Are Americans really all oil-hungry murderers?

  • Thread starter eNtRopY
  • Start date
In summary, the rest of the world ignorantly perceives Americans as being overweight, driving huge cars, spending a lot of time on their appearance, eating fast food for breakfast, and not being fashionable. Other stereotypes include speaking with a Texas accent, being rude and obnoxious, having a lot of guns, being rich, and not caring about what the rest of the world thinks. However, many of these stereotypes are not true and may be a projection of the accusers' own insecurities. In reality, Americans are often generous and selfless, providing aid and assistance to other countries in times of need.
  • #1
Let's list stereotypes that the rest of the world ignorantly perceives Americans as having...

I'll start.

All Americans want to kill people who practice the Islamic religion so that they can get rich off of oil.

Physics news on
  • #2
we all sit down and watch crappy TV shows every night like American Idol, or Survivor.

we all drink beer and are very fat. (generally this it true, though)
  • #3
Your ALL stupid!
  • #4
Originally posted by Andy
Your [sic] ALL stupid!

Is that proper Queen's English you're speaking?
  • #5
Ha good spot! its not the proper queens english but all the way through secondary school and college i have been able to get away with it, without any teachers telling me I am wrong so you're correct and i apolagise, i blame the English education system!
  • #6
Well, my list:

- overweight
- drive HUGE cars
- spend a lot of time on their hair
- spend a lot of time on their makeup
- get their breakfast from fast food chains
- not so fashionable (can be a good thing, europeans all have been walking around in fire-truck red pants for the past two years, although I think that red is starting to come if fashion here too)

That's about the things I had in mind before coming here.. they turned out to be true.

How to recognize a european: wears a red, thight pant; lots of hairgel; likes to drink sour milk and pays $0.10 to go to the bathroom at mac donalds :P
  • #7
All Americans speak with Texas accents.

All Americans are rude, obnoxious, self centered, spoiled, soft and weak. (Everyone should know that this is only true of Californians :smile: ).

All Americans are rich. I'm here to tell you that one's not true! (I often wonder who is more rich, the one who has nothing and is supported by the government, or the one who has everything they want, but owes the bank for everything he or she has?)
  • #8
We all have guns.

Pretty much all of the French cliches sans the sucking at war part. French, pfffft... "Look the Germans are coming! Quick set up a sympathetic government and take the oppertunity to oppress more Jews!"
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  • #9
Originally posted by Monique
Well, my list:

- overweight
- drive HUGE cars
- spend a lot of time on their hair
- spend a lot of time on their makeup
- get their breakfast from fast food chains
- not so fashionable (can be a good thing, europeans all have been walking around in fire-truck red pants for the past two years, although I think that red is starting to come if fashion here too)

That's about the things I had in mind before coming here.. they turned out to be true.

Hmm... more insults. But why?

I am not overweight.

I drive an old Volvo 740 Wagon. I suppose you could say that it's huge compared to compact cars... but it's European so whose fault is that?

I spend no time on my hair. I just let it grow naturally.

I don't wear makeup.

I don't eat breakfast... actually, unlike Europeans, most Americans just skip breakfast... I guess we're too busy getting things done.

Maybe I'm not so fashionable... I usually wear Levis with a ringer t-shirt or a baseball shirt, and a pair of Earth shoes. Is this really a problem though?

  • #10
I don't eat breakfast... actually, unlike Europeans, most Americans just skip breakfast... I guess we're too busy getting things done.

breakfast is actually good for you because it provides you with the energy required to do things well for the rest of the day, maybe that's why you americans are supposed to be so stupid, you skip breakfast because of that you do really stupid things that no breakfast eating european would ever do.

Let's list stereotypes that the rest of the world ignorantly perceives Americans as having...

remember these are only stereotypes of americans so try not to take them too personally.
  • #11
Originally posted by Andy
breakfast is actually good for you because it provides you with the energy required to do things well for the rest of the day, maybe that's why you americans are supposed to be so stupid, you skip breakfast because of that you do really stupid things that no breakfast eating european would ever do.

