3d Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. A

    What is the best 3d CAD software?

    Currently I'm teaching myself Autodesk Inventor and it seems to be going pretty well. I was wondering though, in the job market what program is most used? Also what program is the most powerful in the design process? I guess what I'm really looking for is the program that would most benefit me...
  2. A

    Calculating Inertia on Viviani's Curve

    I need to calculate inertia for a mass moving on viviani's curve. Anyone here care do guide me on how to do this ?
  3. M

    MATLAB MATLAB 3D Plot assistance needed

    Hi guys! Kinda stuck here.. I'm trying to plot the temporal temperature distribution across a metal rod of length 1 meter. The rod is heated at one end and the temperature is measured every 5 cm along the meter rod every 10 minutes for an hour. Basically I have 6 text files, each...
  4. khurram usman

    How to Calculate the Energy of an Electron in the 3d Orbital of an Oxygen Atom?

    if i am to calculate the energy of an electron in the 3d orbital of oxygen atom...how i am supposed to consider the electronic configuration? i mean i can easily do so for 2p or 2s using slaters rule...because the electrons are present in those orbitals but for the 3d case where should i...
  5. A

    MATLAB How Can I Convert a 2D Plot to a 3D Plot in MATLAB?

    Dear Friends I have made 2D plot in MATLAB and want to convert it in 3D can you give me any suggestions please. if s=x^2+y^3 x=linspace(0,2); plot(y,s,'b') this gives the plot of 2D I want to make it in 3D for any value of z axis(-1 to 1) what changes i have to do ?
  6. R

    Formula to convert 3d co ords. into 2d orthographical co ords.

    I have been trying to find out if this is possible and can't find anything, probably I'm not using the right maths terminology to get it. What I want to be able to do is to take a set of 3d co ordinates and then use some sort of algorithm, formula or similar to convert these into a 2d...
  7. P

    Help with the 3D gaussian function

    Hi, I need help with the gaussian function in 3D. I'm using the form: z=A*exp( (x-xo)^2/(2σx^2)+(y-yo)^2/(2σy^2)) I know that A is the amplitude and xo,yo are the center coordinate. I found that formula on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian_function and they say that σx and σy are...
  8. B

    Visualizing 3d graph of two variables

    I have a question in my book that states: "T or F The natural domain of f(x,y,z) = sqrt(1-x^2-y^2) is a disk of radius 1 centered at the origin in the xy-plane." This is F as the graph is an infinite solid cylinder. But I can't visualize it. If I let f(x,y,z) be z, and square both sides, I...
  9. Low-Q

    3D software for magnetic problems

    Hi, Does anyone here know of a software where I can simulate magnetism in 3D - except the expensive Maxwell 3D? Vidar
  10. F

    3D Visualization of Electromagnetism

    I would like some help in visualizing electromagnetism in three dimensions. I have researched extensively and have come up with nothing but sine waves and pond ripples. But just like sine waves representing sound, which are three dimensional compression waves, do not represent how sound...
  11. C

    About Dirichlet problem of Laplacian equation in 3D sperical coordinates

    i wanted to solve an electrostatic problem that includes an infinite conical conductor whose vertex is the origin of the spherical coordinates, and i knew that the general solution of laplacian equation in spherical coordinates is: u(r,θ)=Ʃ(An*rn+Bn*r-n-1), n>=0 however, the boundary conditions...
  12. T

    Can anyone explain the basics of 3D heat transfer modelling?

    Hi, I need to model heat transfer in a 3D digital environment. I have very little physics / engineering background so I have no idea what's available or what software / methods are used. I have some background in CAD and general experience in Matlab, but this is going to be a steep learning...
  13. R

    How Does Quantum Mechanics Describe Free-Particle Probability Amplitudes?

    Problem10.1, Introductory QM,Liboff. Homework Statement If \psi (\mathbf{r},t) is a free-particle state and b(\mathbf{k},t) the momentum probability amplitude for this same state, show that \iiint \psi^* \psi d \mathbf{r}=\iiint b^* b d \mathbf{k} Homework Equations \psi_\mathbf{k}...
  14. B

    A question about 3D integrals.

