What is Anomaly: Definition and 114 Discussions

In quantum physics an anomaly or quantum anomaly is the failure of a symmetry of a theory's classical action to be a symmetry of any regularization of the full quantum theory.
In classical physics, a classical anomaly is the failure of a symmetry to be restored in the limit in which the symmetry-breaking parameter goes to zero. Perhaps the first known anomaly was the dissipative anomaly in turbulence: time-reversibility remains broken (and energy dissipation rate finite) at the limit of vanishing viscosity.
In quantum theory, the first anomaly discovered was the Adler–Bell–Jackiw anomaly, wherein the axial vector current is conserved as a classical symmetry of electrodynamics, but is broken by the quantized theory. The relationship of this anomaly to the Atiyah–Singer index theorem was one of the celebrated achievements of the theory. Technically, an anomalous symmetry in a quantum theory is a symmetry of the action, but not of the measure, and so not of the partition function as a whole.

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  1. M

    Looking for someone who can do calculations on flyby anomaly.

    Hi, I am a PhD candidate doing some research on origins of field theory but my background is in E-field and power electronics and not astronomy. Looking for someone that might want to co-author a paper on the flyby anomaly or more specifically can help me check whether a prediction has any...
  2. L

    Why Is a Distant Galaxy Blue Despite Redshift?

    Hi, The recent Astronomy Picture of the Day: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap111221.html Has the following caption: ...the gravity of a luminous red galaxy (LRG) has gravitationally distorted the light from a much more distant blue galaxy. I was under the impression that the more...
  3. N

    What is the correction use to determine marine gravity anomaly

    Dear sir/ma'am, I am a bachelor of Survey Science and Geomatic student from Malaysia. This is my final year and I have to complete a research, where my research is about to evaluate marine gravity and satellite altimetry data on coastal region. 1. Homework Statement I am in the middle...
  4. Z

    Pioneer anomaly not gravitational

    The Pioneer anomaly I read that the Pioneer anomaly is a sunward acceleration that is larger than Newtonian gravity predicts. This extra acceleration has been measured at; (8.74 ± 1.33) × 10−10 m/s2 between 10AU and 90AU from the Sun. But because the ‘extra acceleration’ is constant across...
  5. K

    Will GR ever explain the flyby anomaly?

    A local velocity-dependence of local curvature of space would violate the notion that space is given a curvature only by surrounding matter. Any arbitrary test particle or object moving at some velocity isn't going to experience a different gravitational "force" under the same curvature...
  6. Philosophaie

    What Are the Time Units for Mean Anomaly Calculation?

    M(t) = M0 + n (t - t0) where M(t) = the Mean Anomaly at time t; M0 = the Mean Anomaly at the Epoch time; n = (G*(Me+Msat)/a^2)^.5 = the satellite orbit's Mean Motion; t = the chosen prediction time; and t0 = the Epoch time. My question is...
  7. S.Daedalus

    Exploring the Pioneer Anomaly: Could Heat Radiation Explain It?

    The very likely explanation of the apparent Pioneer anomaly through improved heat radiation models (https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=486509". As luck would have it, just today I stumble upon an article on improved measurements of the Earth's gravitational field by the...
  8. bcrowell

    Pioneer Anomaly Solved - Reflective Thermal Model

    We've known for a while that the Pioneer anomaly couldn't be gravitational: Iorio, "Does the Neptunian system of satellites challenge a gravitational origin for the Pioneer anomaly?," http://arxiv.org/abs/0912.2947 Now it looks like it's completely solved: F. Francisco, O. Bertolami, P...
  9. S

    Are Solar Storms More Impactful at the South Atlantic Anomaly?

    Does the Van Allen Belt dipping closer to the Earth at the South Atlantic Anomaly mean the Earth's surface underneath (like South-Eastern Brazil) is more exposed to solar storms..? My terminology might be slightly-off here: do Singular proton events (SPEs) affect the SAA area more as the...
  10. J

    Pioneer 10 Anomaly: Revising GR Physics Model with Intriguing "Nudges

    This area of physics (GR and spacecraft anomalies) have intrigued me for years. I have discovered a few things and developed a model that seems to fit the Pioneer's anomaly, with a couple of intriguing "nudges" to our existing GR physics model. Would like to publish and or have the...
  11. S

    Could Dust Be Responsible for the Pioneer Anomaly?