What do you eat in England for breakfast? Greasy eggs, greasy bacon, greasy pork 'n beans... Yeah... that's real brain food.

  • #12
What do you eat in america? Extra large Big Macs, extra large fries? or do you just order 1 of everything that they have? you titled this thread asking for a list of stereotypes that the rest of the world ignorantly perceives the americans to have, its only a stereotype so why get so defensive about such things?
  • #13
Too damn prosperous (bastards).
  • #14
Originally posted by Artman
All Americans are rude, obnoxious, self centered, spoiled, soft and weak. (Everyone should know that this is only true of Californians :smile: ).

i take this personally.
  • #15
heres one:

-not enough americans are bothered about what the rest of the world thinks of em.
  • #16
Originally posted by maximus
i take this personally.

Maximus, I hope you are kidding, or we can add "Lack sense of humor" to the list.

I certainly do not believe that that description resembles you or most Californians in any way.
  • #17
The one that baffles me the most is the idea that Americans are more self-centered than other peoples. No nation on Earth spends as much time, money and effort to help people from other countries as the U.S. Whenever a major disaster strikes another nation, America rushes in with rescue workers, food, money, medical assistance etc., and yet we are seen by the rest of the world as greedy selfish people concerned with nothing but our own personal gains. Frequently, the U.S. is accused of conducting humanitarian aid only for some selfish motive. I have often wondered; is this a case of projection? Perhaps those who make these accusations are merely revealing their own inability to comprehend the idea of doing something for someone else simply because it is the right thing to do.

But then I have to wonder if my perceptions of what other countries think of the U.S. are based on my own inacurate steryotypes about other countries?!
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  • #18
ugh, how about...

Seem to believe proper etiquette calls for their left hand to remain off the table and on their lap while dining formally.
  • #19
Welp, give you some truths about americans.

We (most) skip breakfast. We're to busy.

We still perform are tasks quite effectively.

We are constantly setting records, raising the bar.

We (very few on this one) drive better.

I do think a lot of people in america are ignorant. But I imagine that goes for all over the world.

Oh ya, whens the last time you seen a person who could eat breakfast, comb her hair, apply make up, change clothes, and talk on the cell phone, while driving?

Now that's multitasking.

Oh ya, and who cut the first backflip on a dirtbike (motorcycle)?

An american.

And I'm not overweight, its body armor for all the crazy stuff I do because the greese in the fries at Mc donalds makes me want to do crazy things.
  • #20
Originally posted by LURCH
The one that baffles me the most is the idea that Americans are more self-centered than other peoples. No nation on Earth spends as much time, money and effort to help people from other countries as the U.S. Whenever a major disaster strikes another nation, America rushes in with rescue workers, food, money, medical assistance etc., and yet we are seen by the rest of the world as greedy selfish people concerned with nothing but our own personal gains. Frequently, the U.S. is accused of conducting humanitarian aid only for some selfish motive. I have often wondered; is this a case of projection? Perhaps those who make these accusations are merely revealing their own inability to comprehend the idea of doing something for someone else simply because it is the right thing to do.

But then I have to wonder if my perceptions of what other countries think of the U.S. are based on my own inacurate steryotypes about other countries?! argument against that is that you have the money to spend...

your financial contribution may be the largest, but in terms of general assistance there are many, many other countrys that are equaly as helpful, if not more than america.

Take australia for example, we have a defence force...of only a few thousand perosnal. Yet half of them are currently peace keeping in east timor. Then there is not to mention the sheer cost of us to do that compared to that of the US.

What america does for people is damn nice, but when you look at it generaly there are allot of countrys risking and sacraficing allot more than the US is.

and for the main part, I really don't know anything about america that hasnt come from an opiniative document - ie an over emotional reports comments. So i really have no main idears about america. I do however have a friend in texas - and from hearing storys from that part, america(texas) is waaayy different, and allot less technological as most other parts of the world.
  • #21
Americans are loud, lack social grace, are overbearing, and generally obnoxious. They are cowboys who care nothing for genteel behavior and strike out without regard for the feelings of other cultures.