    Homework Statement If we have volume integral of a Gaussian function, in phase space for example. F= \int^{\infty}_{-\infty} e^{-aq} d^{3}q Now, I think the the answer would be the standard answer for a Gaussian integral cubed wouldn't it? F=\left(\frac{\pi}{a}\right) ^{3/2} I...
  15. L

    How High Is the Top Sphere When Four Spheres Form a Square Base?

    Homework Statement Four congruent spheres, radius length 10 cm, are placed on a horizontal table so that each touches two others and their centres form a square. A fifth congruent sphere rests on them. Find the height of the top of this fifth sphere above the table. Homework Equations Not...
  16. P

    How to Calculate the Z Force of a Static Object in a 3D Force System?

    Homework Statement A Bob is centered on a force plate attatched to three pulleys of different heights by string. these pulleys are located at 360*, 270* and 140* on the plate with masses to make the bob centered of .075kg, .054, and .080 respectively. The measured angles for each string were...
  17. W

    3D Electric field vector calculation for two parallel plates

    Homework Statement For two metal plates parallel to each other, when voltages was applied to them, there is an electric field in between. I measured the voltage at 12 points (known x,y,z) between them. these 12 points formed a rectangular box (three on each of four lines, which is...
  18. C

    Line of Best Fit for 3D scatter plot?

    Hi all, I'm having problems with something I'd like to do. Basically I have a 3D scatter plot and would like to add a line of best fit to it, I've googled this but most of the answers I get are incomprehensible to me (I'm a chemistry PhD student and my maths isn't amazing). Does anyone...
  19. S

    Point At Given Distance in 3d Space

    I am working on a simple ray tracer for rending point clouds in real time. I am not so good with maths, and I am stuck with a fairly simple problem: Given a start point (0,0,0) and a direction (0,90) and a distance 1-100, how do I get the 3d point the line will hit? As this will go...
  20. Z

    FEA meshing - why not 2d mesh -> 3d mesh ?

    FEA meshing - why not 2d mesh -> 3d mesh ? Well, I have just realized why the people do not use FEA (finite elements analysis) as often as they should do: FEA preprocessing phase is a disaster! Simply speaking - there is no simple, efficient meshing software available on the market. Existing...
  21. N

    When two spheres intervine - very hard 3d geometry and vectors problem

    Homework Statement Sphere with P as centre has equation (x-5)^2 + (y-9)^2 + z^2 -100 = 0 Sphere with Q as centre has equation (x-1)^2 + (y+3)^2 + (z-3)^2 -49 =0 These spheres intervine with each other. Find the surface area of the object limited by the two spheres. The Attempt at a Solution...
  22. A

    Solving Static Equilibrium Problem in 3D: P=50N, Ay=108.8, Cy=58.1, By=32.4

    Been working on this problem http://www.flickr.com/photos/archiphoto77/6179533925 (SEE LINK FOR PHOTO OF PROBLEM) for quite some time now, and the components don't quite add up for me so I am just a tad exasperated... In the x-z projection, I see two forces acting along the x-axis---one...
  23. E

    MATLAB How to Use Surf() for 3D Plotting in MATLAB?

    Hello, i have a function that i need to plot in 3d, it specifically describes the change in the power of a router considering many readings in different places.. so i have the power in dBm against a square space of a building.. if anyone can help me use the surf(), how should i...
  24. O

    Finding the Magnitude of a Vertical Force in a Simple 3D Statics Problem

    Homework Statement If cable AB is subjected to a tension of 700N determine the magnitude of the vertical force F in N. Pic: [PLAIN]http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/9823/capturespm.png Homework Equations Sum of forces in x y and z direction The Attempt at a Solution I am...
  25. L

