Aerodynamics Definition and 251 Threads

Aerodynamics, from Greek ἀήρ aero (air) + δυναμική (dynamics), is the study of motion of air, particularly when affected by a solid object, such as an airplane wing. It is a sub-field of fluid dynamics and gas dynamics, and many aspects of aerodynamics theory are common to these fields. The term aerodynamics is often used synonymously with gas dynamics, the difference being that "gas dynamics" applies to the study of the motion of all gases, and is not limited to air.
The formal study of aerodynamics began in the modern sense in the eighteenth century, although observations of fundamental concepts such as aerodynamic drag were recorded much earlier. Most of the early efforts in aerodynamics were directed toward achieving heavier-than-air flight, which was first demonstrated by Otto Lilienthal in 1891. Since then, the use of aerodynamics through mathematical analysis, empirical approximations, wind tunnel experimentation, and computer simulations has formed a rational basis for the development of heavier-than-air flight and a number of other technologies. Recent work in aerodynamics has focused on issues related to compressible flow, turbulence, and boundary layers and has become increasingly computational in nature.

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  1. Victor Holomon

    How to calculate Drag Coefficient?

    As I have looked through the internet and did my research I have found some information on how to calculate the drag coefficient, however none of what I have search for matches what I need. Currently I am doing a physics assignment for grade 12 and I am investigating the physics behind...
  2. Dusan Stan

    One big propeller vs. multiple smaller propellers....

    The question is which is better from the efficiency point of view: One big propeller or multiple smaller ones? Or are they the same? My general impression is that a bigger one will have much more better efficiency as if you consider the following points: 1. lift is proportional to the area of...
  3. kdrdgn07

    Engineering Aerodynamics Book for Engineering Students - No Math or Physics Knowledge Needed

    Hello everyone. Firstly, I have to say that I'm studying mechanical engineering but I was at Preperation Class last year. I'm going to begin my engineering education this year. (hence, I don't have any high level math or physics informations) I am interested with Aircrafts. I've just read...
  4. A

    I Vulcan howl - aerodynamic calculations

    Hi guys and girls! Here's a hard one I need help wit. I really want it resolved because I sincerely love it. There's an aerodynamic phenomenon called 'the Vulcan howl'. Example: It occurs when engines are employed at maximum power or more (maximum power in aircraft is only a recommended...
  5. Trent21

    Aerodynamics and general dynamics knowledge requirements.

    Long story short. Want to know waaaay before I get deep into Aerospace Engineering, what I need to know to do it and if I can, I've already retrieved books on it. Like Fundamentals Of Aerodynamics... Some Calc 2 books.. Calc 1.. etc etc. However I look at Calc 1/2, then look at my Aerodynamics...
  6. A

    Is it possible for "me" to make a hoverbike?

    Hi, I saw a video of a guy who made a hover and figured; hey, I should try making one too. I've a general design in my mind. His design had two propellers, one on the front and one on the rear. I wanted to make a bike with more than 2 propellers( assuming more the propellers, greater the...
  7. Athena Racing

    Good materials for creating friction?

    We will be racing a 55g model F1 car on the 28th of April in the F1 in Schools national finals however at the regional finals we came across a problem. The car traveled 24 meters in 1.1 seconds but broke on impact with the towel used to stop the car at the end of the race. We need to find a...
  8. Athena Racing

    Hi there, we are Athena Racing.

    Athena Racing is an F1 in Schools team from Dublin, Ireland. F1 in Schools is a competition in which students must manufacture and race a to scale F1 car, give verbal presentations, raise funds and talk with judges. We hope to represent Ireland at the world finals in Texas.
  9. A

    When is Lift on an aerofoil proportional to velocity?,

    Hello, I was doing my physics coursework, and blew a hairdryer at my makeshift aerofoil across distances of about 10cm and wind velocities of 8-11 m/s, then measured the lift off of a balance. I found they were proportional, exactly (!?), after doing some research I found drag is proportional...
  10. T

