Airplane Definition and 354 Threads

An airplane or aeroplane (informally plane) is a fixed-wing aircraft that is propelled forward by thrust from a jet engine, propeller, or rocket engine. Airplanes come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and wing configurations. The broad spectrum of uses for airplanes includes recreation, transportation of goods and people, military, and research. Worldwide, commercial aviation transports more than four billion passengers annually on airliners and transports more than 200 billion tonne-kilometers of cargo annually, which is less than 1% of the world's cargo movement. Most airplanes are flown by a pilot on board the aircraft, but some are designed to be remotely or computer-controlled such as drones.
The Wright brothers invented and flew the first airplane in 1903, recognized as "the first sustained and controlled heavier-than-air powered flight". They built on the works of George Cayley dating from 1799, when he set forth the concept of the modern airplane (and later built and flew models and successful passenger-carrying gliders). Between 1867 and 1896, the German pioneer of human aviation Otto Lilienthal also studied heavier-than-air flight. Following its limited use in World War I, aircraft technology continued to develop. Airplanes had a presence in all the major battles of World War II. The first jet aircraft was the German Heinkel He 178 in 1939. The first jet airliner, the de Havilland Comet, was introduced in 1952. The Boeing 707, the first widely successful commercial jet, was in commercial service for more than 50 years, from 1958 to at least 2013.

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  1. A

    Calculating Turn Time for a Banked Airplane

    Airplane Free-body diagram! Homework Statement A plane with mass of 1090 kg is flying straight and level at an altitude of 1100 meters & a constant velocity of 200 kg/hr (55.55m/sec). Assuming that the acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/sec^2, the force on the plane due to gravity is 10900...
  2. K

    Jet airplane (sound waves) problem

    The intensity of the sound wave from a jet airplane is 9.00 W/m2 at a distance of 4.8 m. At what rate does the jet airplane radiate energy in the form of sound waves? Assume that the sound wave radiates from the airplane equally in all directions. I am having trouble starting this problem...
  3. S

    Calculating Speed of Military Airplane at Mach 2.00

    Homework Statement A military airplane can travel at mach 2.00 What is the speed in km/h at sea level and at 0 degress Homework Equations mach number=speed of object/speed of sound The Attempt at a Solution speed of object=speed of sound divided by mach number 322meters per...
  4. K

    Estimate Air Speed Above Plane Wings: Bernouli Eqn

    An airplane flies on a level path. There is a pressure difference of 540 Pa between the lower and upper surfaces of the wings. The area of each wing surface is about 150 m^2. The air moves below the wings at a speed of 81.0 m/s. (a) Estimate the weight of the plane. (b) Estimate the air speed...
  5. C

    How Do You Calculate the Mass and Runway Distance for a Lufthansa A320?

    Homework Statement A Lufthansa A320 accelerates from rest to lift-off speed of 72.99 m/s in 25.00 s. Each of the plane's two jet engines provides a forward force (thrust) of 103.00 kN. What is the mass of the plane? How far does it travel down the runway before lift-off? 2. Governing...
  6. B

    Toy Airplane Flying: Lift Force vs. Reaction Force

    Hi I've got a question concerning a previous question I've done. A person is holding a toy airplane which flys in the air with a constant radius. is the lift force the same as reaction force? is it equal to the vertical component of the centripetal force and weight force of the airplane?
  7. I

    How Do You Calculate Tension in a Wire When a Model Airplane Flies in a Circle?

    Model Airplane Question - centripetal acceleration and summing forces A model airplane of mass 0.760 kg flies in a horizontal circle at the end of a 58.0 m control wire, with a speed of 35.0 m/s. Compute the tension in the wire if it makes a constant angle of 20.0° with the horizontal. The...
  8. B

    How Does Passenger Movement Affect Airplane Momentum?

    You are on an airplane that is moving forward through the air? As you get up to move forward through the cabin to the restroom , what happens to the forward momentum of the pilot? (assume the plane and the passenger make up a closed system) a) it stays constant b) it increases c) it...
  9. J

    What Is the Jet Stream Wind Speed Affecting East-West Flight Durations?

