1d Definition and 417 Threads

  1. D

    Calculate T for Maximum Altitude: 1D Kinematics Problem Solution

    Homework Statement [/B] During your summer internship for an aerospace company, you are asked to design a small research rocket. The rocket is to be launched from rest from the earth’'s surface and is to reach a maximum height of 990 m above the earth'’s surface. The rocket’'s engines give the...
  2. P

    Is the Specific Heat of a 1D Lattice Proportional to T/ΘD at Low Temperatures?

    Homework Statement Analyze the specific heat of a one dimensional lattice of identical atoms: Show within Debye approximation that the specific heat at low temperatures ( ≪ Θ) is proportional to T/ΘD . Here ΘD=ℏD/ kB = ℏvs/KBa is the Debye temperature valid for 1D, kB the Boltzmann...
  3. N

    Does H = XX+YY spontaneously break symmetry in 1D?

    Hello, I am working in 1D here. For the ferromagnetic Ising model ##H = -\sum_k X_k X_{k+1}## (or ##H = -YY##) we know that the ground state is gapped and has a twofold degeneracy due to SSB (spontaneous symmetry breaking) of the spin flip symmetry ##P = Z_1 Z_2 Z_3 \cdots##. I am now...
  4. E

    Calculating Density of States and Occupied States in 1D Chain of Atoms

    Homework Statement The system is a chain of atoms in 1D length L and number of atoms N. and \epsilon_k=\hbar c_s k a) What is the density of states? b)The number of states that can be occupied (use boundary conditions) c) Determine w_d(I think this is the debye frequency) in terms of N,L,k...
  5. Patrick McBride

    Hamiltonian of a 1D Linear Harmonic Oscillator

    Homework Statement Show that for the one-dimensional linear harmonic oscillator the Hamiltonian is: [; H = \frac{1}{2}[P^2+\omega ^2 X^2]-\frac{1}{2}\omega \hbar ;] [; =\frac{1}{2}[P+i\omega X][P-i\omega X]+\frac{1}{2} \omega \hbar ;] where P, X are the momentum and position operators...
  6. M

    Quantum 1D box obtain an expression for the normalization constant

    Homework Statement An electron in a one-dimensional box with walls at x =(o,a) is in the quantum state psi = A o<x<a/2 psi = -A a/2<x<a A) obtain an expression for the normalization constant, A. B) What is the lowest energy of the electron that will be measured in this state...
  7. D

    How High Above the Window Was the Flowerpot When It Fell?

    Homework Statement A flowerpot falls off a windowsill and falls past the window below. You may ignore air resistance. It takes the pot 0.420 s to pass from the top to the bottom of this window, which is 1.90 m high. Part A How far is the top of the window below the windowsill from which the...
  8. upender singh

    Ground state energy eigenvalue of particle in 1D potential

    Homework Statement a particle of mass m moves in 1D potential V(x),which vanishes at infinity. Ground state eigenfunction is ψ(x) = A sech(λx), A and λ are constants. find the ground state energy eigenvalue of this system. ans: -ħ^2*λ^2/2m Homework Equations <H> =E, H = Hamiltonian. p=...
  9. W

    Plot graph of 1D wave equation (using d'Alembert's formula)

    Homework Statement [/B] Don't know if this goes here or in the advanced bit, thought I'd try here first! I know the general solution of a 1D wave equation is given by d'Alembert's formula ##u(x,t) = 0.5[u(x+vt,0) + u(x-vt,0)] + \frac{1}{2v} \int_{x-vt}^{x+vt} \frac{\partial u}{\partial...
  10. ambroochi

    How Do You Find the Momentum of a 1D Harmonic Oscillator?

    The ground state wave-function of a 1-D harmonic oscillator is $$ \psi(x) = \sqrt\frac{a}{\sqrt\pi} * exp(-\frac{a^2*x^2}{2}\frac{i\omega t}{2}). $$ a) find Average potential energy ? $$ \overline{V} = \frac{1}{2} \mu\omega^2\overline{x^2} $$ b) find Average kinetic energy ? $$ \overline{T} =...
  11. T

    Instability of a 1D material due to Fermi surface nesting

    Consider the Lindhard response function: \chi(\vec{q})=\int\frac{d\vec{k}}{(2\pi)^d}\frac{f_\vec{k}-f_{\vec{k}+\vec{q}}}{\epsilon_\vec{k}-\epsilon_{\vec{k}+\vec{q}}} where ##\vec{q}## is the wavevector, ##\epsilon## is the free electron energy and ##f## is Fermi-Dirac distribution function. For...
  12. M

    Can the 1D Random XX Spin Chain Model Be Solved Exactly?

