Angle Definition and 1000 Threads

In Euclidean geometry, an angle is the figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle, sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex of the angle.
Angles formed by two rays lie in the plane that contains the rays. Angles are also formed by the intersection of two planes. These are called dihedral angles. Two intersecting curves define also an angle, which is the angle of the tangents at the intersection point. For example, the spherical angle formed by two great circles on a sphere equals the dihedral angle between the planes containing the great circles.
Angle is also used to designate the measure of an angle or of a rotation. This measure is the ratio of the length of a circular arc to its radius. In the case of a geometric angle, the arc is centered at the vertex and delimited by the sides. In the case of a rotation, the arc is centered at the center of the rotation and delimited by any other point and its image by the rotation.

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  1. I

    Unsure about angle inside Mohr's circle?

    Can someone explain why the angle inside the triangle inside Mohr's circle is θP2 rather than θP1 ? I understand everything else but just this small point is frustrating me. Thanks
  2. T

    Confusion about EM Transmission coefficient - critical angle

    Hi, The reflection coefficient (R) of an EM wave is, as far as I know, 1 if there is total reflection and -1 if there is total reflection AND the phase changes by 180º. However, we also know that the transmission coefficient is given by T = R + 1 (or by its own formula, which should give the...
  3. R

    How do I calculate the angle of rotation?

    Homework Statement We consider Rectangle Parallelepiped on a board and a=1m ; b=2m and c=3m. The face a and b is considered touching the board. there’s no sliding; we tilt the board so a is horizontal. Q: Starting from which angle we can see a rotation? Homework Equations I want to know how...
  4. Y

    The distribution of energy and angle of backscattered SEs?

    What is the distribution of energy and angle of backscattered electrons from a few MeV heavy ions beam? Someone telled me the energy obeys landau distribution, but I don't know what's the most probable energy.
  5. Philosophaie

    Between -180 and 180 degrees (convert a larger angle)

    I need a formula to put an angle between -180 and 180 and recycle if not in the range. I can do it between 0 and 360: angle = deg - 360 * floor(deg / 360) just not between -180 and 180 Oh and what is the name of this function?
  6. G

    At what angle of force is Kinetic friction least?

    Homework Statement The total force needed to drag a box at constant speed across a surface with coefficient of kinetic friction Uk is least when the force is applied at an angle theta such that a.sin(theta) = Uk. b.cos(theta) = Uk. c.tan(theta) = Uk. d.cot(theta) = Uk. e.sec(theta) = Uk...
  7. B

    Euler Angle from Body Frame to Inertial Frame

    Hi, This is not really a homework problem, but a project I'm working on. So, I am trying to build a Simulink model for my quadcopter. I derived the equations of motion using the Newtown-Euler method in the body frame to get transnational and angular acceleration. For the transnational part, I...
  8. L

    Unit solid angle and finite angle

    Homework Statement A point source emits visible light isotropically. Its luminous flux is 0.11 lumen. Find the flux whithin the cone that has half angle of 30 degree from the light source. Homework Equations luminous flux = luminous intensity * solid anlge The Attempt at a Solution I tried...
  9. T

    Angle to lift a body off the surface

    Homework Statement A rectangular box is being pulled by a rope with a force T on a horizontal surface, with a friction coefficient μ. What is the minimum angle α at which it will lift of the surface? See attached image. Homework Equations \begin{equation*} \tau = rF\sin\alpha \end{equation*}...
  10. goonking

    Momentum & Angle: Can Velocity = 0 and Momentum Still Exist?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations p = mv The Attempt at a Solution if an object's velocity at the highest point of a trajectory is 0, how can it still have momentum (since p = mv)? is this question technically correct?
  11. K

    Optimal Dragster Exhuast Pipe Angle

    Homework Statement Top-fuel dragsters can accelerate from rest at a rate of about 5g. If this does not sound impressive, consider that for most automobiles the friction between the ground and the tires produces the acceleration. Since the coefficient of friction between regular treaded tires...
  12. R

