Ac Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. Gbox

    Engineering Diode circuit with AC excitation source

    Homework Statement Graph ##V_{out}## Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution When ##V_{in}=V## C1 is positive on the left and negative on the right, and C2 is negative on the the down side and positive on the upper side so there is no Vout?
  2. J

    Does AC form a closed loop circuit?

    Some say that AC should form a closed loop circuit for electricity utilization but is there really an loop from the Power station(hot wire) to the Ground(neutral) and then from Ground to power station so that it forms a loop?
  3. Titan97

    Capacitor and inductor in parallel

    Homework Statement [/B] Find the power supplied by the battery. Homework Equations $$Z_C=-iX_C$$ $$Z_L=iX_L$$ The Attempt at a Solution $$Z_1=R_1-iX_C=\sqrt{R_1^2+X_C^2}e^{i\phi_1}$$ $$Z_2=R_+iX_L=\sqrt{R_2^2+X_L^2}e^{i\phi_2}$$ $$I_1(t)=\frac{V_0}{\sqrt{R_1^2+X_C^2}}e^{i(\omega...
  4. Titan97

    B RLC Circuit Analysis: Phase Difference & Impedance Modulus

    In an RLC series circuit let applied EMF be given ##V=V_0\sin\omega t##, $$Z=Z_C+Z_R+Z_L=R+i\left(\frac{1}{\omega C}-\omega L\right)$$ $$|Z|=\sqrt{R^2+\left(\frac{1}{\omega C}-\omega L\right)^2}$$ Then $$i(t)=\frac{V(t)}{Z}=\frac{V_0e^{i\omega t}}{R+i\left(\frac{1}{\omega C}-\omega L\right)}$$...
  5. DjMadness

    Power Factor Correction for a small 60W AC Induction motor

    Hello, I have a light AC fan, that I wish to correct its power factor. According to my measurements, it has around 0.7 LAG power factor. Here are my digital measurements: Vsupply = 204VAC I(load) = 0.237Amps phi = 43 , pf = 0.7 LAG My target power factor (pf) is to be 0.85 , and to...
  6. P

    Can you use a tank circuit to produce an AC circuit?

    Since the resonant frequency of a tank circuit, is completely adjustable, and controlled by the value inductor and capacitor you use, I was wondering if it had any other uses, other than increasing its impedance at its resonant frequency. Can if be used to produce ac signals of its resonant...
  7. Y

    Linear Algebra - Solving AC RLC circuit

    Homework Statement So yeah I'm doing a project were I get to create a problem. I would like to learn how to solve a AC RLC circuit using linear algebra. I'm trying to find all of the currents on the edges of the graphs and find all of the voltages at the nodes connecting the edges. I don't...
  8. ReidMerrill

    Capacitor Peak Current and Voltage in an AC Circuit

    Homework Statement A capacitor has a peak current of 240 μA when the peak voltage at 250 kHz is 2.7 V . Part A What is the capacitance? Part B If the peak voltage is held constant, what is the peak current at 500 kHzHomework Equations Xc=1/wC Vc=IcXc The Attempt at a Solution I rearranged...
  9. I

    Energy of Inductors in AC Circuit

    Hello, In my textbook, it says that if we have a pure inductor connected to an AC source, the average power is zero. It explains that this is because the energy is used to create a magnetic field for the inductor and then it is extracted to the AC source. So how is it possible for the...
  10. anorlunda

    Insights AC Power Analysis: Part 3, Cyber Resilience - Comments

    anorlunda submitted a new PF Insights post AC Power Analysis: Part 3, Cyber Resilience Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  11. anorlunda

    Insights AC Power Analysis – Part 2, Network Analysis - Comments

    anorlunda submitted a new PF Insights post AC Power Analysis – Part 2, Network Analysis Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  12. anorlunda

    How can a PC detect the AC adapter brand?

