Approach Definition and 565 Threads

  1. K

    Distance of closest approach of particles

    Homework Statement A proton (q = 1e, m = 1u) and an alpha particle (q = +2e, m = 4u) are fired directly toward each other from far away, with an initial speed of 0.01c. What is their distance of closest approach, as measured between their centers? (Hint: There are two conserved quantities...
  2. P

    As physicists, how do you approach problems

    Once you earned all the degrees needed to qualify for being a physicist, what sort of method do you implement to solved problems? I know scientist applies(or should) follows the scientific method to solved problem. How does your research generally begin? Do most physicists look at existing...
  3. marcus

    A Lagrangian approach to the Barrett-Crane spin foam model-Livine Bonzom

    A Lagrangian approach to the Barrett-Crane spin foam model--Livine Bonzom Here's a paper helping to sort out the situation with spinfoams. I think it is probably important. Actually we've been anticipating something of this caliber. Back in October I put in a placeholder for an expected Livine...
  4. M

    Graph sketching, and easy approach?

    I have been given a multivariable function. Now to sketch it, I could plug in some arbitrary values and plot it out, but is there an easier way? How exactly can I figure out the sketch of a graph? F(x,y) = (c - x^2 - y^2)^(1/2), c is a constant
  5. K

    Exploring Comet's Aphelion: Limiting Eccentricity and Closest Approach

    Homework Statement Consider a comet which passes through its aphelion at a distance rmax from the sun. Imagine that, keeping rmax fixed, we somehow make the angular momentum l smaller and smaller though not actually zero; that is we let l\rightarrow0. Use equations c=l2/\gamma\ mu and...
  6. N

    Maths / Physics - How to approach independent learning

    Hi everyone, I know this subject has been broached before but would appreciate some extra help - I'm an English major in second year uni so I haven't done physics and maths for a while, but I have quite a lot of free time at the moment and would really love to get back into these subjects...
  7. D

    Approaching School in Engineering: Tips from Richard Feynman & Einstein

    Hi, I'm in my first year of engineering. To my disappointment, I've found that my curiosity to physics and math have died down over the weeks. I feel like I'm learning everything by rote - getting decent grades but not really understanding anything. The real learning comes from studying in the...
  8. S

    Finding the Limit: The Taylor Series Approach

    Homework Statement I need to find the following limit. Homework Equations \lim_{x\rightarrow0}\frac{(x-\sinh x)(\cosh x- \cos x)}{(5+\sin x \ln x) \sin^3 x (e^{x^2}-1)} The Attempt at a Solution I think it's got to be something with Taylor series, but I don't really know how to do it.
  9. S

    Calculus: An Intuitive and Physical Approach (any good?)

    Hi all, Teaching myself calculus. Wondering about the book in the title. Any feedback is appreciated.
  10. F

    Easy tangent line problem but I don't know how to approach it

    Let f be the funtion given by f(x) = 4x^2 - x^3 , let L be the line y = 18 - 3x, where L is tangent to the graph of f. Show that L is the tangent to the graph of y= f(x) at the point x = 3. I'm equaling both graphs like this: 4x^2 - x^3 = 18 - 3x and then I isolate everything...
  11. L

    Critical damping provides the quickest approach to zero amplitude

    Critical damping provides the quickest approach to zero amplitude for a damped oscillator. With less damping (underdamping) it approaches zero displacement faster, but oscillates around it. With more damping (overdamping), the approach to zero is slower. I got this from hyperphysics but I...
  12. L

    Pantheistic solipsism vs. Many World's Approach?

    Hello, I recently came across a wikipedia article entitled "pantheistic solipsism". I had never heard of this before, and when I read the article, it said that pantheistic solipsism is a concept that says that one can create a entirely different parallel universe simply by dreaming it up. When I...
  13. K

    Best way to approach sequences and series

    I get the impression that unlike solving derivatives and integrals, sequences and series do not have a lot of...should I say...find-the-equation-and-solve-your-way element -- sorry if that comes out wrong. Maybe it seems to be less "rote math" and because of this, I'm having a hard time trying...
  14. B

    Kinetic/potential energy of charges as they approach each other

    Homework Statement A charge of -4uC is fixed in place. From a horizontal distance of 55 cm, a particle of mass 0.0025kg and charge -3uC is fired with an initial speed of 15m/s directly towards the fixed charge. How far does the particle travel before it stops and begins to return back...
  15. K

    Calculating Closest Approach Distance for Two Moving Protons

    Homework Statement Two Protons are moving directly toward one another. When they are very far apart, their initial speeds are 2.1 x 10^6 m/s. What is the distance of closest approach? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  16. R

    Green Function approach is more physical?

    Hey folks, I'm not really sure which forum to put this question in but I figured this was probably the best as it deals with issues of regularization. I'm reading Miltons 'The Casimir Effect'. In chapter one he derives the Casimir energy for a massless scalar field by employing...
  17. P

    What is the Distance of Closest Approach Between Two Point Charges?

