Understanding QFT vs QM: A Beginner's Guide to the Differences and Similarities

  • Thread starter waterfall
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    Qft Qm
In summary: This is correct. In QED, you quantize the electromagnetic wave or field and get the harmonic oscillators. In QCD, you quantize the field and get the excitations of the harmonic oscillators. And in EWT, you quantize the excitations of the harmonic oscillators.Thanks.
  • #1
I'm trying to understand the basics of convensional QFT versus QM. There are too many books about QM in the introductory level for layman but too rare for QFT. But the public needs to be adept about QFT too not just particle-wave duality, entanglement and other attractions in QM.

Let's start by a table or FAQ of some kind distinguishing QFT and QM. Maybe QFT is not so hard after all.

QM uses Hilbert Space.
QFT uses Fock Space.

(Since Hilbert Space is not in physical 3D, then Fock Space is not in physical 3D either, it is in so called abstract configuration space.. therefore automatically quantum fields are not physical in convensional QFT, is this reasoning correct?)

QM has position as observable.
QFT has position as operator (in other words, you can consider these as self-observing, isn't it)
How about momentum and spin? Are these observables or operators in QFT?

QM uses no relativity.
QFT uses relativity in the sense of mass converting to energy and vice versa even if the speed is not near light (so the SR sense is more of E=mc^2 and not speed, correct?)

QED, QCD, and EWT is an application of convensional QFT. In QED. It is natural to quantize the electromagnetic wave or field and produce the harmonic oscillators as photons. What's oscillating are magnetic field and electric field and displacement current via the Maxwell Equations. Steve Weinberg mentioned all particles are actual energy and momentum of the fields. But in electron, what is the equivalent of the electromagnetic field in QED that uses Maxwell Equations? What's oscillating in electron wave/field or the magnetic field/electric field counterpart of it?

(if you can add some basic FAQ of difference between QM and QFT, please add it so we can enable the millions of laymen in QM to understand QFT too in the basic level, thanks.)

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
2) QFT has position as simply a parameter. It's QM that has a position operator and observable.
  • #3
Matterwave said:
2) QFT has position as simply a parameter. It's QM that has a position operator and observable.

I think this is related to how QFT accommodate changing references frames as it is relativistic versus QM Newtonian spacetime.

But QFT having position as parameter? I heard space and time is a parameter in Newtonian space but are coordinate in minkowski spacetime.. so how come QFT still have position (or space) as parameter?
  • #4
It's worth pointing out that QFT is a subset of quantum mechanics. QFT is specifically the quantum mechanics of fields. So in discussions of "QM vs QFT", QM must be understood to mean "quantum mechanics of nonrelativistic point particles," and QFT must be understood to mean "quantum mechanics of relativistic fields" (one can have non-relavistic QFTs).
waterfall said:
QM uses Hilbert Space.
QFT uses Fock Space.
Fock space is a Hilbert space. QFT is just the quantum mechanics of fields, and all quantum mechanics uses Hilbert space.
waterfall said:
(Since Hilbert Space is not in physical 3D, then Fock Space is not in physical 3D either, it is in so called abstract configuration space.. therefore automatically quantum fields are not physical in convensional QFT, is this reasoning correct?)
This seems a bit strange; what does it mean for something to be "in physical 3D" and what does it mean for something to be "physical?"
I think you can make a strong case that at least the electromagnetic field is "physical"--it is fairly directly measurable. And the electromagnetic field, properly treated, is a quantum field.
waterfall said:
QM has position as observable.
QFT has position as operator (in other words, you can consider these as self-observing, isn't it)
Observables are (represented by) operators in both QM and in QFT. In QM, position is an observable; there is a position operator.

In QFT, people usually say that, in contrast to the case in QM, position is a "label" on operators. A quantum field is really a set of operators, one at each point in spacetime; i.e., an infinite set of operators, each "labelled" by a spacetime position.

I don't know what you mean by "self-observing."
waterfall said:
How about momentum and spin? Are these observables or operators in QFT?
As I mentioned above, observables are operators. There are momentum and angular momentum operators in QFT just as in QM, so in both cases these are observables.
waterfall said:
QM uses no relativity.
QFT uses relativity in the sense of mass converting to energy and vice versa even if the speed is not near light (so the SR sense is more of E=mc^2 and not speed, correct?)

You can include some effects of relativity in regular QM, but to a get a completely consistent accounting for special relativity you need relativistic QFT. QFT includes special relativity in all its aspects. All phenomena of special relativity--time dilation, length contraction, mass-energy equivalence, etc.--appear in QFT, as they must.

waterfall said:
QED, QCD, and EWT is an application of convensional QFT. In QED. It is natural to quantize the electromagnetic wave or field and produce the harmonic oscillators as photons. What's oscillating are magnetic field and electric field and displacement current via the Maxwell Equations. Steve Weinberg mentioned all particles are actual energy and momentum of the fields. But in electron, what is the equivalent of the electromagnetic field in QED that uses Maxwell Equations? What's oscillating in electron wave/field or the magnetic field/electric field counterpart of it?

