Exploring the Debate: Nerd vs Geek

  • Thread starter danne89
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In summary, Daniel is a geek who doesn't fit the traditional definition of a nerd. He's intelligent and has a lot of interests, but he doesn't fit the stereotype of the socially awkward person who is fascinated by knowledge.
  • #106
Artman said:
Arrrrrr. Talk to the parrot; they be my wenches now. ARRRRRrrghhhhh! :-p

A'right you sonny jim, yer head is mine!

*pulls cutlass*

Prepare to die for tuching me wenches, pretty boy!
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  • #107
Arrr. Tis far from land we be and yer parrot bee quite the fetching lass. I'll trade ye me oak'n leg fer an hour with ye polly.
  • #108
tribdog said:
Arrr. Tis far from land we be and yer parrot bee quite the fetching lass. I'll trade ye me oak'n leg fer an hour with ye polly.
Let's find out.

Polly want a tribdog?
Polly said:
Augh --Nevermore.
I thought that's what the raven said.
Polly said:
Did you ask her about being tribdog's wench too?.
Polly says no deal.
  • #109
  • #110

Ye be nerds o' seafarin' heartys be. Hordin' an' Buryin' th' Star Trek Booty an' yer Wench Se'en o' Nine. Aaargh. Ye be Geek-Lasses. Ye all be fancy computer seafarin' heartys wi' nay respect fer th' seafarin' heartys o' old. Where be yer peg leg? Whats this? Did ye replace yer peg leg wi' yer new Rob'tic Synthetic Leg? Ye all be weak dog seafarin' hearty nerds.
Ya lily livered scurvy dog!
  • #111
yaarrrrh! simmer down, all o' ye scurvy cur, or ye'll meet with me swarrd anon!

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  • #112
I swear I think (I think!) that this thread might have gotten a tad bit off topic, but that's just me, I am crazy like that some times.
  • #113
ARRRGGH! I be a scurvy dog!
  • #114
Yarrgh! The wenches be mine! Ha!


  • kenlass.JPG
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  • #115
Yarrh? Me long lost love, Ken? Ye became a pirate?
  • #116
Is THAT thing Ken...??:surpised: What happened to him...?Just got out from a train crash...?

  • #117
Our divorce was very hard on him.
  • #118
Isn't that a poor lucky ba$$tard,or what...?What did he do ??

  • #119
Arr this here be thread changed so gradually from nerds t' pirates that it be barely noticable.
  • #120
motai said:

Ye be nerds o' seafarin' heartys be. Hordin' an' Buryin' th' Star Trek Booty an' yer Wench Se'en o' Nine. Aaargh. Ye be Geek-Lasses. Ye all be fancy computer seafarin' heartys wi' nay respect fer th' seafarin' heartys o' old. Where be yer peg leg? Whats this? Did ye replace yer peg leg wi' yer new Rob'tic Synthetic Leg? Ye all be weak dog seafarin' hearty nerds.
Ya lily livered scurvy dog!
Arrrrghhhh! They be sailin' the internet in search of virtual booty. Arrrghhh.

(Well most of them are, I be guessin') :biggrin:

  • #121
dextercioby said:
Isn't that a poor lucky ba$$tard,or what...?What did he do ??


Aye, I done nothin' matey, I swear it on Charlie Noble's stack! Twas that GI Joe - he's a cretan, that one is. I catch up to 'im and he be dancin' th' hempen jig from th' futtocks shroud, be he.

Jus' ain't an accountin' on th' lass's tastes. That GI Joe's an escaped jail bird, as ye spy by his orange jump suit. An' no respect for th' lasses has he.


  • crueljoe.JPG
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  • #122
Bob,why did u change your avatar...? :Honestly,it doesn't look as good as b4...:wink:

  • #123
Yarrrr Franz ye mus' have bin drunk that 'nite, here twas your real wench:
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  • #124
Lucky for Math be Hard that she has sisters!

Yarrrgh, looks to me that Joe has been hornswaggled. He's been dowsin' his whistle in a hogshead of bumboo.



