Animation Definition and 101 Threads

Animation is a method in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving images. In traditional animation, images are drawn or painted by hand on transparent celluloid sheets to be photographed and exhibited on film. Today, most animations are made with computer-generated imagery (CGI). Computer animation can be very detailed 3D animation, while 2D computer animation (which may have the look of traditional animation) can be used for stylistic reasons, low bandwidth, or faster real-time renderings. Other common animation methods apply a stop motion technique to two and three-dimensional objects like paper cutouts, puppets, or clay figures.
Commonly, the effect of animation is achieved by a rapid succession of sequential images that minimally differ from each other. The illusion—as in motion pictures in general—is thought to rely on the phi phenomenon and beta movement, but the exact causes are still uncertain.
Analog mechanical animation media that rely on the rapid display of sequential images include the phénakisticope, zoetrope, flip book, praxinoscope, and film. Television and video are popular electronic animation media that originally were analog and now operate digitally. For display on the computer, techniques like animated GIF and Flash animation were developed.
Animation is more pervasive than many people know. Apart from short films, feature films, television series, animated GIFs, and other media dedicated to the display of moving images, animation is also prevalent in video games, motion graphics, user interfaces, and visual effects.The physical movement of image parts through simple mechanics—for instance moving images in magic lantern shows—can also be considered animation. The mechanical manipulation of three-dimensional puppets and objects to emulate living beings has a very long history in automata. Electronic automata were popularized by Disney as animatronics.
Animators are artists who specialize in creating animation.

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  1. E

    How do i create play and stop button for animation?

    i have created my animation : function plot_pix(v,t) %project 2d pictures view = [1 0 0 ; 0 1 0]; % projection matrix for 2D pictures dim = .8e13; %limit of figure plot(v(:,1),v(:,2),'r.'); %plotting red masses hold on; %plot(v(1,1),v(1,2),'y*');-plottint green point...
  2. A

    Mathematica How Can I Fix My Mathematica Animation Code for Propagator Integration?

    Hello! I need some help in Mathematica, because I'm newbie in using this program. I've a kernel for a propagator, what i want to integrate numerically by p (because the problem hasn't got analitical solution) to receive the propagator. Next i want to use that propagator for an initial...
  3. MacLaddy

    Create an Interactive Animation of Sinusoidal Functions Using MatLab

    Homework Statement Create an animation of the following: Let x vary from -2pi to 2pi Let y = sin(x) Let z = sin(x-theta) * cos(y-theta) Let theta be the animation variable remember, you will need to mesh x and y to create a two-dimensional matrices: use the resulting arrays to find...
  4. D

    MHB No Animation: Plotting Polar Function $p(r,\theta)$

    $$ p(r,\theta) = \frac{1}{2\pi}\sum_{n = -\infty}^{\infty}r^{|n|}e^{in\theta} = \frac{1}{2\pi}\left[\frac{1 - r^2}{1 - 2r\cos\theta + r^2}\right]. $$ So I produced the graph but it won't animate. MyR = Table[r, {r, 0, 1, .1}]; u[\[Theta]_] = 1/(2*Pi)*((1 - r^2)/(1 - 2*r*Cos[\[Theta]] + r^2))...
  5. T

    Sky Map Animation: 400,000 Galaxies

    A nice animation of sky map containing about 400,000 galaxies.
  6. N

    Coordinate and proper time animation

    Someone posted this animation in a previous discussion and I just 'rediscovered' it in my notes: Do you experts think it accurate, and if so, wouldn't this be a nice tool to display coordinate time versus proper time?? [Is it worth...
  7. D

    Engineering Exploring Animation Engineering: Education, Credentials, and Salary Information

    What type of engineering is it called when you animate Anime (Japanese Cartoons) or just simple Western cartoons? Please give me some info about the credentials I would need to become an animator or whatever its called, as well as wages if possible Thank You! Daaniyaal
  8. Ryan_m_b

    How Big Is the Universe?

    An absolutely amazing animation: Link broken
  9. W

    Looking for free animation program

    I have a bit of a dilemma. I'm designing a game in PHP (been designing it for several months now.) And want to release a trailer. Right now, the game isn't very pretty, and won't be until I get someone to do some artwork for me, but I haven't gotten much interest anywhere I've posted looking...
  10. F

    Compile error 1061 displays when attempting to play timeline animation

    Hi, Scenario: Click on button and timeline animation plays (the animation is a panel that rotates from the back to the front) Flash AS - 3.0 CS5 Error: Scene 1, Layer 'actions', Frame 1, Line 11 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method play through a reference with static type...
  11. P

    Medical Medical Specialties & Suspended Animation

    What medical specialities deal with suspended animation, cryonics and hibernation?
  12. S

    Comp Sci Creating Animations with Java: Tips for Novice Programmers

    I am a novice programmer and I need to create an Animation using Java. Basically, this animation needs to consist of moving ellipses on a graph. Does anyone have suggestions as to the easiest way to go about doing this? I've been looking into using java.awt and javax.swing to draw the graphics...
  13. B

    Why is My 4 Bar Linkage Animation Code Causing the Coupler Link to Stretch?