In QFT we define an "electron field" whose quantized oscillations are electron particles. The electron field is a bit of a weird thing, though. For instance it is not directly observable. For another its components are "Grassman numbers," as opposed to the electromagnetic field whose components are real numbers.
  • #5
The_Duck said:
It's worth pointing out that QFT is a subset of quantum mechanics. QFT is specifically the quantum mechanics of fields. So in discussions of "QM vs QFT", QM must be understood to mean "quantum mechanics of nonrelativistic point particles," and QFT must be understood to mean "quantum mechanics of relativistic fields" (one can have non-relavistic QFTs).

Can you give an example of non-relativistic QFT?

Fock space is a Hilbert space. QFT is just the quantum mechanics of fields, and all quantum mechanics uses Hilbert space.

So Hilbert Space of Fields become Folk space.

This seems a bit strange; what does it mean for something to be "in physical 3D" and what does it mean for something to be "physical?"
I think you can make a strong case that at least the electromagnetic field is "physical"--it is fairly directly measurable. And the electromagnetic field, properly treated, is a quantum field.

Our radio can pick up electromagnetic field.. it is real.. but we can't pick up electron field.. what is the equivalent of EM in electron field. If it is not observable. Why did (convensional) QFT equate the two together?

Observables are (represented by) operators in both QM and in QFT. In QM, position is an observable; there is a position operator.

In QFT, people usually say that, in contrast to the case in QM, position is a "label" on operators. A quantum field is really a set of operators, one at each point in spacetime; i.e., an infinite set of operators, each "labelled" by a spacetime position.

I don't know what you mean by "self-observing."

Position in QM can only collapse upon measurement. In QFT, the position seems to be self-collapsing on its own. It's kinda self-observing or self-measuring.

As I mentioned above, observables are operators. There are momentum and angular momentum operators in QFT just as in QM, so in both cases these are observables.

Time is a parameter in QM, in QFT time is a coordinate. How about space, any idea how QM (of non-relativistic particle) and QFT (of relativisic fields) treat space?

You can include some effects of relativity in regular QM, but to a get a completely consistent accounting for special relativity you need relativistic QFT. QFT includes special relativity in all its aspects. All phenomena of special relativity--time dilation, length contraction, mass-energy equivalence, etc.--appear in QFT, as they must.

In QFT we define an "electron field" whose quantized oscillations are electron particles. The electron field is a bit of a weird thing, though. For instance it is not directly observable. For another its components are "Grassman numbers," as opposed to the electromagnetic field whose components are real numbers.

If electron wave is not observable and its components are "Grassman numbers". Why put electron wave in same category as electromagnetic wave which clearly has real numbers as you mentioned?
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  • #6
waterfall said:
I think this is related to how QFT accommodate changing references frames as it is relativistic versus QM Newtonian spacetime.

But QFT having position as parameter? I heard space and time is a parameter in Newtonian space but are coordinate in minkowski spacetime.. so how come QFT still have position (or space) as parameter?

What's your definition of parameter vs coordinates? I am using the word parameter to mean coordinates. What I mean is that there is no "position operator" in QFT (as far as I know).
  • #7
Matterwave said:
What's your definition of parameter vs coordinates? I am using the word parameter to mean coordinates. What I mean is that there is no "position operator" in QFT (as far as I know).

I read that in non-relativistic bohmian mechanics, time is a parameter, not a coordinate, the single time parameter is "shared" by all the particles, i.e., the multi-particle wavefunction evolves in "time" the same way the single-particle one does.

Are you saying these parameter vs coordinate is only words used in Bohmian Mechanics and not a standard usage in QFT? How do you define them anyway?

Parameter = ?
Coordinate = ?
  • #8
waterfall said:
Can you give an example of non-relativistic QFT?

Condensed matter physics uses a lot of NR quantum field theories

waterfall said:
So Hilbert Space of Fields become Folk space.

Fock space is the Hilbert space for non interacting quantum fields, labelled by occupation numbers giving the numbers of excitations of various particles.

waterfall said:
Our radio can pick up electromagnetic field.. it is real.. but we can't pick up electron field.. what is the equivalent of EM in electron field. If it is not observable. Why did (convensional) QFT equate the two together?

Although the electron field itself is not observable, various http://www.ps.uci.edu/~markm/eee/P113C_reference_material/gingrich_relativistic_quantum_mechanics/Dirac/Bilinear%20Covariants.pdfconstructed from it do constitute observables

waterfall said:
Position in QM can only collapse upon measurement. In QFT, the position seems to be self-collapsing on its own. It's kinda self-observing or self-measuring.

Not sure I get this. You can try to construct position operators in QFT, but it's harder.

waterfall said:
Time is a parameter in QM, in QFT time is a coordinate. How about space, any idea how QM (of non-relativistic particle) and QFT (of relativisic fields) treat space?

