...

People in Waterhen Lake have been watching since April 4th. Discs and bright lights in the sky above the water. [continued]
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  • #77

...Barbara Campbell, who is a UFO researcher based out of Maidstone, heard wind of the sightings, and traveled to Waterhen to investigate this past week.

She said after doing her preliminary research, that a large number of people in the area - 75% in fact - say that they saw something out of the ordinary in the sky at night.

“I will have to do some more indepth research into this, but at this point, it seems very credible,” she said.

“Video footage was actually obtained as well, and there were five to seven objects captured on film.” [continued]
  • #78
Lights in sky over Tinley Park [Chicago] have UFO believers looking up
The sightings of three red, silent, slow-moving lights in the sky over Tinley Park and Oak Park were first reported on Aug. 21, 2004, with subsequent sightings on Oct. 31, 2004, and Oct. 1, 2005. The National UFO Reporting Center was flooded with calls on each of those nights, with dozens of such reports at www.ufocenter.com.

...There are numerous pieces of footage shot by area residents at the same time in different locations, which gives researchers much more data to work with than the usual isolated UFO sighting.

"I absolutely love mass sightings," Maranto said, "because you have such a cross section of (witnesses)." [continued]

Has ZapperZ been playing games? :biggrin:
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  • #79
Lithuanian police encounter UFO - CIA report.

Search UFO on this page

Then, see the report labeled:
Created: 6/26/1996

Two police officers reported ~ a one-half hour long encounter with a large, pulsating, expanding and contracting sphere that made "electronic crackle" sounds and that would move away when approached. Special forces responded, and civil defense authorites were called into study the event.
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  • #80
French space agency to publish UFO archive online

PARIS (Reuters) - The French space agency is to publish its archive of UFO sightings and other phenomena online, but will keep the names of those who reported them off the site to protect them from pestering by space fanatics.

Jacques Arnould, an official at the National Space Studies Center (CNES), said the French database of around 1,600 incidents would go live in late January or mid-February.

He said the CNES had been collecting statements and documents for almost 30 years to archive and study them. [continued]
  • #81
...A flying saucerlike object hovered low over O'Hare International Airport for several minutes before bolting through thick clouds with such intense energy that it left an eerie hole in overcast skies, said some United Airlines employees who observed the phenomenon.

...All the witnesses said the object was dark gray and well defined in the overcast skies. They said the craft, estimated by different accounts to be 6 feet to 24 feet in diameter, did not display any lights.

Some said it looked like a rotating Frisbee, while others said it did not appear to be spinning. All agreed the object made no noise and it was at a fixed position in the sky, just below the 1,900-foot cloud deck, until shooting off into the clouds [continued]
  • #82
Ivan Seeking said:

If only there were some way that they could - I don't know - show us what they saw - maybe a sketch of it, or a rubbing, or maybe strategically arranged dust bunnies on the floor! If only there were some way that even one of all those witnesses could have ... I don't know ... recorded ... some sort of ... impression ... of what they saw.

I know. Crazy talk.

Alas, sketching and dust bunnies take longer than the "several minutes" the event lasted. Maybe someday technology will advance to the point where we could share with others the things we've seen.

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  • #83
Have you read the napster? There are plenty of events that are well documented - many by the military.

If I show you picture of a flying saucer, and I can show you many, would you be convinced that it is real? Of course not.

Edit: Here you go.
Now we can all rest knowing that you're convinced. :biggrin:
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  • #84
Ivan Seeking said:
Have you read the napster? There are plenty of events that are well documented - many by the military.

If I show you picture of a flying saucer, and I can show you many, would you be convinced that it is real? Of course not.

Edit: Here you go.
Now we can all rest knowing that you're convinced. :biggrin:

You're jumping to conclusions.

For starters "...plenty of events that are well documented - many by the military..." is a straw man. I am talking about this event, and no other. I don't understand why, with all those witnesses, for an event that lasted "several minutes", they could find no one who had a camera.

Don't generalize. I am not claiming anything about general UFO skepticism, I am only questioning this account.

Granted, I have not followed up with other articles. I would have thought that, if there were pictures associated with this new report, the Chicago Tribune would wish to publish them. I would also assume that, if someone were going to link to an article about it, they'd link to a good article, one that did have the pics.
  • #85

apparently dozens saw this... anyone?
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  • #86
Ivan Seeking said:
If I show you picture of a flying saucer, and I can show you many, would you be convinced that it is real? Of course not.