    A 3D harmonic oscillator is thermal equilibrium

    hay guys, A three-dimensional harmonic oscillator is in thermal equilibrium with a temperature reservoir at temperature T. Finde The average total energy of the oscillator I have no idea, how can I solve this problem, can you hint me please:rolleyes:
  26. G

    Work required to move a charge through an electric field (3D)

    Homework Statement "This problem regards the work required to move a 6nC charge through an electric field given by E = Initial point is at (2,-2,3) Total length the charge is being moved = 2µm Unit path length vector: a_l = -6/7 * a_x + 3/7 * a_y + 2/7 * a_z Homework...
  27. K

    Prove Levi-Civita Symbol is Only 3D Isotropic Tensor

    My fluid mechanics textbook says so but gives no proof, I see why it's isotropic but I can't think of why it's the only isotropic tensor in 3D space.
  28. S

    3d dynamics- determine the couple exerted

    Please see uploaded image... So the question is, what is Hg(dot) ? so I know that I need w1 in rad/sec, so 1800*(2(pi)/60)=188 rad/sec I want to establish a set of moving axes at the center of the rotating disk on the saw that is parallel to the stationary axis. My w is then...
  29. E

    Solve 3D Vector Problem: Plane Parallel to ABC Containing D

    Homework Statement The four points A = (-1, -1, -1), B = (1, 1, -1), C = (1, -1, 1) and D = (-1, 1, 1) are the vertices of a triangular pyramid. Use vectors to calculate: d) an equation (in vector form) of the plane parallel to the face ABC and containing the point D The Attempt at a...
  30. S

    Determining the equation of a 3d sphere

    Homework Statement The question is describe the surface whose equation is given 2x^2 +2y^2 + 2z^2 - 2x -3y +5z -2 = 0 now I know it needs to be grouped like this (2x^2-2x) + (2y^2-3y) + (2z^2+5z)=2, however from here I feel like I am forgetting some kind of basic algebra or something on...
  31. S

    How Do You Model a Downward-Opening Cone in Multivariable Calculus?

    Homework Statement Give a formula for a function whose graph is described. Sketch it using a computer or a calculator. A cone of circular cross-section opening downward and with its vertex at the origin.Homework Equations I know how to draw the cone and the properties of a cone, so that's not...
  32. R

    Quantum Teleportation of 3D objects

    Multivese Travel. Is the theory traveling between Multiverses by striping us into electrons then transmiting them through worm holes then reconstructing them on the other side like a fax! Is it possible?
  33. C

    3D Quantum harmonic Oscillator

    Homework Statement What are the stationary states of an isotropic 3D quantum harmonic oscillator in a potential U(x,y,z) = {1\over2}m\omega^2 (x^2+y^2+z^2) in the form \psi(x,y,z)=f(x)g(y)h(z) and how many linearly independent states have energy E=({3\over 2}+n)\hbar\omega? Homework...
  34. D

    Spherical Harmonic Wave Function =? 3D Wave Function

    Homework Statement Prove that the spherical harmonic wave function \frac{1}{r}e^{i(kr-{\omega}t)} is a solution of the three-dimensional wave equation, where r = (x^2+y^2+z^2)^{\frac{1}{2}} . The proof is easier if spherical coordinates are used. Homework Equations Wave function...
  35. Y

    Calculating 3D Component Vectors and Resultant Force for Inclined Forces

    Express each force as a Cartesian vector and then determine the resultant force F. Find the magnitude and coordinate direction angles of the resultant force and sketch this vector on th coordinate system. There's a drawing of 1 force(F2) of magnitude 130N, along the negative z direction(-z)...
  36. A

    3D Projectile Motion: Finding Y and Z Coordinates of Landing Position of Ball

    Homework Statement A perfectly spherical ball is launched horizontally with a linear velocity of 9.9 m/s and an angular velocity (perpendicular to its trajectory) of 4.1 m/s. The ball's mass is 5.0g. (Diagram for explanation of coordinate system)...
  37. J

    How to Create a 3D Plot of Electric Potential for Electromagnetism Homework?