    I know there are programs out there that can do this already, but I want to keep sharp on my programming skills. All I want to do is animate a grashof 4 bar mechanism. The program I wrote does this correctly for the most part. The problem is that when the crank gets around to around -45...
  14. marcus

    Conrady's animation visualizes chaos cooling and 2D space crystalizing out

    MTd2 spotted this interesting paper by Florian Conrady (Perimeter postdoc). To go with this paper the author has provided two animations to watch: The second one of these two simulations ("Model with 2D interactions") shows the crystalization of...
  15. rhody

    Geography of a recession: Animation, sobering

    Source: "[URL of labor statistics for periods: 01/01/2007 - 05/31/2010 [/URL] Somebody spent a lot of time breaking this down by every county in the country. Review this Unemployment map of the United States. This is hard to wrap your head around. I had to review this map a couple of...
  16. W

    Mathematica Mathematica Animation for power point?

    Is there a way to animate and export a 3D plot such that it rotates about the z axis automatically? A friend is doing a presentation and I'd like to make some animated files of the 3D plots we've been making to include in a power-point. I've looked through help files and some google searches...
  17. J

    Filmmakers lost in the world of 3D animation and special effects

    When James Cameron made Titanic in 1997 it touched the hearts of people all around the world. I was a kid at that time knowing not much about love, pain, loss of loved ones, injustice around us, it still stands as one of my favorites; and it is always a new experience each time I see it. Rarely...
  18. N

    Mathematica How Can I Fix Animation Jumps in Mathematica and Create a Smooth Movie Clip?

    Hi! Here is the code in Mathematica 7. sphere = RegionPlot3D[(x^2 + y^2 + z^2 <= 1) && (x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0), {x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}, {z, -1, 1}, Mesh -> False, Boxed -> False, Axes -> True, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0, 0}, AxesLabel -> {X, y, Z}, PlotPoints -> 50...
  19. marcus

    Supernovae Wind Shape Small Galaxies: Governato et al.

    Governato et al. have offered a solution to a long-standing puzzle about structure formation. Published in the current issue of Nature. Dark matter dynamics (esp. with supercomputer simulations) has already explained a lot about structure formation. For an...
  20. T

    Efficient LED Animation Solutions for Urgent Needs

    LED Animation (urgent) >< I have no idea about the question... A 64 bit ram can just save the pattern of one column, how can it be read again to fill in the second columns and so on... Please click the attachment below to enlarge the photo. Regards
  21. J

    Black Hole Animation: Find Trustworthy Links for Astronomy Presentation

    Hello I'm looking for an animation showing the travel into a black hole. I need a trustable one for an astronomy presentation. Can someone tell me some interesting links ? Thanks, Jeff
  22. T

    Help me please on moving animation in fluent

    Hi guys... I want to simulate Crossflow/Banki turbine by using FLUENT. But I don't know How to make my blade rotate. How I can simulate it?? Because When I read water pump simulation. The concept of water pump is Blade drive water. But i don't know how when water drive blade. To make my Banki...
  23. B

    Code for animation in flash action script 2.0

    i have a a board and i want it divided into 6 parts. 1 part is equal to the size of the stage. when the mouse moves to the left of the screen i want the current part to tween into the left part. same for right and down and up. what i have so far is for the bar on the left, right, bottom...
  24. N

    Amazing Mars animation with some facts Wow! I didn't know the 2nd rover landed a week after. Ha, invasion of Mars!
  25. M

    MATLAB Matlab animation - how to from figures

    Compared to the questions out there, my question seems VERY SIMPLE. I have a code that generates a few graphs. Instead of super-imposing the graphs on one figure, I would like MATLAB to generate an animation of those graphs for me. I tried looking at help and my intution tells me that...
  26. M

    Brand new physics animation site

    Hi, I just wanted to let you know that there is a brand new Physics Flash animation website out there. It contains interactive content that can be used in a classroom setting (used by professors or teachers) or by students themselves. The level of the material presented is an introductory level...
  27. N

    Exploring 3D Modeling & Animation for Creative Expression

    Has anyone had any experience with this software? I'm finishing up at my local Community College this year, and plan to take two classes in the Art department titled "3D Modeling" and "3D Animation". One counts as my Art general education requirement, but I plan on taking the 2nd semester...
  28. A

    Need help with adding animation to videos

    I am doing an introduction video for freshers joining my college. This is specially intended to motivate students majoring in Computer Science. This is a diffcult task for me, since I have little experience in video editing and almost no experience in animation. The theme for the...
  29. T

    (special) relativistic effects made clear in animation

    Heey everybody,First my excuses, I'm not a natural English speaker, so there will be some languistical mistakes in my question :smile:. Now my question: I'm going to make a C-program to show relativistic effects. I would prefer to make a short 'movie' and then 'convert' it in the C-program so...
  30. B

    Suspended Animation and Aging: Can it Halt the Aging Process in Mice?

