Your Favorite Number - What's Yours and Why?

  • Thread starter Drakkith
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation was about discussing favorite numbers and the reasons behind their choices. Many different numbers were mentioned, including 2, pi, 42, 27, 4, 9, 6, 7, 0, 1, 11, googolplex, and infinity. The conversation also touched on concepts such as the Golden Ratio, cardinality, and transcendentals.
  • #1
Your Favorite Number!

What is your favorite number?? And why?? of them...probably between 0 and several trillion...I can't decide.

But I'll just go with two. Why? Because that's the number of pop tarts in a pouch!
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  • #2

When people ask me to pick a number between 1 and 10 I always pick pi. Does that count?
  • #3

DaleSpam said:
When people ask me to pick a number between 1 and 10 I always pick pi. Does that count?

Of course! But you better have cake in there somewhere...its my favorite.
  • #4

[tex] \sqrt 7/9 [/tex]


[tex] 6(x) * 9(x) = 42 [/tex]
[tex] 54x^2=42[/tex]
[tex] x^2=42/54[/tex]
[tex]x= \sqrt 7/9[/tex]
  • #5

Two. It's my number for relaxation. I read someone that said in order to relax pick a number and assign relaxation to it. Then whenever you're stressed think of the number.

Doesn't work. But 2 is still a cool number.
  • #6

This is a tough one. Let's see, there's:
  • e, for obvious reasons
  • i, since [tex]\mathbb{C}^n[/tex] is interesting
  • [tex]\pi[/tex], for its all-around significance
  • [tex]\varphi[/tex]; I've always liked the Golden Ratio
  • [tex]\aleph_0[/tex]
  • [tex]\frac{\pi^2}{6}[/tex], since it's a cool sum of [tex]\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^2}[/tex]
  • G, because of its gravity
  • [tex]k_e = \frac{1}{4\pi \epsilon_0}[/tex] is rather electric
  • 2, the only even prime
  • the set of perfect numbers

Too many...can't decide.
  • #7

Haha, i KNEW i'd get some great replies like these. :biggrin:
  • #8

Can't believe I forgot 42.
  • #9

27, only because of the odd amount of times it shows up in my life.
  • #10

I also like:
  • Eddington's number, 15,747,724,136,275,002,577,605,653,961,181,555,468 ,044,717,914,527,116,709,366,231,425,076,185,631,0 31,296
  • Graham's number, g64
  • The xkcd number, A(g64,g64), where A is the Ackermann function
  • #11

jhae2.718 said:
This is a tough one. Let's see, there's:
  • e, for obvious reasons
  • i, since [tex]\mathbb{C}^n[/tex] is interesting
  • [tex]\pi[/tex], for its all-around significance
  • [tex]\varphi[/tex]; I've always liked the Golden Ratio
  • [tex]\aleph_0[/tex]
  • [tex]\frac{\pi^2}{6}[/tex], since it's a cool sum of [tex]\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^2}[/tex]
  • G, because of its gravity
  • [tex]k_e = \frac{1}{4\pi \epsilon_0}[/tex] is rather electric
  • 2, the only even prime
  • the set of perfect numbers

Too many...can't decide.

This is so great <3
  • #12

jhae2.718 said:
This is a tough one. Let's see, there's:
  • e, for obvious reasons
  • i, since [tex]\mathbb{C}^n[/tex] is interesting
  • [tex]\pi[/tex], for its all-around significance
  • [tex]\varphi[/tex]; I've always liked the Golden Ratio
  • [tex]\aleph_0[/tex]
  • [tex]\frac{\pi^2}{6}[/tex], since it's a cool sum of [tex]\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^2}[/tex]
  • G, because of its gravity
  • [tex]k_e = \frac{1}{4\pi \epsilon_0}[/tex] is rather electric
  • 2, the only even prime
  • the set of perfect numbers

Too many...can't decide.

