Alpha Definition and 474 Threads

Alpha (uppercase Α, lowercase α; Ancient Greek: ἄλφα, álpha, modern pronunciation álfa) is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one. Alpha is derived from the Phoenician letter aleph , which is the West Semitic word for "ox". Letters that arose from alpha include the Latin letter A and the Cyrillic letter А.

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  1. W

    What happens to the extra electrons in alpha decay?

    Alpha Decay "extra" electrons I am sure this question has been asked before, and I have searched many sources for a good answer, but have yet to be satisfied with what i have read. ===================================== Question 1 deals with this version of the decay formula 238/92 U -->...
  2. E

    Calculating Alpha Particle Velocity from Initial Nucleus Motion

    CAN ANYONE HELP ME ? An automatic nucleus initially moving at 500 m/s emits an alpha particle in the direction of its velocity, and the new nucleus shows to 450 m/s. If the alpha particle has a mass of 4.0 u and the original nucleus has a mass of 222 u, what speed does the alpha particle have...
  3. F

    What does alpha symbol mean?

    What does this symbol mean?? Hey y'all, There is a symbol in a physics handout I have that I don't know what the symbol means. It looks like an infinity symbol, but open on one end. The equation in which it appears is part of Hooke's law and the equation is F=-x (Substitute the formula...
  4. manjuvenamma

    Vector of magnitude m making angles alpha, beta and gamma with i,j,k

    Many of us have seen how to find a vector satisfying the following conditions (i) magnitude is m (ii) makes angles alpha, beta and gamma with i,j,k vectors i.e. unit vectors along x,y and z axes. My question is can the angles be taken arbitrarily or they should satisfy some condition like...
  5. C

    Circular Motion and angle alpha

    Homework Statement A plumb bob is deflected from the vertical by an angle alpha due to a massive mountain nearby. (A) Find an approximate formula for alpha in terms of the mass of the mountain the distance to its center and the radius and mass of the earth (B) Make a rough estimate of the mass...
  6. B

    Find the equation for a unit speed planar curve alpha

    Homework Statement 1.Find the equation for a unit speed planar curve alpha such that k(t)=1/t 2.If the Earth has radius r and the plane in which a pendulum swings in a city rotates by angle theta in 24 hours what is the distance from the city to the equator? Homework Equations The Attempt at...
  7. 4

    Help, writing things like Alpha Decay in Chemistry?

    Homework Statement Okay so I want to be able to do this in Microsoft Word 2003: Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution However, the problem is, when I try to do subscripts and superscripts...
  8. A

    Alpha Gloveboxes: Shielding for Alpha Particle Interactions

    Why do alpha gloveboxes require so much shielding? Do alpha particle interactions create high energy electrons which produce Bremsstrahlung radiation or is it the high activity producing greater quantities of low intensity gammas?
  9. O

    Decay of Alpha Particle Through Quantum Tunneling

    Homework Statement By using the graph attached, Why high energy alpha particles are emitted by alpha-emitters of short wavelength? Homework Equations Transmission Coefficient Equation : T=exp(-2kd) The Attempt at a Solution Ain't really sure. Can't really figure out why is...
  10. S

    Coulomb barrier in alpha decay

    Can you gurus help me understand in a qualitative way the nature of the Coulomb barrier as it applies to alpha decay? I can intuitively appreciate the Coulomb barrier as it applies to an incoming charged particle, but resources I have been reading apply the same term to the barrier felt by...
  11. P

    Equation with Negative Alpha Causes Problem

    Homework Statement The equation is in the document If alpha was negative like -3 then you have gamma(-3+1)=gamma(-2) which is not allowed. Looks like alpha can be negative in the equation. So there looks like a problem. The Attempt at a Solution Can't see a way out of it.
  12. B

    Given an algebraic alpha be of degree n over F, show at most. .

    let alpha be algebraic over F of degree n, show that there exists at most n isomorphisms mapping F(alpha) onto a subfield of bar F (this means the algebraic closure). thanx
  13. M

    Closest Approach of Alpha Particle & Gold Nucleus

    In Rutherford's scattering experiments, alpha particles (charge = +2e) were fired at a gold foil. Consider an alpha particle with an initial kinetic energy K heading directly for the nucleus of a gold atom (charge = +79e). The alpha particle will come to rest when all its initial kinetic energy...
  14. T

    Rutherford alpha particle scattering

    Homework Statement A parallel beam of alpha particles with fixed kinetic energy is normally incident on a piece of gold foil. a) if 100 alpha particles per minute are detected at 20 degrees, how many will be counted at 40, 60, 80 and 100 degrees? b) If the kinetic energy of the incident...
  15. G

    Nuclear Reaction for Alpha Particle Bombardment

    complete data of question: a nitrogen nucleus N(A=14,Z=7) bombared with an alpha particle of a certain energy transmutes to an oxygen nucleus(A=17,Z=8) and a proton a:write a equation for this nuclear reaction b:find the minimum energy of alpha particle to make this reactin occur (mass of...
  16. S

    Calculate K X-ray photon energy of osmium using Bohr model | K Alpha Energy Q1

    1. The atomic number of osmium is Z = 76. According to the Bohr model, what is the energy (in joules) of a K X-ray photon? 2. ? 3. The reason I left relavent eqns blank is because I used the following: En = -(13.6) Z^2/n^2 subtracting one from Z before squaring and converting...
  17. R

    What is the Material X Based on K-Alpha Line Wavelength Ratio?