    I have looked through the on-line documentation of the Pioneer Anomaly, and have a simple question: Could the apparent additional acceleration toward the Sun be due to an additional mass of dust which adhered to the spacecraft ? I notice that the authors of the main papers (...
  12. D

    Angular momentum and true anomaly

    Homework Statement The angular momentum per unit mass of an object orbiting the Sun is given by h = na^2 \sqrt{1 - e^2}, where n , a and e are the mean motion, semi-major axis and eccentricity of the object, respectively. Use h to obtain an expression for the angular velocity of the object...
  13. J

    The Pioneer Anomaly and Vacuum Energy

    One of the proposed explanations for the Pioneer Anomaly is that the additional deceleration is caused by interaction with the vacuum energy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_anomoly#Definition_of_inertia_modified This makes sense to me, given that some of the particles must actually...
  14. C

    What are the best methods for detecting network anomalies in large data sets?

    I wanted to get some insight about which direction I should look in about Network Detection anomalies. I have been doing some research and I have found CLAD (Clustering and Anomaly Detection) which is an algorithm, however, I'm trying to find something simpler to understand to implement...
  15. N

    Anomaly of representations in SU(N)

    Homework Statement The problem is the following: Compute the ratio of the anomaly of the N to that of the N(N-1)/2 representations in SU(n) Homework Equations Georgi claims that you can find the anomaly, A(R) of the [1] representation of SU(n) by calculating the anomaly of SU(3) (subgroup of...
  16. D

    Example for a quantum anomaly from solid state phys?

    In quantum field theory of high energy physics one encounters so called anomalies like e.g. of the kind discussed in this thread: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=406540 As far as I understood, it basicallymeans that the classical theory has a higher symmetry than the qft. Does...
  17. J

    Deriving Gauss' Variational Equation for True Anomaly

    Homework Statement Derive the Gauss Variational differential equation for the true anomaly, f, with respect to time using components along the radius, angular velocity, and a unit vector orthogonal to those two (ir,itheta,ih). Homework Equations Sorry, I don't know how to use Latex. But...
  18. N

    Exploring a Capacitor Math Anomaly: Energy Transfer Between Two Capacitors

    I may have a mathematical anomaly concerning the energy transfer between two capacitors. Here is the experiment: CAPACITOR SPECS COULOMBS JOULES CAPACITOR 1 aka C1 C1 11200UF@19V @ 19V 212.8m...
  19. B

    Mercury's Orbital Precession Anomaly

    The perihelion of Mercury precesses by 5600 arc-seconds per century, which is 43 arc-seconds per century more than Newtonian physics alone would predict Albert Einstein proposed a second-order correction to Mercury's orbit, based on his general theory of relativity. Which equation had...
  20. bcrowell

    Pioneer anomaly not gravitational

    An analysis of the orbits of Neptune's satellites seems to show that the Pioneer anomaly can't be gravitational. http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/arxiv/24541/
  21. ideasrule

    The Flyby Anomaly: Ranging Data, Transverse Doppler Effect

    One paper claims that the flyby anomaly only exists because NASA scientists forgot about the transverse Doppler effect. If that's true, why is it still called an anomaly? Why isn't everyone banging their heads on walls and thinking, "D'oh! I can't believe I forgot about that!"? If it's not...
  22. D

    Stargazing Gravity anomaly during solar eclipse.

    Hi all, http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17481-july-eclipse-is-best-chance-to-look-for-gravity-anomaly.html" the link given above elucidates that the gravity falls during the solar eclipse. I could not understand the logic. Can some one help me in understating the reason for this? why...
  23. B

    The Pioneer Anomaly: Examining Velocity Gained through Gravity Assist Manoeuvres

    Several space probes was by gravity assist manoeuvre gaining between 4 and 13 mm velocity per second. Are this values average based on acceleration through time, or are these pure deceleration per second?
  24. humanino

    NuTeV anomaly : evidence for in-medium nucleon modification

    NuTeV "anomaly" : evidence for in-medium nucleon modification Dear HEP folks, maybe some of you have missed it : Isovector EMC Effect and the NuTeV Anomaly From http://www.jlab.org/news/releases/2009/NuTeV.html
  25. J

    Is There an Error in the Angle Calculation for the Emergent Ray from a Prism?