I don't understand the parameter/coordinate distinction. You can forumulate QFT Hamiltonian-style and peform time evolution, just like in QM

waterfall said:
If electron wave is not observable and its components are "Grassman numbers". Why put electron wave in same category as electromagnetic wave which clearly has real numbers as you mentioned?

The Grassmanian-ness comes from the Fermionic nature of the electron.
  • #9
waterfall said:
I read that in non-relativistic bohmian mechanics, time is a parameter, not a coordinate, the single time parameter is "shared" by all the particles, i.e., the multi-particle wavefunction evolves in "time" the same way the single-particle one does.

Are you saying these parameter vs coordinate is only words used in Bohmian Mechanics and not a standard usage in QFT? How do you define them anyway?

Parameter = ?
Coordinate = ?

For me, a parameter is just a variable that a some function depends on. A coordinate is just a label. For x and t, I don't see the distinction. I'm not familiar with the Bohmian terminology - maybe they do make a distinction.
  • #10
sheaf said:
For me, a parameter is just a variable that a some function depends on. A coordinate is just a label. For x and t, I don't see the distinction. I'm not familiar with the Bohmian terminology - maybe they do make a distinction.

But it is stated that in non-relativistic QM, there is no "spacetime". Time is a parameter, not a coordinate, and there is only one time parameter. It's more appropriate to use that saying there is only one time coordinate in non-relativistic QM. Do you see this now?
  • #11
The distinction between coordinate and parameter is very often not made because essentially they are the same thing. I suppose if you view the non-relativistic space-time structure as a fiber bundle structure where the 3-D slices of constant times are the fibers and the 1-D base manifold is time, and you look explicitly at each fiber, then you would call the space coordinates "coordinates" on these fibers, and the time coordinate a "parameter" which specifies which fiber you are on. But of course you can very simply just consider the entire fiber bundle and now you simply have 4 coordinates. This is especially true since this fiber bundle is isomorphic to R^4, so it's a trivial fiber bundle (as far as I know, somebody correct me if I'm wrong here).

I don't see much merit in making this distinction. But, I have not really studied Bohmian mechanics, so I don't know if it's useful there.
  • #12
waterfall said:
But it is stated that in non-relativistic QM, there is no "spacetime".
There is. It's called Galilean spacetime. The main difference between that and the special relativistic Minkowski spacetime is the value of the invariant speed, i.e. the speed that all inertial observers agree is the same). For Galilean spacetime, that's ∞. For Minkowski spacetime, it's 1 (at least if we use units such that c=1).

By the way, I like to define "QM" as the framework in which quantum theories are defined. That stuff about wavefunctions and the Schrödinger equation that we all study in our first QM course is just the simplest possible quantum theory, the theory of a single spin-0 particle in Galilean spacetime that's influenced by a potential. I prefer to call that "wave mechanics", at least when it's clear that I'm not talking about classical waves. I guess I'd call it "Schrödinger's theory" or something like that otherwise. (It's perfectly fine to call that theory "QM". There are no standard definitions that everyone uses. I'm just saying that we don't all use the terminology you used in the OP). To me, each QFT is a theory defined in the framework of QM.

To me, relativistic QM and non-relativistic QM are just subsets of the set all quantum theories. A quantum theory is relativistic if it includes operators that represent the symmetries of Minkowski spacetime, and non-relativistic if it includes operators that represent the symmetries of Galilean spacetime.
  • #13
sheaf said:
Condensed matter physics uses a lot of NR quantum field theories.

Superconductivity for instance? I think the BCS uses NR QFT?

Fock space is the Hilbert space for non interacting quantum fields, labelled by occupation numbers giving the numbers of excitations of various particles.

If Fock space is the Hilbert space for non interacting quantum fields, then what is the corresponding space for interacting quantum fields? And what is it supposed to mean the quantum field is not interacting?

Although the electron field itself is not observable, various http://www.ps.uci.edu/~markm/eee/P113C_reference_material/gingrich_relativistic_quantum_mechanics/Dirac/Bilinear%20Covariants.pdfconstructed from it do constitute observables

I read it. But the electron field can't still be measured. Is there a possibility our QFT that uses the concept of fields being more primary to particles being momentum and energy of the field is faulty? What motivated the grandfathers of QFT to equate electromagnetic field with electron field (when this latter is not observable). What's the rationale for this?

Not sure I get this. You can try to construct position operators in QFT, but it's harder.

In the absence of measurement to determine its position, a particle has no position. But in QFT, the particle has position and vibrating kinda like in harmonic oscillator.

I don't understand the parameter/coordinate distinction. You can forumulate QFT Hamiltonian-style and peform time evolution, just like in QM.

The Grassmanian-ness comes from the Fermionic nature of the electron.