    Homework Statement Light from the K-alpha line of an unknown material X is compared with the K-alpha line of Carbon. The wavelength ratio is \frac{\lambda_x}{\lambda_c} = 0.148. What is the matieral X? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I've got no idea where to go...
  18. T

    Electric Force Acting on Alpha Particle and Gold Nucleus

    Homework Statement an alpha particle (charge=+2.0e) is sent at high speed toward a gold nuclues Charge= +79e. What is the electrical force acting on the alpha particle when it is 2.0 times 10^ -14m away from the gold nucleus Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution its 91 N...
  19. F

    Distance of closest approach of alpha particle

    In an electromagnetics question I've been asked to calculate the distance of closest approach of an alpha particle which collides with a lead nucleus, but I've never come across the concept of the distance of closest approach. My book is mute on the subject and google yields nothing but more...
  20. L

    Forces at Play in Geiger-Marsden Alpha Particle Scattering

    Homework Statement Which of the following forces is responsible for the scattering of an alpha particle by a gold atom in the Geiger-Marsden experiment? A. electrostatic force between the alpha particle and the electrons of the gold atom B. Electrostatic force between the alpha...
  21. F

    Alpha particles with RBE, energy question

    Homework Statement Alpha particles with an RBE of 13 deliver a 53 mrad whole-body radiation dose to a 65 kg patient. (a) What dosage, in rem, does the patient receive? (b) How much energy is absorbed by the patient (in mJ)? Homework Equations dose in rem = dose in rad x RBE The...
  22. F

    Find Zeta & Alpha in Circuit: Relation Explained

    How do I find zeta and alpha in the following circuit? Also how do they relate. Thanks
  23. M

    Calculating Alpha: Magnitude of Angular Acceleration??

    calculating alpha?? A string is wrapped around a uniform solid cylinder of radius r, as shown in the figure. The cylinder can rotate freely about its axis. The loose end of the string is attached to a block. The block and cylinder each have mass m. Find the magnitude alpha of the angular...
  24. A

    Skier Challenge: Analyzing Newton's Equations for Alpha

    Ok so the question is, "A skier of mass 60kg, initially at rest, slides down from the top of a frictionless, icy, hemispherical, mountain with a radius of curvature R of 100m. a)Draw a free body diagram and write the Newton's Equations at the moment when he/she is at some point below the...
  25. S

    Calculating Kinetic Energy in Alpha Decay: Thorium to Radon Nucleus

    A 232 Th (thorium) nucleus at rest decays to a 228 Ra (radon) nucleus with the emission of an alpha particle. The total kinetic energy of the decay fragments is 6.54 x 10^-13 J. An alpha particle has 1.76% of the mass of a 228 Ra nucleus. a) Calculate the kinetic energy of the recoiling 228...
  26. C

    Correct use of is proportional to symbol (alpha)

    Correct use of "is proportional to" symbol (alpha) Hello, I am facing a problem that can be solved quite easily using the proportional symbol ( I think ), so I would like to try to use it! Only problem is.. I don't know exactly how to use it correctly... The question is :An astronaut weighs...
  27. D

    K3 in space as a Lyman alpha blob? 27 July 2006 discusses 'Newfound Blob is Biggest Thing in the Universe' as: "... The galaxies and gas bubbles, called Lyman alpha blobs, are aligned along three curvy filaments that formed about 2 billion years after the universe exploded into existence after the theoretical Big Bang...
  28. marcus

    New value for alpha, the fine structure constant

    alpha reciprocal new value is 137.035 999 710(96) (uncertainty 0.70 ppb) "The new value, based on the most precise measurements ever of the magnetic moment of the electron, has an uncertainty of 0.7 parts per billion. The new value is ten...
  29. W

    Alpha Particles: Time for Half Circle Motion

    An alpha particle (the nucleus of a helium atom) consists of two protons and two neutrons. A horizontal beam of alpha particles is injected with a speed of 2.0 105 m/s into a region with a vertical magnetic field of magnitude 0.113 T. (a) How long does it take for an alpha particle to move...
  30. T

    Electric Potential alpha particles

    Hi, I'm stuck on the following question. Maybe someone can point out where I'm going wrong. Point A is at a potential of +300 V, and point B is at a potential of -140 V. An alpha particle is a helium nucleus that contains two protons and two neutrons; the neutrons are electrically neutral. An...
  31. E

    How Does an Alpha Particle Remain Undeflected in a Magnetic Field?