    When I booted my laptop today, I saw a strange message for the first time. "Your AC adapter is not a Dell product. To continue, connect to a Dell brand adapter." My adapter is a Dell, so I unplugged, re-plugged, and it worked OK. I find this behavior by manufacturers offensive, but at the...
  13. anorlunda

    Insights AC Power Analysis: Part 1, Basics - Comments

    anorlunda submitted a new PF Insights post AC Power Analysis: Part 1, Basics Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  14. Metals

    In an Alternator, is the armature an electromagnet?

    Hey, I'm lightly studying 'Generating' as a topic in my Physics curriculum. I have just been introduced to an AC Generator, an Alternator, and I have a simple question: Is the armature in an alternator an electromagnet? From my understanding, there is a U-Shaped length of wire(s) which...
  15. W

    I AC DC Mixed Neutral: Help Solving Circuit Board Problem

    Hi I am currently making a pool heater and i have a comodated an old air con unit i have come to a point on the circuit board where i am stuck. I am makeing a controler to send a signal to the outdoor heater but the out door heater has a 240v ac supplie and 1 live 12v DC signal cable. But...
  16. P

    How Does Power Consumption Compare Between AC and DC in a Single Device?

    Hello, I just came across this site when looking for some info. Not sure if this is a stupid question but I would like to know what the correlation between AC and DC power is when comparing one device. For example if i had a a device connected to 120vac and it drew 500w then the amps would be...
  17. Hadron

    DC current from an armature and converting AC to DC....

    I cannot find answers to this on the internet. Can a d/c be made using an armature? How? How does one convert a/c 2 d/c (or d/c to a/c) thirdly, why does the band a/c d/c come up as the first result on google? (don't answer the last question.)
  18. Titan97

    Classical Book for learning AC circuit analysis

    I haven't used any book for AC circuit analysis yet. I have learned the basics of phasor diagrams which my teacher taught in the class (We were only taught series combination of LCR circuits). Can anyone suggest a book to learn more about circuit analysis (like source transformations, Norton's...
  19. S

    Can I use two AC TRs with ONE neutral at sec. and prim.?

    The situation: I have one BMS (Building Management System) controller supplied from TR1 (220Vac to 24Vac transformer) and provides an analog control signal (0-10VDC) with the (-) of that DC being the same as the Neutral of the controller (from TR1) and should control a valve actuator. The...
  20. A

    How to draw AC equivalent circuit of CE amplifier?

    in the attached diagram its seen that while drawing AC equivalent of the common emitter circuit, Re is not taken in, the AC equivalent diagram no.2. why?
  21. S

    How do Capacitors and Inductors Add/Remove VARS in AC?

    To my understanding, capacitors cause the current to lead the voltage which adds VARS to the circuit and inductors cause the current to lag behind the voltage which removes VARS (in AC circuits). Also, it is my understanding that VARS increase voltage. I work for one of the largest utilities...
  22. A

    The highest frequency of ac current?

    I heard about a research where ac current is generared in metal covered nanotubes exposed to visible light, the same way as it does in receiving tv antennas. Isn't there a limit to how quickly electrons can accelerate on a metal surface (because of inertia and maybe some extra factors) to...
  23. Ackbach

    MHB AC Method for Factoring Trinomials

    Description of the Method We are given a trinomial of the form $ax^{2}+bx+c$, and asked to factor it into a product of two dissimilar binomials $(fx+u)(gx+v)$. The method that follows assumes $a,b,c$ have no common factor; if they do, you must factor out the greatest common factor before...
  24. Carlton Brown

    How can i generate an 8 hertz AC current from 60 hz AC

    Hello there. i would like to request some help please in the design of my meditation pyramid. If you can help me out i'd be greatly appreciative thank you. I would like to set up an 8 hertz oscillating magnetic cycle around the pyramid. Why? because i wish to entrain higher alpha brainwave...
  25. Y

    How to analyze AC using radians and degrees

    I just found out V = Acos(wt+phi) is made up of both radians and degrees, where w is rad/s and phi is degree. You have to convert either one to the other to calculate it. Assume phi is 0 degrees. I(t) = Icos(wt), and w is radian/s. So then capacitor impedance is -j/wC. V(t) = (I<0) *...
  26. G

    Does a photo-resistor create an AC current?