Americans are generally prosperous and imminently powerful. They possesses an enourmous industrial capacity matched only by their agricultural base. There is nothing they cannot accomplish and nowhere that is bereft of their influence.

See any correlation here?

"When the 'rules' are configured for disaster, make new ones."
-Me, just now.
  • #22
Originally posted by megashawn
talk on the cell phone, while driving?
A non-too-clever American trait. You think you can't live without your mobiles...
  • #23
Originally posted by eNtRopY
Hmm... more insults. But why?

I am not overweight.

I drive an old Volvo 740 Wagon. I suppose you could say that it's huge compared to compact cars... but it's European so whose fault is that?

I spend no time on my hair. I just let it grow naturally.

I don't wear makeup.

I don't eat breakfast... actually, unlike Europeans, most Americans just skip breakfast... I guess we're too busy getting things done.

Maybe I'm not so fashionable... I usually wear Levis with a ringer t-shirt or a baseball shirt, and a pair of Earth shoes. Is this really a problem though?


Wasn't you the one starting the thread on American stereotypes? So if I compare people from where I come from with the people I see here, those stereotypes that I had turned out to be a real phenomena.

I wonder why you are insulted since Americans DO drive huge cars, I've never seen big cars like that in Europe (how would they fit throught the streets?), they DO spent a lot of time on make-up and hair (compared with Holland), every morning I see people lining up for greassy food (where I come from we have a sandwich). It's all about percentages..

So what would define you as being an American eNtRopY? If that answer exists..
  • #24
Originally posted by Monique
So what would define you as being an American eNtRopY?

It is inherently anti-American to use stereotypes of any kind. People with American ideology view this as a form of prejudice, and are offended when they hear such bullsh:t. I must say, I am astonished that you spent two years living in my country, and you never bothered to learn its social etiquette.

You can't peg an American as being anyone kind of person -- that's the whole idea behind America the melting-pot. However, I will tell you this: America is the least prejudice society in the world. You are less likely to find classism or racism in America than any other country. I'm not saying it doesn't exist in America, but I am saying that such characteristics are also inherently anti-American.

You are conclusion about your single observation is erroneous. As an experimental scientist, you should be embarrassed for being so presumptuous. So what if you saw fat people waiting outside of a Denny's for breakfast? I'm sure I could find fat people doing the same thing in your country. How would you like it if I went to the Red Light District in Amsterdam and made the gross assumption that all the men in your country are pot-heads and all the women are whores?

  • #25
How would you like it if I went to the Red Light District in Amsterdam and made the gross assumption that all the men in your country are pot-heads

That is a stereotype of dutch men, the same as a stereotype for english people is that we all talk posh and eat scones whilst drinking tea, just because its not true doesn't mean it isn't a stereotype and afterall you did ask for a list of stereotypes.
  • #26
How about - very lucky people ? :wink:
  • #27
Spoiled (wait, half the kids are)
  • #28
Originally posted by eNtRopY
It is inherently anti-American to use stereotypes of any kind. People with American ideology view this as a form of prejudice, and are offended when they hear such bullsh:t. I must say, I am astonished that you spent two years living in my country, and you never bothered to learn its social etiquette.

You can't peg an American as being anyone kind of person -- that's the whole idea behind America the melting-pot. However, I will tell you this: America is the least prejudice society in the world. You are less likely to find classism or racism in America than any other country. I'm not saying it doesn't exist in America, but I am saying that such characteristics are also inherently anti-American.

You are conclusion about your single observation is erroneous. As an experimental scientist, you should be embarrassed for being so presumptuous. So what if you saw fat people waiting outside of a Denny's for breakfast? I'm sure I could find fat people doing the same thing in your country. How would you like it if I went to the Red Light District in Amsterdam and made the gross assumption that all the men in your country are pot-heads and all the women are whores?


I think that's the biggest stereotype I've heard so far. :wink:

By the way, don't take all this so personally, you started the thread, remember?
  • #29
Originally posted by Pauly Man
I think that's the biggest stereotype I've heard so far. :wink:

By the way, don't take all this so personally, you started the thread, remember?