    Multiplayer Refraction, Incident Angle

    Homework Statement The figure below shows the path of a beam of light through several layers (n1 = 1.58, n2 = 1.42, n3 = 1.20 and n4 = 1.00) of different indices of refraction. a) If θ1 =...
  13. A

    The smallest angle flashlight beam can make with horizontal

    Homework Statement At the aquarium where you work, a fish has gone missing in a 10.5m -deep, 9.45m -diameter cylindrical tank. You shine a flashlight in from the top edge of the tank, hoping to see if the missing fish is on the bottom. What’s the smallest angle your flashlight beam can make...
  14. ShayanJ

    How Does the Element of Solid Angle Transform Under Lorentz Transformation?

    I'm trying to figure out how the element of solid angle transforms under a transformation between two inertial frames moving with velocity v w.r.t. each other under an arbitrary direction. But I should say I disappointed myself! Anyway, some books which contain a brief discussion on this(which...
  15. H

    Calc Oblique Shock Angle for Supersonic Flow 0-5 Degrees

    Is there an equation to calculate the oblique shock angle for supersonic flow when the given angle of attack is greater than 0, but less than the half angle? In my particular practical experiment, the half angle of the aerofoil is 5 degrees, so want to get a variety of figures between 5 and -5...
  16. E

    Critical angle for a box to start moving on an incline

    Homework Statement A ramp with an angle given by ø (from the horizon) and a box of mass represented by "m" with a given µ=0.55 between the ramp and the box, find the minimum (critical) ø for which the box will begin to move down the ramp. Wether µ is kinetic or static is not given in the...
  17. diracdelta

    Minimal angle of deviation through the prism

    Homework Statement Minimal angle of deviation δm of light after passing through prism is connected with index of refraction n and inner angle of prism Φ: If index of refraction and inner angle of prism are directly measured, determine minimal angle of deviation, n=(1.52 ± 0.04) Φ=(30 ±...
  18. baby_1

    Find theta angle in complex form

    Homework Statement Here is my equation that I want to find theta angle Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I try to set different value of cos (theta) to find theta but it failed , I want to know the main solving strategy Thanks
  19. T

    Finding a part of an angle with two triangles

    I've never really understood this bit of trig, I think I get it if there are two parallel angles (parallelogram). But, I do not understand how you go about when the triangles aren't in a parallelogram.
  20. A

    Refraction of Light: Is There No Refraction?

    I understand that when light goes between air and water, refraction occurs (either towards or away from the normal). If the light going between air and water is already going in the same direction as the normal, is there no refraction (or a refraction angle of 0 degrees)? Thank you.
  21. C

    MHB Find Tension in Horizontal Rope DE | Cylinder Mass & Angle θ

    Hi there, I have a question I'm unable to get properly started on: A cylinder of radius R and mass m is lodged between cross pieces that make an angle θ with each other, as shown in the diagram below. The cross pieces of negligible mass are connected in point C, with lengths AC = BC = 2R and...
  22. Alettix

    Angle of Inclination of a Water Surface

    Homework Statement So the full problem is the following: "On the top of a truck, there is a cubic container with a side-lenght of 1,00 m and it's filled with 500 liters of water. The truck accelerates with 2.0 m/s2 in the x-direction during the whole experiment. When the watersurface has...
  23. F

    Double Angle Trig: Solving Sin2x-cosx=1 for x in [0,2pi)

    Homework Statement Sin2x-cosx=1 Solve for all x values between [0,2pi) Homework Equations Sin2x=2sinxcosx The Attempt at a Solution [/B] 2sinxcosx-cosx=1 cosx(2sinx-1)=1 I don't know what to do after this. It doesn't equal 0 so I can't set each factor equal to 0
  24. T

    4Sine(4X) = -8Sin(2x) Double angle identity

    I kind of understand what to do with this when there are no numbers in front of the expressions, I also kind of understand that you can rewrite 4Sine(4x) as 4Sine(2x+2x) hat do I do with the 4 and 8? In an algebra problem you could divide the 4 into the -8, then simplify that expression, am I...
  25. Q