    Homework Statement Distance of Closest Approach Use the similarity between Coulomb's Law and the Law of Universal Gravitation to calculate the distance of closest approach between a point charge of +3.40 × 10-6 C, which starts at infinity with kinetic energy of 8.70 J, and a fixed point...
  18. J

    What's the Best Path for Combining Software and Hardware Development?

    I'm interested in software development as well as hardware development. A computer engineering program might satisfy my initial needs but my concern is how to properly branch off from there. My desire is to be able to switch seamlessly between the two fields, let's say working for Microsoft on...
  19. G

    Need help on approach to physics education

    Hi everyone. I need to decide which way to go with my education soon. My interest are mainly maths, physics and computers. The thing I could currently see myself work with would be to help create educational software for maths and physics at the level for high school, collage and university...
  20. I

    Categorical approach to probability?

    I am interested in, and try to understand category theory. At the same time, I am taking my first (real) probability class. I am wondering if there is a way to understand probability theory through categories, and more importantly, if so, would it be interesting? It seems that there would...
  21. H

    Pure or Applied Math: Which Path for Deeper Understanding?

    I would like the perspective of either a physicist or a mathemtician. Please indicate which you are before posting. When learning mathematics, is it better to follow a strictly rigorous approach? By this I mean such things as being exposed to Calculus via Spivak, Complex variables by...
  22. C

    Alternate approach to proving the virial theorem?

    Hi guys, In quantum mechanics, the virial theorem for a system in its ground state is proved by a very nice scaling technique (Nielsen and Martin, PRB, 1985). I was trying to do something similar in classical mechanics and arrived at the virial theorem but i am not sure about why it should...
  23. V

    Am I approach this question right? finding acceleration

    Am I approach this question right?...finding acceleration Homework Statement A tractor applies a force of 1.3kN to the sled, which has a mass of 1.1x10^4 kg. At that point, the co-efficient of kinetic friction between the sled and the ground has increased to .8. What is the acceleration of...
  24. A

    Mathematica Wave packet and uncertainty principle, a mathematical approach

    Hello. I started reading this little book by Heisenberg. It starts giving a mathematical relation of width of wave packet and range of wavelengths necessary to mathematically construct it, and then drops in wavalength-momentum relations to give a quick insight on the nature of the uncertainty...
  25. S

    How Did Babylonians Solve Linear Equations Like This?

    Homework Statement (1/7)x + (1/11)y = 1 and (6/7)x =(10/11)y The Attempt at a Solution I'm doing this problem and we have to do it based on speculated babylonian approach which involves setting x and y equal half the semiperimeter and plus or minus a change in the side of lengths...
  26. C

    Deriving gravitational redshift using the energy change approach

    An extremely elementary question but... Lets say we had a spaceship sitting on Earth under the influence of gravity. Light travels from the ship's floor to the ceiling. An observer 'A' stands near the ceiling. Hence the light loses gravitational potential energy, and therefore decreases...
  27. L

    Proving Subsets: A Venn Diagram Approach

    Proof subset? Given three sets A, B, and C, set X = (A-B) U (B-C) U (C-A) and Y = (A∩B∩C) complement C. Prove that X is subset of Y. Is Y necessarily a subset of X? If yes, prove it. If no, why? ---When I draw the two venn diagrams X and Y, they are the same, but I don't know how to prove...
  28. S

    Solving an Indeterminate Beam: Virtual Work Approach

    How do you go about solving an indeterminate beam for various deflections by virtual work? I'm kind of at a loss right now and can't proceed on my homework. I've attached a picture showing the problem I'm confused on - I don't know how to go about modeling the virtual model so I can find the...
  29. B

    From Lorentz transformatios to Bondi's approach

    As we know, Bondi derives the Lorentz transformations (LT) via the radar detection of the space-time coordinates of a distant event. Once derived from other starting points the LT should account for the results obtained by Bondi expressing them as a function of the Doppler factor...
  30. H

    A analytical approach to the differential equation

    An analytical approach to the differential equation(urgent) Homework Statement (1) Given the function f: t \mapsto |t|, show that the function f is a differentiable function where t \neq 0 and write f's the differential coffiecient. 2) Given the function g: t \mapsto \sqrt{t^2}, show...
  31. N

    Simplifying a Sum of Squared Terms: A Geometric Series Approach

    Homework Statement How can I simplify sum from j=0 to infinite of x^(2j) ? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution THis is close to the geometric series but I'd have to square each individual term
  32. T

    Calculating Proton's Closest Approach to a Line of Charge

    Homework Statement An infinitely long line of charge has linear charge density 4.00 10-12 C/m. A proton (mass 1.67 10-27 kg, charge +1.60 10-19 C) is 18.0 cm from the line and moving directly toward the line at 1.20 103 m/s. How close does the proton get to the line of charge...
  33. C

    Time slows down when you approach the speed of light?

    hi I read a few other post about this but I'm an engineer, not a physicist, not a genius and didn't get much wiser. And if it's possible try not to use to many technical terms when you answer this, please. As it says in the title "time slows down when you approach the speed of light", it's...
  34. E