    Aerodynamics vs pressure Gradient

    Could someone explain the image we see below of a fully separated and stagnated flow over a wing if we were to focus on where the flows rejoin on the trailing edge we see above a fully stagnated flow DP=0 The static pressure here in the boundary layer above where the flows rejoin should be...
  11. I

    Calculating Wing Lift with a DIY Scale and Air Supply

    Hi! I have attached a small sheet of wood to a stand and then all of it to a scale. After that with a air supply I've made wind go through the "wing". Due to lift, the scale showed up a negative value. Knowing that value, is it possible to calculate the lift of the wing? Thank you
  12. S

    Acceleration of a Rocket falling to Earth

    I want to drop a rocket-shaped object from a near-space balloon, with the aim of maintaining a downward acceleration that leaves it's contents in microgravity. I think that this means: The (unpowered) rocket needs to maintain as close to 9.8m/s2 acceleration in order to balance out the...
  13. F

    Exploring Wind Tunnel Data Collection Methods for Physics Coursework

    I'm nearly at the end of my preliminary testing for a wind tunnel in my A2 physics coursework. My question for my project so far is: "Do different shaped objects exhibit different properties under the influence of high speed air". For my coursework I need to measure or observe something to get a...
  14. T

    Heat-shield for a Mach 30 missile at 10km for 10 seconds?

    Using an ablative carbon-carbon heat-shield, what thickness would be used up? Or might a ceramic insulator be able to handle it? What would happen if the nose was solid aluminium?How can this be calculated? What information do I need to figure this out?
  15. T

    Aerodynamics of a paper rocket

    I'm pretty new to this forum but have loved sciences if all kinds since I was young and plan to get into nuclear engineering after high school. Back on topic, I have made a rocket launcher out of pvc pipe that is powered by an air compressor. Ranging from 60-120 psi propelling my paper rocket...
  16. G

    Determining the acceleration of an aircraft

    Hello everyone. I'm currently doing a research on aircraft performance for my school project, which require me to design an airfoil to suit a specific mission. I'm not very familiar with the formulas used for calculating the aircraft performance and I would like to seek help from the forum...
  17. 8eou8elisi

    Supersonic Flow Before and After the Shockwave

    After a Compression (Oblique) Shockwave during supersonic flight, the air speed (Mach number) is always reduced. I was wondering if an aerodynamic shape could be created to increase the speed of the affected stream to a Mach number greater than the freestream Mach number. I am looking for an...
  18. Futurestar33

    Anyone studying Aeronautical or Aerospace Engineering?

    Good afternoon, I am just curious about what books you guys use, I am a aspiring physicist with other degrees. I have always had a passion for space and engineering and when I go looking for Aeronautical or Aerospace books I find out that none of them are really math rigorous. Could anyone...
  19. D

    Feasibility and Advantages of Variable Wing Area Concept in UAV/RC Aircraft

    Hey guys!, this is my final year aeronautical engineering project that me and my group are going to work on! we have this concept of producing a roll in an uav/RC aircraft by reducing the area of the wing on one side while keeping the other side area constant or increasing it(gradually) and...
  20. tswanson4444

    Calculating drag coefficient for complex shape

    Me and a friend at school are doing an honors project for a Computer Science class. We're trying to find the aerodynamic drag coefficient of complicated 3D Shapes entirely virtual. We started out the project with a specific physics engine in mind. It turned out this engine "Bullet Physics"...
  21. Dain Ironfoot

    How to calculate distance required for observable difference

    Me and my grandfather got into a "debate" (more like one-sided argument) on whether objects fall at the same rate on Earth independent of air resistance or not. He claims that "If you drop 2 objects from an airplane -- like a car and a marble, both objects would hit the ground at the same...
  22. I

    I need an essay question about sports aerodynamics

    I have a physics essay coming up with the subject of the effect of aerodynamics on projectiles in sports. Does anyone have a good question for it? Thanks!
  23. personage

    Car Wing Design for Downforce: Efficiency Explored

    Hi everyone, Just out of curiosity, Will this car wing design be effective in generating downforce? I've done some research and read that downforce is essentially the opposite of lift, so a design of an upside down airplane wing would be effective in producing a downforce - yet this car wing...
  24. shott92