What's the counterpart of magnetic field and electric field in the electron that can travel in free space?
  • #15
waterfall said:
If Fock space is the Hilbert space for non interacting quantum fields, then what is the corresponding space for interacting quantum fields?
This is a question that most physicists don't know the answer to, because the question is only answered in rigorous approaches to QFT. The standard textbooks are very non-rigorous by comparison. I don't know the answer myself, but it's been discussed here before. You could search for it. (You can probably ignore threads that DarMM hasn't posted in. He's the only one here who really seems to know these things).

waterfall said:
And what is it supposed to mean the quantum field is not interacting?
It's when the Lagrangian doesn't contain any terms where more than two field components or derivatives of field components are being multiplied together. The number of factors determines the number of lines meeting at a point in a Feynman diagram. In a non-interacting theory, particle numbers never change. So they are pretty much useless, but still a good starting point from a pedagogical point of view.

waterfall said:
In the absence of measurement to determine its position, a particle has no position. But in QFT, the particle has position and vibrating kinda like in harmonic oscillator.
This is wrong. To say that particles in QFTs have positions is even less accurate than to say that the particles in Schrödinger's theory do.
  • #16
Fredrik said:
This is a question that most physicists don't know the answer to, because the question is only answered in rigorous approaches to QFT. The standard textbooks are very non-rigorous by comparison. I don't know the answer myself, but it's been discussed here before. You could search for it. (You can probably ignore threads that DarMM hasn't posted in. He's the only one here who really seems to know these things).

It's when the Lagrangian doesn't contain any terms where more than two field components or derivatives of field components are being multiplied together. The number of factors determines the number of lines meeting at a point in a Feynman diagram. In a non-interacting theory, particle numbers never change. So they are pretty much useless, but still a good starting point from a pedagogical point of view.

I'm familiar with Feynman diagrams having studied particle physics (in visualization only as all laymen do). In between the interaction vertex or points, virtual particles are being exchanged, and the coupling constants determine how strong are the interaction say between the electron and EM field. So they all interact.. using this context.. please explain what you mean quantum fields never interact using Feynman diagrams.

This is wrong. To say that particles in QFTs have positions is even less accurate than to say that the particles in Schrödinger's theory do.

We may never know the particles exact location but one can imagine quantum fields as like the surface of speaker in full blast where it vibrates very fast and sound waves come in quanta just like the fields having the particles as quanta with creation annihilation going on amidst them.
  • #17
waterfall said:
I'm trying to understand the basics of conventional QFT versus QM. There are too many books about QM in the introductory level for layman but too rare for QFT……if you can add some basic FAQ of difference between QM and QFT, please add it so we can enable the millions of laymen in QM to understand QFT too in the basic level, thanks.
Going back to your opening post, the following site may provide a point of initial reference regarding the main permutations of quantum theory, especially in terms of identifying the significance of the various underlying concepts/parameters:

Chapter-1 taken from the site above provides an initial breakdown in Chart 1-2 on page 7/8:
While Chapter-2 provide a further, more extensive comparison on page 20/21:
Other chapters are available that cover ‘free fields’ and ‘interacting fields’ that I haven’t really reviewed in any detail, but didn’t see any obvious description of Fock space. Possibly somebody might be able to comment on their impressions of this site for “the millions of laymen”, in which I include myself, trying to understand the transition from NRQM->RQM->QFT or even offer up alternatives.
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  • #18
mysearch said:
Going back to your opening post, the following site may provide a point of initial reference regarding the main permutations of quantum theory, especially in terms of identifying the significance of the various underlying concepts/parameters:

Chapter-1 taken from the site above provides an initial breakdown in Chart 1-2 on page 7/8:
While Chapter-2 provide a further, more extensive comparison on page 20/21:
Other chapters are available that cover ‘free fields’ and ‘interacting fields’ that I haven’t really reviewed in any detail, but didn’t see any obvious description of Fock space. Possibly somebody might be able to comment on their impressions of this site for “the millions of laymen”, in which I include myself, trying to understand the transition from NRQM->RQM->QFT or even offer up alternatives.

Thanks. I'm presently reading on Teller "Interpretative Introduction to QFT". The above will be very useful as we go to the heart of what really is QFT.
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  • #19
waterfall said:
So they all interact.. using this context.. please explain what you mean quantum fields never interact using Feynman diagrams.
What I'm saying is that you need at least three lines meeting at a point to have an interaction. For example, the diagram representing two electrons exchanging a photon looks like an H. There are two points where three lines meet. If there are no points where three or more lines meet, then all your diagrams look like this: | Such diagrams are present in interacting theories too, but they're ignored because they don't contribute to anything observable, except the energy density of the vacuum.

waterfall said:
We may never know the particles exact location but one can imagine quantum fields as like the surface of speaker in full blast where it vibrates very fast and sound waves come in quanta just like the fields having the particles as quanta with creation annihilation going on amidst them.
I don't think that's a good way to think about quantum fields. Neither Schrödinger's theory nor any QFT says that particles have positions, so in my opinion, neither should we.
  • #20
waterfall said:
I'm familiar with Feynman diagrams having studied particle physics (in visualization only as all laymen do). In between the interaction vertex or points, virtual particles are being exchanged, and the coupling constants determine how strong are the interaction say between the electron and EM field. So they all interact.. using this context.. please explain what you mean quantum fields never interact using Feynman diagrams.