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  • #125
mattmns said:
Yarrrr Franz ye mus' have bin drunk that 'nite, here twas your real wench:
'tis[/URL] a mighty hefty wench Franz me boy! :biggrin:
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  • #126
mattmns said:
Yarrrr Franz ye mus' have bin drunk that 'nite, here twas your real wench:
Yah, he was drunkerin' a pine forest set upon th' 'Laskan permafrost, he was.

Yarrgh! Whitch's wye I got 'is wench now! Th' more th' merrier lassies! Yo ho ho!


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  • #127
BobG, your daughter's going to have a fit when she sees what you've been doing with her vintage doll collection! :smile:

yarrr, matt - that be the wench I saw with franz.. or was it this lovely lassie.. who seems to be sportin' a touch o' the 5 o'clock shadow!
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  • #128
Math Is Hard said:
yarrr, matt - that be the wench I saw with franz.. or was it this lovely lassie.. who seems to be sportin' a touch o' the 5 o'clock shadow!

Aarr, Math Be Hard, that be franz hisself. That ain't no 5 o'clock shadow he be sportin' thar, it be a full week's growth...yaaarrrrr!
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  • #129
Moonbear said:
Aarr, Math Be Hard, that be franz hisself. That ain't no 5 o'clock shadow he be sportin' thar, it be a full week's growth...yaaarrrrr!
Yarhhh harhh harrhh harhhhh! :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #130
Yarrr, I thouht looked familiaaaaarrrrr.
  • #131
I have a hunch that we might've gotten a bit off topic.
  • #132
Smurf said:
I have a hunch that we might've gotten a bit off topic.
Smurf, the thread hasn't gone off topic, the thread has "evolved". It's gone from "nerd" to "pirate nerd". It's all good. :approve:
  • #133
I've noticed that it's really fun to say YAARRRH! You have to try it sometime when you're alone in your car - just let out a good YAARRH! as loud as you can and really mean it - guarantee you'll laugh hysterically and feel better after you do it.
  • #134
Math Is Hard said:
I've noticed that it's really fun to say YAARRRH! You have to try it sometime when you're alone in your car - just let out a good YAARRH! as loud as you can and really mean it - guarantee you'll laugh hysterically and feel better after you do it.

Oh, it really is fun! Last summer, I went on a weekend trip to an amusement park with several friends. Two went off to get dinner and came back from a Long John Silver's (I think) fast food place with some paper pirate hats...we all had fun wearing pirate hats and saying Yaaarrrh! Of course, most of us had started drinking while they were pillaging for food, so that might have had something to do with how fun it was.
  • #135
Evo said:
Smurf, the thread hasn't gone off topic, the thread has "evolved". It's gone from "nerd" to "pirate nerd". It's all good. :approve:

We can merge the themes, even between threads...one way to get bullies to stop picking on you (something commonly suffered by nerds) is to suddenly start sporting a hook, an eye patch, and shouting YAAARRRHHH! They'll be too afraid to pick on you thinking you've truly gone nuts. :smile:
  • #136
Evo said:
Smurf, the thread hasn't gone off topic, the thread has "evolved".
More like "morphed"!

Moonbear has a good point, although why stop at a hook - go all the way and carry a cutlass and pistol. But then the 'nerd pirate' is responsible for complying with local laws concerning weapons.
  • #137
YAaaarrrr, I won't be lettin' Astronuc kill the nerd/pirate thread. 'E did't even make it walk thar plank, RRRrrrrrrrrraghhhh. I'll be takin' this thread from ye and hoistin' it back up the PF Yardarm. RrRRRRrrrrrraggghhhhh.

Cap'n Arrrrrrghtman
  • #139
dextercioby said:
Jesus,man,you're losing it...:-p

Arrrrggghhhhh :-p I be a seafarin', rum guzzlin', harrrrrd drive installin', wench lovin' (don't tell the wife I called her that), nerd cap'n Arrrggghhhh.
  • #140
Hey,why did YOU answer ??I was talking to Jesus,my neighbor,with whom i was playing poker...:-p


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