Sure, I started this thread with the intention that Americans could discuss the ignorant comments they've heard from people of other lands. I did not start this thread so that people like Andy and Monique could tell us how truly bad they find Americans to be.

  • #30
^So opinions from those outside the US aren't welcome?

Hm actually another stereotype, which some Americans do fit.
  • #31
Why didnt you title the thread or include in the first post, this thread is only intended for americans to use so that we can rubbish the false stereotypes that the international community have about us. and then that would be pretty pointless because then you would have a completely one sided arguement, if you look at my first post you would see;

ALL americans are stupid!

Note how i put the word all in capital letters, shame there is no emetcion for sarcasm, i have never thought that all americans are stupid but that is a stereotype of americans that the rest of the world have whether you like it or not.
  • #32
Originally posted by eNtRopY
Sure, I started this thread with the intention that Americans could discuss the ignorant comments they've heard from people of other lands. I did not start this thread so that people like Andy and Monique could tell us how truly bad they find Americans to be.


Entropy, you being offended says more about you than me. Just where did I say that American people are bad? Is it a bad thing that they drive big cars, is it a bad thing that they spend time on appearance?

You said:
I will tell you this: America is the least prejudice society in the world. You are less likely to find classism or racism in America than any other country.

I will challenge you by asking you to which countries you have traveled. Well? Aren't you being a bit judgemental by saying that the States are the best in the world? *grin* lol

And you said:
You are conclusion about your single observation is erroneous. As an experimental scientist, you should be embarrassed for being so presumptuous.

Again: what I told you is based upon observations.

It IS American culture, are you saying that there is no culture in the States?

Statistics tells you that Americans are over-weight, if you have traveled to Europe you will definitely notice a different trend. And for your information: after two years I am still amazed, day by day, by the huge cars I see driving in the States.. I have other European friends that independantly have found that to be true, the same about the hair and make-up.

So I am saying: it wasn't a single observation, and I am not so presumptuous by thinking that every American lives by that life-style.

Please be open-minded.. I would say that is a dutch trait.
  • #33

Look what I found!

Posted by Entropy:
I've been to most of the major cities in Germany... my conclusion is that the girls in eastern Germany are prettier than the girls in southern Germany... but the southern German girls are more likely to walk around naked.

So what did the following mean?
I will tell you this: America is the least prejudice society in the world.

And how about this?
You are conclusion about your single observation is erroneous. As an experimental scientist, you should be embarrassed for being so presumptuous.

So eastern german girls can be prettier than southern german girls but americans cannot be more overweight than europeans.. you are in trouble entropy.
  • #34
EnTrOPy said:
It is inherently anti-American to use stereotypes of any kind.
hahahahahahahahahaha... (wipes tears from eyes)
Good one.

However, I will tell you this: America is the least prejudice society in the world. You are less likely to find classism or racism in America than any other country.
That one's almost as good as the first "joke".

There's a humongous difference in the ideals that we strive for as a nation and how individuals actually behave.

Also, if want a list of stereotypes that other country's think Americans portray, your first source of information should be from people of other countries, else, you'll only get what Americans think other people think about us, which may be more inacurate than the stereotypes you're after. Would you ask Microsoft why linux-users hate microsoft or would you ask the linux-users?
  • #35
Originally posted by Monique

Look what I found!

Posted by Entropy:
I've been to most of the major cities in Germany... my conclusion is that the girls in eastern Germany are prettier than the girls in southern Germany... but the southern German girls are more likely to walk around naked.

So what did the following mean?
I will tell you this: America is the least prejudice society in the world.

And how about this?
You are conclusion about your single observation is erroneous. As an experimental scientist, you should be embarrassed for being so presumptuous.

So eastern german girls can be prettier than southern german girls but americans cannot be more overweight than europeans.. you are in trouble entropy.

I was waiting for someone to bring these two thoughts together. You're doing very well Monique. However, the difference is that you stated

- overweight

That's about the things I had in mind before coming here.. they turned out to be true.

implying that this is a true characteristic of (all) Americans. Whereas, my statement simply implies that I personally prefer the look of eastern German girls to southern German girls. I am allowed to have a preference aren't I?


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