In noninteracting theories, there are no vertices in Feynman diagrams. As a result the only Feynman diagrams you can draw consists of a bunch of straight lines that don't touch each other, representing particles that simply travel along without interacting with each other. You can see why this is a simple but boring kind of theory.
  • #21
Fredrik said:
What I'm saying is that you need at least three lines meeting at a point to have an interaction. For example, the diagram representing two electrons exchanging a photon looks like an H. There are two points where three lines meet. If there are no points where three or more lines meet, then all your diagrams look like this: | Such diagrams are present in interacting theories too, but they're ignored because they don't contribute to anything observable, except the energy density of the vacuum.

Why, doesn't Fock space involve this 3 lines meeting at a point or standard Feynman Diagram with interaction? Are you (and The_Duck) saying Fock space just involves noninteracting vertical lines? Is this related to perturbation theory which is Fock space pretending to have interaction when it doesn't really?

I don't think that's a good way to think about quantum fields. Neither Schrödinger's theory nor any QFT says that particles have positions, so in my opinion, neither should we.

Oh. So quantum fields don't have particles before measurement. If this is so. Then quantum field is just like the classical electromagnetic field with only photons appearing during measurement? Then what's the advantage of QFT? I thought it involves particles being created and annihilated as part of the quantum field.
  • #22
waterfall said:
Why, doesn't Fock space involve this 3 lines meeting at a point or standard Feynman Diagram with interaction? Are you (and The_Duck) saying Fock space just involves noninteracting vertical lines? Is this related to perturbation theory which is Fock space pretending to have interaction when it doesn't really?
A Fock space is constructed from the Hilbert space associated with the single-particle theory. You use the single-particle space to construct a space of 2-particle states, a space of 3-particle states, and so on, and then you combine them all into a Hilbert space that contains all the 1-particle states, all the 2-particle states, and so on. This Hilbert space is called a Fock space. So it's just an algebraic construction. You need nothing more than the Hilbert space from the single-particle theory to define it, and the single-particle theory can be defined using a Lagrangian with no products of more than two field components or derivatives of field components.

However, in non-rigorous QFT, I think the idea is just to ignore that the interacting Hilbert space is really a different Hilbert space, and just introduce operators that can take n-particle states to (n+1)-particle states for example. In this context, Fock space is, as you put it, "pretending to have interaction when it doesn't really". I really suck at QFT beyond the most basic stuff, so I can't explain it better, and I might even be wrong (about the stuff in this paragraph).

waterfall said:
Oh. So quantum fields don't have particles before measurement.
I didn't say that. I said that the theory doesn't give us any reason to think that particles have positions. A position operator can be defined for massive particles, but it's kind of weird. I suppose we could use it to define "approximately localized" states, in a way that's similar to how its done in Schrödinger's theory. But there's no position operator for massless particles.

Anyway, "particle" doesn't mean "classical particle", so you can't assume that something has properties like position just because a quantum theory calls it a "particle".
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  • #23
Fredrik said:
However, in non-rigorous QFT, I think the idea is just to ignore that the interacting Hilbert space is really a different Hilbert space, and just introduce operators that can take n-particle states to (n+1)-particle states for example. In this context, Fock space is, as you put it, "pretending to have interaction when it doesn't really". I really suck at QFT beyond the most basic stuff, so I can't explain it better, and I might even be wrong (about the stuff in this paragraph).

What do you think of this comment in Collins's notes? He does acknowledge that a point of view different from his is more common.
http://www.phys.psu.edu/~collins/563/LSZ.pdf : "Note that in both formulae, the vacuum state |0> is very definitely and strictly the true vacuum. This is just the same as in the definition of the coefficient c, (3), where the vacuum and one-particle states are definitely the true vacuum and one-particle states, i.e., the true physical states. In contrast, many textbook treatments appear to suggest that the state |0> should be the free-field unperturbed vacuum; if that approach is tried, very delicate limits involving adiabatic switching of the interaction are called for."

Edit: Here's another presentation by Srednicki that starts off with the more common point of view, but he goes on to discuss that it's wrong, and says that renormalization computes the corrections to having started the calculation with the wrong ground state. http://web.physics.ucsb.edu/~mark/ms-qft-DRAFT.pdf, p51: "However, our derivation of the LSZ formula relied on the supposition that the creation operators of free field theory would work comparably in the interacting theory. This is a rather suspect assumption, and so we must review it."
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  • #24
atyy said:
What do you think of this comment in Collins's notes?
I don't know QFT well enough to answer that, so I'll leave it for someone who does.
  • #25
Fredrik said:
A Fock space is constructed from the Hilbert space associated with the single-particle theory. You use the single-particle space to construct a space of 2-particle states, a space of 3-particle states, and so on, and then you combine them all into a Hilbert space that contains all the 1-particle states, all the 2-particle states, and so on. This Hilbert space is called a Fock space. So it's just an algebraic construction. You need nothing more than the Hilbert space from the single-particle theory to define it, and the single-particle theory can be defined using a Lagrangian with no products of more than two field components or derivatives of field components.