I feel kinda bad that I don't understand most of this lol.
  • #13

That's what makes it so great :biggrin:
  • #14

13 is my most favorite number. I've pretty much got that one to myself. In fact I have a bunch of favorite numbers, and 13 is the smallest one. So, in addition to being my most favorite number, it is also my least favorite number.
  • #15

I like 4. Diagrammatically, it is very symmetrical. It is composed of 2 2's, which is a plus. It scales up easily with 8, 12, 16, 20, 24...

When I was learning how to count, and later to appreciate and manipulate numbers, 4 was my favorite. I don't know why.
  • #16

[tex]6_{13} * 9_{13} = 42_{13}[/tex]
but that is incorrect, hence [tex] \sqrt 7/9 [/tex]
  • #17

turbo-1 said:
I like 4. Diagrammatically, it is very symmetrical. It is composed of 2 2's, which is a plus. It scales up easily with 8, 12, 16, 20, 24...

When I was learning how to count, and later to appreciate and manipulate numbers, 4 was my favorite. I don't know why.

I don't really have a favorite, but I've always liked 9 for much the same reasons you like 4.
  • #18

I can't decide between mine but pi is very special to me, I also love the square root of 2.
  • #19

HeLiXe said:
...I also love the square root of 2.

Don't tell that to the Pythagoreans.
  • #20

  • #21

jhae2.718 said:
don't tell that to the pythagoreans.

  • #22

i have a weekness for 7
  • #23


Everything interesting has an h in it.
  • #24

Also [tex]\hbar, \quad \epsilon_0, \quad \mu_0[/tex]
  • #25

Gotta love googolplex.
  • #26

This thread has the potential for a lot of answers, so let's just say:
[tex]x:\forall x \in \mathbb{C}^n[/tex]
(Hopefully some mathematician here can point out what the largest set is if I'm wrong.)
Last edited:
  • #27

  • #29

KrisOhn said:
Ah yes and this reminds me of 6.02 x 10^23 <3 beautiful in more ways than one!
  • #30

Infinity because it isn't one despite maths. :)

I like watching people trying to put the infinite and indefinite in a box, the mental masturbation alone makes infinity fascinating.

That and transcendentals like [tex]\pi\;\;\;\; e^x\;\; \sqrt {2}[/itex] etc which just never stop.
  • #31

My favorite number is 0, and my second favorite number is 1.

Oh, and eleventy.
  • #32

Calrid said:
I like watching people trying to put the infinite in a box, the mental masturbation alone makes infinity fascinating.

Favorite cardinality?
  • #33

Ivan Seeking said:
Favorite cardinality?

Not really got one as cardinality is a property again not really a number.

Although I have a fondness for aleph pi just because it looks nice, I genuinely have no idea what its cardinality is except its greater than the preceding ones, allegedly. :smile:

Of course it isn't really but axioms are fun. If we say infinity is bigger than infinity then it is I think is how it works. I personally think of infinity at least in reality as all there is, because it stops brain matter from leaking out of my ears too much and is practical.
  • #34

Calrid said:
Not really got one as cardinality is a property again not really a number.

Aleph numbers are not numbers?

Of course it isn't really but axioms are fun. If we say infinity is bigger than infinity then it is I think is how it works. I personally think of infinity at least in reality as all there is, because it stops brain matter from leaking out of my ears too much and is practical.

Well, obviously, if you want to understand set theory, the last thing you want to do is think.
  • #35

Ivan Seeking said:
Aleph numbers are not numbers?

No infinity isn't numerable I started a thread on it. Infinity is unbound merely defining it makes it bound to a particular symbol not to an actual infinity. Whilst this flies in pure maths outside of it it is ultimately pointless. Because the definition is false and the axiom is questionable at best. Of course if we accept it is true then it works, but I don't think philosophically you can.

Philosobabble you might want to give it a miss. :-p

I don't think anyone can conceive of the infinity or represent it without an allusion which makes the definition non constructive and without any terms as well as useless. But its just an opinion.

Well, obviously, if you want to understand set theory, the last thing you want to do is think.

That's extremely patronising and condescending, well done.

You don't know me and you know nothing about me so please don't judge me, you'll just end up looking like an ***.

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