    Homework Statement A ray of monochromatic yellow light is incident in air on an equilateral triangular glass prism. This ray is in the same plane as the equilateral triangular cross section of the prism; the angle between the ray and the prism face is 60°, and the refractive index of the...
  26. Ivan Seeking

    Optical-SETI Anomaly: Australian Astronomers Detect Unusual Signal

  27. I

    Alternative Feynman Diagram Calculation of Axial Anomaly

    Homework Statement I'm working my way through Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell by A. Zee. I'm religiously doing the exercises but since I'm doing it on my own (I'm not in school) I have no one to ask when I get stuck. Any hints would be appreciated. The problem is IV.7.5, on page 253 of...
  28. Z

    Does Asymmetry in Spacecraft Flyby Trajectories Cause Unexpected Energy Gains?

    It has been found that spacecraft on certain flyby trajectories around the Earth gain an amount of energy that is unaccounted for. The asymmetric trajectories highlight this anomaly as described here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flyby_anomaly" . I read that the most asymmetric flyby’s...
  29. wolram

    South Atlantic Anomaly: Evolution & Solar Effects

    http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0902/0902.2873v1.pdf Abstract The evolution of the particle background at an altitude of 540km during the time interval between 1996 and 2007 is studied using the particle monitor of the High Energy X-ray Timing Experiment on board NASA's Rossi X-ray...
  30. S

    [spacefight mechanics]how to find true anomaly and eccentricity?

    Homework Statement An Earth satellite has a speed of 7km/s and a flight path angle of 15 degree when its radius is 9000km calculate the true anomaly and eccentricity of the orbit. Homework Equations r=h^2/u(1+ecostheta) The Attempt at a Solution The problem statement just doesn't...
  31. J

    Understanding Wood's Anomaly in Optics

    Hello all, Just wondering if someone can give me a brief explanation of Wood's anomaly with regards to optics. Many thanks!
  32. MTd2

    Pioneer anomaly possibly found manifest in Saturn orbit.

    Now it’s Saturn’s turn to flummox astrophysicists. The Russian astronomer Elean Pitjeva, who heads the Laboratory of Ephemeris Astronomy at the Institute of Applied Astronomy in St Petersburg, has analysed a huge data set of planetary observations dating back to 1913, including 3D observations...
  33. B

    Is the Pioneer Anomaly really directed towards the Sun ?

    Is the Pioneer Anomaly really directed towards the Sun ? How sure are we ? Why not directed around the Sun ?
  34. B

    Exploring Bruce Depalma's Spinning Ball Anomaly

    If you are reading this thread chances are you are familiar with Bruce Depalma's work and publishing's. If you are not i will briefly fill you in on the " Spinning ball Anomaly ". ([ crackpot link deleted ]) Back in the 70's Bruce Depalma did a series of tests involving spinning...
  35. S

    Axial Anomaly and Fermion Mass

    It is often said that fermions are protected from large mass corrections by chiral symmetry. My question is does the axial anomaly generate corrections to fermion masses, and if so, doesn't this ruin the protection afforded by chiral symmetry to some extent? Thanks, Ben
  36. ThomasT

    Expansion acceleration an anomaly?

    Is it possible that the observed acceleration in the expansion rate of observable large scale cosmic structures is just a temporary blip -- an anomaly in an otherwise fairly steady decrease in the universal expansion rate? Is it possible that the observed acceleration isn't characteristic of...
  37. A

    Is energy relative in electrostatics?

    Hey everyone, Can you justify this: The total energy of a thin spherical shell is the sum of its "self" energy and "interaction" energy.By simple calculus for a thin spherical shell, E(total)= Q^2/8*\pi\epsilon*R Here, Q: total charge R: radius of shell Thus as R\rightarrow0, i.e the...
  38. P

    Exploring the Pioneer Anomaly: Slower Than Physics Predicts?