However, in non-rigorous QFT, I think the idea is just to ignore that the interacting Hilbert space is really a different Hilbert space, and just introduce operators that can take n-particle states to (n+1)-particle states for example. In this context, Fock space is, as you put it, "pretending to have interaction when it doesn't really". I really suck at QFT beyond the most basic stuff, so I can't explain it better, and I might even be wrong (about the stuff in this paragraph).

Are you saying not all physicists with Ph.D. are experts in QFT? I thought they all wer. But using Fock space noninteracting terms, how could they make the Large Hadron Collider function and successfully predict those scattering angles and interactions of the numerous particles. Is Fock space enough to analyze them including predicting the mass of the Higgs? Or do Large Hadron Collider physicists use purely rigorous QFT that normal physicists don't tackle?

I didn't say that. I said that the theory doesn't give us any reason to think that particles have positions. A position operator can be defined for massive particles, but it's kind of weird. I suppose we could use it to define "approximately localized" states, in a way that's similar to how its done in Schrödinger's theory. But there's no position operator for massless particles.

Anyway, "particle" doesn't mean "classical particle", so you can't assume that something has properties like position just because a quantum theory calls it a "particle".

So how does one imagine a quantum field? I thought it should have particles vibrating like harmonic oscillator.. but now saying particles don't have position.. then how does one picture it? Or is it possible space and time only occur during interaction with the quantum field, and without interaction, space and time doesn't really exist as we know it in the quantum field? And it is just a blob of untime and unspace?
  • #26
waterfall said:
Are you saying not all physicists with Ph.D. are experts in QFT? I thought they all wer.
They are not, but most of them have at least taken a QFT course. But that's not the point I was trying to make when I mentioned rigorous QFT. The point was questions like what the Hilbert space of the interacting theory is aren't answered in typical QFT courses, or typical QFT books. Actually, I don't think anyone even knows how to properly define the Hilbert space for QED in 3+1 dimensions. (Maybe they know that and are still struggling with other things, but they're struggling with something, because I know that no rigorous version of QED in 3+1 dimensions has been found).

I suspect that even some QFT experts don't know rigorous QFT. It's like an entirely different field of physics. A typical student at an "introduction to QFT" course would probably need two more years of math before he can really begin to learn rigorous QFT.

waterfall said:
But using Fock space noninteracting terms, how could they make the Large Hadron Collider function and successfully predict those scattering angles and interactions of the numerous particles.
They do approximate calculations using the lowest orders of Feynman diagrams, and don't worry much about the behavior of the entire series.

waterfall said:
Is Fock space enough to analyze them including predicting the mass of the Higgs? Or do Large Hadron Collider physicists use purely rigorous QFT that normal physicists don't tackle?
I think most LHC physicists work on the hardware components and with data analysis. They are more likely to be good at programming than at QFT. But the theoretical particle physicists know QFTs of course. I don't know if they use rigorous methods much. I suspect that they don't. It would surprise me if they use them a lot.

waterfall said:
So how does one imagine a quantum field?
I don't know if there is a way.
  • #27
Fredrik said:
(Maybe they know that and are still struggling with other things, but they're struggling with something, because I know that no rigorous version of QED in 3+1 dimensions has been found).

I think it's believed that QED is fundamentally unsound - it is inconsistent at high energies. Strictly speaking, there's no proof of that since it's only perturbatively unsound. Anyway, this belief of unsoundness is called the "Landau pole". At the same time, the renormalization flow having a low energy fixed point explains why such an inconsistent theory is still usable.

QCD is believed to be completely consistent. It's still a Clay problem, but you can see that they do make use of axiomatic field theory. For example, Gupta's notes (p23) say that QCD has Osterwalder-Schrader reflection positivity. This is a condition for the analytic continuation of a Euclidean theory to meet the Wightman axioms, which is constructive field theory.
  • #28
Fredrik said:
They are not, but most of them have at least taken a QFT course. But that's not the point I was trying to make when I mentioned rigorous QFT. The point was questions like what the Hilbert space of the interacting theory is aren't answered in typical QFT courses, or typical QFT books. Actually, I don't think anyone even knows how to properly define the Hilbert space for QED in 3+1 dimensions. (Maybe they know that and are still struggling with other things, but they're struggling with something, because I know that no rigorous version of QED in 3+1 dimensions has been found).

I suspect that even some QFT experts don't know rigorous QFT. It's like an entirely different field of physics. A typical student at an "introduction to QFT" course would probably need two more years of math before he can really begin to learn rigorous QFT.

They do approximate calculations using the lowest orders of Feynman diagrams, and don't worry much about the behavior of the entire series.

