Accelerating Definition and 669 Threads

In mechanics, acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity of an object with respect to time.
Accelerations are vector quantities (in that they have magnitude and direction). The orientation of an object's acceleration is given by the orientation of the net force acting on that object. The magnitude of an object's acceleration, as described by Newton's Second Law, is the combined effect of two causes:

the net balance of all external forces acting onto that object — magnitude is directly proportional to this net resulting force;
that object's mass, depending on the materials out of which it is made — magnitude is inversely proportional to the object's mass.The SI unit for acceleration is metre per second squared (m⋅s−2,




{\displaystyle {\tfrac {\operatorname {m} }{\operatorname {s} ^{2}}}}
For example, when a vehicle starts from a standstill (zero velocity, in an inertial frame of reference) and travels in a straight line at increasing speeds, it is accelerating in the direction of travel. If the vehicle turns, an acceleration occurs toward the new direction and changes its motion vector. The acceleration of the vehicle in its current direction of motion is called a linear (or tangential during circular motions) acceleration, the reaction to which the passengers on board experience as a force pushing them back into their seats. When changing direction, the effecting acceleration is called radial (or orthogonal during circular motions) acceleration, the reaction to which the passengers experience as a centrifugal force. If the speed of the vehicle decreases, this is an acceleration in the opposite direction and mathematically a negative, sometimes called deceleration, and passengers experience the reaction to deceleration as an inertial force pushing them forward. Such negative accelerations are often achieved by retrorocket burning in spacecraft. Both acceleration and deceleration are treated the same, they are both changes in velocity. Each of these accelerations (tangential, radial, deceleration) is felt by passengers until their relative (differential) velocity are neutralized in reference to the vehicle.

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  1. I

    Two objects, one accelerating downwards onto another

    The object accelerating downward exerts less force on the part below than if it were being held in place, But this is a reflexive situation: the lower section exerts less retarding force on the descending object - Newton's 3rd law. If the retarding force were greater, the object would have less...
  2. T

    How many photons are emitted by accelerating electron?

    And what determines the wavelengths of the emitted photons? In jumping from one orbital to a lower one, how many photons does an electron generally emit? Is it just one, with a wavelength determined by the distance jumped between orbitals, or many? In the case of an electron being...
  3. N

    De Broglie wavelenght as a function of an accelerating potential

    Hello everybody at! This is my very first topic in here, although I visit the forum for some time. I'm from Brazil and as english is not my mother language, i ask you not to be so harsh with my probables grammar mistakes XD. Well, so let's get to business. I have...
  4. J

    Higgs boson only interacts with accelerating particles?

    What is the fundamental rationale for why particles moving through the Higgs ocean would only interact if they are accelerating?
  5. V

    Is there is any change in time period if it is done inside accelerating lift?

    Homework Statement Q1> there is a cube like jar of water kept at the surface of a lift which is moving with an acceleration of a in upward direction. jar is filled with water. There is a cubical block of wood floating on it's surface. It is slightly pressed and released. find the time period...
  6. M

    How does accelerating an object affect the force of friction?

    If an object on a horizontal platform is moving at a constant velocity of 10m/s, and then begins to accelerate, what happens to the force of friction? Some people are telling me that the force of friction decreases and therefore the object accelerates... HOWEVEr.. force of friction =...
  7. H

    Meteor Accelerating towards the Earth

    Homework Statement a 12 kg meteor experiences an acceleration of 7.2 m/s^2, when faling towards the earth. How high above the Earths surface is the meteor? Homework Equations mass of earth= 5.98x1024 kg radius of earth= 6.36x106 m g=G*MEarth/r2 r=√G*ME/g The Attempt...
  8. S

    Accelerating Current: Does Bending a Wire Produce EM Radiation?