    How much could suspended animation put the aging of mice on hold for? ie in this context? Would it do that at all? (if for example the mice had maintained telomeres)
  31. N

    To scale animation of solar system

    Is there a good site somewhere on the net with a to scale animation/simulation of the solar system? I haven't seen anything yet. Thanks in advance.
  32. L

    C/C++ How can I create an animation from data in DevC++?

    I finished a program in DevC++ that calculates the movement of inelastic string in the field of gravity: it calculates coordinates of n points on the string at m diferent times. I would like to use this data to make an animation, that would be independent of any program (so that I could sent...
  33. Doc Al

    Animator vs Animation - AlanBecker"
  34. M

    Curling animation and collision/recoil question

    if some one has seen this animation, in this animation, the "sliding rock" curl opposite in the direction of the sliding rock. My question is, if this sliding rock is placed in a surface other than the ice surface, then what's the direction of this rock. If the Torus is placed in the ice...
  35. N

    Mathematica How do you make an animation with Mathematica?

    Homework Statement How do you make an animation with Mathematica? Homework Equations Table[Plot3D[3Sech[(1/2)*(-t+x)]+12Sech[(1/2)*(-8t+2x)]+27Sech[(1/2)*(-27t+3x)],{x,0,10},{t,0,14},Axes->False,PlotRange->{0,10}],{t,0,9}] // Short The Attempt at a Solution My attempt above spits...
  36. K

    What are some recommended Japanese animation series to download?

    I used to love to watch japanese animation. I am thinking of downloading some animation series to watch next week. Can anyone recommend some names?
  37. M

    How to Download and Use Website Animations Offline?

    hi .. i ahve to use an animation from a website in my project. i was trying to download or save the web didn't include the animation...anyway to let it work if i am offline. here is the animation
  38. marcus

    Gammaray Sky animation (what GLAST will see) GLAST means "gammaray large area space telescope" and it is scheduled to fly in 2007 this is a 55 frame animation of the full sky you can see the Milkyway snaking across, roughly east-west. there are...
  39. fargoth

    How Have Animated Movies Evolved with Human Themes?

    a nice animation movie...
  40. I

    Is Suspended Animation the Key to Immortality?

    I have had Dreams of being put in Suspended Animation after my future death, I was put in a Stainless Steel container containing 100% Liquid Neon, My body was removed of all its Blood and replaced with Liquid Neon and then encased in the container with Liquid Neon, I wake up some 500 years later...
  41. D

    Java Creating a Movie of My Java Animation: Flying Ball

    I have a java animation- a ball flying up and down. Please help me to turn it into a movie because I want to see how it is played in winmedia player
  42. A

    MATLAB A simple plot animation in Matlab

    Hi, Can anyone plesae help me plot y(x,t)=\sin(x)\cdot e^{-t} on an XY axes system, and have the graph to propagate in time? I'm really new to Matlab, and the animation demos I found were too fancy, and I couldn't figure out how to do what I want. Thanks in advance.
  43. J

    Who do I hire for computer animation?

    Hi, I am about to be looking for a person or person(s) who are able to use 3d graphics programs to create animations. I have Cinema 4D, so that's available, but what other programs will these people need? In fact, what job title am I even looking for? Animator? Graphics artist? I want...
  44. russ_watters

    Stargazing Animation I made last night of Mars

    Attahed is an animation I made last night of Mars. It's 4 images taken over about 5 hours. Since Mars was at 27 degrees altitude (about 7:35) when I took the first pic, it's pretty blurry. If I can, I'll try again in 2 weeks when it'll only be a little smaller, but will be at 40 degrees by...
  45. George Jones

    Exploring Black Hole Orbits: An Interactive Animation

    I'm new to PF, but in the shotr time ( a little more than 24 hours) since I registered, I've enjoyed myself. Some people hear might (or might not) be interested in the following. In order to teach myself some Java, I have developed an interactive animation that shows orbits (timelike...
  46. O

    Is This the Most Stunning Space Animation Online?

    There used to be a link to a Hubble show here which I enjoyed but seems to have recently died. But I was emailed this link which I think is even better -a trip through space set to music. I especially like the last few shots. My contribution...
  47. D

    Atom Size Visualization Animation

    Are there any visualization animations of the size of an individual atom, not in respect to the nucleus, just an atom? I saw an animation where I was zooming into a cell, but is there one for an atom. That's the cell animation one, click on how big.
  48. W

    Instantaneous velocity animation

    A web page designer creates an animation in which a dot on a computer screen has a position of r^\rightarrow [4.40cm + (2.20cm/s^2)t^2]\underlinei + (5.00 cm/s)t\underlinej okay i already have the correct answer, but i would like to know how the author got it. i came close to getting the...
  49. O

    Easy Animation Software for Newtonian & Relativity Theories

    Hi I am looking for the easiest and user friendly software that can allow simplistic animations? any ideas or help would be grateful and appreciated. What I want to do is to create simple animated images for Newtonian and Relativity based Theories. A simple Idea just for starters is to show...
  50. P

    Where can I find an interactive binary/AVL tree animation?

    I used to know about this kind of animation made by some students in Washington States University (?), it was really an interesting project, I think people who don't know anything about tree structures, just need to give it a look, then they can grasp how they work immediately, I have recently...