Hello. I've got a simply ballistics program with a very simply algorithm to deal with air friction. However, I am trying to find a mathematical forumula equivalent. Here is the algorithm:
G = accel due to gravity (universal constant)
F = projectile air friction factor (constant for a given...
Noise handling algorithm in 8 wire touch screen
here's how a touch screen work http://focus.ti.com/lit/an/slaa298/slaa298.pdfProblem:
when the touch pen is stationary on a point and reading ADC values from a touch screen using the micro controller, the ADC values are never the same
eg, 1st...
Jacobi Symbol - Binary
NOTE: if its past 8:30 AM Eastern Time, don't worry about it. thanks for the consideration
The Question:
Exercise 13.1. Develop a “binary” Jacobi symbol algorithm, that is, one
that uses only addition, subtractions, and “shift” operations, analogous to
the binary...
Algorithm flow chart??
I don't know if the exact word is flow chart, It's a direct translation from a french word, it's something that you represent an algorithm with bunch of circles, rectangles, parallelograms, and Rhombus.
Anyone know what I'm talking about ?
in case someone does, is there...
Homework Statement
Write an algorithm that returns the index of the first occurence of the largest element in the sequence s1,...,sn.
Example: If the sequence is 6.2 7.9 4.2 8.9
the algorithm returns the value 4.
I am new here...I read the rules. I am...
Hello, I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I don't readily see a "numerical methods" forum here so I assumed this would be the place to go. Sorry if I overlooked another place to post this!
Anyway, I have some points interacting via potentials that are dependent only on...
I'm trying to find an algorithm to solve a 4 variable system of nonlinear equations.. the variables are named w,x,y,z and a,b,c,d are constants:
a = x - y + z
b = w + x
c = y * z
d = x * y / w
Can anyone offer any advice? Much appreciated...
Hi. I only just recently found out about an algorithm for calculating the square roots of a number.
Lets say i want to evaluate \sqrt {n}. I can make an approximation by inspection, and say \sqrt n \approx \frac{a}{b}. Now, using this approximation, i can write:
LU-Factorization Algorithm??
Homework Statement
Develop an algorithm for finding directly the UL-factorization of a matrix A, where L is a unit lower triangular and U is upper triangular. Give an algorithm for solving ULx=b.
Homework Equations
I'm not sure how to tackle this problem since...
Homework Statement
Given a connected graph G = (V,E). Let n = |V |. Each edge in G is already colored
with either RED or BLUE. Devise an efficient (i.e. polynomial-time) algorithm which, given an integer k,
1 <= k <= n − 1, either (a) returns a spanning tree with k BLUE edges and n − 1 −...
I'm trying to calculate a table of x vs t, with x as the dependent variable from
this formula
t + C = \frac{1}{2}(x\sqrt( 1 - x^2) + arcsin(x) )
C=0.4783 is given when t=0 and x = 1/2
I thought it would be simple but my code is giving nonsensical results, viz.
a straight line ! I do...
I am having the hardest time getting this algorithm written:
Write an algorithm that returns the index of the first occurrence of the largest element in the sequence s1,..., sn. If the sequence is 6.2, 8.9, 4.2, 8.9, the algorithm returns the value 2.
Input: s, n
Output: ??
Specify the steps of an algorithm that locates an element in a list of increasing integers by successively splitting the list into four sublists of equal (or as close to equal as possible) size, and restricting the search to the appropriate piece. (Hint: see binary search algorithm.)
I'm working on an algorithm that finds the smallest element among a, b, and c.
Here is what I have so far:
Input: a,b,c
Output: small; smallest element in the sequence a,b,c
a = 2, b = 4, c = 3
Small = a
If b < small, then small = b
If c < small, then small = c
any one can help me with this
The Horner’s method is an algorithm that evaluates polynomials. The following pseudocode shows how to use this method to find the
value of anxn + an-1xn-1 + . . . + a1x + a0 at x = c.
procedure Horner(c, a0, a1, a2, . . . , an : real numbers)
For a computer science project I am creating a simulation of quantum computer memory structure and operations and implementing Shor's algorithm for number factorization. I have been readings its steps and sort of get it but I want to see a simpler quantum algorithm in action to solidify my...
I'm just posting a random graph algorithm problem for discussion fodder, since another interesting graph algorithm post was removed due to a threatening-sounding title and lead-up. This is from Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, & Stein, 22.4-3 (not a homework problem of any kind, just for fun--I had...
I have to write an algorithm that randomly chooses between A B and C.
I have to use the function (rand(1,1) which gives me a radndom number from the following (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)..
I was thinking of assigning A = 1:3 B = 4:6 C = 7:9
But I run into the problem of the random...
Hey there,
I was just wondering if anyone in here could help me out with a short algorithm I have to write for my class.
Lets say the function fix(10*rand(1,1)) gives u a random number out of (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
now, you need to use the number from the generator to pick out of 3...
[Of course some of you will let me know if we need numerical examples or if something just does not make sense, or if it is very similar to what somebody else has already done, and I appreciate that.]
Suppose we have a reducible polynomial over the natural numbers (zero include) such that...
I'm not sure that this is the right place for this post, but I couldn't find a better.
Many years ago I considered the problem of making change with (say) quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. I tried to prove to myself that what I now call the greedy algorithm (pick the most valuable coin...
i know this question has to do with theorem of arithmetic and euclidean algorithm, but i don't even know where to start. help pls! thank you!
I just can't think of a good algorithm for this program after two days.
There are n persons (you take n from the user) and you have to permute them in room 1 and room 2 for all possible number of permutations. If the number of persons in a room are same then they should be sorted according to...
