What causes device saturation in a BJT?

In summary, the saturation region of a transistor is when the transistor is unable to draw more current from the supply regardless of the base current. This is typically caused by the size of the load resistor and the supply voltage. In the active region, the transistor can carry more current, but in the saturation region, the transistor's maximum collector current is limited. For a given transistor, the saturation current is typically twice the active region current. However, this is dependent on the circuit and not just the transistor itself.
  • #1

I have a confusion with the saturation region of the transistor. Please help me out.

It is commonly said that, the forward biased emitter-base junction and forward biased base- collector results in device saturation.

Considering a PNP transistor as an example, forward biasing the emitter- base junction results in flow of majority charges carriers(holes ) from emitter to base. Similarly, forward bias of base- collector junction results in flow of electrons from base to collector. In this case, the holes from emitter, do not reach the collector, it self. Then how can there be a larger current, when compared with the active region?

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  • #2
Saturation of a transistor is caused when the transistor is unable to draw more current from the supply regardless of the base current.

This is usually due to the size of the load resistor and the supply voltage.

For example if the supply is 12 volts and the load resistor is 1000 ohms, then the transistor's collector current cannot be more than 12 mA because this is the most current that can flow through the collector resistor. (12 volts / 1000 ohms = 12 mA).

The transistor may be able to carry many amps of collector current in another circuit, but in this circuit it will not carry more than 12 mA.
  • #3
For a given transistor, which one is more, saturation current or active region current?
  • #4
The saturation current is about twice the active region current.

In the above example, if this was an actual amplifier, the transistor would be biased so that there was 6 volts across the transistor and 6 volts across the load resistor.

So, this would mean there was 6 mA flowing in the load resistor (and also into the collector) for use as a normal class A amplifier. (6 volts / 1000 ohms = 6 mA)

This compares with the 12 mA that would be the saturation current in this circuit.

Notice again, that the saturation current is a product of the circuit and not the transistor.
  • #5
Sudeesh said:
For a given transistor, which one is more, saturation current or active region current?
For a given base current, always IC (sat) < IC (active)

see the green portion of attached characteristic


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  • #6
Hi Sudeesh. Just to clarify what vk6 and Nascent have said:

- For a given supply voltage and load resistance, the maximum collector current occurs when the transistor is in saturation.

- For a given base current, the maximum collector current (excluding breakdown) occurs when the transistor is in the active region.

I hope that helps.
  • #7
Just to further clarify what uart has said:

- For a given supply voltage and load resistance, you draw a load line based on that and find out where the maximum current occurs. You don't look at a certain Ic-Vce curve, as Vbe can vary.

- For a given base current, you follow a single Ic-Vce curve and find out where the maxima is.

FAQ: What causes device saturation in a BJT?

What is the saturation region for the BJT?

The saturation region for the BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) is a state in which the transistor is fully conducting, and the collector-emitter voltage (Vce) is reduced to its minimum value. In this region, the transistor behaves like a closed switch and allows a large amount of current to flow from collector to emitter.

What are the characteristics of the saturation region?

The saturation region is characterized by low collector-emitter voltage (Vce), high collector current (Ic), and low base-emitter voltage (Vbe). In this region, the BJT acts as an amplifier with a high current gain and low output resistance. The collector current is almost independent of the collector-emitter voltage, making it suitable for switching applications.

How does the BJT enter the saturation region?

The BJT enters the saturation region when the base-emitter junction is forward biased, and the collector current reaches its maximum limit. This happens when the base-emitter voltage (Vbe) is greater than the threshold voltage (Vth) and the base current (Ib) is high enough to allow the transistor to fully conduct. The saturation region is also reached when the collector-emitter voltage (Vce) is reduced to a minimum value, typically around 0.2-0.3 volts.

What is the significance of the saturation region in BJT operation?

The saturation region is an important operating region for BJTs as it allows for efficient switching and amplification. In the saturation region, the BJT acts as a closed switch, and the collector current is limited only by the external circuit. This makes it suitable for applications such as digital logic circuits, motor control, and audio amplifiers.

How does the BJT exit the saturation region?

The BJT exits the saturation region when the base-emitter voltage (Vbe) is reduced below the threshold voltage (Vth), or when the collector-emitter voltage (Vce) is increased above the minimum value. This causes the base current (Ib) to decrease, reducing the collector current (Ic) and bringing the BJT into the active region. The BJT can also exit the saturation region by reducing the base current (Ib) below the threshold level, which turns off the transistor completely.