    Direction cosine matrix of rolling disk on circular ring

    Hey all, I'm stuck on this problem and not sure how to proceed/if I'm in the right direction. Problem: One reference frame N sits at the origin (inertial frame) while another frame, B, describes a disk rolling on a circular ring about the other frame. Picture below (A) find the direction...
  26. S

    Finding the shear stress and angle of twist in hollow shaft

    MODERATOR NOTE: THIS THREAD WAS ORIGINALLY IN ANOTHER FORUM, SO THERE IS NO TEMPLATE. I have a hollow shaft made of a titanium alloy, Shear Modulus "G". The shaft has a wall thickness of 3.2mm and an inner diameter of 20mm. The shaft looks as show in the attached image. A torque T of 232 Nmm...
  27. physicsodyssey

    Optimizing Angle for Material Transfer System Efficiency

    I am trying to design a material transfer system ( the system at duration 0:57 to 1:34 ). The general layout is It was suggested that angle be 5 degree. The reason is for hauling effect so the tray can revolve back. can you explain this? why 5 degrees? supporting...
  28. H

    Find unknown angle of Projectile

    I don't need the solution solved for me, but I need help with the method to find the solution. 1. Homework Statement A projectile is launched from an unknown angle and expected to hit a target at a lower altitude. The values given are the initial velocity, and the distance of the target from...
  29. A

    Calculation of the force exerted by a liquid

    Question: The height of the given vessel is h,and the width of the given vessel is b (as given in the diagram). The density of the liquid is r.Find the force exerted by the liquid on the slant wall. Relevant formulae : P = F/A F = Vdg An attempt at the solution...
  30. synMehdi

    Antenna theory detection of angle of incidence

    Assume a 2D problem. Given a linear antenna array, let's say 3 antennas distributed around the z axis, how could we extract the incidence angle of the received wave? Having 3 antennas equally spaced by λ/2 in the z axis and connected to each other, the result gain would be a function of ϑ (angle...
  31. Calpalned

    Find the angle made by two tangents

    Homework Statement Find the angle made by the two tangents to the curve ##x=\sin2t## and ##y=\sin(2t)\cos(2t)## at the point ##(0,0)## Homework Equations ##\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{\frac{dy}{dt}}{\frac{dx}{dt}}## (Derivative of a parametric equation) The Attempt at a Solution ## x = \sin(2t) = 0...
  32. L

    Engineering Calculating angle of lean on a motorbike on a banked curve

    Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could help me with calculating the angle of lean on a motorbike on a banked curve (with friction). If possible proofs would be very useful. Thanks Lee
  33. P

    What does a leading/lagging angle mean on the grid?

    I ran across a project at the Univ. of Tennessee that has deployed a network of frequency meters around the power grid in the US. see I understand the frequency excursions may indicate unexpected events like generator trips or loss of load. What do...
  34. Yam

    Frictional forces and the angle for minimum frictional force

    Homework Statement A person is dragging a packing crate of mass 100 kg across a rough floor where the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.400. He exerts a force F just sufficient to keep the crate moving at a constant velocity. At what angle above the horizontal should his pulling force F be...
  35. E

    Circular motion: find velocity with angle, mass, and radius

    This was a homework problem; after five tries, I still did not get it, and I can't figure out how to get at the answer the assignment gave me. I could not find the answer anywhere that didn't get into angular velocity, which we are not at yet (and also did not give me the answer!). 1. Problem...
  36. W

    Calculate the Pitch of a projectile with moving destination

    Hi all. I am not quite sure if this is the right forum to place this question but for me there are several forums that would fit with my situation :D I am making a game where I have to throw/shoot a projectile through a 3 dimensional space which has to land on a specific object. There are...
  37. T

    Length of a missing side no angle given :(

    I'm given an irregular shaped plot with 3 sides, and have been asked to find the fourth missing side, no other detail is given. Is it possible to find the missing side? If so, then how? Here is what it looks like roughly:
  38. M

    Why use 0 degrees for one of two forces acting at an angle?