Now we can all rest knowing that you're convinced. :biggrin:
70,000 people at Fatima saw the Sun dance in the sky. I don't believe that it really did - do you?
  • #87
DaveC426913 said:
You're jumping to conclusions.

For starters "...plenty of events that are well documented - many by the military..." is a straw man. I am talking about this event, and no other. I don't understand why, with all those witnesses, for an event that lasted "several minutes", they could find no one who had a camera.

I know. Crazy talk

This makes your statement more general than you admit.

Don't generalize. I am not claiming anything about general UFO skepticism, I am only questioning this account.

That wasn't suggested by the quote above. It sounded more like the typical attack by someone who has never studied the subject.

Granted, I have not followed up with other articles. I would have thought that, if there were pictures associated with this new report, the Chicago Tribune would wish to publish them. I would also assume that, if someone were going to link to an article about it, they'd link to a good article, one that did have the pics.

We can only provided what is provided. Also, perhaps people involved in the operations of commercial aircraft couldn't run to their locker for a camera? Perhaps someone did try to video the event but it was too dark? Also, recently a comment by Integral caught my attention: He has trouble getting pics of his dogs in action and they live in his house!
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  • #88
russ_watters said:
70,000 people at Fatima saw the Sun dance in the sky. I don't believe that it really did - do you?

What does this have to do with photographs of alleged UFOs?
  • #89
Greg Bernhardt said:

apparently dozens saw this... anyone?

Yes, this is shaping up to be an interesting story due to the number of witnesses. It may be more interesting to see what the MUFON investigation yields. I can't tell yet if the weather phenomenon theory is consistent with the reports, but on the face of things its doesn't sound like it. Note also that simply saying that it was a "weather phenomenon" is not really a theory or an explanation. For starters, what phenomenon?
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  • #90
Ivan Seeking said:
It sounded more like the typical attack by someone who has never studied the subject.
I'll take that as an admission that you jumped to that conclusion. :-p
  • #91
My guess is that it was a wingtip vortex from a landing plane. Those vortices can meander around, remain stationary for a while, then dissipate. If they pick up dust or moisuture they can appear solid.
  • #92
...Peter Davenport, the UFO center's director, says the buzz over the O'Hare sighting is fully justified.

"In my opinion, because I know the quality of the witnesses, and because I know the nature of the documents that were generated, it is one of the most dramatic cases of the year 2006 that this center has handled," Davenport told me today from the center's headquarters in Washington state.

On the other side, NBC News space analyst James Oberg - a longtime UFO skeptic - says the evidence that's come to light so far isn't all that compelling.

"It's just sad that we keep getting these reports which are of zero evidential value," he told me. "It's sad because there's a lot of strange stuff in the air that we do need to know." [continued]
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  • #93
On the surface of it, UFOs could lurk

For nearly 60 years, rumors have circulated of strange flying objects emerging from the ocean off our coast and disappearing in a fantastic flash of speed and light.

Sailors, fishermen, dockworkers, police officers, coastal residents and others have reported eerie otherworldly ships emerging from and submerging into local waters.

UFOs, it seems, have established an underwater base somewhere in the deep, dark recesses between the Channel Islands and the coastline between Long Beach and Santa Barbara.

Despite a tendency to scoff at such conspiracies, I decided to do a little investigating. You know, just to be sure. [continued]

I had to laugh when I read this. As so often happens, a skeptic takes a real look at the subject for the first time, and their world is shaken a bit.
  • #94
There have been many reports of UFO activity over Iran this week. The initial reports were of a nuclear explosion and were suggestive of a meteor to me, so I didn't make much of it at first, but now there are reports of a second and third event. Here are some of the recent hits.

Witnesses have claimed to have watched an unidentified flying object hovering at a low altitude for more than an hour over Bouyer Ahmad, Iran.

The glowing object was spotted two days after a similar object, described as having a yellow ray and a red centre, was sighted at the same time of day, the Fars News Agency reported. These sightings are following a reported UFO crash January 10 in the Barrez Mounts, Iran.

Deputy Governor-General Abulghassem Nasrollahi of Kerman province said police and other authorities were investigating and that the crash could not have been an airplane or helicopter because all aircraft flying in the area on that day had been accounted for. [continued]

UFO spotted over Iran
BOUYER AHMAD, Iran, Jan. 19 (UPI) -- Witnesses reported seeing an unidentified flying object hovering for more than an hour over Bouyer Ahmad, Iran. [continued]


January 11, 2007
Report: Nuclear Explosion in Iran (UPDATE: 3 explosions)
A major explosion is being reported in the Iranian desert. It said to be a nuclear explosion. In the general area of one of Iran's nuclear testing sitees.