    I'm a high school physics student. I want to do an experiment to see what happens when a high frequency alternating current goes through a magnet. To create the high frequency alternating current could a photo resistor do that for me? Does the photo-resistor create an alternating current with a...
  27. Y

    Do we get 2x the frequency when doing P=VI for AC Circuits?

    I know that when you get a current from a voltage (like calculating current through resistor), the current and voltage equations have the same frequency. Does this still hold for power P = VI ? So assume V in Euler form, V(t) = Vcos(wt+theta) + jVsin(wt+theta) = V*ej(wt+theta) and in Phasor...
  28. Y

    How are phasors obtained from real values in AC?

    Ok, so I know phasors are based on Euler's Formula: ej*(X+phi) = cos(X+phi) + jsin(X+phi) But how do we use real value like V(t) = Acos(V+phi) in Euler's Formula? V(t) has no imaginary component, so how can we write the phasor of this as A<phi, where phi is the angle between real and imaginary...
  29. E

    Induction heating by AC magnetic field-magnetic hyperthermia

    Hi, I want to heat magnetic nanoparticles in an AC magnetic field. I need a uniform and a magnetic field about 15- 25 mT ) . I have thought about some designs, can you tell me which one is the most suitable design for creating a uniform alternating magnetic field? I need this system for...
  30. Titan97

    Phasor algebra in AC circuit analysis

    Homework Statement Find the peak value of current through the AC source of the following L-C-R circuit, if peak voltage is ##V_0## and angular frequency is ##\omega_0##. Homework Equations I have learned Vector algebra and calculus (single variable). I was taught how to use phasor diagrams...
  31. A

    AC frequency and power of an electrical appliance

    So the frequency in the power grid is 50 - 60 Hz depending on country's electrical standard. If I have a ~2000 watt heater that runs on 220 volts ~ 9 amps at 50 Hz, would increasing or decreasing the frequency effect the power output of the device. For example if I make the device run at 75 Hz...
  32. Guidestone

    AC Efficiency: Fact or Fiction?

    I've heard that alternate current is more efficient than direct current. I've heard is easier to transport than dc current. Is that true? Why is that? Also, why are three phase systems better than monophasic ones? Thank you very much!
  33. deckart

    Optimizing AC Household Generators for Consistent 60 Hz Frequency at Varying RPM

    I'm only familiar with a gas powered generator that I use at home when the power is out. But I'm designing a contraption that will be able to spin a generator with considerable torque. But the RPM will not be consistent. I can limit the upper end but it will often be below max RPM. Am I...
  34. A

    Stabilizing AC Voltage: Achieving Pure DC Output

    How to get pure DC from an ac whose voltage or amplitude is increasing by time until it reaches a particular fixed value and then drops to zero
  35. K

    340Ah Lithium LifeP04 battery: How many AC watts?

    Hello, Sorry for a newbie Q. If I have a 340ah Lithium LifeP04 12V battery in my camping trailer... its BMS set to 5% (for a drainage of 95% = 323 usable amp hours)... it is hooked to an inverter claiming to have 88% efficiency... how many AC watts (@ 120V) can I expect in theory, or...
  36. ernd59

    AC current / volatge with a mosfet in Ltspice

    Hi, my Voltage Multiplier Simulation does not work properly the first transformer is working just fine, the second one does not really seems to work, for the second transformer i tried to creat AC current with a mosfet, but i think I am doing it wrong :/, can you give me some tips how to...
  37. N

    Quescent point and ac and dc load lines

    Can anyone explain me in simple words what is quescent point and what is shows 2- what is ac and dc load lines what they represents actually and what is difference between ac and dc load lines
  38. S