    1. Two forces, 80N and 100N, acting at an angle of 60deg with each other, pull on an object. a) what single force would replace the two forces? r^2=(x^2 + y^2)^2 , sinΘ, cosΘThe Attempt at a Solution I actually got the correct answer by using an angle of 0 degrees for 80N and 60 degrees for...
  39. T

    Angle of total acceleration of an object in circular motion

    Homework Statement A train slows down as it rounds a sharp horizontal turn, slowing from 90 km/h to 50 km/h in the 15 s that it takes to round the bend. The radius of the curve is 150 m. Compute the total acceleration at the moment the train speed reaches 50 km/h Homework Equations a =...
  40. T

    Why is the change in angle of precession equal to dL/L?

    If a rapidly rotating gyroscope attached to a perch is released in a horizontal position -- that is, so that the axis of the gyroscope is horizontal -- the gyroscope will precess around it's perch. Let L represent its angular momentum. Let dL represent a small change in that momentum. Let dA...
  41. E

    What Angle Does a Bob in an Accelerating Train Make with the Vertical?

    Homework Statement A bob of mass m is suspended from the ceiling of a train moving with an acceleration g/√3 (a) If an observer is sitting inside the train, what angle with the vertical will he observe? (b) If an observer is standing on the platform, what angle will he observe? Homework...
  42. A

    Does the coefficient of friction change with the angle?

    I said stay the same, the definition of co efficient is here but the main part i saw not only here was "The coefficient of friction is dimensionless, meaning it does not have any units. It is a...
  43. J

    Max Scattering Angle from Thompson Plum Pudding Model

    1. Problem Statement: Consider the scattering of an alpha particle from the positively charged part of the Thomson plum-pudding model. Let the kinetic energy of the α particle be K (nonrelativistic) and let the atomic radius be R. (a) Assuming that the maximum transverse Coulomb force acts on...
  44. K

    Finding average angle in kinetic theory of gases

    Homework Statement "Show that particles hitting a plane boundary have traveled a distance 2λ/3 perpendicular to the plane since their last collision, on average."Homework Equations (Root mean path squared) <x> = 2^(.5)λ λ = ( 2^(.5) * n * sigma )^(-1) ANSWER: The Attempt at a Solution...
  45. L

    Smallest angle of inclination between two stars for eclipse

    Homework Statement Assume two stars are in circular orbit around a mutual center of mass and are separated by d = a. Assume angle of inclination is i and stellar radii are r1 and r2. Find an expression for the smallest angle of inclination that will just barely produce an eclipse. Homework...
  46. S

    Conservation of Energy and the angle of the incline

    If I had a block that I pushed with a force F along a horizontal path and then removed the force before an incline, would the angle of the incline matter on how far above the ground the block would travel? I am assuming a frictionless surface.
  47. itchybrain

    Question about solar energy: angle of incidence

    My understanding is that the seasonal variation in temperature, amongst many other things, is a reflection of the Earth's tilt. Simply put, at the equator, sun rays fall "straight down" (100% vertical), and all of their energy hits the surface of the Earth. At different latitudes, these rays...
  48. C

    Dot product in uniform circular motion question -- Finding angle?

    I've attached an image of part a of the question to this thread. My question is this (the solution to these former homework problems are posted to help us study for exam, which is why know this already): The angle between the two velocity vectors is determined to be pi/2. How? I know that dot...
  49. T

    Find velocity & angle to fire cannonball through *Two* points

    At first this sounds like a very popular and often asked/solved question but it has a twist - I need help with the twist please. 1. Homework Statement A cannon is at Point A in a 3d environment. There is a wall at Point B which sits between the cannon and a castle, at Point C. Write a...
  50. D

    Find phase angle of RLC network

    Homework Statement Please see attachment for circuit and parameters. Homework Equations i --> 90 phase angle for inductor so Z of inductor = 0.5<90 sum of voltages = 0 #<40 = #*cos(40) + i*sin(40)*# The Attempt at a Solution shteii01 - 100 + 0.5<90 + V2<theta = 0 --> 100 + 0.5*cos(90) +...