Act Definition and 193 Threads

The USA PATRIOT Act (commonly known as the Patriot Act) was an Act of the United States Congress, signed into law by President George W. Bush.
USA PATRIOT is a backronym for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism.The Patriot Act was enacted following the September 11 attacks with the stated goal of dramatically tightening U.S. national security, particularly as it related to foreign terrorism. In general, the act included three main provisions:

expanded abilities of law enforcement to surveil, including by tapping domestic and international phones;
eased interagency communication to allow federal agencies to more effectively use all available resources in counterterrorism efforts; and
increased penalties for terrorism crimes and an expanded list of activities which would qualify someone to be charged with terrorism.

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  1. E

    Mars Mission - an act of Lunacy or Science?

    Mars Mission -- an act of Lunacy or Science? 1) 6 Month travel to Mars in tiny capsule. Currently, a NASA capsule Stinks inside of Vomit, Feces and URINE. Capsules are noisy Shower consists of moist rag Drink recycled urine No Gravity -- (You will squish by Mars gravity) Nothing to do...
  2. T

    Why do subatomic particles act the way they are?

    I'm aware of the uncertainty princple but I want to know why the quantum world is uncertain. Is it just because we are hitting it with a photon? Is it still an open question? Why is that on smaller scales it is more uncertain?
  3. A

    In what region (linear,saturation) does a MOSFET act as a variable resistor

    I'm trying to use a MOSFET as a voltage controlled resistor, and am under the impression that it acts this way when it is in the linear region. However, our VDS will be 2.5V-20V, and our VGS will be 3.6V-5V. That means our VDS will most likely be greater than our VGS - VT, which means it will...
  4. P

    Can capillary forces act upside down?

    This is fairly amateur but I'm not an engineer so: If you have a drop of water on a table and you stick a straw in it some of the water goes up the straw until gravitational force equals the capillary force. Am I right in saying, (generally): 1) If you have a small drop of water hanging from...
  5. P

    How Does Electric Force Affect a Proton's Energy and Momentum?

    [b]1. A proton has a mass 1.7x10^-27 kg and its speed is v=.969c. When an electric force acts on the proton and does 5.8x10^-9 J of work on the particle, what are the following values? A) Particle energy B) Particle Rest Energy C) Particle Momentum D) Particle Beta [b]2. Particle...
  6. P

    Why do particles act like waves

    What are the top theories as to why particles show the interference pattern in the double slit experiment.
  7. Y

    Can molecular complementation act as a protein inhibitor?

    I've always wondered about this. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation allows the incorporation of fragments of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) at the N and C-terminus of separate monomers. If the monomers dimerize, the process allows the GFP fragments to come together and form a...
  8. Q

    Two forces act on a object with different magnitudes and direction

    Homework Statement Two forces act on a 48 kg object. One force has magnitude 65N directed 59° clockwise from the positive x-axis and the other has a magnitude 35N at 32° clockwise from the positive y-axis. What is the magnitude of this object's acceleration? Homework Equations F = ma...
  9. J

    Soft drink bottle using compressed air for thrust to act like a rocket.

    Hey! This is the first time I have used this forum so I hope it all goes well and I am sorry if I break any rules on my first attempt. I have been given a question which I believe will involve quite a lot of work, so I thought I would get some suggestions as to where I need to start...
  10. Astronuc

    News Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act 2005/2007

    Considering that the US economy was just about brought to its knees, what the heck happened? Warnings about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac go back to the late 90's! On Jan 26, 2005, Chuck Hagel introduced a bill 'Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005' with cosponsors John...
  11. larkspur

    Is Your Brain Older Than You Are?

    Test your brain's age here:" Apparently, mine is 20...much older than most PF'er brains I am sure. I used the Google toolbar to translate the instructions:
  12. Q

    Testing Deciding Between the ACT and SAT: What's the Difference?

    Which one is more difficult? ACT or SAT?
  13. Y

    How is the act of observation defined in quantum mechanics?