    AC Mains frequency and microwave oven

    Does the frequency of the main affect the performance of a microwave oven? Having moved from Europe 50 Hz to the Philippines 60 Hz I can not operate my microwave oven! Is that the reason? How to remediate? Best regards.
  39. T

    Engineering Find Frequency for Zero Reactance in AC Circuit

    The question is: The voltage source in the above circuit is a sinusoidal AC source with constant amplitude and constant phase shift but an adjustable frequency. Calculate the frequency ω at which the phasor current I...
  40. R

    Engineering Instantaneous current value in AC circuit

    Homework Statement A sinusoidal supply defined by ## v(t)= 325.27 sin(314.16t+\frac{\pi}{6}) ## is connected across a coil of resistance 25Ω and inductance of 0.5 H. The instantaneous value of the current at 2.968ms is 13.13 mA 21.6 mA 87.8mA 13.8mA Homework Equations ## i(t) = \frac{v(t)}{Z}...
  41. R

    Finding complex power in AC circuit

    In a branch I have to find complex power which is having current 19.41<-37.3 A and impedance 4+j3 Ω What I used is i2z and I was getting 1489.85 - j1152.74 W. This is wrong but I don't know how because by this site the answer was different...
  42. T

    AC Signals - Radians and Degrees? Why do we use both?

    Why exactly do electrical engineers represent sinusoidal signals with the frequency in terms of radians/sec but phase shift in terms of degrees? Why don't we represent the phase shift in radians? I'm curious where/why this convention originated.
  43. A

    Parasitics in Solenoids: The Relationship Between AC Frequency and Induced EMF

    If you have a one solenoid inside another (with the same number of coils of wire) the current is going through the inner one. How does the induced EMF in the outer one depend on the frequency of AC in the inner one
  44. F

    AC Waveform Question: Deriving Vrms from Vpk - Fawzi

    Hello everyone I would like to ask a question that seems simple but can't find the (detailed) proof/ how its derived. Simply we know that Vrms = Vpk /[Sqrt (2)]. But how is that derived? Thank you in advance Fawzi
  45. cnh1995

    Creating a GUI for AC Circuit Analysis with Intel Galileo and Arduino

    I have completed a small project of ac circuit analysis on intel galileo in arduino. I want to make a GUI now. How should I proceed? I know C and a little C++.
  46. S

    Why do transformers use AC currents in the primary coil?

    Hello. If we assume an ideal transformer, why do we use a.c current in a transformer? I've searched and answers are that we need a changing electric current to produce a change in magnetic flux, using Ampere's law. However, Faraday's law states that a voltage produced a changing magnetic flux...
  47. J

    Does an AC current have to cross zero?

    So my question is simple. If the current doesn't change sign, is it considered AC or DC? I seem to recall we called it DC when I briefly saw it. However after a quick google search I'm confused. Some said that for example an AC signal offset with a DC signal to show this behaviour should be...
  48. J

    Find the maximum voltage of an AC generator

    Homework Statement The sinusoidal voltage output from the AC generator oscillates between 500 V and -500 V. The circuit for an ideal transformer is constructed with a generator, transformer and a 30 Ω resistor . The generator makes 4 loops with the transformer and the resistor makes 9 loops...
  49. Calpalned

    Engineering Can Euler's Formula Connect Sine Waves and Phasors in AC Circuits?

    Homework Statement Prove that current ##I = I_0\sin{\omega t}## can be rewritten as ##I = I_0 e^{i\omega t}## Homework Equations Euler's formula ##re^{i\theta} = r(\cos{\theta}+i\sin{\theta})## The Attempt at a Solution If ##r = I_0## and ##\theta = \omega t ## then ##re^{i\theta} =...
  50. Calpalned

    AC Circuits: Solving for Impedance and Voltage in Complex Notation

    Homework Statement Homework Equations ##a + bi## complex notation Rules of resistors given in part b b = imaginary part The Attempt at a Solution For part (a) how do I rewrite I(t) as a + bi? For part (b) I need a formula that equates Z to R. For part (c) do I simply write b (from part...