    Solving a Trig Inequality: A Graphical Approach

    [SOLVED] trig inequality Homework Statement Use the graph of y = sin x to show the following. Given a triangle ABC, \frac{\sin B + \sin C}{2}\leq \sin \frac{B+C}{2}.Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Does anyone else think this question is weird? B < 180 - C so shouldn't their be...
  35. G

    Impact Parameter, Closest Approach

    Homework Statement 3. A 15MeV Alpha particle is incident at impact paramter b=0 on a Mg Nucleus, atomic number Z=12 and atomic mass A=24. What is the distance of closest approach? Homework Equations None given, but I thought the following might be relevant: r_{min}=\frac{Zke^{2}}{KE}...
  36. G

    Intiutive approach to Green's function for SE

    Griffiths develops an intelgral equation for Scrödinger equation in his QM book. As doing so, he requires Green's function for Helmholtz equation (k^2 + \nabla^2) G( \mathbf r) = \delta^3(\mathbf r) A rigourious series of steps, including Fourier transforms and residue integrals follow...
  37. H

    So, using the phasor approach, what is the solution to this circuit problem?

    [SOLVED] phasor approach question using phasor approach, determine the current i(t) in a circuit described by the integrodifferential equation: 4i + 8integral(idt) - 3di/dt = 50cos(2t + 75*) the right side is so easy to convert to phasor form, but how can i convert the left side or how to...
  38. W

    How can I solve [x]^13 + 7*[x] + 5 = 0 in ring 91 efficiently?

    I've got to solve this: [x]^13 + 7*[x] + 5 = 0 in ring 91. I've tried solving for [x]^13 and [x] as variables in a Diophante equation but I wasn't able to go anywhere with that. I could try brute force by trying every value for [x] from 0 to 90 but that would just be inconvenient. What...
  39. S

    Functional determinant approach to perturbation

    given the functional integral with 'g' small coupling constant \int \mathcal D [\phi]exp(iS_{0}[\phi]+\int d^{4}x \phi ^{k}) so k >2 then could we use a similar 'Functional determinant approach' to this Feynman integral ?? in the sense that the integral above will be equal to...
  40. P

    Binding Energy-same question-different approach

    OK, I think I have discovered some errors in my thinking about this whole binding energy/release of energy thing. In my other threads, however, you guys often left the subject of my question to explain the next concept (quarks, stellar formations, Q-factors, etc.) The problem was I never...
  41. J

    Distribution function approach to error propagation

    Hello, I'm familiar with the common calculus approach with partial derivatives to evaluate error propagation in calculations with random variables. However, I'm looking for a way to derive the classic formula with the sum of fractional errors squared: {\left(\frac{\Delta Z}{Z}\right)}^2 =...
  42. H

    Please recommend books on numerical approach to NLS

    Hi all. Could you please recommend some nice books on numerical approach to NLS or introduction to NLS in general? I don't have a strong background in numerical methods nor any prior knowldege in NLS or quantum mechanics. So, perhaps an introductory book would be suitable at this stage. Thanks.
  43. RadiationX

    Engineering Differential Equation Approach to solving First Order Circuits

    We are doing transient circuit analysis in one of my engineering courses. There are two ways of solving these types of circuits: 1. The step by step approach 2. The differential equation approach. The step by step method is well documented in our textbook, but the differential equation...
  44. 6

    How to approach Prof. for research (undergrad)

    So, I’m wrapping up my junior-ish (looks like I’m on the 4.5 year program) year at UCD majoring in Mech/Aero engineering. I’m starting to think about grad school applications due this November and wanting to get into some research to boost my chances of acceptance. - My question is how do i...
  45. M

    Closest Approach of Alpha Particle & Gold Nucleus

    In Rutherford's scattering experiments, alpha particles (charge = +2e) were fired at a gold foil. Consider an alpha particle with an initial kinetic energy K heading directly for the nucleus of a gold atom (charge = +79e). The alpha particle will come to rest when all its initial kinetic energy...
  46. P

    Closest approach of particle problem - Please help

    Closest approach of particle problem - Please help! Homework Statement A proton (q = 1e, m = 1u) and an alpha particle (q = +2e, m = 4u) are fired directly toward each other from far away, each with a speed of 0.01c. What is their distance of closest approach, as measured between their...
  47. U

    How to Solve a Differential Equation Using the Superposition Approach?

    Solve this equation by superposition approach (undetermined coefficients); pg. 154 in Zill, according to the formula Y = Yc + Yp ---------------------------------------------------- y''' -2y'' -4y' +8y = 6xe^(2x) I got: Yc = C1 e^(-2x) + C2 e^(2x) + C3 xe^(2x) for the complementary...
  48. Demystifier

    Quantum nonlocality without hidden variables: An algorithmic approach

    Is quantum mechanics (QM) local or nonlocal? Different formulations/interpretations (FI) of QM, with or without hidden variables, suggest different answers. Different FI's can be viewed as different algorithms, which leads me to propose an algorithmic definition of locality according to which a...
  49. K

    A different approach to prime numbers

    [SOLVED] A different approach to prime numbers i read something about choosing a finite set of numbers as primes and deriving the other numbers from aforementioned set so that every number is obtained by multiplying primes (the numbers you choose to be prime in your system) in every possible...