What is Addition: Definition and 651 Discussions

Addition (usually signified by the plus symbol +) is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic, the other three being subtraction, multiplication and division. The addition of two whole numbers results in the total amount or sum of those values combined. The example in the adjacent image shows a combination of three apples and two apples, making a total of five apples. This observation is equivalent to the mathematical expression "3 + 2 = 5" (that is, "3 plus 2 is equal to 5").
Besides counting items, addition can also be defined and executed without referring to concrete objects, using abstractions called numbers instead, such as integers, real numbers and complex numbers. Addition belongs to arithmetic, a branch of mathematics. In algebra, another area of mathematics, addition can also be performed on abstract objects such as vectors, matrices, subspaces and subgroups.Addition has several important properties. It is commutative, meaning that order does not matter, and it is associative, meaning that when one adds more than two numbers, the order in which addition is performed does not matter (see Summation). Repeated addition of 1 is the same as counting; addition of 0 does not change a number. Addition also obeys predictable rules concerning related operations such as subtraction and multiplication.
Performing addition is one of the simplest numerical tasks. Addition of very small numbers is accessible to toddlers; the most basic task, 1 + 1, can be performed by infants as young as five months, and even some members of other animal species. In primary education, students are taught to add numbers in the decimal system, starting with single digits and progressively tackling more difficult problems. Mechanical aids range from the ancient abacus to the modern computer, where research on the most efficient implementations of addition continues to this day.

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  1. X

    I Integration over something with addition in denominator

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  2. M

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  3. I

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  4. M

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  5. O

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  6. L

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  10. T

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  11. M

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  12. A

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  14. I

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  15. C

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  16. Stephanus

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  17. evinda

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  18. CynicusRex

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  19. parshyaa

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  21. R

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  22. T

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  23. G

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  24. C

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  25. Jameson

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  26. T

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  27. R

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  28. Amine_prince

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  29. P

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  30. S

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  32. J

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  33. D

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  35. M

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  36. C

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  40. J

    Help with Vector Addition Problem

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  41. Blockade

    How do I know that I should do a vector addition for this?

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  42. person_random_normal

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  43. Mr Davis 97

    Why is vector addition defined the way it is?

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  44. Titan97

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  45. Scorry

    Vector Addition. Where did I go wrong?

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  46. victorhugo

    Basic vector addition - my attempts

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  47. T

    ?Understanding Special Relativity: Speed Addition & Subtraction

    special relativity says speed can be additive and subtractive ,our motion influences the speed , i did not get this part .how can our motion influence the speed of other object ?and how can speed be additive and subtractive
  48. toforfiltum

    Solving potentiometer problem with addition of resistor

    Homework Statement The emf of a battery A is balanced by a length of 75 cm on a potentiometer wire. The emf of a standard cell, 1.02V, is balanced by a length of 50 cm. What is the emf of A? Calculate the new balance length if A has an internal resistance of 2 Ω and a resistor of 8 Ω is joined...
  49. victorhugo

    Stuck on vector addition and subtraction

    Hello, here is a couple of example problems I'm not sure how to do, if someone could please explain how to do it I would greatly appreciate it! Subtraction: "A river flows at 0.8 m/s. If a boat moves across the water at 2m/s at what angle should it point so that it moves straight across the...
  50. victorhugo

    Vector subtraction and addition questions

    I have a couple of really basic and easy worksheets for vector addition and subtraction, but I'm getting confused because I used the formula Square root of (A^2 + B^2) to figure out most of them (change in velocity is displacement / time interval) and I don't see where I need to add or subtract...