Algebra Definition and 999 Threads

  1. J

    Linear Algebra Looking for a linear algebra book

    Hello all, I am about a week into a quantum mechanics course in which the instructor is mostly going to follow along with Sakurai's Modern Quantum Mechanics. However, my linear algebra is pretty rusty and I have never taken an actual course in linear algebra, I have just learned what I have...
  2. T

    Linear Algebra: Non-Singular Matrix and Zero Matrix

    Homework Statement Suppose A is non-singular (nxn) matrix. Given that AB=(zero matrix), show that B=(zero matrix). Hint: Express A as [A1, A2, ..., An] and Express AB as [AB1, AB2, ..., ABn] Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution [/B] I argued that because A is non-singular, A=[A1...
  3. L

    MHB Solve Algebra Quadratics: Get Solutions & Answers

    Hi all, Son came home with these questions and is unable to solve them. I am also struggling with these questions. I need to explain to my son how to get the solutions and not just the answers. Any help would be greatly appreciated! 1. Two cars are traveling along two straight roads which...
  4. N

    Modern Algebra: Stabilizers and Conjugacy Classes of Dodec

    My professor was proving that the Dodecahedron is isomorphic to ##A_5## and in the process utilized the stabilizer (which one can intuit ) of an edge, vertex or face to determine the conjugacy class (which is hard to intuit) of elements of the same order. This seems like a valuable skill but I...
  5. K

    Algebra problem involving square roots

    So I stumbled upon this problem: Solve: And I have attempted to solve it, however my solution doesn't match that of the book. The solution should be x+4, but I don't have a clue how to get to that. I'm sorry if this seems pretty rudimentary, but I just want some help because it's the first...
  6. W

    What Does the Variable T Represent in Cable Tension Problems?

    Homework Statement The Tensions in four cables are equal: |T1| = |T2| = |T3| = |T4| = T Determine the value of T so that the four cables exert a totl force of 12,500-lb magnitude on the support. (Inser a picture of 4 connected cables angled 9, 29, 40, 51 degrees respectively) My question...
  7. L

    Need help identifying which algebra rule was used In the last post, three last steps. He changes -h into -1, how does this work? I know that if you for example have h/h it's equal to 1 regardless of what value h has, since they're both the same value. I don't see that being...
  8. kostoglotov

    How should I teach myself Linear Algebra?

    I am preparing myself for a BSEE starting next year. I have just finished Stewarts Calculus for Calc I,II,III and Diff Eqs up to solving 2nd order non-hom diff eqs by undet. coeffs, variation of parameters and power series. In high school some 15 years ago I saw some very basic linear algebra...
  9. E

    Linear Transformation and isomorphisms

    Homework Statement Suppose a linear transformation T: [P][/2]→[R][/3] is defined by T(1+x)= (1,3,1), T(1-x)= (-1,1,1) and T(1-[x][/2])=(-1,2,0) a) use the given values of T and linearity properties to find T(1), T(x) and T([x][/2]) b) Find the matrix representation of T (relative to standard...
  10. EternusVia

    Linear Algebra, Determine the Volume of the Parallelepiped

    Homework Statement What is the volume of the parallelepiped with vertices (3, 0, −1), (4, 2, −1), (−1, 1, 0), (3, 1, 5), (0, 3, 0), (4, 3, 5), (−1, 2, 6), and (0, 4, 6)? Homework Equations The volume of a parallelepiped is given by the triple scalar product, (a × b) ⋅ c The Attempt at a...
  11. topsquark

    MHB Looking for a new Lie Algebra text

    Right now I'm using "Affine Lie Algebras and Quantum Groups" by Fuchs. I'm getting sick of it. As a Physicist the structure and focus of the text is attractive to me. But, to give one example... The text constructs two vector spaces: L and Lw. Lw is dual to L. The text goes on to state...
  12. SrVishi

    Linear Algebra Hoffman/Kunze VS Lang's Linear Algebra series

    Hi, I want to learn Linear Algebra in its most rigorous and expansive form. I have narrowed down to two books (well, one is a series). On one hand, I want to try Linear Algebra by Hoffman/Kunze, but my school's library has Lang's Introduction to Linear Algebra, and his second book on the...
  13. E