    A airplane flight at 2700 miles is schduled to take 50 min longer westward than eastward. THe airspeed is 600 m/hr. What assumptions about the jet-stream wind velocity presumed to be east or west are made in preparing the schedule? (what is the wind speed?) I am going over Halliday and...
  10. Q

    Could You Pick Up an Airplane in Frozen Time?

    if you could freeze time, and you could walk around, you know like that guy from the show heroes, and say you wanted to pick up an airplane, could you do it? i mean, wouldn't frozen time mean weightlessness?
  11. J

    Compute the torque developed by an airplane engine

    (a)Compute the torque developed by an airplane engine whose output is 2000hp at an angular velocity of 2400 rev/min. (b) If a drum of negligible mass, .5m in diameter, were attached to the motor shaft and the power output of the motor were used to raise a weight hanging from a rope wrapped...
  12. A

    How to draw vectors of an airplane & SE wind diagram

    I can create/solve the math problem without any difficulties once I have diagram in place, but I am having trouble setting up the diagram so that I can visualize it. The questions is: A novice pilot sets a plane's controls, thinking the plane will fly at 2.50 x10^2 km/h to the north. If the...
  13. W

    How Fast is an Airplane Moving at Takeoff with Constant Acceleration?

    airplane down the runway... An airplane travels 277m down the runway before taking off. Assuming that it has constant acceleration, if it starts from rest and becomes airborne in 8.00 seconds, how fast m/s is it moving at takeoff? am i missing something here? 277/8seconds =34.6m/s?
  14. P

    How Does the Doppler Effect Change the Sound Frequency of a Passing Airplane?

    I've got another one. An airplane traveling at v = 154 m/s emits a sound of frequency 5.20 kHz. At what frequency does a stationary listener hear the sound during each of the following times? (Use 344 m/s as the speed of sound.) 1) as the plan approaches (kHz) 2) after it passes (kHz)...
  15. D

    How, exactly, does an airplane wing work?

    The conventional explantion is that the wing is curved on top. This curve means that the air has to travel farther than the air on the underside. Because the air is less dense on top there is greater air pressure on the under side of the wing and this is what gives the wing lift. I see one...
  16. H

    Pittsburgh to Phoenix Flight Time: 3h 36m - Airspeed & Wind Speed Calculation

    An airplane flying into a headwind travels the 1800 mile flying distance between Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Phoenix, Arizona, in three hours and 36 minutes. On the return flight, the distance is traveled in 3 hours. Find the airspeed of the plane and the speed of the wind, assuming that both...
  17. Cyrus

    How Big Is the Airplane That Matches the Width of an 8-Lane Roadway?

    Putting size into context. It's as big as an 8 lane roadway, sheesh. Those engines could swallow up cars.
  18. L

    Angular Momentum of an airplane

    An airplane of mass 12000kg flies level to the ground at an altitude of 10. km with a constant speed of 175 m/s relative to the earth. (a) what is the magnitude of the airplane's angular momentum relative to a ground observer directly below the airplane? (b) Does this value change as the...
  19. N

    Problem: Watch attached to a string in an airplane

    I'm having trouble with the correct setup for the following problem: A physics student, who likes physics experiments, dangles her watch from a thin piece of string while the jetliner she is in takes off from JFK Airport. She notices that the string makes an angle of 25 degrees with respect...
  20. K

    How Does an Airplane Engine Starter Work?

    Hi, I want to know how the engine works from aircraft. exacly how it starts. Could anyone explain to me. Thanks a lot :rolleyes:
  21. B

    What is the relative velocity of the airplane to the surface

    ok i have tried to draw this problem several times and i get different answers every answers range from 804-880km/h and i can't get the degree down either...please help... an airplane pilot tries to fly directly east of the velocity of 800.0km/h if a wind comes from the southwest at...
  22. K

    Why Does an Airplane Use 400 Hz?

    Hi:smile: , I want to know why does airplane used 400 Hz? and what device can contral the correct frequency for the airplane. Thanks I appreciate it :cool:
  23. K

    Calculating Bank Angle for Airplane Flying at 50ms^-1 with 300m Radius Turn

    A small airplane makes a turn of 300m radius, while flying at 50ms^-1. Determine the angle at which it banks with the horizontal plane. Anyone any idea on how to do this? Please I really need help.
  24. I

    Pressure Difference Across Airplane Wings

    I've been at this one for hours and can't get a handle on it... Can anyone give me a little help here? An airplane flies on a level flight path. There is a pressure difference of 545 Pa between the lower and upper surfaces of the wings. The area of each wing surface is about 138 m^2. The...
  25. R

    Is an Airplane Pulling the Earth Upward?