The alternative theory is that a UFO crashed. That is what one Iranian blogger is reporting, anyway. Anti-Mullah:

Reports emanating [continued]
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  • #95
DOZENS of mysterious lights were spotted hovering in the sky above Archway - spreading panic among residents below.

Unidentified flying orange objects stopped traffic and left residents staring skyward in disbelief at around 5.30pm on Thursday.
Islington police received four calls within a matter of minutes.

...They were coming from the north and moving south. And then they kind of stopped and they were hovering. There was no sound. They seemed to fade away and I saw more coming and then they stopped. It lasted about 10 minutes."

Photo included.
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  • #96
Maury Island’s UFO: 60 years later, the mystery lingers
By Amelia Heagerty
Jun 20 2007

Roswell, once just a military base in the New Mexican desert, is known today as the site of the United States’ most high-profile and controversial UFO sighting and crash. But few Islanders know that Maury Island was home to the first alleged UFO sighting in U.S. history, and it took place weeks before two crafts fell from the sky in Roswell.

Tomorrow marks the 60th anniversary of the Maury Island Incident, as it was later dubbed in books and newspaper articles. It took place in June 1947, two years after World War II ended. The nation was abuzz with paranoia and suspicion, and it was in this atmosphere that first one, then two, then hundreds of Americans reported seeing strange, unidentifiable, usually saucer-shaped, objects whizzing through the sky.

These were the incidents that triggered UFO hysteria, which gripped the nation for decades and spawned countless movies and books. But it all started with one close encounter. One X file. It all started with Maury Island.[continued]

Huh, this is news to me. I may know the account but never realized that it predates the Kenneth Arnold case, which was three days later.
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  • #97
ESCONDIDO – Retired Air Force veteran Milton Sprouse clearly remembers the summer day in 1947 when he returned to Roswell Army Air Field aboard the B-29 bomber Dave's Dream from a three-day maneuver in Florida. [continued]
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  • #98
Also, there is a rather amusing bit about presidential candidate Kucinich in the news.

In the book, MacLaine says "He saw a gigantic triangular craft, silent, and observing him. It hovered for about ten minutes or so, and sped away with a speed he couldn't comprehend. He felt a connection in his heart and heard directions in his mind."

A spokesperson for Congressman Kucinich tells Fox 8 News Kucinich has no comment.[continued]
  • #99
One more: It looks like Leslie Kean won in court and is forcing NASA to search for and release any information related to the Kecksburg incident.

WASHINGTON - NASA has agreed to search its archives once again for documents on a 1965 UFO incident in Pennsylvania, a step the space agency fought in federal court. The government has refused to open its files about what, if anything, moved across the sky and crashed in the woods near Kecksburg, Pa., 40 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.[continued]
  • #100
This is an interesting one that happened recently just round the corner from where i live. A commercial airline pilot has reported seeing two unidentified flying objects in the sky near Guernsey. It got quite a lot of media attention (in the UK) and the pilot was interviewed on national UK TV News; . Some passengers saw it, and it was also picked up on radar.

A commercial airline pilot has reported seeing two unidentified flying objects in the sky near Guernsey.
The bright yellow flat disc shapes, estimated to be twice the size of a Boeing 737, were spotted on Monday, 12 to 15 miles north east of the island.

original story at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/guernsey/6591365.stm
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  • #103
Ivan Seeking said:
One more: It looks like Leslie Kean won in court and is forcing NASA to search for and release any information related to the Kecksburg incident.


Ya, If there was anything worthwhile they'll probably need to grab a lot of tape and head over to the NASA shredder to find those documents;)
  • #104
Zantra said:
anderson cooper on the same gathering (disclosure project?)

edit:this starts a story on second life, but in the lower part of the screen click the "ufo" story

I must say, either former Sgt. Penniston has one hell of a lot of nerve or he believes what he says. He claims to have stood next to the alleged landed craft at Rendlesham for over forty minutes. Now, it's one thing to tell this story to fringe investigators, but to take this as far as he has is surprising to me. In the past I have strongly suspected that Col. Halt - Penniston's superior - didn't really believe Penniston's story. And one can imagine that the story that Halt tells might be explained by some sort of natural phenomenon, but that is not the case with Penniston. If he is telling the truth, then a structured craft was observed on the ground at point blank range. He even claims to have touched it.

For those who don't about know this case [one of the cases discussed in Washington today], this is Halt's original report

btw, I don't think Greer [Disclosure Project] has anything to do with this one.
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  • #105
Here is some additional coverage by CNN.
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