    Aerodynamics -- pitching to find additional aerodynamic resistance

    hi guys i know the title... (sigh not again) and this may be the case but i was hoping one you you clever guys on here could help me to the most apporpriate answer is not. thanks basically we know from skydiving and motorsports if the center of aerodynamic pressure is not equal to the center of...
  25. E

    Automotive Exploring Simple Front Wing Designs for Single-Seater Cars

    Hi to all the members, I have to consider the front wing car of a single-seater car and then optemize it. I want to consider a simple front wing not like those of F1 because they are too complicate to analyze. I want to consider a simple one (biplane) with not strong variation of curvature. Can...
  26. Y

    Essential Aerodynamics Terms for Beginners

    I want to start studying aerodynamics. To get me started, what are the basic terms that I need to know?
  27. C

    Calculating Force of Wind on Flat Object: A Skydiving Coach's Guide

    I am a skydiving coach and I am trying to figure out how many pounds of force wind moving approximately 120 mph has on something with a surface area of 25 square inches. I know turbulence and compression play into it as we'll but I just want a general formula to figure it out. The object is...
  28. T

    Aerodynamics- Coefficient of Drag

    Homework Statement Hello, Let's say I was given a problem where I have to calculate CD I find everything except CD Now, CD = CD0 + K CL2 I know how to calculate K but I don't know what CD0 is. Would that be a given? or do I have to find it myself? If so, how? Then there's another formula for...
  29. Newb_Aero_Ninja

    Convergent Subsonic Ramjet Utilizing Shockwave Compression

    Hi, I am working on investigating an idea I proposed regarding a ramjet that operates in subsonic flow (of a fixed speed) with a convergent intake. That utilizes the pressure immediately behind a standing shock-wave for compression. I have posted a link to my initial report here and I now need...
  30. V

    To Study Trajectory Of Shuttlecock In Badminton

    Okay, so I am a team member of a college robotics team, and this year we have quite challenging theme of playing badminton with robots, so for this reason we decided to track the position of shuttlecock in air. Now our approach was to predict the final position where it will land on ground from...
  31. D

    Help Using a Manometer: Tips for Dean

    First of all I'd like to apologise for my question, as it will probably be embarrassingly easy to answer but I don't have any idea. I've recently been given the role of running a manufacturing centre for F1 in Schools and everything is going well apart from one area. We have a wind tunnel to...
  32. I

    Does the shape of a car produce lift or downforce?

    I have a few questions related to downforce in cars. Please forgive any fundamental misunderstanding of aerodynamics. Does the shape of a car, say a Volkswagen Golf, driving on a road produce lift or downforce? Is the Coanda Effect at play there? How does the height of the car above the ground...
  33. R

    Automotive What speed do chassis aerodynamics affect power output in motorcycles?

    What is the approx speed in motorcycles at which chassis aerodynamics start to play a role in power output. I need a value at which say a harley body and a yzf body assuming same weight and engine will start to show considerably different characteristics. Thank you
  34. P

    Help with physics of flight paths?

    Hi all, If anything here is incorrect or confusing or seems trivially simple, I apologize: I'm not a physicist and created an account specifically to get help on this from some people who are! My question is this: Assume a plane has a constant airspeed and you wish to fly a circular pattern...
  35. A

    Looking for a Rocket Science Book Without Deep Mathematical Details?

    Hello, I've always been interested in space and space flights and have often wondered how rockets are lunched into space, how their trajectories are defined, how they are sped up (like gravity assist), how they are slowed down (like the complicated trajectory of the Rosetta mission etc . . . I...
  36. Elyon Parrish

    At 15m: Pellet vs BB Accuracy & Aerodynamics

    At a distance of 15 meters, is a pellet more accurate than a BB, or vice versa? Is a pellet more aerodynamic than a BB, and, if so, why?
  37. B