    Current is simply flow of charge, and acceleration of charged particles produces EM radiation. Then if we bend a wire,charges(current) would be accelerated as they change direction,then a bent wire must radiate.Is it true?
  9. R

    Two blocks tied to a string with mass and accelerating

    Homework Statement The figure shows two 2.5 kg blocks connected by a rope that has a mass of 450g. The entire assembly is accelerated upwards at 7.4 m/s^ What is the tension at the bottom end of the rope, near block B What is the tension at the at the top end of the rope, near block A...
  10. M

    Pendulum on a spring accelerating upward

    Homework Statement A pendulum on Earth consists of a mass m suspended on a massless spring with equilibrium length d and spring constant k. The pendulum point of support is moving up with constant acceleration a. What is the Hamiltonian of the system? Derive the Hamiltonian equations...
  11. G

    Why does the front end of the car lift up when accelerating forward?

    Can anyone explain it to me? Why does the front end of the car lift forward when it is accelerating forward? Is there a torque that is causing this lift?
  12. Y

    Length contraction and accelerating frames

    We all know the definition of a rope between two identical accelerating spaceships and how that rope will break assuming they both accelerate with the identical same velocity (as defined from a observer on Earth for example). And it makes sense, thinking of stress. But how do I define a Lorentz...
  13. D

    Calculating Gas Savings: Roundabout vs. 4-way Stop in Busy Intersection

    my community is debating the wisdom of putting a roundabout at a busy intersection. we currently have a 4 way stop, and traffic backs up. How much gas is used to accelerate your average 4000 lb vehicle from a dead stop ( as required by stop sign ) to 20 mph (apx speed to go through a...
  14. I

    Accelerating Blocks: Calculating Frictional Force

    Homework Statement Two wooden crates rest on top of one another. The smaller top crate has a mass of m1 = 22 kg and the larger bottom crate has a mass of m2 = 94 kg. There is NO friction between the crate and the floor, but the coefficient of static friction between the two crates is μs =...
  15. A

    Info on the supernova accelerating space Nobel prize.

    In this thread I would like you to add some more detailed information on what the people behind the new physics prize have actually found, what the interpretation is and where the relevant papers are. The redshifts of supernovaes of type 1a are redshifted in some peculiar way that is...
  16. S

    Kinetic friction in an accelerating Frame of Reference

    Can the kinetic friction be in the direction of acceleration? I am thinking of the example of a box on a flatbed truck accelerating to the right from rest. The box accelerates to the left due to the inertial force as seen by an observer on the truck where the kinetic friction is opposite to the...
  17. bohm2

    Accelerating expansion of universe is an illusion

    I'm not sure how strong the evidence is for this but I found it interesting: "Now, a new theory suggests that the accelerating expansion of the universe is merely an illusion, akin to a mirage in the desert. The false impression results from the way our particular region of the cosmos is...
  18. D

    Relativistic Momentum: Force Accelerating a proton

    Homework Statement Find the force necessary to give a proton an acceleration of 10^19m/s^2 when the proton has a velocity ( along the same direction as the force) of 0.9c Homework Equations p=gamma * m * U F = d/dt [gamma * M * U] F=gamma^3 *m*a The Attempt at a Solution initial momentum...
  19. R

    Accelerating charged particles

    They say accelerating charged particles emit electromagnetic radiation(emr). Ok. Take a mass m, apply a force F on it and it will cause acceleration. All the energy i apply on m will go to its kinetic energy, so conservation of energy is obtained. Now take a charged particle p, apply force f and...
  20. M

    Does accelerating electrons give a higher voltage

    the way I am understanding how voltage works is how fast one coulomb is passing a point. so if i push more electrons passed a point, it actually gives it a higher voltage? that and, if i have a screen with a positive potential across it and an electron stream flowing towards it, would the...
  21. A

    I am sitting on my chair, am I accelerating for General Relativity?