    Hi all, I apologize in advance if this isn't the right forum to put my question. Homework Statement In our electromagnetism course, we were asked to give the 3D plots of the electric potential V(x/y) for the examples on our book. (We're currently using Introduction to Electrodynamics (3rd...
  38. robphippen

    Understanding the Use of Quarter-Wave Plates for 3D Cinema

    So... 3d cinema relies on circular polarized light these days. Creating circular polarized light requires the use of a quarter-wave plate, which exploits birefringence to; (a) effectively create two rays of light linearly polarized at right angles (b) retards one of them by a quarter...
  39. N

    How can I apply a unitary transformation to rotate a 3D complex wave function?

    Hello, I have a 3D complex wave function and I want to apply a unitary transformation to rotate it with respect to arbitrary axis. Anybody have any ideas how I can do that? Sasha
  40. P

    Mathematica Mathematica , Combining 2D and 3D plots

    Hi, I was thinking if there is a way to combine 2D and 3D plots in mathematica. I mean, for example I have a curve on the XY plane and I want to combine it with a graph of a surface, so to have that curve under the surface. The other case , to combine a 2D vector field with a surface ...
  41. J

    What is the best method for projecting 3D graphics?

    When it comes to graphics (what I have learned) is that what you see on the screen is data placed in a memory (video buffer) and then the data or pixel is then plotted onto the screen. So when you manipulate the data in the video buffer you will also manipulate the pixels on the screen. Then...
  42. Evo

    Reproduce yourself with a 3D printer

    This is very cool, reminds me of a star trek replicator (kind of). I really want a replicator! Tea, Earl Grey, hot! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/click_online/9550469.stm
  43. J

    3D Density Plotting Solutions for [x,y,z] Data

    I am trying to display a 3D density plot for my data [x,y,z] and have tried 'scatter3' however as some data points are the same it does not represent the density very well. There is a cool function called scattercloud on the file exchange, but this is only for [x,y] data. I would appreciate...
  44. B

    Crank Slider Mechanism 3d movement question.

    Hi. This maybe common sense to some of you but I am racking my brain to find away to solve this one. I would like to pull a lever on one axis and move a slider on a different axis . So by pulling a lever towards me, I move a slider left and right. Is this possible without ball joints...
  45. S

    How Do I Solve This 3D Trigonometry Problem?

    Hi Not sure if this is simple or not but I can't figure out how to do it! I am designing a surround that will be constructed by folding a sheet of aluminum. I've got the geometry right in 3d but I want to transpose this to a template. Yes I can measure but I want to solve using maths for...
  46. D

    Orthogonal Basis in 3d is flipping.

    I'm trying to create a circle in 3D based off of 4 inputs. Position1 Position2 LineLength1 LineLength2 The lines start at the positions, and they meet at their very ends. To do this I've gotten the distance between the points, found the radius of the circle, the position of the center of the...
  47. F

    What is the rate of change of angle for a knight jumping on a chess board?

    Some of my friends, upon finding out that I'd joined these forums, decided to give me a math challenge problem they thought couldn't be solved. Does everyone get the same answer? It goes as follows: A knight jumps on a chess board (assume it makes a legal move) from point A to point B...
  48. Hepth

    3D Integral to 4D integral in Width Calculation

    While this is more a mathematics problem, it really belongs here for those theorists who have experience with QFT calculations. This is sort of a generic question, but can I turn a 1->3 decay width integral into a single 4-D integral over one of the momenta. Such as: \Gamma = \frac{1}{2...
  49. M

    Webpage title: How to Solve a 3D Matrix Equation

    Hi, I'm pretty rusty with solving linear equations, my equations are: ai = bijkcjk i = 1,... n j, k = 1,... m Would like to know c, given a and b. Need somewhere to start, without having to cover 3 years of notes that I took 5 years ago, thanks if anyone can point me in the right...
  50. F

    Can all patterns in 3D have an equivalent equation in polynomial?

    Please Help me out with this one. Can all patterns in 2D or 3D, have an equivalent equation in polynomial?