    Solving Vectors & Axioms Homework

    Homework Statement Let V be the set of all ordered pairs of real numbers. Suppose we define addition and scalar multiplication of elements of V in an unusual way so that when u=(x1, y1), v=(x2, y2) and k∈ℝ u+v= (x1⋅x2, y1+y2) and k⋅u=(x1/k, y1/k) Show detailed calculations of one case...
  14. L

    Linear Algebra II - Change of Basis

    Homework Statement From Linear Algebra with applications 7th Edition by Keith Nicholson. Chapter 9.2 Example 2. Let T: R3 → R3 be defined by T(a,b,c) = (2a-b,b+c,c-3a). If B0 denotes the standard basis of R3 and B = {(1,1,0),(1,0,1),(0,1,0)}, find an invertible matrix P such that...
  15. M

    MHB Differential algebra and differential-algebraic equations

    Hey! :o Could you give me some information about differential algebra? What is it about? Differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) are polynomials with complex coefficients and the unknown variables are $z, x, x'$. Is this correct? What is the difference between them and the ODEs? Two...
  16. ognik

    MHB Help with some fiddly algebra around a 1st order ODE

    Frustratingly although I can solve the ODE, I am getting a different answer to the book. Now going in circles so would appreciate a fresh pair of eyes. The ODE (for a boat coasting with resistance proportional to $V^n$) starts as $ m\frac{dV}{dt} =-kV^n $ Find V(t) and x(t), V(0) = $V_0$ I...
  17. perplexabot

    Linear algebra and choosing training vector

    Hey all. So I have been reading this article and have a question I would like to ask. I will be referring to this article extensively so it would be kind of you to open it: I believe reading the article is not required to answer my questions...
  18. Samuel Williams

    Linear Algebra - Transformation / operator

    Homework Statement Let T:V→V be a linear operator on a vector space V over C: (a) Give an example of an operator T:C^2→C^2 such that R(T)∩N(T)={0} but T is not a projection (b) Find a formula for a linear operator T:C^3→C^3 over C such that T is a projection with R(T)=span{(1,1,1)} and...
  19. C

    In severe need of advice for learning Algebra 2

    My situation is that I'm 17, and graduated high school early due to the CHSPE test. The only math I have any real knowledge of is algebra 1, since I forgot geometry and barely got into algebra 2 before I graduated. No books have worked, Gelfand's Algebra frustrated me exceptionally because it...
  20. Remixex

    Complex algebra problem (roots)

    Homework Statement First off i wasn't sure if i should put this in precalc or here so i just tossed a coin[/B] I must find the roots of the expression z^4 +4=0 (which I've seen repeatedly on the internet) Use it to factorize z^4 +4 into quadratic factors with real coefficients The answer is...
  21. kostoglotov

    Will linear algebra help me in more advanced diff eqs study?

    I just finished up Stewart's Calculus Textbook, and the last section was on solving 2nd Order Non-Homogeneous Diff Eqs using power series. I've looked through Paul's Calculus page in the Differential Sections, and can see that there is still a lot more beyond Stewart's that I'd like to study...
  22. A

    Intro Math A book on arithmetic that doesn't treat you like a baby

    The state of arithmetic today is disgusting. The textbooks on it are absolutely repelling, the authors treat it like a subject that will be of concern to only babies. They don't show any love, they treat the subject like a dirty rug. It's been two years since I majored in mathematics, since...
  23. Titan97

    Analysis Books on complex analysis and algebra

    can you recommend a good book on complex analysis? I would like a book that can sharpen my skills in solving complex number problems through graphs and also improve the algebraic part like solving problems related to roots of unity etc. (I have studied calculus myself. I have done a lot of self...
  24. H

    Understanding 2D Tensors: Covariant, Contravariant, and Physical Components

    Explain, plase to me: 2D covariant, conravariant and physical components of vector. I can not find this thematic in my official study book.
  25. A

    Intro Physics Looking for a concise algebra-based book on basic physics

    I need a book that is under 400-500 pages which covers all of basic physics nicely. Every introductory algebra-based physics book I have seen has over 1000 pages and I just need a concise book right now, for some personal reasons. It should cover the following topics: 1. General physics 1.1...
  26. H

    MHB What algebra rule is used here to give the exponent 2 in step 2?