I think most LHC physicists work on the hardware components and with data analysis. They are more likely to be good at programming than at QFT. But the theoretical particle physicists know QFTs of course. I don't know if they use rigorous methods much. I suspect that they don't. It would surprise me if they use them a lot.

I don't know if there is a way.

Wikipedia entry on QFT is wrong then, it depicts things as almost complete and rosy. For example the following words are not right:


Wiki:"Quantum field theory is thought by many[who?] to be the unique and correct outcome of combining the Rules of Quantum Mechanics with special relativity."

Fact: it is not exactly correct as you emphasized.

Wiki:"In perturbative quantum field theory, the forces between particles are mediated by other particles. The electromagnetic force between two electrons is caused by an exchange of photons. Intermediate vector bosons mediate the weak force and gluons mediate the strong force. "

Fact: Fock space doesn't handle interactions so those pertubative approach are just temporary and is fundamentally invalid"

Wiki:"In QFT, photons are not thought of as "little billiard balls" but are rather viewed as field quanta – necessarily chunked ripples in a field, or "excitations", that "look like" particles."

Fact: Particles don't have positions so they are not really excitations of the field. One must not visualize it that way.

Agree with everything? Maybe its time to correct Wiki and state things are not that rosy and indeed bleak.
  • #29
I read the Mysearch shared site in http://www.quantumfieldtheory.info/Chap01.pdf and need to ask a critical question:

"1.8 Points to Keep in Mind When the word “field” is used classically, it refers to an entity, like fluid wave amplitude, E, or B, that is spread out in space, i.e., has different values at different places. By that definition, the wave function of ordinary QM, or even the particle state in QFT, is a field. But, it is important to realize that in quantum terminology, the word “field” means an operator field, which is the solution to the wave equations, and which creates and destroys particle states. States (= particles = wave functions = kets) are not considered fields in that context. "

Why not call it Quantum Operator Theory instead of Quantum Field Theory as the above fact showed that the Field in QFT was not related to the classical field. I thought QFT was just about performing canonical quantization on the classical field. Or could be this true only to QED? Isnt QED about performing quantization on the electromagnetic field?
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  • #30
waterfall said:
So how does one imagine a quantum field? I thought it should have particles vibrating like harmonic oscillator.. but now saying particles don't have position.. then how does one picture it?
Yes, in some sense we are dealing with harmonic oscillators, but these are quantum simple harmonic oscillators, not classical SHO. Just as a particle in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, like a quantum harmonic oscillator, does not have a definite position but only a probability of being measured at different positions, in quantum field theory there is no definite position associated with field quanta AKA particles.
  • #31
lugita15 said:
Yes, in some sense we are dealing with harmonic oscillators, but these are quantum simple harmonic oscillators, not classical SHO. Just as a particle in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, like a quantum harmonic oscillator, does not have a definite position but only a probability of being measured at different positions, in quantum field theory there is no definite position associated with field quanta AKA particles.

When you mentioned "field quanta", are you referring to operator field quanta or actual field quanta? This is because as detailed in message 29, the field in QFT are field operator, not the usual field we understood as electromagnetic field for example.
  • #32
waterfall said:
Are you saying not all physicists with Ph.D. are experts in QFT? I thought they all wer. But using Fock space noninteracting terms, how could they make the Large Hadron Collider function and successfully predict those scattering angles and interactions of the numerous particles. Is Fock space enough to analyze them including predicting the mass of the Higgs? Or do Large Hadron Collider physicists use purely rigorous QFT that normal physicists don't tackle?

Most physicists work in condensed matter, not particle or high-energy physics. They have some
knowledge of QFT (mostly the non-relativistic kind) as part of their training in QM, but needn't be
experts in the mathematical foundations of QM.

waterfall said:
So how does one imagine a quantum field? I thought it should have particles vibrating like harmonic oscillator.. but now saying particles don't have position.. then how does one picture it? Or is it possible space and time only occur during interaction with the quantum field, and without interaction, space and time doesn't really exist as we know it in the quantum field? And it is just a blob of untime and unspace?
The particles are excitations, the most basic 'vibration states' of the fields. When we say they don't
necessarily have a position, what we mean, in layman's language, is that those 'basic vibrations'
aren't confined to a single point in space. Note however that they may (but don't NEED to be)
confined to a very tiny region from our macroscopic point of view. This is completely analogous to
the case of non-relativistic ordinary QM.

As to how to visualise a quantum field... well, quantum operators behave a lot like stochastic
variables. They have an expectation value and a complete set of moments which give you the
indeterminacy of said expectation value. So in principle, any such operator can be visualised as
a 'fuzzy' quantity, centered around the expectation value and with the fuzziness being proportional
to the indeterminacy. So for the case of a field, it's a 'fuzzy' field.

