Behavior of water in a vacuum?

In summary, in space, waste water and urine are often jettisoned from manned satellites and freeze into tiny ice droplets. When the sun hits, the ice sublimates into water vapor and disperses in space. Solid waste, however, may cause damage to satellites and there have been reports of this happening. In order to keep the evaporation process going, the water vapor must be continuously pumped out of the vacuum chamber.
  • #1
I've been reading about what happens to water when exposed to vacuum, but can't seem to find a definitive answer concerning a few details in the step-by-step process. I read that water will quickly boil in the vacuum of space due to very low pressure, and then freeze. But roughly how long does it take to freeze? Say a glob of temperate water with the volume of about a shot glass is suddenly exposed to the vacuum of space. Would the whole thing quickly boil away into gas, and then the vapor desublimates? Or would any portion of the water transform directly from liquid to solid? For desublimation in these circumstances, and if at all roughly possible to calculate, how big/thick would the resulting ice crystal cloud be? How long would this entire process take? A moment? Or full seconds or minutes? Would the cloud look like snow? Would you be able to mush it into an ice/snow ball?
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  • #2
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  • #3
Interesting...I thought they try to recycle every last gram of water in space. They just dump it out? Doesn't seem very sophisticated.
  • #4
Tut tut.All these astronauts are turning the space around our Earth into a giant sewer.It reminds me of the days when people used to empty their pots into the street:eek::biggrin:
  • #5
One can google "satellite waste water urine" and find great photos illumintated by the sun of frozen water/urine plumes trailing out from objects in space. One more small step for mankind, who seems destined to pollute every place he visits, including space.
  • #6
Bobbywhy said:
Urine and wastewater are often jettisoned from manned satellites into space.
What about the more solid stuff? Is it taken back to Earth? Is it released such that it burns in the atmosphere soon? Or will we read about a satellite destroyed by frozen poo one day?
  • #7
Water, in a small evacuated container, will evaporate until the pressure in the container is equal to the vapour pressure of the liquid at its temperature. This is no different with or without the presence of air in the container. (The law of partial pressures applies everywhere)
It has been written many times before on PF: Air is not a sponge - it does not absorb water - it just looks that way.

If the container is large enough (space) the the pressure will always be lower than the vapour pressure so the water will all evaporate. For a very large mass including water (an orbiting comet, for instance), the gravitational self-attraction will hold the vapour near the core and, if the temperature drops, it will re-condense, only to boil off the next time it goes close to the Sun.
  • #8
Mr. SC above accurately described icy comet behaviours. This below describes man-made water/urine dumps in space:

“Waste water usually freezes upon jettison into a cloud of tiny ice droplets. Then when the sun hits, the ice sublimates directly into water vapor and disperses in space.”

Furthermore, there was a report of a satellite being damaged by frozen poo, I just can't seem to find it now...
  • #9
how can you remove the water vapor from the vacuum chamber to keep the evaporation process continuing?
  • #10
Keep pumping!

Related to Behavior of water in a vacuum?

1. How does water behave in a vacuum?

In a vacuum, water behaves differently than it does in normal atmospheric pressure. The lack of air pressure causes the water to rapidly evaporate, with the water molecules breaking apart and becoming a gas. This process is known as sublimation.

2. Can water freeze in a vacuum?

Yes, water can freeze in a vacuum. When the temperature drops low enough, the water molecules will slow down and eventually stop moving, causing them to freeze into a solid state. This can occur even in a vacuum, where there is no air pressure to assist in the freezing process.

3. What happens to the boiling point of water in a vacuum?

In a vacuum, the boiling point of water decreases significantly. This is because the lack of air pressure means that the water molecules do not need to overcome as much external pressure in order to turn into a gas. As a result, the boiling point of water in a vacuum is much lower than it is at normal atmospheric pressure.

4. Does water behave differently in a vacuum than in space?

In a vacuum, water behaves similarly to how it would behave in space. Both environments lack air pressure, causing the water to rapidly evaporate and potentially freeze. However, in space, the lack of gravity also plays a role in how water behaves, causing it to form into spherical droplets instead of spreading out like it would in a vacuum on Earth.

5. Is there any water in a vacuum?

While a vacuum does not contain any air, it is still possible for there to be water present. This can occur in the form of ice, as well as small amounts of water vapor. Additionally, some spacecraft and equipment used in space may contain water for various purposes.

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