    Ok...Just a thought model When an aircraft is in flight, the Earth pulls on the airplane (weight). The wings generate lift to support the weight. However, the aircraft is also pulling up on the Earth with the same force. So, techincally the Earth has momentum imparted to it in the...
  26. I

    Calculating Length of Airplane Start Lane for 300 km/h Acceleration

    I have a hard one here : The lane for starting a airplane must be long enough for a airplane to accelerate to 300km/h with a constant acceleration on 1.6m/s2. How long must the startlane be? This is what I've found out, I take 300km/h and make it to m/s 300 / 3.6 = 83,3m/s Then I...
  27. B

    How Do You Calculate the Correct Heading for an Airplane in Wind?

    The wind is blowing N 75 degrees East at 96 km/h. A plane is flying with air speed 320 km/h. Find the heading the plane must have in order to get from A to B, if B is S40 degrees W of A. Include a diagram in your solution. Alright, i am totally lost. Could someone please maybe put on some...
  28. Pengwuino

    Owning a Single Prop Airplane: Costs & Fuel Info

    So does anyone here own an airplane :D Specifically Single props. My godfather's nephew-in-law teaches pilots for commercial jets and has some airplanes and I have barely become aware of this awesomeness :D So I might take flying lessons and I was wondering what anyones experiences are with...
  29. D

    Projectile motion airplane speed problem

    An airplane with a speed of 97.5 m/s is climbing upward at an angel of 50.0 degrees with respect to the horizontal. When the plane's altitude is 732m, the pilot releases a package. (a) Calculate the distance along the ground, measured from a point directly beneath the point of release, to where...
  30. S

    How Do Physics Formulas Apply to Airplane Acceleration and Projectile Motion?

    i have a few questions 1) an airplane is traveling at 140 km/h when it touches down. if it comes to a stop 1250m later what is the acceleration in m/s^2? 2)a bridge is 176.4 m above a river. if a fishing line is thrown from a bridge with a horizontal velocity of 22.0 m/s. how far will it...
  31. W

    Finding the Landing Path of an Airplane Using Cubic Polynomial Functions

    Hi I have this question that is driving me mad any help is appreciated. An airplane is flying at altitude H when it begins its decent to an airport runway that is at horizontal ground distance L from the airplane. Assume that the landing path of the airplane is the graph of a cubic polynomial...
  32. J

    Airplane magnitude and direction

    Hi, The Question: An airplane is heading due south at a speed of 600km/h. If a wind begins blowing from the southwest at a speed of 100km/h (average), calculate: (a) the velocity(magnitude and direction) of the plane relative to the ground, and (b) how far from its intended position will...
  33. M

    Why do things not float in a airplane like they do on a satellite?

    Such as SkyLab? If the airplane got more horizontal velocity would things float?
  34. C

    Twin engine jet airplane lands

    Finally, your friend's twin engine jet airplane lands. As it stands on the runway, you hear the sound of the engines getting louder and softer, rhythmically once every two seconds. The average frequency you hear is 4100 Hz. What is the difference between the individual frequencies of the sounds...
  35. Monique

    Possible threat: passenger airplane denied access to US airspace

    I don't know if this has been news in the US, but last week I read an article in my newspaper about a KLM airplane being denied access of US airspace, which had to return to Schiphol while it was already flying over Canada. The reason was two passenger which were on the US no-fly list. KLM did...
  36. M

    Physics Mystery: Airplane & Cow on String

    In our physics class the teacher has an airplane and a cow both powered by a simple motor, the cow flaps its wings while the plane just has a propeller at the back. However in both cases when the objects are attached to the ceiling by a string and turned on they only flying in a circular motion...
  37. W

    How Accurate Are My Physics Problem Solutions?