    Hello, I am wondering, if I am sitting on my chair, here at home, planet Earth, am I accelerating (in GR)? Does the tangent four-vector u to my worldline obey the equation \nabla_{u} u = a or instead \nabla_{u} u = 0 ?? and if the first one is correct, is the four-vector a constant?
  22. Y

    Force Exerted by Road on an Accelerating Car

    Homework Statement A huge SUV of mass 2300 kg can accelerate from 0 to 60 mi/h in 9.0 s. What force does the road exert on the SUV? V0 = 0 V= 60mph or 26.8224m/s M= 2300kg t=9s Homework Equations F=ma The Attempt at a Solution a= (26.8224) / 9 = 2.98 Fx = ma = 2.98*2300 =...
  23. D

    Calculating minimum time intercept for two accelerating craft

    Given two spacecraft with different accelerations and vectors, how would I go about calculating the minimum time solution for one spacecraft to intercept the other, assuming that the interceptee will maintain its current acceleration and vector? Note that the interceptor is not attempting...
  24. Y

    Accelerating spaceship paradox

    Hi, Please consider: At time zero a spaceship takes off from Earth and keeps traveling under constant acceleration. From Earth's perspective, the spaceship's speed keeps increasing but never reaches c. Also from Earth's perspective, the clock on the spaceship keeps slowing down and...
  25. E

    Analytical Mechanics - rolling wheel (accelerating)

    Homework Statement A wheel of radius b rolls along the ground with constant forward acceleration a0. Show that at any given instant, the magnitude of the acceleration of any point on the wheel is (a0^2 + (v^4 / b^2))^(1/2) relative to the center of the wheel. Here v is the...
  26. BitWiz

    Accelerating mass: how to compute

    Hi, Say I have a machine with a mass of 10 kg at rest (with respect to an observer) in frictionless, gravity-free space. This machine now takes 1 kg of itself, and using the energy of 1 joule, flings this 1kg chunk toward the observer. How do I compute the final velocity of the remaining...
  27. N

    X-ray tube Questions - Accelerating electrons, Why X-rays

    Hey guys, I have a couple of questions regarding X-rays and how they are produced. 1) Is an X-ray an electromagnetic wave or a photon? 2) Why is it that when the electrons collide with the anode in an x-ray tube, X-rays are emitted and not any other electromagnetic wave/photon? 3) When the...
  28. J

    Constant Hubble parameter -> accelerating Universe?

    Hi, Let us assume that Hubble's Constant H is really constant. Therefore: a' / a = H where a is the scale factor. The solution to this equation is: a(t) = exp(H t) This equation describes an accelerating universe with deceleration parameter q given by: q = - a'' a / a'^2 =...
  29. K

    Accelerating to speed of light

    When the an object is accelerated and when the velocity approaches the speed of light, its mass increases exponentially the force required to accelerate the object increases exponentially. So it cannot be done. Fine. But what if I travel in a spaceship with A LOT of fuel and the spaceship is...
  30. Q

    Accelerating electron emmits a photon?

    Does quantum theory predict that an accelerating electron emmits a photon?
  31. S

    Very low accelerating objects in the universe

    Dear all, I am searching for some far objects in the universe (anywhere!) that have the lowest acceleration from us. Take it for example as an unusual number like 10^-250 Is it too strange? Do we have such things in the world? I tried to use Proxima Centauri but it is not as slow as I...
  32. P

    Accelerating Incline - Conditions to prevent slipping

    Homework Statement (Kleppner & Kolenkow - Introduction to Mechanics - 2.17) The first attached image shows a box on an incline which is accelerated at a rate a meters per second squared. \mu is the coefficient of friction between the box and incline surface. The questions are in the image...
  33. M

    What is the acceleration needed to prevent block A from sliding down the cart?

    Homework Statement A block is placed against the vertical front of a cart as shown in the figure. (see attachment) What acceleration must the cart have in order that block A does not fall? The coefficient of static friction between the block and the cart is u_s. Homework Equations f_s=u_sn...
  34. S

    Accelerating Universe Expansion’s Implications? (layman’s questions)

    I’m new to these forums and as a matter of personal curiosity, and as someone who can’t follow the math behind the basic concepts, I have a few questions. The first set have to do with the accelerating expansion of our universe. A) Does this acceleration affect the inflationary model of the...
  35. D

    Finding the Total Mass in the Accelerating Blocks Problem: A Scientific Analysis

    Homework Statement Uploaded with What horizontal force F must be constantly applied to M so that M_1 and M_2 do not move relative to M? neglet frictionHomework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Since M_2 is not moving...
  36. K

