Angular speed Definition and 278 Threads

In physics, angular frequency ω (also referred to by the terms angular speed, radial frequency, circular frequency, orbital frequency, radian frequency, and pulsatance) is a scalar measure of rotation rate. It refers to the angular displacement per unit time (for example, in rotation) or the rate of change of the phase of a sinusoidal waveform (for example, in oscillations and waves), or as the rate of change of the argument of the sine function.
Angular frequency (or angular speed) is the magnitude of the vector quantity angular velocity.One revolution is equal to 2π radians, hence







{\displaystyle \omega ={\frac {2\pi }{T}}={2\pi f},}

ω is the angular frequency or angular speed (measured in radians per second),
T is the period (measured in seconds),
f is the ordinary frequency (measured in hertz) (sometimes symbolised with ν).

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  1. J

    What is the Angular Speed of a Falling Rod?

    Homework Statement A rod of length L and mass M is pivoted about one end. The rod is released from rest in a horizontal position, and allowed to swing downward without friction or air resistance. When the rod is vertical, what is its angular speed w? Homework Equations Moment of Inertia...
  2. GRB 080319B

    Angular speed of the Earth's atmosphere

    Does the Earth's atmosphere match the angular speed of the Earth (i.e. is it stationary with respect to the Earth's surface, or is it "sliding" over the Earth's surface)? I'm trying to understand if the Coriolis effect that is creating the spiral pattern present in hurricane would be the same...
  3. M

    Conservation of Angular Momentum: angular speed

    Homework Statement A student sits on a freely rotating stool holding 2 3.00kg dumbbells. When the students arms are extended horizontally the dumbbells are 1.00m from the axis of rotation and the student rotates with an angular speed of 0.750 rad/sec. The moment of inertia of the student and...
  4. P

    Moment of inertia and angular speed

    Homework Statement Consider a particle of mass = 19.0 revolving around an axis with angular speed . The perpendicular distance from the particle to the axis is = 0.500 . Homework Equations I=mr^2 K=0.5Iw^2 The Attempt at a Solution I=4.75 K=1796 which is 0.5*4.75*27.5^2...
  5. M

    What is the maximum angular speed of a twisted disk?

    Homework Statement A thin metal disk of mass m=4.50 g and radius R=2.70 cm is attached at its center to a long fiber. When the disk is turned from the relaxed state through a small angle theta, the torque exerted by the fiber on the disk is proportional to theta. Suppose the disk is twisted...
  6. S

    Angular Speed: Man Moves 2m from Turntable Center

    A large turntable rotates about a fixed vertical axis, making one revolution every 5.00 s. The moment of inertia of the turntable about its axis is 1.10e+03 kgm2. A man of mass 85.0 kg initially standing at the center of the turntable runs out along a radius. What is the angular speed of the...
  7. A

    Angular Acceleration without Angular Speed.

    Homework Statement A wheel rotating about a fixed axis has an angular position given by theta= 3.0 - 2.0t^3, where theta is measured in radians and t in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the wheel at t = 2.0s?Homework Equations wf = w + atThe Attempt at a Solution I realize I most...
  8. P

    What is the new angular speed of the merry-go-round after a child hops on?

    Homework Statement A playground merry-go-round of radius R=2.00m has a moment of intertia I=250kg.m^2 and is rotating at 10 rev/min (rpm) about a frictionless vertical axle. Facing the axle, a 25.0kg child hops onto the merry-go-round from the ground and manages to sit down on its edge. What is...
  9. M

    Calculating Angular Speed with a Running Person on a Rotating Disk?

    Homework Statement A flat uniform circular disk (radius = 2.18 m, mass = 1.22E+2 kg) is initially stationary. The disk is free to rotate in the horizontal plane about a frictionless axis perpendicular to the center of the disk. A 42.9 kg person, standing 1.29 m from the axis, begins to run...
  10. B

    Rotational inertia, angular speed, and kinetic energy

    Homework Statement Two skaters, each of mass 50 kg, approach each other along parallel paths separated by 4.0 m. They have opposite velocities of 1.7 m/s each. One skater carries one end of a long pole with negligible mass, and the second skater grabs the other end of it as she passes. The...
  11. D

    Angular Speed Between 2 rims attached by a belt

    So I'm new to the Physics Forums and am looking for some help on this problem: Wheel A of radius r=10cm is coupled by belt B to wheel C with radius R=25cm. the angular speed of wheel A is increased from rest at a constant rate of 1.6 rad/s^2. Find the time needed for wheel C to reach an...
  12. D

    Angular Speed Between 2 rims attached by a belt

    So I'm new to the Physics Forums and am looking for some help on this problem: Wheel A of radius r=10cm is coupled by belt B to wheel C with radius R=25cm. the angular speed of wheel A is increased from rest at a constant rate of 1.6 rad/s^2. Find the time needed for wheel C to reach an...
  13. A

    Big Ben's clock - angular speed problem

    Homework Statement Find the angular speed of the minute hand and the hour hand of the famous clock in London, England, that rings the bell known as Big Ben Express your answers using three significant figures separated by a comma. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution...
  14. Y

    Generator connected to transformer- Find angular speed of coil

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  15. C

    Angular speed of merry-go-round

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  16. B

    How Does a Spider Affect the Angular Speed of a Turntable?

