Are Superluminal Recession Velocities Consistent with Special Relativity?

In summary, the article discusses the difference between "special relativity" (where there is a speed limit) and "general relativity" (where there isnt) and how there is no inconsistency with SR applying only in a local coordinate patch. They explain this adequately in the first paragraph, entitled "Two Kinds of Velocity." Furthermore, they mention that if any object is observed with redshift greater than 3, then the light we are now receiving was emitted when the object was receding from us at faster than the speed of light. However, their stronger result is that from anything observed with redshift less than 1.4, the light has eventually reached us. This is the case with over 90 percent of the observable universe. Wright's
  • #1
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I found an article by Tamara Davis and Charley Lineweaver called
"Superluminal Recession Velocities"


the date shown is Jan 2001, though the number suggests late 2000.

It is 4 pages so easy to download and it is specifically on that topic-----Lineweaver's longer 2003 general survey is actually better as a source of information but not as focused on that particular topic.

Basically it is just the difference between the highly local "special relativity" (where there is that speed limit) and GR (where there isnt) and there is no inconsistency-----SR only applies in a local coordinate patch and forbids one thing PASSING BY another at any speed over c. They explain this adequately in the first paragraph entitled "Two Kinds of Velocity"
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  • #2
BTW they also mention the same fact I did in another thread, that if any object (a quasar) is observed with redshift 3 or more, then the light we are now receiving was emitted when the object was receding from us at faster than the speed of light

they say explicitly and graphically (using the swimmer in the current analogy) that the light was initially swept AWAY from us and they explain, as best one can using words to talk about GR, how the light can nevertheless eventually reach us

so to speak by gradually attaining regions where the Hubble expansion flow is not as swift

the paper contains nothing new but is a helpful clarification.
  • #3
light from 90% of the observable universe started off backwards

One of the fun cosmology things on the web is ned wright's "CosmoCalc" online calculator

He teaches the graduate course in cosmology at UCLA and has a real good cosmology textbook out. He also is a co-leader of the WMAP project now transmitting CMB data.

His calculator let's you calculate what volume percent of the observable universe is such that when the light coming to us was emitted it initially was carried backwards, away from us.

This is the case with over 90 percent.

Here's how you find that out. by putting in high redshift (z) you see that the vol of the observable is 12,000 units
(the units are cubic gigaparsecs but it doesn't matter which units one uses)

But Davis and Lineweaver note that from anything you see with redshift 3 or more (conservatively) the light now arriving here from it was emitted by it while it was receding faster than c.

Put 3 in the calculator and you learn the volume of space with z less than or equal to 3-----it is less than 10 percent of the observable volume.

Actually a stronger result is true based on current data. The breakpoint is not z = 3 (which was a conservative rough guess made around year 2000). A sharper bound, from Lineweaver's 2003 paper, is z = 1.4

The volume of space with redshift less than or equal to 1.4 is only some 3 percent of the total observable volume. Again using Wright's "CosmoCalc".

So one may say that if light is coming to us today from some random point in the observable universe then TYPICALLY that light came from something that was receding at greater than c at the time it was emitted and therefore that light was initially losing ground------"aimed at us" so to speak, but the distance initially increasing from us to it.

It's interesting because counterintuitive. But implicit in the "teardrop" shape lightcones we've been seeing and hearing about for some time
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  • #4
Originally posted by marcus
"special relativity" (where there is that speed limit) and GR (where there isnt) and there is no inconsistency-----SR only applies in a local coordinate patch and forbids one thing PASSING BY another at any speed over c.

Are you attributing in GR superluminal recessional velocity or any other sort of superluminal velocity to something other than cosmological expansion?
  • #5
I found the article on Superluminal Recession Velocities at: HERE

However, the case they gave for the superluminal recession velocity equating to a high z specifically indicated that the photons were emitted at the Big Bang. There was no boundary timeframe given for that epoch, leaving me to wonder if their logic also applies to later time periods.

FAQ: Are Superluminal Recession Velocities Consistent with Special Relativity?

1. What is superluminal recession speed?

Superluminal recession speed refers to the apparent faster-than-light movement of objects in the universe as they move away from us due to cosmic expansion. This phenomenon is observed in the redshift of light from distant galaxies.

2. How is superluminal recession speed measured?

Superluminal recession speed is measured using the redshift of light emitted from distant objects. This redshift is caused by the Doppler effect, which is a change in the wavelength of light due to the relative motion between an observer and the source of light.

3. Is superluminal recession speed possible?

While superluminal recession speed may seem to violate the laws of physics, it is actually a result of the expansion of the universe. Objects are not actually moving faster than the speed of light, but rather the space between them and us is expanding at a rate greater than the speed of light.

4. What is the significance of superluminal recession speed?

The observation of superluminal recession speeds provides evidence for the theory of cosmic expansion and the Big Bang model of the universe. It also helps scientists better understand the structure and evolution of the universe.

5. Can we travel at superluminal recession speeds?

No, it is not possible for objects to travel at superluminal recession speeds. The speed of light is the ultimate speed limit in the universe, and objects cannot exceed this speed without violating the laws of physics.

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