As a visualisation technique, this is probably only useful for bosonic fields in states such that
the indeterminacy is much smaller than the expectation value. This is the case for instance for
the electromagnetic field in most ordinary cases. Fermionic fields OTOH don't have a classic
limit and are thus much harder to visualise.
  • #33
waterfall said:
Wikipedia entry on QFT is wrong then, it depicts things as almost complete and rosy. For example the following words are not right:


Wiki:"Quantum field theory is thought by many[who?] to be the unique and correct outcome of combining the Rules of Quantum Mechanics with special relativity."

Fact: it is not exactly correct as you emphasized.

Wiki:"In perturbative quantum field theory, the forces between particles are mediated by other particles. The electromagnetic force between two electrons is caused by an exchange of photons. Intermediate vector bosons mediate the weak force and gluons mediate the strong force. "

Fact: Fock space doesn't handle interactions so those pertubative approach are just temporary and is fundamentally invalid"

Wiki:"In QFT, photons are not thought of as "little billiard balls" but are rather viewed as field quanta – necessarily chunked ripples in a field, or "excitations", that "look like" particles."

Fact: Particles don't have positions so they are not really excitations of the field. One must not visualize it that way.

Agree with everything? Maybe its time to correct Wiki and state things are not that rosy and indeed bleak.

No, not agreed. Perturbative techniques work well within their range of applicability. They're not the
ideal solution, but are necessary for those cases where the full solution to the problem isn't available.
Note such techniques are /extensively/ used across both pure and applied physics (including
engineering). For instance, we don't have a general solution for the N-body problem, so we need
to resort to approximations like numerical and/or perturbative methods.

waterfall said:
Fact: Particles don't have positions so they are not really excitations of the field. One must not visualize it that way.

This doesn't follow. Your conclusion is invalid.
  • #34
waterfall said:
When you mentioned "field quanta", are you referring to operator field quanta or actual field quanta? This is because as detailed in message 29, the field in QFT are field operator, not the usual field we understood as electromagnetic field for example.

Waterfall, a quantum field is a quantum 'quantity'. In the formalism of quantum physics, these are
operators (or POVMs, which are a related but more complicated object). The 'actual' field IS the
'operator' field.

I'll give you two examples: the total momentum of a system, P, and the electromagnetic field, A.
In CLASSICAL physics, these, or their components in some reference frame, are numbers.
P = {Px, Py, Pz}; A = {phi, Ax, Ay, Az}.

In QUANTUM physics, these are operators. That's a more complicated kind of object. An important
difference with the above case is, operators don't have a value by themselves. This is where the
state comes in in the theory. Quantum states give operators their values (and their indeterminacy).

So, while in classical physics you have A=A(x,y,z,t) as a vector with a definite value assigned
to every point (x,y,z), in quantum physics you have A=A(x,y,z,t) as an operator field, that is,
an operator assigned to every point of space (and time). Once you're given a state you can
assign a value (actually, an expectation value and an indeterminacy) to those operators. If the
indeterminacy is sufficiently small, it can be ignored and you recover the classical field (this
can only happen for fields which do possesses a classical limit, of course. The em field does.)
  • #35
Oudeis Eimi said:
A quantum field is a quantum 'quantity'. In the formalism of quantum physics, these are operators (or POVMs, which are a related but more complicated object). The 'actual' field IS the 'operator' field.
Is the word ‘actual’ in the statement above based on mathematical consistency or any level of physical verification?

I do not want to be accused of blatant scepticism, although it is said that a certain amount is healthy. Equally, I do not want be accused of just cherry-picking comments by other people out of context just because they might appear to question some aspect of QFT. However, from the perspective of somebody simply interested in the subject, I am beginning to wonder just how many years of maths is now required to even come close to understanding QFT, let alone questioning any of its fundamental premises. As such, it seems that QFT may now extend beyond the reach of most people to quantify for themselves and therefore they must “stand on the shoulders of giants” or, at least, on the shoulders of somebody taller than themselves. However, it seems that any conclusions drawn will still depend on whose shoulders you decide to pick, e.g. see article “The search for a quantum field theory” for a somewhat pessimistic, and possibly outdated, take on the current state of play. Of course, this author, although apparently well qualified, may have simply lost his way and been left behind by leading edge thinking. Therefore, I am assuming that his concerns can now be dismissed?
waterfall said:
Wikipedia entry on QFT is wrong then, it depicts things as almost complete and rosy……………
Maybe it’s time to correct Wiki and state things are not that rosy and indeed bleak.
Fredrik said:
...most of them have at least taken a QFT course. But that's not the point I was trying to make when I mentioned rigorous QFT. The point was questions like what the Hilbert space of the interacting theory is aren't answered in typical QFT courses, or typical QFT books. Actually, I don't think anyone even knows how to properly define the Hilbert space for QED in 3+1 dimensions. (Maybe they know that and are still struggling with other things, but they're struggling with something, because I know that no rigorous version of QED in 3+1 dimensions has been found). I suspect that even some QFT experts don't know rigorous QFT. It's like an entirely different field of physics. A typical student at an "introduction to QFT" course would probably need two more years of math before he can really begin to learn rigorous QFT.
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