    I am still having troubles with Newtons laws and i work with the problems but get an answer but don't know if it is the right one and just want to check my work with yours to see if I am correct. An airplance with a mass of 1.2 x 10^4 kg tows a glider with a mass of .60 x 10^4 kg. If the...
  38. D

    Calculating Average Acceleration of a 747 Airplane

    A 747 airliner reaches its takeoff speed of 173 mi/h in 35.2s. What is the magnitude of its average acceleration? (77.3341 m/s)/(35.2 s) = 2.20 m/s^2 I am wondering did I do it correctly?
  39. S

    Calculate Airplane Weight | Help Solving Problem

    ----An airplane has an effective wing surface area of 15.9m^2 that is generating the lift force. In level flight the air speed over the top of the wings is 61.5m/s, while the air speed beneath the wings is 52.2m/s. What is the weight of the plane?---- I tried looking through my textbook and...
  40. K

    Why Does an Airplane Pilot Experience Limits on Radial Acceleration?

    I tried workin this problem out.. and it's not working! :frown: --- An airplane is flying in a horizontal circle at a speed of 48.1 m/s. The 94.1 kg pilot does not want his radial acceleration to exceed 7:.39 g. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2 1) What is the minimum radius...
  41. P

    Calculating Jet Engine Output of an Airplane

    The jet engine of an airplane takes in 100 kg of air per second, which is burned with 4.2 kg of fuel per second. The burned gases leave the plane at a speed of 550 m/s (relative to the plane). If the plane is traveling 270 m/s. (a) Determine the thrust due to ejected fuel. This...
  42. P

    Conservation of Energy airplane pilot

    An airplane pilot fell 400 m after jumping without his parachute opening. He landed in a snowbank, creating a crater 2 m deep, but survived with only minor injuries. Assume that the pilot's mass was 50 kg and his terminal velocity was 65 m/s. (a) Estimate the work done by the snow in...
  43. M

    How Does Banking Angle Affect the Radius of an Airplane's Turn?

    In this problem I need to figure out how far I am from the airport. The pilot tells us that we have to circle the aiport before we can land. We will maintain a speed of 450mph at an altitude of 20,000ft. while traveling in a horizontal circle around the airport. I notice that the pilot...
  44. L

    Angular velocity of airplane propeller

    here is the problem: An airplane propeller is 2.08 m in length (from tip to tip) and has a mass of 117 kg. When the airplane's engine is first started, it applies a constant torque of 1950 N*m to the propeller, which starts from rest. -What is the angular acceleration of the propeller...
  45. I

    Help with Physics of Airplane Flight - Glider Planes, Lift/Drag/Air Resistance

    I need help with the physics of airplane flight with lift, drag, etc. I can find a lot of information about it, but I can't find any formulas...probably because everything I've found neglects air resistance. Can anyone provide links to sites that would help with this? I'm looking for info...
  46. S

    Solving Electric Field Strength at Aircraft in Cloud: 1.03357e8 + 2.64009e9

    AN airplane is flying through a cloud. The airplane is at 2100M and the top height of the cloud is 4100M @ 23 C. The bottem of the cloud is 500m @-47 C. What is the strength of the electric field E at the aircraft. Now I broke it up into to parts, for the top of the cloud and the bottem...
  47. L

    Tension on a string attached to model airplane

    this is a harder problem then i thought well, do u knowthose model airplanes that are attached to somethinglike a cieling an the go around in a circle? i have to find the tension in the string umm the mass of the airplane is 13kg i dontknow the velocity the radius of the circle it is...
  48. K

    Air flow speed at top of airplane wing

    Hello all, Here's my problem, verbatim: An aircraft wing requires a lift of 25.4 lb/ft^2. If the speed of flow of the air along the bottom surface of the wing is to be 500ft/s, what must be the speed of flow over the top surface of the wing to give the required lift? (NOTE: Density of air...
  49. C

    Calculating Lifting Force and Wing Size for an Airplane - Need Help!

    Hi everyone…I have a airplane question: Q: The profile of a particular airplane wing is such that the distance air has to move to traverse the top of the wing is 20% greater than the distance the air must travel to traverse the bottom of the wing. (This shape is an “airfoil”.) If air is...
  50. E

    Air resistance of someone falling out of an airplane

    if someone falls out of a airplane that is horizontally traveling at 60m/s and goes into the ocean 3.0 seconds later with no air resistance what would the horizontal distance he travels while falling be. is the formula d=vt and the answer 180 m