Exploring the Debate: Nerd vs Geek

  • Thread starter danne89
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In summary, Daniel is a geek who doesn't fit the traditional definition of a nerd. He's intelligent and has a lot of interests, but he doesn't fit the stereotype of the socially awkward person who is fascinated by knowledge.
  • #141
dextercioby said:
Hey,why did YOU answer ??I was talking to Jesus,my neighbor,with whom i was playing poker...:-p

AArrrrrrggggghhhh I be a seafarin', rum guzzlin', harrrrrd drive installin', wench lovin' (don't tell the wife I called her that), nerd cap'n with a God complex, I guess. Arrrggghhhh.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #142
WT HELL...?It's (almost) the same message...!Ran outta inspiration...?Try expiration...Or you're having breathing problems altogether...?:confused: :-p


P.S.And that's JESUS,like the Spanish/Mexicans pronounce it with an H/eitch.:-p
  • #143
dextercioby said:
WT HELL...?It's (almost) the same message...!Ran outta inspiration...?Try expiration...Or you're having breathing problems altogether...?:confused: :-p


P.S.And that's JESUS,like the Spanish/Mexicans pronounce it with an H/eitch.:-p
AArrrrrrggggghhhh I be a seafarin', rum guzzlin', harrrrrd drive installin', wench lovin' (don't tell the wife I called her that), nerd cap'n with a Spanish/Mexican God complex, I guess. Arrrggghhhh. :-p
  • #144
I'm officially quitting this thread... I said what i had to say.

  • #145
Pff Dex, I certainly hope you don't let someone get to you like that in the thread killing champ thread.
  • #146
Nope,not a chance.Though I've seen attempts to keep me away...:mad:

Oh,and about quitting this thread,well,i'm just like Michael Jordan,i never quit.

  • #147
You just retire and go to new threads every now and then?
  • #148
Nope,not really retire.I'm latent...In stand-by,if you prefer.Oh,and i suck at basketball.

  • #149
dextercioby said:
Oh,and i suck at basketball.
Not me. I was 6'-0" tall in High school and pretty good at basketball. That was one of the few things that kept me from being a total nerd in school. Before they found out I was good, I would be the last one picked for a team, then I would kick their butts and I was picked right off the start next time.

So, AArrrrrrggggghhhh I be a seafarin', rum guzzlin', harrrrrd drive installin', wench lovin' (don't tell the wife I called her that), basketball playing nerd cap'n with a Spanish/Mexican God complex, I guess. Arrrggghhhh.
  • #150
30.96647% Total Geek according to the test (should I admit this or ask for a second opinion) :smile:
  • #151
Francis M said:
30.96647% Total Geek according to the test (should I admit this or ask for a second opinion) :smile:
Welcome aboard, me nerd matey, Arrrghhhh. :biggrin:
  • #152
Francis M said:
30.96647% Total Geek according to the test (should I admit this or ask for a second opinion) :smile:
Well, I'm not sure whether you should admit it or ask for a second opinion, but you should at least say "Avast, ye matey, I be a pirate nerd! YAARRGHH!"

This thread is for pirate nerds, not normal nerds. :smile: (Well, blow me down! This forum don't have no pirate smilies!)
  • #153
When I took the test (last year when it was first posted) I made either 42 or 47%, I was a "major geek".
  • #154
YARRRHHH! Cap'n BobG - Here be yer pirate smilie!
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  • #155
Yarrr goood work there MIH
  • #156
Francis M said:
30.96647% Total Geek according to the test (should I admit this or ask for a second opinion) :smile:

Thats weak sauce/
  • #157
Yarr! Me thinkses Y'all be having too much time on yar hands ay matey.
  • #158
Smurf said:
Yarr! Me thinkses Y'all be having too much time on yar hands ay matey.

Beat it petey, this thread is Nerds-only again, the pirates left a while ago.

Your kind are not welcome
  • #159
12.03156 :biggrin:

Seriously, i was into heavy metal (still into it now) before I got into physics. And of course, I know nuts about computers, and really can't be arsed to learn anything about them. I use XP and have not updated it for eons, that says alot, i guess.
  • #160
misogynisticfeminist said:
12.03156 :biggrin:

Seriously, i was into heavy metal (still into it now) before I got into physics. And of course, I know nuts about computers, and really can't be arsed to learn anything about them. I use XP and have not updated it for eons, that says alot, i guess.

Yeah it says that you've been doing the computer equivalent of having sex without a condom in a third world country with AIDS rates of greater than 50%.

I wouldn't be surprised to find out someone has completel access to your system by now.

A recent study showed that within an hour a system running XP SP1 was completely runnning under remote control and was being used to attack other systems, and had been subjected to over 4,000 separate attacks, and stopped almost none of them. All in a single hour of being online.
  • #161
franznietzsche said:
Beat it petey, this thread is Nerds-only again, the pirates left a while ago.
Yarrgh! But not for good!

We merely be 'trollin' the high seas in search of Bounty (It's the quicker picker-upper, you know). Alas, we only found Scott paper towels - cheap millionaires they be that stock their galleys with Scott instead of Bounty! Yarrgh, we sent those misers to Davy Jone's Locker!

PF Pirates Plague the High Seas
  • #162
Yes. Not really...I don't care. LOL. Yea, I love chemistry and math and listen to southern gangsta rap...I don't think I'm a nerd.
  • #163
I don't have time to take the test or even read past the first couple of pages in here. Will do so when I get home from work. Meanwhile, I submit that the term 'nerd' was invented by the writers of the 'Happy Days' show because you weren't allowed to say 's**t-head' on TV. (Nor here, apparently. :biggrin: ) At least, I certainly never heard it before that. Anyone else?
  • #164
danne89 said:
Are you a nerd?
I bought a http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=4660&item=7502077595&rd=1 just to play with it. You tell me. :rolleyes:
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  • #165
OMG ! you got the SUPER SIZED GIANT one!

Ps ..what you going to do with it? fuel cell?
  • #166
Okay, I finally got to try the test.

30.57199% Total Geek

Is that good or bad...? :confused:
  • #167
hypatia said:
OMG ! you got the SUPER SIZED GIANT one!

Ps ..what you going to do with it? fuel cell?
Actually, that was just the top one on the list - I got a 40mm one (100w or so, iirc). I may use it to chill my beer: http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~arnesen/peltierbeer/

Or, perhaps, to cool a ccd camera for my telescope.
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  • #168
Yep, Russ is a nerd. :approve:
  • #169
Originally Posted by hypatia

OMG ! you got the SUPER SIZED GIANT one!

Ps ..what you going to do with it? fuel cell?

wohooooo, OC time!
  • #170
16.17357% - Geek
  • #171
I redid that geek test a few weeks ago, and I've increased my score quite a bit. 47% geek, super geek! heh, i think i have to be one of the geekiest girls out there...
  • #172
I've seen worse...:-pYou know what i think of geeky girls.They're super hot.

  • #173
I got a whopping 47% Geek :

WHat I want to know is... Why the SCA is on there and only one brief mention of Renaissance fairs! We are way Geeker than the SCA damnit!
  • #174
xJuggleboy said:
Why the SCA is on there and only one brief mention of Renaissance fairs!
And yet again, no mention of sheep.
  • #175
i am a nerd because:
most people, except other nerds, shun be because intellect is not cool
tom clancy books are now light reading for me (tom clancy books are often 5 inches thick or larger)
and i have very large thick glasses, have a pocket protector, and wear a pencil in my ear

(just kidding about the last part, i do have some self-respect)


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