    First it starts as r= p* (50K^-.5 100^.5) then K=[(50p100^.5/r]^2 So how does the power of 2 get there in the second part when moving K to the other side?
  27. naima

    Representation of Lorentz algebra

    i find here a representation of the Lorentz algebra. Starting from the matrix representation (with the ##\lambda## parameter) i see how one gets the matrix form of ##iJ_z## I am less comfortable with the ## -i y\partial_x + x \partial_y## notation Where does it come from? They say that it is a...
  28. DeldotB

    Serge Lang as undergraduate algebra text

    Good day, Did anyone here use Serge Lang's "Algebra" as an undergraduate text?
  29. K

    Foundations Theoretical Books on Mathematics

    What are some rigorous theoretical books on mathematics for each branch of it? I have devised a fantastic list of my own and would like to hear your sentiments too. Elementary Algebra: Gelfand's Algebra Gelfand's Functions & Graphs Burnside's Theory of Equations Euler's Analysis of the...
  30. V

    Linear Algebra Gentle Introduction to Linear Algebra

    Does anyone know of any gentle, introductory books to LA that assume little prerequisites, even in the way of vectors and matrices? I want something that will give intuition and reasonable proofs, and will provide enough background for something like computational neuroscience. I do not know...
  31. K

    Algebra What Theoretical Algebra Book Covers Advanced Topics Beyond High School Level?

    What is a good book on algebra that is highly theoretical and covers functions, the binomial theorem, sequences/series (basically all algebra topics in college) and if possible, elementary number theory? Most books on high school-college algebra today don't cover theory at all and when they do...
  32. B

    Should I take Combinatorics with Analysis I or Algebra I?

    Hello! On this Fall Semester, I will be taking the Linear Algebra with Proofs (Friedberg), Analysis I (Rudin-PMA) or Abstract Algebra I (Dummit/Foote), and Combinatorics (Brualdi). Since I can take only one from Analysis I or AAI on Fall, I am trying to figure out if the introductory...
  33. B

    Algebra Comments about "Topics in Algebra" by I.N. Hertsein?

    Dear Physics Forum advisers, Today, I got two gifts from my research mentor: "Topics in Algebra" by I.N. Herstein and "Abstract Algebra" by Dummit/Foote. I am very happy and grateful for his gifts, but I already have been studying the abstract algebra through Michael Artin and Hoffman/Kunze...
  34. O

    What is the situation of relational algebra?

    Hi! I would like to know if my assumptions are right: Topology is the merging domain of analysis and algebra; Relational algebra use topological operators; Relational algebra is a specification of topology ?
  35. Lagraaaange

    Linear Algebra vs Matrix Algebra? Which to pick

    In my school LA requires a pre req proof class vs matrix algebra which doesn't. Would matrix algebra even be worth taking?
  36. AcousticBruce

    Help me "see" how to factor this dinomial

    Hello folks. I pulled out my algebra and trigonometry book that I kept from college (that I never ended up going). I am brushing up with algebra right now and this is something that stumped me. If you do not mind, I would love to learn how I can think differently in order to complete this...
  37. pellman

    Fundamental theorem of algebra and factoring?

    Is the fundamental theorem of algebra (for polynomials on the complex plane) equivalent to the statement that any polynomial p of degree n>0 can be written p(z) = c(z - a_1 ) (z- a_2) \cdot \cdot \cdot (z - a_n ) or am I missing some subtle distinction? And if not equivalent, does the theorem...
  38. E

    Find Fg for G, M, m, and r: 5.21*109 mkg/s2

    Homework Statement Find Fg if G=6.67*10-11m3 kg-1s-2, M=2.6*1023 kg, m=1200kg, and r = 2000m Homework Equations Fg= -GMm/r2 The Attempt at a Solution Fg=-GMm/r2 Fg=- (6.67*10-11m3kg-1s-2)(2.6*1023 kg)(1200kg)/(2000m)2 Fg=- (6.67*10-11m3kg-1s-2)(2.6*1023 kg)(1200kg)/4000000 m2 Fg= -...
  39. G