    Hi, Consider model of one dimensional spin chain with a random couplings J. The Hamiltonian is the following: $$ H = \sum_i J_i (S_i^x S_{i+1}^x+ S_i^y S_{i+1}^y)$$, Which by Jordan-Wigner transformation we can transform it to the fermionic representations. $$ H = \sum_i J_j/2 (c_i...
  13. AwesomeTrains

    Maximum position expectation value for 1D harmonic oscillator

    Hey, I'm stuck halfway through the solution it seems. I could use some tips on how to continue. 1. Homework Statement I have to determine a linear combination of the states |0\rangle, |1\rangle, of a one dimensional harmonic oscillator, so that the expectation value \langle x \rangle is a...
  14. N

    FEM: periodic boundary conditions (1D)

    I am trying to set up the mass matrix for a 1D system which I want to solve using finite elements. So the mass matrix is defined as M = \int{NN^T}dL, where N is the finite element linear basis functions. I use hat functions. Say I have 10 elements, corresponding to 11 nodes running from -5...
  15. C

    [Semiclassical physics] 1D box trace formula

    Hey there. While studying the Single-particle Level Density, I encountered the example in the image below, referring to the One-dimensional Box problem. However, I do not understand what is it that he call's F(E), neither how does one go from that, to the density of states in Equation (3.64)...
  16. U

    How Is the Polyacetylene Chain Structured in a 1D Lattice Model?

    Homework Statement The polyacetylene chain is a 1D chain of Carbon atoms with single bonds and double bonds in succession. Spacing for single bond is ##a_s = 0.144~nm## and spacing for double bond is ##a_d = 0.136~nm##. Describe the structure using a "lattice" and a "basis". Sketch the...
  17. throneoo

    Normalization of 1D velocity boltzmann distribution

    Suppose the pdf is A*exp(-mv^2/2kT) , where A is the normalization constant. To obtain A I would integrate the pdf over the all possible values of v. The question is, should the limits be (-infinity,infinity) or [0,infinity) ? It seems that only by choosing the former can I get the correct...
  18. S

    Calculating Focal Length of 1D Fresnel Lens

    Homework Statement Calculate the focal length of 1D Fresnel lens, whose transmittance is given as $$T(\xi)=\frac 1 2(1+\cos(\alpha \xi ^2)).$$ Homework Equations Anything you wish The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea. I tried to use the equation for diffraction image $$u_p=C\int _0...
  19. D

    Compute 1D Ising Correlation w/ Periodic, Anti-Periodic BDs

    Homework Statement Compute correlation functions ##<\sigma_r \sigma_{r+l}>## for the 1D Ising model of length L with the follow BD conditions (i) Periodic (ii) Anti-Periodic (iii) ##\sigma_1 = \sigma_{L+1}=1## (iv) ##\sigma_1= -\sigma_{L+1}=1## Homework Equations ##<\sigma_r \sigma_{r+l}> =...
  20. Entanglement717

    1D Harmonic Oscillator in a Constant Electric Field

    Homework Statement Hello, I'm just curious as to whether I'm going about solving the following problem correctly... Problem Statement: A particle mass m and charge q is in the ground state of a one -dimensional harmonic oscillator, the oscillator frequency is ω_o. An electric field ε_o is...
  21. C

    MHB Examples of uses for the Poisson Eqn in 1d

    Hi all, I have almost finished my dissertation on using the finite element method to solve the 1D version of the Poisson equation. For the last section I would like to run through a couple of examples but am struggling to find some. Obviously I can make up any equations that satisfy the...
  22. W

    Which describes the 1D gravitational force in this figure?

    Homework Statement [/B] 1)Which describes the 1D gravitational force in this figure. (+x is to the right.) a)Something else. b)Fgrav=−GMmx2 c)Fgrav=+GMmx22)In moving the little mass m from x1 to infinity the force of gravity does _____________ work. a) positive b) negative c) no I added an...
  23. K

    Simulating 1D Thermal Conduction with Vacuum in Comsol 4.4

    Hi, I'm doing a 1D thermal conduction simulation on Comsol Multiphysics 4.4 and my first component is vacuum. I did'nt found the vacuum in the material list. Should I create a new component with a null thermal conductivity ? Thanks
  24. L

    Energy Probability of Electron in 1d box

    Homework Statement We're given an unnormalized state function ψ(x) of an electron in a 1 dimensional box of length pi. The state function is a polynomial. We're asked to find the probability that a measurement of its energy would find it in the lowest possible energy state. Homework Equations...
  25. L