    "An alpha particle is accelerated in the +x direction through a voltage of 1000V. The particle then moves in an undeflected path between two oppositely charged parallel plates in a uniform magnetic field of 50 mT in the +y direction. (a) If the plates are parallel to the xy plane, what is the...
  32. P

    Teaching the Penetrating Powers of Radiation: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

    Hey Recently I have been studied for a physics test on Nuclear Technology. A question I came across asked me to explain the difference between the penetrating ability of the three different types of radiation, alpha, beta and gamma and explain why. I know that gamma has the highest penetrating...
  33. S

    Solving Alpha Decay Problem - Sarah

    alpha decay problem... Hi all. i can't quite figure out how to modify the equation for this alpha particle decay stuff...any ideas ? i think i need to modify this equation...
  34. D

    Calculating Time Dilation for Travel to Alpha Centauri

    Say I travel to Alpha Centauri (4.35 light-years from the Sun) AND back to Earth at 50 percent of speed of light. How much time would the clock on my spaceship and a clock on Earth record me to have taken?
  35. S

    Find the ratio of alpha particles scattering at any angle

    I'm working on a problem in which I'm asked to find the ratio of alpha particles scattering at any angle (assuming equal numbers of scattering nuclei per unit area) now I realize that nt = scattering nuclie per unit area. Does this mean that the above restriction sets nt to 1? Wondering...
  36. V

    How Could You Distinguish Between an Alpha and a Beta Particle?

    How could you distinguish between an alpha and a beta particle in a cloud chamber or a particle accelerator?
  37. D

    Finding the beta risk from the alpha risk

    Hello, I would like to know the procedure in order to find the beta risk once the hypothesis test has been made. I am aware of the fact that it is efficient to set both alpha and beta prior to data collection, but, in this case, I was given the observations and an alpha value. I used the...
  38. Loren Booda

    A Bose-Einstein condensate of alpha particles

    Is it possible to make a Bose-Einstein (or Fermi-Dirac) condensate out of alpha particles alone? In other words, is the effective size of a nucleus, like that of a neutral atom, substantially affected by supercool temperatures?
  39. C

    Why is alpha helical membrane channels better suited than beta barrell channels?

    I have this question I need to answer and I am confused. I've checked my notes and book and can't find an answer. Here is the question: "Even though the beta barrel configuration for a transmembrane protein channel would seem an ideal channel, most of the channel proteins have multipass alpha...
  40. A

    Are There Habitable Planets Orbiting Alpha Centauri?

    An article about the likely magnitudes and feasibility of terrestrial sized rocky planets orbiting in the habitable zones in the Alpha Centauri system: (link removed)AA
  41. O

    Calculating Travel Time to Alpha Centauri

    Alright, so I'm new here and don't really know the ropes. This question could go either in Astronomy, or here; but here is better since what I need involves an equation. So first a little about me: I'm new to this forum, and suck at maths. That is all. So maybe some clever mathematician...
  42. B

    Resolving alpha with friction and angles

    a straight footpath makes an angle of aplha with the horizontal. an object P of weight 1250N rests on footpath. the coefficient of friction is 0.1. the least magnitude of a force, acting up the footpath, which will hold the object at rest on the footpath is 50N. by treating the object as a...
  43. R

    Cylindrical interior (first ark) starship to Alpha Centauri - by A. Ahad

    This gigantic thing here called the Centauri Princess, can it be built in the next few hundred years? That would be the greatest engineering achievement in all human history...
  44. S

    Exploring the Binomial Series: \alpha < n?

    hello all I thought this might be an interesting question to ask, consider the following series \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\left(\begin{array}{cc}\alpha\\n \end{array}\right)x^{n}=(1+x)^{\alpha} this is known as the binomial series, what's confusing me is that how could this series exist when...
  45. Astronuc

    Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Experiment

    In the Plenary Session #1 of the Space Nuclear Conference 2005, Samuel C. C. Ting gave a presentation on the AMS-02, the second "Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer." The first, AMS-01, flew aboard the Space Shuttle during Mission STS-91. The AMS homepage is -...
  46. V

    Optimization - maximize the sum of distances to the power alpha

    hi, what i am trying to do is maximize the sum of distances to the power alpha between all the points D_{\alpha} (\mathcal{U}) = \sum_{i=1}^m \sum_{\substack{j=1\\j\neq i}}^m|\mathbf{u}_i - \mathbf{u}_j|^\alpha on the surface of a sphere of radius 1 where \mathbf{u} \in \mathbb{R}^3 and...
  47. L

    Is an Alpha Particle Charged Like an Electron?

    Alpha particle have a charge? does an alpha particle have charge- like an electron does?
  48. J

    Joe's Uranium Problem: Alpha Particle Emission & Final Nucleus Mass

    Here I have a problem: A 232/92 Uranium nucleus emits an alpha particle with kinetic energy=5.32MeV. What is the final nucleus and what is the approximate mass(in units) of the final atom. I can write the equation for the reaction, this will give 4/2 He and 228/90 Th. If the alpha particle...