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  17. O

    Angular Speed of a ball of clay

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  18. Z

    Solving the Problem of Angular Speed After Clay Striking Bar

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  19. C

    Common angular speed after collision

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  20. Q

    How Do You Calculate the Final Speed of a Comet in Orbit?

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  21. L

    Angular speed of multi-particle system

    Homework Statement A small mouse of mass 50 g drops straight down upon and grabs onto the outer edge of a freely rotating disk of initial speed of 30 rev/min. The moment of inertia of the disk is 0.005 kg-m2 and its radius is 20 cm. a) Find the angular speed of the disk after the mouse...
  22. D

    What is the force causing the sphere to roll down the ramp?

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  23. D

    Finding minimum angular speed? in rpms

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  24. S

    Solving Pulley System: Find Speed & Angular Speed

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  25. S

    How Does Catching a Ball Affect Angular Momentum and Speed on a Turntable?

    Homework Statement You are standing on the edge of a turntable with frictionless bearings that is initially rotating when you catch a ball that is moving in the same direction (but faster than) you are moving and on a line tangent to the edge of the turntable. Assume you do not move on the...
  26. T

    Angular speed uniform rod problem

    Homework Statement The thin uniform rod in Fig. 10-52 has length 4.0 m and can pivot about a horizontal, frictionless pin through one end. It is released from rest at angle θ = 40° above the horizontal. Use the principle of conservation of energy to determine the angular speed of the rod as...
  27. F

    Max % Change in Station Angular Speed Due to People Movement

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  28. R

    Angular Speed and Acceleration of a Rotating Rod | Homework Help

    Homework Statement A thin rod of length 1,5m is oriented vertically, with its bottom end attached to the floor by means of a frictionless hinge. The mass of the rod may be ignored compared to the mass of an object fixed to the top of the rod. The rod, starting from rest, tips over and...
  29. S

    Angular Speed/ Acceleration Problem

    Homework Statement Wind turbines is used to generate electricity. The length of each blade is r = 52.0 m. At t = 0, the rotor begins to turn counterclockwise, starting from rest. It speeds up at a constant rate for 60 s, until it reaches 12 revolutions per minute. Later on, it slows down from...
  30. S

    What is the Angular Speed of a Rocket Ride?

    Homework Statement In an amusement park rocket ride, cars are suspended from L = 4.19 m cables attached to rotating arms at a distance of d = 6.05 m from the axis of rotation. The cables swing out an angle of theta = 46.7 degrees when the ride is operation. What is the angular speed of...
  31. F

    Calculating Angular Speed for Proposed Space Station

    Homework Statement A proposed space station includes living quarters in a circular ring 61.0 m in diameter. At what angular speed should the ring rotate so the occupants feel that they have the same weight as they do on Earth? Homework Equations Angular speed = radians/second The...
  32. M

    Object sliding up/down with a angular speed

    Homework Statement This is a concept question rather than a homework question, so i don't have any value for the question. From the figures below, the object is turning horizontally. how do we know the object will start sliding up or sliding down at what angular velocity if there is no...
  33. R

    Explanation of Angular Speed Change

    You have a weight on one end of a piece of string and you run that piece of string through a tube, and then on the other end you attach a cork. You hold on to the tube and try and keep the cork spinning at a constant radius, such that the weight stays dangling at the same height. As you increase...
  34. H

    Angular Speed of Bullet: How to Calculate Rotational and Angular Speed?

    Hey guys, I confused about something,please help me. I have a bullet and its diameter is 0.5 inches. its speed is 400 foot /sec. It makes one complete rotation in the gun 120 mm per turn and length of the gun is 1.5 meter. How can I calculate the rotational and angular speed? -I used a...
  35. B

    Solving for Mass in a Spring Scale Experiment

    Hello: If a person rides on a wheel that has the same speed throughout rotation. Does this mean that magnitude of angular velocity is same throughout rotation? I think if the wheel has the same speed, then the centripetal force is equivalent throughout rotation. Now, the person decides...
  36. T

    What is the maximum angular speed for optimal mixing in a cement mixer?