    Modeling a car slowing down from speed

    Hello! I'm trying to model a car slowing down from speed with the forces of drag and friction and gravity from the road slope.. The model, which models the resistive forces is as follows.. [ Ffriction + Fdrag + Fslope ] / m = -a (deceleration) where: Friction force Ffriction = A...
  38. ChimM

    Find Airspeed for Min Horsepower w/ 1800 lb Clark Y Wing

    Homework Statement For monoplane of Clark Y wing, 36-feet by 6-feet, with 3.8 sq ft. equivalent flat plate area, what should be the airspeed for minimum Horsepower when fuel has been burned so that the total weight is 1800 lb? Homework Equations Wing Area = 36 x 6 = 216 Weight = Lift Weight =...
  39. ChimM

    Calculating Tapered Wing Aircraft

    Hi, can you help me understand this? "the tapered wing having a 6-ft. chord at the root, the leading and trailing edges being tangent to a circle of 2-ft. radius at the tip, and the fuselage being 3 ft. wide." What should the diagram looked like? 2 circles, 1 with 2 ft radius, and 3 ft in...
  40. ChimM

    Calculating induced drag on Tapered Wing

    Homework Statement When Cl = 0.9, find the difference in induced drag for a rectangular wing of 36-ft. span and 6-ft. chord and a tapered wing of the same area, the tapered wing having a 6-ft. chord at the root, the leading and trailing edges being tangent to a circle of 2-ft. radius at the...
  41. Freddy Diaz

    How Can V-Tail Design Improve Stability and Control in Aileron-Less UAVs?

    Hi Physics Community, I'm working on the design of an aileron less and tail engine small UAV (Wing span 800mm) but I got stuck in Stability and Control. I recall from a teacher that a V-tail design is good for those configurations. However, I cannot find references to calculate/estimate neither...
  42. M

    Looking to fly. need speed. Have other dimensions

    Hey everyone, I have a theoretical problem. I have a box. Rounded off but not greatly aerodynamic. It is 800 kg including propulsion. I have wings with a max of 2.25m long and a max width of about 2m wide. This is the length of the box. I need to know how fast the box needs to go with those...
  43. A

    Extended Essay Ideas -- F1 Racecar Aerodynamics?

    Hello guys! I'm currently in the IB Diploma Programme. I'm trying to narrow down my topic in Aerodynamics of an F1 car (huge fan here!). Any ideas? I was thinking more on the lines of wing deflection..
  44. B

    How to Design an Airfoil for High Altitude Using XFLR5?

    Hey Everyone, so I have just started Aerodynamics and having completed a number of exercises I'm being asked to design an airfoil. I'm a bit outta my dept as I've transferred into this course from a diff field. 1. Homework Statement To design an airfoil, using the knowledge you've acquired in...
  45. K

    Airfoil design and optimization

    Friends, I want to know the methods involving the airfoil design and optimization. from initial step to start my works.
  46. A

    Aerodynamics of gliding - simplified?

    For a glider to sustain flight at a constant speed, the aircraft must be placed in a dive so that the forward motion is maintained by the component of gravity acting along the glide slope ( as a ball rolling downhill ). This force must equal to the drag on the aircraft. The less drag, the lower...
  47. L

    Career in Aerospace/ Aerodynamics

    Hello Everybody, I am planning to move into Aerospace designing as aerodynamics is one of my desires to work in. Currently I am working as Design Engineer(more of CAD Designer with CAD tool- CATIA, Solid Works) for last 2 years. My current working domain is Automotive. Please guide me on...
  48. Y

    Aerodynamics of a concrete glider vs a brick (MythBusters)

    I have just watched a MythBusters episode investigating whether a concrete glider could fly. They conclude that it was plausible on the basis of a model concrete glider 'flying' 34 feet while dropping 9 feet, giving a glide ratio of nearly 4:1. Now if I recall correctly, the launch speed of the...
  49. P

    What Is the Angle of the Jet Before Deflection in Aerodynamics?

    Hello! This is probably a rather simple problem, but I've been a bit confused about how to approach it. Any kick in the right direction for problem b) would be much appreciated! (Below is the full problem statement and sub-questions also for those who want to practice their physics. The...