    Can anyone explain to me what how is the act of observation defined in quantum mechanics? It is commonly said that the double slit experiment shows that if one simply observes the state of the electron as it passes through the slits, it effects the results. Many forms of observations are...
  14. A

    How to Pull an Object Up Against Earth's Gravity?

    Hi all, I am new to Physics. Rather my profession is different. We are working on a project at domestic level; where i have to handle physics theory. Question: How can i pull object up at some distance from Earth contantly against Earth's gravity? Thanks in advance.
  15. L

    News Is the Amended FISA Act Threatening First Amendment Rights?

    I'm not sure if the Senate is trying to extend the Protect America Act again, but I just caught some of the coverage of the Senate trying to amend the FISA Act. Does anyone know of the details?
  16. S

    How does rubbing act as a mechanism for charge transfer.

    Homework Statement I don't understand why it is that by rubbing things together things develop charge, whereas when you just leave them close together they become discharged. What is it about the rubbing that acts as a mechanism to allow charge to flow? Isn't it the case that when rubbing...
  17. P

    F=ma prob with electrons (They don't even act like particles )

    F=ma prob with electrons (They don't even act like particles!) Well here's the problem: 1. Electrons in an oscilloscope are accelerated from rest by a constant force of 8.0*10^16 N over a distance of 15mm. Find (a) the acceleration and (b) the final velocity. Relevant equations: 2...
  18. Schrodinger's Dog

    Is there such thing as a truly selfless act?

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  19. S

    How Does a 2-Form Act on Vector Fields X,Y?

    How does a 2from w, act on vector fields X,Y? example w(X,Y) =?
  20. Andre

    News Global Warming and the Data Quality Act

    The reason why this thread is here instead of the Earth science files, will be clear in the last sentence In the spring of this year I received a discussion-group E-mail with an early draft of this paper: Emphasis mine. As a reaction...
  21. G

    What is a Proton Sink and How Does NH4Cl Act as One?

    Ok, so i was talking to someone regarding the use of NH4Cl for the disruption of endosomal acidosis of proteins. ( Late endosomes decrease in pH to release receptors from their ligands during Endocytosis of cell signalling). I wagered that the NH4Cl was acting as some sort of channel blocker for...
  22. U

    CD's have little bumps on them that act like a grating right?

    CD's have little bumps on them that act like a grating right? but how is it that the little bumps can split white light into the rainbow of colors when I look at it?
  23. G

    Would forces act with the same symmetry in 4D as it does in 3D?

    Would forces act with the same symmetry in 4D as it does in 3D?
  24. Jameson

    How competitive is a 32 ACT score?

    I just got my score today, and I'm happy with it. It's not amazing, but decent. My top choice school is Washington University in St. Louis, but I'm applying to many schools a little less than the caliber. How do you think I'm doing just in this component? Thanks, Jameson
  25. Lisa!

    What Age Do You Act? Take the Quiz Now!

    This might be the last quiz I'm posting here!:-p I act 23, and I'm 23.:cool: (someone was 20 and act 7:biggrin: . ) I'm sure we'd have a bunch of kiddies around here!:-p
  26. P

    News Is the FBI Overstepping Its Surveillance Authority?

    Some papers are being released at present, that indicate that the FBI has not been following the 'rules.' Most notably from my perspective, they have been keeping people under surveillance without proper paperwork to do so...
  27. O

    News Patriot Act 2: Summarized by Alex Jones

    TOTAL POLICE STATE TAKEOVER The Secret Patriot Act II Destroys What Is Left of American Liberty A Brief Analysis of the Domestic Security Enhancement Act 2003, Also Known as Patriot Act II By Alex Jones (Posted Feb 10, 2003) Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex) told the...
  28. K

    Three Forces of 30N , 45N and 50N act on an Object

    3d Vectors Very Hard! Three Forces of 30N , 45N and 50N act on an Object. The first act at an angle of 120 to each other the third is perpendiuclar to the plane of the first two. Find the Magnitude of the resultant, and the angle which the resultant makes with the plane containing the first two...
  29. J

    Engineers and engineering students: what did you get on ACT

    Engineers and engineering students: what did you get on the ACT? from what i understand, the ACT is an approximation of how well you will do in your first semester of college. i know a bunch of people will say, "it doesn't matter what i got...i just worked hard my first year of college."...
  30. P

    News Patriot Act Debate: Republican Surveillance in Libraries

    Hey Pengwuino - Did you catch the news today about the Patriot Act debate? It's mostly Republicans that want to keep watching what you're checking out at the library.
  31. ShawnD

    Will a long tube act like a fractionating column?