    Homework Statement In a cement mixer, cement, gravel, and water are mixed by tumbling in a slowly rotating drum. If the drum spins too fast, the materials stick to the wall instead of mixing. Assume the axis of rotation is horizontal. Calculate the maximum angular speed for which the...
  37. Y

    What is the Angular Speed of a Reel Connected to a Spring and Cord System?

    Homework Statement The reel shown below has radius R and moment of inertia I. One end of the block of mass m is connected to a spring of force constant k, and the other end is fastened to a cord wrapped around the reel. The reel axle and the incline are frictionless. The reel is wound...
  38. M

    Angular Speed of Electric Fan: Calculations & Results

    An electric fan is running on HIGH. After fan has been running of 13.2 minutes, the LOW button is pushed. The fan slows down to 98 rad/sec in 1.83 seconds. The blades of the fan have a radius of 0.62 meters and their deceleration rate is 42.3 rad/sec2. a) What was the initial angular speed of...
  39. R


    Homework Statement Minimum Angular Speed to start SLIPPING BEFORE ROLLING WITHOUT SLIPPING. Homework Equations A cylinder of mass M with radius r is given an angular speed of an w about an axis, parallel to its length , which passes through its centre. The cylinder is gently lowered onto...
  40. D

    Circular Motion and angular speed

    It is desired that the outer edge of a grinding wheel 9.0 cm in radius move at a rate of 6.0 m/s. Determine the angular speed of the wheel. What length of thread could be wound on the rim of the wheel in 3.0 sec when it is turning at this rate? tell me if i started off right becuz i...
  41. P

    Calculating Minimum Angular Speed for Michelson's Light Speed Experiment

    Homework Statement The figure illustrates Michelson's setup for measuring the speed of light with the mirrors placed on Mt. San Antonio and Mt. Wilson in California, which are 35 km apart. Using a value of 3.00 x 108 m/s for the speed of light, find the minimum angular speed (in rev/s) for the...
  42. 9

    What Angular Speed Must Earth Rotate for Equatorial Weight to Drop by 25%?

    Angular Speed of Earth when... Homework Statement Determine the angular speed with which the Earth would have to rotate on its axis so that a person on the equator would weigh 75% of their present weight (Radius of the Earth is 6400 km) Homework Equations wf=2pi/T wt= mg v=wr...
  43. I

    Semester one assignment: Find the angular speed

    Homework Statement A thin rod of lenth 1.5m is oriented vertically, with its bottom end attached to the floor by means of a frcitionless hinge. The mass of the rod may be ignored compared to the mass of and object ixed to the top of the rod. The rod, starting from rest, tips over and rotates...
  44. A

    The sagging effect and angular speed.

    Homework Statement Does anyone know anything about the sagging effect of a object with mass m rotating in a circular path at an anle of "theta" below the horrizontal? How do you find the theoretical angular speed the the object is rotating at R revs/d in t seconds at an angle of "theta"...
  45. F

    Amusement Park Ride - Angular Speed

    Homework Statement In an amusement park rocket ride, cars are suspended from L = 4.37-m cables attached to rotating arms at a distance of d = 6.09 m from the axis of rotation. The cables swing out at an angle of θ = 53.9° when the ride is operating. What is the angular speed of rotation...
  46. P

    Find the final angular speed of the target

    Homework Statement A fairgorund target consists of a uniform circular disk of mass M and radius a that can turn freely about its diamerter which is fixed in a vertical position. Iniitally the target is at rest . A bullet of mass m is moving with speed u along a horizontal line at right...
  47. C

    Constant output from measuring angular speed

    Hello all, Im new to the site so please don't hurt me :blushing: ! My final goal is to measure linear speed of a pedal powered car, and send the speed wirelessly to my laptop which will record the speed profile. My problem is that I can't find a sensor that will measure angular...
  48. W

    How Is Angular Speed Calculated for a Chain Saw Sprocket?

    The drawing (attached) shows the blade of a chain saw. The rotating sprocket tip at the end of the guide bar has a radius of 3.8 10-2 m. The linear speed of a chain link at point A is 6.5 m/s. Find the angular speed of the sprocket tip in rev/s. Vt= w/r 6.5= w/ .038 w=.247 rev/ sec...
  49. C

    Calculating angular speed out of tangential speed

    Homework Statement A particle A is moving at constant tangential speed v1 = 2m/s on a circumference of radius r1 = 5m. Particle B is performing a uniform circular motion on a circumference whose radius is r2 = (2)r1. Find the tangential speed of v2 of particle B assuming that the angular...
  50. M

    Angular Speed of Rotating Disk: Omega Final & Initial

    Homework Statement A uniform disk is set into rotation with an initial angular speed about its axis through its center. While still rotating at this speed, the disk is placed in contact with a horizontal surface and released. What is the angular speed of the disk once pure rolling takes place...