    Calculus based physics Vs. algebra based physics

    I haven't gotten any knowledge of physics. I didn't have the opportunity to take it during my high school due to the biology state exam. Will it hurt to take it this semester? Will the calculus based physics be taught the same as general physics (non-calculus based)? If this isn't a good idea...
  40. F

    Linear Algebra vector functions LI or LD

    Homework Statement Determine whether or not the vector functions are linearly dependent? u=(2t-1,-t) , v= (-t+1,2t) and they are written as columns matrixes. Homework Equations Wronskian, but I don't think I should use it because I need to take derivatives so it doesn't seem like it would...
  41. N

    [itex]\hom_A(-,N)[/itex]Functor Takes Coproducts to Products

    A couple of notes first: 1. \hom_{A}(-,N) is the left-exact functor I'm referring to; Lang gives an exercise in the section preceeding to show this. 2. This might be my own idiosyncrasy but I write TFDC to mean 'The following diagram commutes' 3. Titles are short, so I know that the hom-functor...
  42. O

    MHB How Can We Construct a Unique Linear System From Given Conditions?

    Construct a linear system determined by four numbers whose sum is 40, with the first three numbers adding up to 20 and the last three to 30. a) Explain why this system has infinitely many solutions. b) Add another condition on the numbers so that a unique solution can be found and then find...
  43. A

    Are Additional Postulates Hidden in the Quantum Derivation from Galilei Algebra?

    I have a problem with the derivation of the the form of QM starting from the Lie algebra of the Galilei Group like the one given in Ballentine's cap 3. My Issue is that the procedure is shown almost as unavoidable, And my feeling is that there have to be more postulates that I'm not seeing...
  44. SrVishi

    Algebra Dummit and Foote vs Lang: Choosing the Best Abstract Algebra Book

    Hi, I'm going to start learning Abstract Algebra, and I was wondering which book, either Lang (his graduate version) or Dummit and Foote, is better. I'm totally okay with terseness to any degree so that isn't an issue for me. Now, I know that Lang is a hardcore graduate book (at least according...
  45. I

    Proving a linear algebra equation

    I am having trouble proving that two multivariate formulas are equivalent. I implemented them in MATLAB and numerically they appear to be equivalent. I would appreciate any help on this. Prove A = B A = (Σπ^-1 + Σy^-1)^-1 * (Σπ^-1*π + Σy^-1*y) y = π+ X*β Σπ =τ*Σ Σy = X' * Σβ * X + ΣεB =...
  46. D

    Algebra Problem with Capacitators

    Homework Statement Q0=Q1+Q2 Q1/C1 =Q2/C2 I substituted it Q1/C1=Q0-Q1/C2 then I got Q1=C1Q0-C1Q1/C2 but the answer has to be Q1=Q0C1/C1+C2 my algebra isn't good enough to solve it what are the steps that I have to take to make it to the answer Homework Equations The Attempt...
  47. Math Amateur

    MHB What Are the Coefficients in Aluffi's Monoid Rings?

    I am reading Paolo Aluffi's book, Algebra: Chapter 0. I have a question related to Aluffi's description of monoid rings ... ... In Chapter III, Section 1.4 on monoid rings, we read the following: In the above text we find:"Given a monoid (M, \cdot ) and a ring R, we can obtain a new ring...
  48. caters

    How can I convert directly between two non-power-of-ten bases?

    I can most of the time successfully convert between base 10 and another base or another base and base 10 or between 2 bases where one of them is a power of the other(like base 2 and base 4 or base 3 and base 9). With negative bases I sometimes don't get what I want in that negative base and...
  49. N

    Abstract Algebra: Dummit and Foote Exercise

    This isn't homework, I'm just trying to refresh my memory on cyclic groups. My question is, in this problem solution, how does ##{\sigma_i}^m=1## follow from ##\sigma_i## being disjoint?
  50. N

    Abstract Algebra Homework Solution - Check Ring Homomorphism

    Homework Statement Hello guys So I have the following problem, given the mapping above I have to check weather it's ring homomorphism, and maybe monomorphism or epimorphism. The Attempt at a Solution So the mapping is obviously well defined, and I have proven it's homomorphism, and it's...