Consider the following specification:
pre n >= 1
post search module(a, n, number) = FOUND(a, number)
reads a, n, number
changes -
mem -
Remark: Let i be an integer number. Then, FOUND = 0 iff a does not contain
number and FOUND = i iff a[i] = number. search module is the name of...
by means of the parallel
algorithm , let says addition of two digits number in each row requiring n/2
processors and taking time proportional to log n / log 2 .
for the ques above, i do not understand why it takes time of log n / log 2 .
can smby pls explain to me
I am trying to solve a puzzle. How do I find an algorithm (or a formula) behind a series of six two-digit numbers? (The numbers are as follows: 14, 21, 33, 41, 56, 68.) The two-digit numbers, although different from one another, are always the same ones given. Each time they are rearranged...
I was looking at some of those battery operated candles that flicker like real candles, and asked myself, "how hard would that be to make?" The main problem being, I have very little knowledge of electrical engineering. Even if I had an algorithm, I wouldn't know how to implement it into...
Consider the following true statement. Given natural numbers n, m, s
(1) \sum_{i=0}^n a^i = \sum_{i=0}^s a^{(m+1)i} \sum_{i=0}^m a^i
(2) n+1=(m+1)(s+1)
Now suppose that N is a natural number where
(3) N = \sum_{i=0}^n a^i
Now restrict a to the natural...
Does anyone here know how to prove this? I'm stuck on how to even get this started.
Let G be a connected, weighted and undirected graph where all edges have a weight of 1.
Prove that if Dijkstra's algorithm is run on this graph, G, then the tree returned is a breadth-first tree.
I'm looking for some good and fast algorithm to find all prime numbers less than a given number. I've got a simple program which finds all primes less than any number, but once n gets above 500,000 it takes much too long. (More than 5 minutes. Just up to 100000 it takes about 7...
Given that x and y are positive integers such that:
13x + 4y = 100
Then, what is x + y like?
Personally, I found the answer using Euclid's algorithm.
d = gcd(13,4)=1
13 * u + 4 * v = 1
(u, v) = (1,-3)
(x,y) = (100, -300)
13 * (x - 100) = 4 * (y + 300)
x =...
I can do it, but can't understand how it works. Is there a straightforward expalnation in terms of
\ \mathbb{Z}_{n}
the set of remainers in modulo n? Could someone try to explain, pls.
I'm playing around with the algorithm and I'm having some confusion:
the algorithm is as follows: to factorize some integer N pick some integer a such that a < N.
then compute the function f(x) = a^x mod N
f(x) will be periodic with period r, then to find the factors you find the greatest...
Hello everybody...
I have questions about how to implement the metropolis algorithm to the Kosterlitz-Thouless model. Many questions!:cry:
When I create a LxL lattice I give an angle for every spin vector in every position (i,j) of the lattice or the projection of the vector? The Hamiltonian...
I have this hamiltonian
K = \frac{1}{2}(P_1^2 + P_2^2) + P_1 Q_2 - P_2 Q_1 - (\frac{1-\mu}{R_1}+\frac{\mu}{R_2})
(see this link if there is any latex problem)
with non separable variables.
I am looking for a symplectic algorithm (runge kutta would be good) to solve the correspondant...
Devise a recursive algorithm for finding x^n \bmod m whenever n, x, and m are positive integers, based on the fact that
x^n \bmod m = (x^{n-1} \bmod m \cdot x \bmod m) \bmod m
can anyone give me some hints? i don't know where to start :frown:
thank you
I'm looking for an algorithm to fill a grid without repeating places.
I have looking for Pseudorandom number lists (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pseudorandom_number_generators#gsl_rng_minstd) but i do not get it clearly...
Any help ? :)
EDIT: I'm sorry for confusing topic title, my thoughts were somewhere else :)
Hello to all,
I'm going to write program which will be finding all strongly connected components of hypergraph.
Strongly connected component is such connected maximal subhypergraph that there exists bidirectional...
I'm trying to create my own version of the Sieve of Atkin for my Algorithm class final project, but ran into a wall. I want to be able to create a method of algorithmically finding the number of integer coordinate pair solutions such that x > 0 and y > 0 for the following equations...
Modify the Eratosthenes Sieve to count the number of all divisors of the given number. Find an algorithm which for given number N <= 10000 will create a field of N numbers such that the value of the i-th element of the field is the number of all divisors of the number i for each i <= N, but the...
Using the suggested algorithm steps of the University Physics extra http://wps.aw.com/wps/media/objects/877/898586/topics/topic01.pdf" I want to make Maple (ver. 10) output values for coordinates, speeds and accelerations (as described in the linked PDF).
I've reached the 5th step, which is...
This is not a homework question per se, but i would like to understnad the cholesky method of reducing matrices before my test on thursday
up till now every search on the net has found me computer algorithms but i can't really understand those and apply those pracitcally
so givne some matrix...
A Polynomial Quantum Algorithm for Approximating the Jones Polynomial
Dorit Aharonov, Vaughan Jones, Zeph Landau
26 pages
"The Jones polynmial, discovered in 1984, is an important knot invariant in topology, which is intimately connected to Topological...
Hi there. I have two algorithm problems.
I was wondering if you can check my answers for the first one and help me get a start with the second one:
1)Write an algorithm to compute the average of 5 numbers
Name: Ave5
Given: X1, X2, X3, X4, X5
Change: none
Intermediate: Total
Could someone help me and write an algorithm to add 2 Cantor expansions. The algorithm to get a decimal number to cantor expansion is:
procedure decimal-to-cantor(x: positive integer)
n := 1
y := x fy is a temporary variable used so that
this procedure won't destroy the original value of...
Extended euclidian algorithm problem (HELP!)
I have this here example problem:
9x - 65y = 1
I'm suppose to use the extended euclidian algorithm, but it has given me such much trouble.
I get the regular euclidian algorithm, but not the extended one.
Therefore if there is...