    Probability of finding a particle in a 1D box

    Homework Statement If a one-dimensional box is 1 nm long, what is the probability of finding the particle between the following limits? (a) x = 0 nm and x = 0.05 nm (b) x = 0.55 nm and x = 0.65 nm Homework Equations ψ = (2/L)½ sin(πx/L) The Attempt at a Solution (I do chemistry and I'm really...
  26. C

    MHB Applying Neumann Boundary Conditions in 1D

    Hi, I've been doing some work on the finite element method. I have been able to calculate the stiffness matrix and load vector and apply both homogeneous and inhomogeneous Dirichlet conditions but am stuck on calculating the Neumann conditions. I have the definition of it as...
  27. julianwitkowski

    1D Collision / Charges / Coulomb's Law

    Homework Statement Two frictionless pucks are placed on a level surface with an initial distance of 20.0 m. Puck 1 has a mass of 0.80 kg and a charge of + 3 E-4 C while puck 2 has a mass of 0.4 kg and a charge of +3 E-4 C. The initial velocity of puck 1 is 12 m/s [E] and the initial velocity...
  28. C

    How Do You Calculate Dragster Deceleration Time and Distance?

    Homework Statement - A Dragster at the starting line accelerates at 8 m/s^2 to the finish line. If it took 4.6 s, how long is the track? - The Dragster deccelerated to a stop in 100m. How long did it take?Homework Equations x = 0 + 1/2at^2 The Attempt at a Solution The first part of the...
  29. Entangled Cat

    Working With 1D Constant Acceleration Kinematics

    Hello, this is my first post on PhysicsForums. I'm a first year student at the University of Kansas pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Physics and Astronomy (double majoring). The wording on my homework (for Honors General Physics 1) is a little bit strange to me so maybe some of you guys and...
  30. E

    Approaching the problem o 1D well that changes size

    Homework Statement You have a potential well, it's 1-dimensional and has a width of 0 to a. All of a sudden the wall of the well is pushed inward so that it's half as wide. Now the well is only extending from 0 to a/2. in the well is a particle (mass m) that is in the first excited state...
  31. H

    Why is CNT considered a 1D structure despite having movement in two dimensions?

    The electronic structure of CNT is discussed on the basis of band structure of graphene. Graphene has a linear dispersion relation: E = h_cut vF |k| where k is the 2D wavevector and vF is the Fermi velocity. CNTs are macroscopic along the axis but have a circumference of atomic dimensions, which...
  32. A

    What Are the Eigenfunctions for the 1D Infinite Square Well?

    Homework Statement Find the ground and first excited state eigenfunctions of for the 1D infinite square well with boundaries -L/2 and +L/2 Homework Equations $$\frac{-\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}\psi(x) = E\psi(x)$$ The Attempt at a Solution Okay so I know how to solve it and...
  33. P

    Electron in 1D Box: classical or quantum at different temps

    Hi, I'm working on a problem that requires me to calculate thermal energy (kT) at different temperatures and compare those values to the lowest state energy of a particle in box (1D) of varying lengths. I've calculated the ground-state energies of the electron in all of these different sized...
  34. Matt atkinson

    1D ising model - Helix-coil transistion

    Homework Statement A simple model of a polymer undergoing a helix-coil transition is to describe the polymer in terms of N equal length segments, each of which can be in either a coil or a helix state. A more realistic model also takes into account the energy cost associated with a boundary...
  35. C

    How to use 3D FDTD code for 1D problem?

    Hello, I have a three dimensional FDTD code. The problem I have for simulation is one dimensional. How can I use this 3D FDTD code for the 1D problem. The 1D problem is like this: in one-dimension half of the problem space is filled with a dielectric medium and the other half is free-space. A...
  36. M

    What Keywords Help Find Solutions for Quantum Scattering in 1D Potentials?

    Image is a set of 1D potentials which i need more examples and their solutions containing transmitting states, bounded states, scattering states and coefficients. I searched with "1D potential combinations" "1D potential set" keywords but can not find anything yet. Which keyword should i...
  37. G

    Help needed to understand dispersion curve of a 1D lattice with diatomic basic

    Hi there, I am trying to understand the dispersion curve(as shown below) of a 1D lattice with diatomic basic. Here are my questions 1) Can both optical and acoustic branch of phonon can simultaneously exist in crystal? 2)Why there is a band gap between optical and acoustic phonon...
  38. SalfordPhysics

    Energy levels for mass confined to 1D box

    Homework Statement For a nitrogen molecule, calculate the lowest 2 energy levels and the characteristic temperature; Mass of molecule = 2.33x10-26[kg] Length of box = 10-9[m]Homework Equations E = n2.h2/8mL2 (n=1,2,3,...) Characteristic Temperature (Tc) -> when thermal energy kBT =...
  39. S

    1d potential V (-x)=-V (x) eigenfunctions.