    I'm making a distillation apparatus and I've hit a block. The steel wool I packed into the plastic tubing (acting as a fractionating column) is rusting incredibly fast. I obviously don't want to be drinking rust, so can I just take the wool out and use an extra long tube instead? I'm thinking...
  32. Kerrie

    News What Are the Consequences of Enforcing the Born Alive Infant Protection Act?

    In 2002, President Bush signed into law that requires abortion doctors to attempt to save babies born alive during an abortion. Reading my local news today, this act will be enforced much greater since our government is choosing to take on more morality issues. The beauty of this law (IMO) is...
  33. quasar987

    Verifying Griffiths' Result on Coulomb Law

    The following result has been established by Griffiths (pp.50) \nabla \cdot \left(\frac{\hat{r}}{r^2}\right) = 4\pi \delta^3(\vec{r}) Applying this result to Coulomb law, I get that \nabla \cdot \vec{E} = \frac{q}{4 \pi \epsilon_0}4\pi \delta^3(\vec{r}) =...
  34. S

    Finding Important Quotes in Hamlet Act 4

    This may seem like a stupid question to ask, but i kind of have a test tonight. Is there a free site where can i find maybe a list of important quotes in hamlet (act 4 in particular)? i tried sparknotes, but they have very few quotes. Thanx
  35. cronxeh

    News Constitution Restoration Act of 2005 Sec. 1260. Matters not reviewable SEC. 101. APPELLATE JURISDICTION. (a) Amendment to Title 28- Chapter 81 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: `Notwithstanding any other provision...
  36. G

    Which direction does the normal contact force act?

    A ring of mass 0.3kg is threaded on a fixed, rough, horizontal curtain pole. A light inextensible string is attached to the ring. The string and the pole lie in the same vertical plane. The ring is pulled downwards by the string which makes an angle "A" to the horizontal, where tan A=3/4. The...
  37. K

    Schools Exploring College Choices for Physics Major - MS Student with ACT Score of 31

    Hi! I'm currently a junior in high school, and I was wondering if anyone knew any good colleges for a physics major. I live in MS, but the location of a college is not very important to me. I have an okay ACT score of 31, but it was the first time I took it and I'm hoping to improve on it. I...
  38. wasteofo2

    News The Patriot Act? Unconstitutional? No, never

    Unless you're a judge that is... "Responding to the latest court ruling against the act, Mr Ashcroft said, 'We believe the act to be completely consistent with the US constitution.' New York District Judge Victor Marrero said on Wednesday that the act violated the constitution by allowing...
  39. S

    Freewill - an act of improvisation?

    A thought occurred, as they often do, whilst I was singing whilst taking a shower. "Is freewill , in the main an act of improvisation?" I thought as I sung total gibberish to the sound of cascading water. Do we take every moment and improvise in that moment? Is life a continuous state of...
  40. N

    News Is Australia Becoming the Most Totalitarian Democracy?

    And they said it would never happen! Underneath is a link to the most incredible “anti-terrorism” legislation ever inflicted upon the Western World. The legislation was passed in a midnight stealth-session of the government in Australia (I think what little opposition that existed, were actually...
  41. K

    Underneath David Blaine's Levitation Act: Exploring the Possibilities

    David Blaine?? Yo, d00dz, any of you familiar with David Blaine's levitation act? Assuming it's not just a cheap camera trick, any ideas as to how he might do it? My friend noticed that it's always shown to people or the camera from one specific angle, if it is an illusion somehow, but...