Magnitude in frequency domain of Fourier Transform situation

In summary, the conversation discusses graphing signals in the frequency domain and specifically addresses the question of how to graph X(w) when the exp() function has a constant*t term. The attached drawing illustrates the desired result, and the equation for X(w) is given as 1/2[1/(3+j(w-10)) + 1/(3+j(w+10))] from x(t). The conversation also clarifies that the lower magnitude plot in the attached drawing is not correct for cos(10t) and suggests using vertical lines at +- 10 rad/s instead. The importance of the magnitude tending to 0 as the frequency approaches infinity is also mentioned.
  • #1
Hi All, I'm just trying to practice graphing signals in frequency domain and I came across a stiuation I wasn't familiar with. If the exp() has a constant*t in it I'm not sure how to graph it, I remember that just cos it like a double sided exp(jwt) but with half the magnitude. I've attached a drawing to better illustrate the question of how to graph X(w),
I've worked out that X(w) = 1/2[1/(3+j(w-10)) + 1/(3+j(w+10))] from x(t) but not sure what that magnitude in frequency domain looks like.

Thanks heaps!


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  • #2
Did I post this in the wrong section or what?
  • #3
Can someone tell me if I wrote the question poorly (i.e my fault) or it is just not interesting enough to respond to?
  • #4
toneboy1 said:
If the exp() has a constant*t in it I'm not sure how to graph it, I remember that just cos it like a double sided exp(jwt) but with half the magnitude.

I can recognise the words taken one at a time, and I know what Fourier transforms are about, but I can't figure out what your question is.

If might help if you wrote some actual equations, rather than things like "just cos it like a double sided exp(jwt)".
  • #5
AlephZero said:
I can recognise the words taken one at a time, and I know what Fourier transforms are about, but I can't figure out what your question is.

If might help if you wrote some actual equations, rather than things like "just cos it like a double sided exp(jwt)".

On the picture attached, you'll notice the bottom frequency graph is of the magnitude of a cos function, and it is a double sided peak, this is the sort of result I'm trying to graph for the function on the top of the picture. Where I typed the question's text I gave the Fourier transformation of this function, but this is what I'm unsure how to graph, like the afformentioned magnitude of a cos function (on the bottom of the picture). I.e X(w) = 1/2[1/(3+j(w-10)) + 1/(3+j(w+10))] from x(t) in the picture.
  • #6
If you're trying to graph the magnitude of the Fourier transform of the damped cosine at the top, then you have pretty much succeeded with the lower plot (the magnitude needs to tend to 0 as the frequency goes to +- infinity).

The lower magnitude plot is thus not correct for cos(10t) - that would just be a couple of points (usually pictured as vertical lines) at +- 10 rad/s.
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  • #7
milesyoung said:
The lower magnitude plot is thus not correct for cos(10t) - that would just be a couple of points (usually pictured as vertical lines) at +- 10 rad/s.
Ah, ok, and would those vertical lines have a magnitude of 1/2 each?

RIGHT so that is pretty much the graph for the damped cos, so w at +/- infinity it tends to zero, what about at w is zero, is the magnitude zero?


FAQ: Magnitude in frequency domain of Fourier Transform situation

What is the Fourier Transform?

The Fourier Transform is a mathematical operation that decomposes a function into its constituent frequencies. In other words, it breaks down a signal or function into its individual sine and cosine components.

What is the magnitude in frequency domain?

The magnitude in frequency domain is a measure of the strength or amplitude of each frequency component in a signal. It is represented by the height or intensity of the corresponding peak on a frequency domain graph.

How is the magnitude in frequency domain calculated?

The magnitude in frequency domain is calculated by taking the absolute value of the complex numbers obtained from the Fourier Transform. This converts the complex numbers into positive, real values that represent the amplitude of each frequency component.

What does the magnitude in frequency domain tell us about a signal?

The magnitude in frequency domain provides information about the frequencies present in a signal and their relative strengths. It can also help identify any dominant or important frequencies in the signal.

How is the magnitude in frequency domain represented graphically?

The magnitude in frequency domain is typically represented graphically using a frequency domain plot or spectrum. This is a graph with frequency on the x-axis and magnitude on the y-axis, with peaks indicating the strength of each frequency component.