    Homework Statement Show that for a 1d potential V (-x)=-V (x), the eigen functions of the Schrödinger equation are either symmetric/ anti-symmetric functions of x.Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I really don't know how to do it for odd potential. Let me show you how I am doing it...
  40. M

    Critical Exponents in the 1D Ising Model

    Homework Statement Obtain the critical exponents for specific heat, susceptibility, and the order parameter (magnetization). Homework Equations $$A = -k_B T N \ln \left[e^{\beta J} \cosh (\beta h) +\sqrt{ e^{2\beta J}\sinh^2 \beta h + e^{-2\beta J} }\right]$$ $$\left<m \right> \propto...
  41. B

    Particle trapped in an infinite well (1d) - find probability

    Homework Statement http://puu.sh/bTtVx/ba89b717b8.png Homework Equations I've tried using the integral method of Schrodinger's eq, getting: (X/L - (1/4pi)sin(4xpi/L) from x1 to x2. The Attempt at a Solution I've tried plugging in the values of x given in the problem to the above equation...
  42. T

    1d Kinematics Homework: Helicopter mailbag

    Homework Statement The height of a helicopter above the ground is given by h = 3.30t3, where h is in meters and t is in seconds. After 1.80 s, the helicopter releases a small mailbag. Assume the upward direction is positive and the downward direction is negative. Already solved for Initial...
  43. A

    Discrete Spectrum Non-Degeneracy in 1D: How to Prove?

    Homework Statement Prove that in the 1D case all states corresponding to the discrete spectrum are non-degenerate. Homework Equations \hat{H}\psi_n=E_n\psi_n The Attempt at a Solution Okay so, what I am stuck on here is that the question is quite broad. I can think of specific...
  44. D

    Quantum Physics - Electron in a 1d Potential Well Question

    Homework Statement This is a Quantum Physics problem. An electron moves in a one-dimensional potential well such that the potential V = 0 for |x| ≤ a, and V = ∞ otherwise. The system has energy eigenfunctions: Un = a^(-1/2) cos (n∏x/2a), for n odd, and Un = a^(-1/2) sin (n∏x/2a)...
  45. C

    MHB FE 1D method and hat functions

    Hi all, I'm doing a project on the finite elements method and am struggling to understand a part of it. I have defined the hat functions as: \[ \phi_i(x) = \begin{cases} \frac{x-x_{i-1}}{h} & \text{if } x_{i-1}\leq x<x_i \\ \frac{x_{i+1}-x}{h} & \text{if } x_i\leq x<x_{i+1}\\ 0 &...
  46. L

    How to Incorporate Step-Wise Potential into Schrödinger Equation for a 1D Box?

    Homework Statement Trying to construct Shrodinger Equation given: * mass: m * Boundary Conditions: (potential) V(x)=-Vo exp(-x/L) for 0<x≤L V(x)=∞ for x≤0 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution (-h^2 / 2m ) (d^2 ψ / dx^2) + V(x)ψ = E * psi Not sure how to incorporate...
  47. PsychonautQQ

    Kinetic Energy of particle in 1D and 3D well

    So my professor said that the Kinetic energy of the particle in a 3D infinite well is dependent on position where in a 1D infinite well it's NOT dependent on position. She is sort of notorious for being wrong apparently and many of my undergrads are telling me she is wrong. I understand that...
  48. E

    Solution to the 1D Free Schrodinger Equation

    So starting from the time dependent schrodinger equation I perform separation of variables and obtain a time and spatial part. The spatial part is in effect the time independent schrodinger equation. Since we are dealing with a free particle I can take the time independent equation, set V = 0...
  49. A

    Lagrangian of 1D Motion: Finding Particle Coordinate x at Time t

    i have L of particle m in 1D motion, but how i can find the coordinate of particle x at time t?
  50. A

    Can I get Bandgap of 3D material with 1D Hamiltonian

    Hi All, Greetings! I have a 3d material and I use result from first principal for getting the potential (U(x,y,z)). I then find average U(x) from U(x,y,z). Now if I write one dimensional Hamiltonian in X direction and use this value of U(x), can I get bandgap of the original 3d material (I...