    Age divergence of Identical accelerating twins The answer, they claim, is that Alice ages more than Bob. But say this were true, it would also mean that of two synchronized clocks placed on opposite sides of the earth, one at sunrise, and the other at sunset...
  37. C

    Accelerating Charges & Light: Massless Particles

    If accelerating charges emit light. Then would this imply that mass less particle could not emit light because they cannot accelerate?
  38. B

    Problem with accelerating objects with drag

    hey guys, I am new here and this is my first post, but i need some help. the concept i am trying to explain mathematically is the acceleration a skateboarder (150kg) will have going down a hill (5 degrees bellow the horizontal) completely straight (2 dimensional), including air drag. to make...
  39. R

    Can Special Relativity Explain Accelerating Reference Frames?

    So apparently SR can handle non-inertial reference frames, and there are supposedly some interesting effects that come about, like non-constancy of the speed of light. I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find a treatment of accelerating frames in SR (like a textbook)?
  40. R

    Inertial vs accelerating frame

    I'm free-falling towards a planet. Inertial or not? I suppose this is a postulate of general relativity isn't it? When I'm studying special relativity I would say Non-inertial, but then if I think about how I cannot really tell if I am accelerating or just traveling a constant...
  41. M

    Velocity of Light, for an Accelerating Observer

    I have finally been able to derive the velocity of a light pulse, according to an accelerating observer. The reference frame for the accelerating observer is taken to be the CADO reference frame, which is the only choice that I consider to be acceptable. The CADO reference frame is described...
  42. soothsayer

    At what redshift did the Universe beging accelerating?

    Homework Statement Starting with the equation for a'', derive an expression for the redshift at which the deceleration of the Universe turned into acceleration. Your expression should contain only fundamental cosmological parameters at the present day such as \OmegaM0 and \Omega\Lambda0...
  43. K

    Understanding the Accelerating Expansion of the Universe

    ok, the universe's expansion is accelerating. I assume the galaxies very far from us are moving apart faster than the galaxies close to us and so the galaxies out there are spaced out much more than our nearby galaxies. However, if one was sitting in one of those far out galaxies, one would...
  44. G

    Accelerate Water: Squirt Jet 20m Without Expensive Hardware

    Can anyone tell me the best way to squirt a jet of water 20 metres. I want it to arrive in a stream not as a mist. Can the jet be electrically charged to hold it together ? Is there a best form of pump ? Can I make a pump that will squirt instantantaneously or will I need a pressurised cylinder...
  45. C

    Accelerating Charges: Electron on Earth & Light Emission

    If standing on Earth and being accelerated by a rocket out in space at g are the same thing, Or at least have the same effects. And if accelerating charges emit light then would an electron sitting on Earth emit light? But I don't see how this is possible because where would the energy come from.
  46. G

    Analyizing the dynamics of a pendulum hanging in an accelerating car

    Homework Statement A small weight of mass 'm' hangs from a string in an automobile. Initially, the car is at rest with the weight hanging vertically. Then, the car SUDDENLY accelerates to a rate 'A'. Find the maximum angle \varphi_{max} through which the weight swings by analyzing the motion...
  47. P

    Pendulum Acceleration: Will It Always Point Toward Earth's Center?

    Homework Statement kleppner 8.3. a pendulum is at rest with its bob pointing toward the center of the earth. the support of the pendulum iw moved horizontally with uniform acceleration a, and the pendulum starts to swing. Neglect rotation of earth. Consider the motion of the pendulum as the...
  48. P

    How is weight measured in an accelerating elevator?

    Hi, I'm a bit confused: Picture an elevator accelerating upwards with a person standing inside on top of a balance. Since the elevator is accelerating upwards, the Normal reaction force from the ground must be greater than the weight of the person. My question is: Why doesn't the scale...
  49. H

    Why didnt hubble discover that universe is accelerating?

    In other words why high redshift data is necessary for estimating the acceleration of universe?
  50. I

    Are we accelerating in the universe?

    OK, I'm not an expert in cosmology but I'm quite curious about it. Current observations tells us that the universe is accelerating (in what sense I don't quite understand). On the other hand, the Friedman equation says that the scale factor a(t) has a positive second time derivative provided the...