    If you look up the pioneer anomaly you will find out that over vast distances they are slightly off in there mesurements on where the probes should be, in that they lose 5,000 meters a year. This means they are going slower than physics says they should. While I am not a physicist (I would...
  39. M

    Unbelievable Spider Anomaly: Survived Underwater for Days!

    This is a weird one... I had been observing a spider in the skimmer of my swimming pool. I had the top of my skimmer on with no hose attached, which created an enormous suction and I had left it like this for a few days because it seemed that the skimmer vortex was much stronger... This...
  40. rohanprabhu

    Gauss Law Anomaly: Potential Across a Capacitor

    I started having this doubt since i saw the derivation of potential across a capacitor using this method. So.. here i ask: Let there be two large sheets made of insulators, and charged to a planar charge density, \sigma (Sheet 1) and 2\sigma (Sheet 2). Since they are insulators, when placed...
  41. M

    Gravity Anomaly: What Could Be Causing It?

    Gravity anomaly? I just found this article (http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/080229- spacecraft -anomaly.html" ), and found it incredibly interesting and wanted to share, and hear others inputs? I understand everything will be speculation, but I would like to know what you folks think...
  42. J

    Chiral anomaly, pion to photon decay

    Hello, I understand that the non-zero (or non-small) rate for \pi^0 \rightarrow \gamma\gamma was historically a big motivation for the non-conservation of the axial current. I've been trying to work on problem IV.7.2 (p. 252) in Zee which asks to show that this amplitude vanishes if \partial_\mu...
  43. D H

    Sea-Launch Anomaly: What Happened?

    Sea-Launch "anomaly" This sounds a bit ominous: http://www.sea-launch.com/" "A Sea-Launch Zenit-33l vehicle carrying the NSS-8 satellite, experienced an anomaly today during launch operations. All personnel at the launch site are safe and accounted for." So what exactly was the nature of...
  44. baywax

    The Shroud of Turin: An Enigmatic Anomaly

    As I remember it this piece of cloth, which now sits in a church in Turin Italy, was carbon dated to around a date between 1200 and 1400 AD. It was also inspected for pollen and other microscopic evidence to determine an origin of the cloth. The official results were that the pollen was from the...
  45. T

    Newton's Gravity corrected and Pioneer 10 anomaly

    http://www.zoran-ozimec.com/ In short he claims that Newton's law must be slightly corrected on base of material difference between mases in interaction. Given also is one calculation that predicts difference between classical (Newton's formula) and new formula by about 0.3%. Computer...
  46. H

    Can somebody explain the conformal anomaly?

    String theory takes a lot of its motivation fron the conformal anomaly, and the way to get rid of it. Can somebody explain a non-string physicist what the conformal anomaly is? (Wikipedia has an article about this, but is has almost no content. Google search is not very helpful on the topic.)...
  47. F

    Pioneer Anomaly & the Mystery of Dark Matter: A Closer Look

    A couple of matters have caused me some curiosity of late. One is the "Pioneer Anomaly", wherein exploratory spacecraft are slightly off course: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_anomaly The other is something I read about recently in New Scientist, about a revised theory of gravity...
  48. J

    Is Victoria Lake in Argentina home to mysterious ball lightning phenomena?

    lake ball lightning ivan there's an anomaly in Argentina in a region called Victoria lake, i remember i saw in a tv program some ball lightining rising from the water and staying for a while, and the observers reporting weird experiences , as letargic, its has many antique reports, specially a...
  49. E

    Major Access = Averate Distance over Eccentric Anomaly

    Hi, This is my first post and I am truly perplexed. I am reading principia in a class and it seems that Newton has taken Kepler's law which requires the average distance over the eccentric anomaly that he measured to determine the period, or vise-versa. Newton has substituted the major-axis...
  50. A

    Dr. Bruce DePalma's Spinning Ball Anomaly: Fact or Fiction?

    When just browsing around I stumbled over a claimed experiment done by Dr. Bruce DePalma where he claims he has shown that you can make a spinning ball travel higher and fall faster then a non rotating ball. He claims this has no explanation in Newtonian physics...